I should have listened to you 10 years ago.

9 miles @ 8:33 average pace to start off my Wednesday morning.

Part of our group was doing a 20 x 400m (the workout that brought my plantar fasciitis pain in 2021… but I think it was because I was using racing flats and hadn’t built up my lower leg/foot strength yet after having Beck) so we met them there to cheer them on for a bit.

Lauren’s Boston shirt brought back allll of the memories (of three weeks ago).

I got to chat with my nephew on his mission in Nashville. He is doing amazing.

Beck actually sat down and let me read to him for 5 minutes.

And then he ran away from me the entire time we were at Skye’s gymnastics.

A park stop was required next.

We are drinking a smoothie a day together.

After we had some soccer and errands we came home and the kids made each other dinner–> they just needed to make sure there was a carb, fat, protein, fruit and veggie on the plate. They did pretty great!

We have a pink house:). Slowly but surely things are coming along on the outside remodel of our house. My sister is so funny and whenever we tell her what we are having done she says, ‘oh, you guys could EASILY do that yourself.’ Hahaha yeah, no.

Fun story:  For the history of my blog I have talked randomly about my breakouts.  I’ve tried a lot of different types of skincare (some have helped, some haven’t), dermatologists, and estheticians over the years but I’ve just always had a lot of breakouts.  I gave up trying so hard to fix it and determined it was hormonal (I don’t take birth control so that wouldn’t help either) but THEN I quit eating ice cream and other things with a ton of dairy in them because of the stomach aches they were giving me.  MY SKIN CLEARED UP.  I haven’t had a new zit in forever when normally I get around 20 during my period… the only change in my life has been dairy.

I’ve had readers tell me that dairy caused acne for them for years and I SHOULD HAVE FOLLOWED THEIR LEAD.  I should have listened the first time because this is a much cheaper option than all of the things I was trying hahah.

And this stuff is ridiculously good.

PS before you look at the non-colored questions below, I was not kidnapped… I’m just having some blog issues!

Has anyone else found that dairy affected their skin too? Any other changes that you did that helped your skin?

DIY or not a chance? Does it depend on the project?

Have a favorite race shirt that you love to run in?

What’s your run today?

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I still have breakout issues at almost 50 and have, too, had so many people say cut out dairy. But cheese!!! I would miss it so much. Have you found a good substitute?


I can’t eat dairy and cheese is the biggest thing I miss. I can’t do almond or cashew based fake cheeses, which people say are the best because I also can’t do nuts. I’ve heard a lot of people love Miyoko’s (which are nut based). But Chao cheese slices melt great on sandwiches — even my dairy-eating husband loves them. Amy’s Kitchen frozen rice mac and cheeze is a really good mac and cheese option.


Jen-Thank you for the information! I know I need to cut out dairy and I can live without the milk, yogurt and ice cream, but the cheese is my biggest hurdle. If the Chao passes the “husband test” it must be pretty good. Again, thank you!!!


Hey Michelle! I am still eating cheese (not a ton but still eating it)! Ice cream and milk have made the biggest difference for me! Good luck, let me know if it makes a difference for you!


That is good to know. My son just got engaged this week and I do not want to have a breakout at the wedding, so I need to start getting serious about figuring out my skin issues now. I am still loving my Peloton! I would have never considered ordering one if you hadn’t loved it so much. It has helped me so much physically and mentally now that I can’t run anymore. Thank you!


Hello how is Beretta? Haven’t seen her on blog lately


Oh the pink house stage, lol! That brings back some memories. ;) Can’t wait to see the finished house! Also, if you are ever at Target, their brand Sarah’s Day has some delicious non-dairy ice creams that my husband and I love! The vanilla cake and cookie dough is the best! Happy Thursday! :)


The colors without questions feels sad for some reason :( glad you pointed it out or I would be concerned!

Good job to the kids on making dinner! Very impressive! They are healthier than I am on some days, after a long day at work and school haha. Cereal counts as dinner occasionally, right??


It made me sad too! Hopefully, I can get it figured out soon! Cereal absolutely counts as dinner:). I hope school and work are both going great… you are amazing. Have a beautiful day, Mariah!


