St. George + Cross-Country for KIDS Details!

We are back from St. George!  