Hahaha Brooke is very excited for it to no longer be pink! I will HAVE to try that vanilla cake and cookie dough non-dairy ice cream. Thank you for sharing and I hope your day is off to a great start!


Oh my gosh you HAVE to try the Ben and Jerry’s non-dairy flavors. They are unreal! My ice cream loving fiancé tried my non-dairy and was blown away, he admitted it was very close to the real thing!


Ben and Jerry’s non dairy is SOO good!!




Off to the store today to get the Ben and Jerry’s non-dairy flavors. I cannot wait. Katie, you always know where to find the best stuff. Have a beautiful day!


I luckily only have very scattered acne issues these days (maybe like one zit every month or two and I can usually get rid of it in a day or two with a spot treatment). Because if I had to choose between my greek yogurt/ice cream and treating my acne, well, guess I have zits.


That is so nice that you rarely get zits! Hahaha the stomach aches are what pushed me to it and luckily I can still have yogurt! But I agree, some food is just to good to give up;). Happy Thursday, Victoria!


That is the BEST non dairy ice cream! I hadn’t put the dairy/zits thing together but yep, when I quit most dairy 12 or so years ago that’s when my skin finally cleared up. PS–I’ve been on a boring soft foods diet since mid-February (I’m having a bunch of dental stuff done too). It’s another month or so before I get to really eat. It’s a challenge to find good calories that you actually want to eat day after day, LOL. I hope you’re feeling better!


So so so interesting! I wonder why dairy has such an affect on our skin! Ummm since February?! How are you surviving? I thought 6 weeks was forever. Good luck and off to go eat a soft avocado ha. Happy Thursday, Amy!


I see someone beat me to it, but I was going to say that you have to try the Ben and Jerry’s non-dairy ice cream flavors. They are INSANELY good! And they sell them at Target.


I have to go today to get them! Thank you, Jenny! Hope your morning is off to a great start.


I used to get really terrible breakouts, and then I stopped using products almost completely! Now I just use a sunscreen during the day, wash my face with a very basic face wash at night (that has no fragrance or anything fancy in it) and use an oil before going to sleep. No more foundation or masks or anything else- keeping it simple has saved my skin! Plus- drinking a lot more water :)

We did a lot of DIY at our last house because we couldn’t afford to hire people! For this house I think we’ll do a mix- we want to completely re-do our principle bathroom and trying to decide if we can do that solo or cough up the money…which is going to be expensive so I’d rather do option one! My first project though is a makeover on our powder room which should be much easier!


I had every intention of waking up at 4am to do a 16 miler before the kids got up… but then I got my period 10 days early instead. Boo!!! There was no way I could be out that long with the situation that was happening , so I went back to bed and will opt for a shorter lunch run. I’m tapering anyway, so that won’t make much of a difference, right?
I tried going dairy free for ten days recently to try to fix some stomach issues I have. Unfortunately, it didn’t help at all. But fortunately, I guess ice cream is still game on for me :)
What top and shorts are you wearing in the first picture? You look adorable, and the shirt looks really comfy.
Have a great day, Janae!


Oh I hope that you are able to figure out your stomach issues, that is not fun. And ten days early?! That is not fun and you made the right choice to go back to bed! The shirt is the best but it isn’t available anymore (lululemon!) and the shorts are here: https://www.tracksmith.com/products/w-lane-five-tights?sku=WB74501MRG

Thank you Stacey and I hope you are all doing so well! Thanks Stacey!


I told you, it’s the dairy!! ? I’m probably one of the annoying readers that has said that for years. Lol. It kind of sucks but it’s true. Whenever I have diary (unknowingly or knowingly) I break out.
Some GREAT dairy alternatives: kite hill cream cheese, myokos cream cheese and butter, van leeuwen ice cream. I actually don’t love a lot of the ‘fake’ cheese stuff, it’s gross.
I have heard that raw dairy doesn’t cause as many problems, but it’s harder to find, at least here.


YOU WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG (and never annoying). I just cannot believe the difference. Thank you so much for the alternatives, I need them all. Hope your day is a gorgeous one, thanks Mollie!


Janae. What about cheese?! How?! Has this been cut out as well? I try to minimize dairy as well and totally agree that there are so many amazing ice cream options that are dairy free, though not exactly the case for cheeses. Want to hear your thoughts


Hey Katelin! I haven’t cut out cheese but I also haven’t had a ton of it! Cheese hasn’t been causing stomach problems or skin problems for me I’m guessing. I think that milk and ice cream were the biggest problem. Keep me updated if you find anything!


I’m 39 and have had problem skin forrrreeeevvvveeerrrr. I tried everything since being a teen. Then I did the trial month of Cureology a couple years ago and it saved my life. That stuff is a miracle in a bottle. My 15 year old son started getting acne and I got him on it too. Cleared it up within a week or so. It’s amazing.

Ice cream is one of my main food groups, so that would be so painful. And cheese. Oh my.

We can barely change a light bulb at our house, so I am always blown away by your sister’s projects.


Cureology sounds INCREDIBLE! I will absolutely be getting it if things get bad again (and if my kids need it eventually). Thank you! Luckily, I haven’t had to cut out cheese for the happier stomach and skin. Hahah I don’t think I have ever changed a light bulb… that last sentence made me laugh so hard. Happy Thursday, Amy!


I agree, having someone else do the work on your house is the easiest! I admire all your sister does to her house. I would love to do that, but it gives me anxiety just thinking about how precise you have to be and all the mess/clean-up. I like to take the easiest (and probably the most expensive) way possible, haha.

For some reason, I have always had good skin. I get maybe one pimple a year? My dermatologist says it is because I drink so much water, but I think it is more genetic than anything. My mom has always had clear skin and she drinks no water.

I ran 7 miles in shorts and a tank top and no rain or wind! It was fabulous. The weather here lately has been terrible, so it was nice to run in some decent conditions.

Have a fabulous Thursday Janae!


Dairy… Who knew? I haven’t had acne in a long time (turning 50 ? next month), but battling wrinkles…not so fun, ha!
We love to do DIY when we know we can. But we definitely bring in professionals for the big stuff (like our bathroom remodel last year). It is fun putting in the sweat equity.
Ooo, speaking of race shirts, sort of, I just got an email saying I am getting my century shirt from Peloton for 100 strength work outs! Wahoo. I also will be hitting to 50 run mark soon. Those milestones are fun!
Heading out to the trail now for a peaceful run. Have a great day Janae ?


I started having issues with dairy when I turned 17. I used to drink probably at least 6 glasses of milk a day and eat ice cream nearly every night! I went through a long denial phase, would try to eat ice cream and drink a ton of water with it. That seemed to help my stomach a bit. But eventually I was like why am I doing this to my body when I know eating ice cream and drinking milk hurts my stomach. I eventually switched to soy milk in college and it was fine. After a while though I noticed slight sensitivity to soy so I felt I was overdoing it. I am thankful for all the dairy alternatives available now because I didn’t touch ice cream for years and now I love the almond milk ones. I only get them for a treat now and then though, not like the ice cream addict I used to be. I also use almond milk for my smoothies now instead of soy milk. I have noticed the same with my skin clearing up greatly in the last few years. I was never great at make up or coverage and I look back at photos from college 11 years ago and am shocked how bad my acne was. While I can tolerate some cheese here and there, I do find my skin is a lot more clear without dairy and I’m at the point now where I don’t miss it because I think of the stomach pains and I like to feel my best. I also drink a TON more water now so I am guessing that helps as well.


Good morning, Janae! I want to “swing by” (via the east coast) for daily smoothies! Thanks for he heads up – the black & white questions were surprisingly startling LOL!
My acne was all hormonal, but I have given up dairy for other reasons. Glad being dairy-free is helping you! Thanks to you and all the other commenters on non-dairy “ice cream” options. I haven’t ventured there yet, but will be soon :o) I also vouch for Chao slices being the absolute best for grilled cheese. I have not yet found any other vegan cheese that’s worth the money, so I just go without. Suggestions welcome though!
DIY totally depends on the project. I’m a hard no on most things structural and anything related to plumbing and electrical. Good thing my fiance is pretty handy with that stuff, but there are still times we hire the real professionals. Put a paint brush in my hand though and I am unstoppable LOL!
My favorite isn’t actually a race shirt, but the fleece I got at my first marathon. Love that thing and wear it often.
Thursdays are usually an off day for running, but a round of golf coming up later :o) Have an awesome day, Janae!


Yes, to no dairy! It totally cleared up my adult acne too!
I ran 4 miles yesterday and 3 miles today. It is feeling like spring in Boston and I am loving the morning temps:)


I do have a favorite race shirt to run in – it’s from the Colfax half marathon in Denver that was held last October (later than usual due to Covid.) This year they’re back to their usual May date – in fact, it’s on Sunday! Anyway, I am very particular about how shirts fit – that matters to me more than what color it is or even how the fabric feels – and I just love the fit of that one.


We do a lot of DIY. We had workers for a few parts of our landscaping last year and those are the things we are the least happy about! “If you want it done right, do it yourself.”

I ran 7 miles this morning. The wind was blowing so I knew it would be a struggle. I decided to head for the hills – over 800′ of climbing.


I went plant based 5 years ago. No meat, no milk, no eggs, and cheese just occasionally. My skin cleared up!
I’ve been doing lots of research for teeth health recently , and found RAW milk with farm raised eggs are super nutritious for teeth health! I started drinking raw milk everyday in my smoothies and eating lots of eggs from my local farm. I haven’t broken out.
There’s a huge difference between dairy from a quality farm vs. store bought pasteurized milk, and dairy!
My acne used to be REALLY bad in high school, but I’m glad my skin is clear now except for some scarring.



That is really interesting because I’ve been talking to a few people around here that switched to raw milk and how much they have enjoyed the changes from it… I think I will try it! I love the eggs from our chickens. Good to hear that they are good for your teeth health! Thank you for sharing what you have learned and I hope you have a beautiful day, Maythe!


It’s weird but I always have issues with my skin when I travel.

We’ve done a few things around our house but my husband tried to lay vinyl flooring in our kids’ rooms and he couldn’t get past the 3rd plank… We hired someone and it took him hours to get to that same point and then it flew after that.

Run Revel makes some good race stuff!

Today is a rest day and tomorrow will be a long run before work because we are sanding and refinishing our new to us dining room table that my BFF’s husband made.


Oooh can’t wait to see the finished house! Also definitely weird to see all your questions in black font…

Dairy definitely really negatively impacts my skin! Although it mostly seems to be milk, ice cream, sour cream, butter. So I still eat cheese at whatever amount I want. I also think sugar in general affects my acne so umm not to come for your candy intake but that might also factor into it. hehe sorry
My favorite of that SO cashewmilk ice cream is the bananas foster flavor, it is so so good!
Also I think getting a silk pillowcase has really really helped, not just with acne but like my hair and skin in general.

I hate DIY but I’m also cheap so it’s kind of a toss up.

I don’t have any favorites and actually don’t like most of my race shirts. I only like running in long sleeve race shirts and prefer when they are unisex – I like the fit better than when they do a women’s style. Also I don’t like that weird breathable material that a lot of races have started to use, I just want a solid fabric one. Or better yet, just give me cotton shirts then I can wear them for other reasons.


Hi Janae! I don’t eat dairy either and I am so excited for you to try out all the ice cream flavors and let me know what is best! I agree cashew based ice creams are great! I find coconut ones too heavy sometimes.
Happy Thursday!


Hi! I had to give up dairy while breastfeeding my daughter because she had cow’s milk protein allergy so now I feel like I’m an expert on dairy alternatives…going on 11 months here without it. For ice cream, buy the Ben and Jerry’s with sun butter base (not almond, its toooo gross and grainy). For yogurt, buy silk coconut milk Greek style it has the most similar taste an consistency. Cream cheese, go with kite hill. For regular cheese, if you want that cut out of your diet there is no good replacement. I personally did not find any improvement in my skin, but I did find that I had less bloating and felt bettter overall!


Dairy… It really destroyed me so much that I don’t miss it now. I am considered to have an allergy even without officially testing because I it caused malabsorption and vomiting so not eating it. But a big perk of not eating dairy is that my skin has been so clear.


I never had partuclarly bad acne problems in my life–just a very big, tell-tale zit would come up in a really unfortunate place (and it would be so inflamed and painful…) from time to time. I still get them sometimes, typically when my eating hasn’t been so steady and focused on the good stuff and when I am under pretty prolonged amounts of stress. BUT when I stay away from dairy and fried foods and fatty foods, it’s like I almost never ever get that one tell-tale zit–or, like a couple of weeks ago, when it DOES come up the inflammation is pretty minor and it goes away at a pretty solid pace. I think the occasional zit isn’t a tell-tale sign.

I *will* say that with my recent focus of being away from dairy and gluten (which is NOT EASY AT ALL), I have had a lot fewer stomach aches and I haven’t, over the last few weeks, had what had become a daily headache in the middle of the afternoon that would be so big that I couldn’t focus on work. (Maybe keeping my protein more steady and consistent throughout the day has also helped with this…) Staying away from dairy 100% is very hard, and I don’t have some life-threatening allergy, and I have had a few times where I slid in some dairy (like: I won’t get a pizza without cheese, but I will get one with only ricotta since the place by us puts on less ricotta than the layers of mozzarella that blanket the whole thing…and since I have big sensitivities and allergies to various legumes and since my body can tolerate a couple specific brands, I do stick with whey protein for my smoothies…)

I hope your day has been WONDERFUL! The weather is so nice out here–just below 80 degrees and a lovely clear sky, and teh humidity hasn’t really sunk in out here yet. Tom and I snuck out mid-day for a little lunch date and went to Shake Shack. It was yummy, and more than that–just nice to take a break from work. :)


I’m lactose intolerant so I limit my dairy anyway, but I definitely see it in my skin when I’ve been eating more. My stomach and skin seem fine with regular quantities of Greek yogurt and cream cheese, as well as goat cheese and feta (sheep or goat milk). You’ve found a good ice cream, but I’ll second the other recommendation for Ben & Jerry’s dairy-free options and add my own…Trader Joe’s cold brew boba!

I am on week 2/2 bedrest and crutches to mend a pelvic stress fracture so no running here. But I have been able to put weight on my injured side without pain (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) so I am celebrating that progress. I found your blog while researching stress fracture stories and it’s been so comforting. Your experience of missing Boston was especially relatable since that’s my case too. Such a bummer but sloooowly realizing that I am the only one putting so much pressure on myself to do it in a certain timeframe. Everyone else is proud of me and will be just as excited when I run it a year later than I hoped! Been through the mental ringer these past 2 months from injury to doctors/tests and finally a diagnoses ~2 weeks ago. But, as you’ve been so good to point out, healing fully and coming back stronger is the most important thing. Thanks for sharing your journey!


I have been meaning to comment since your last post about giving up ice cream, I gave up dairy back in October when we determined our son who I was breastfeeding has a dairy allergy. The changes were hard at first but it’s so normal now and I noticed some big changes in my gut health/how I felt, some sleep issues I’ve had for years, less bloating/cellulite – it’s been pretty crazy. I am going to be done nursing him soon but plan to stay off of it for the most part. If you have any questions on other dairy free things lmk, I’ve learned a lot the last 6 months!


any time I add anything with lots of sugar in it (that random bottle of coke) always causes me many issues.
fave shirt, anything that has anything with the word Vancouver on it
today’s run……managed a strength work out, a 7K run right after (I know I did that backwards) and then a quick 1,000 meter swim…….felt so good…except for the run part….but may end up doing the same think again tomorrow…


Sorry if this is a weird compliment, but your gums look amazing!! I know they have healing to do still but that’s great. I am a dental hygienist:) I had gum grafting when I was 21 (10 years ago) on just one spot and it was terrible…the graft site on the roof of my mouth kept busting open and I had to get it cauterized and re-cauterized several times!! I hope everything is going well! I forgot it was 6 whole weeks of soft foods…ugh. Mouth surgery is the worst. I got so desperate once I blended up a subway sandwich. You got this!!

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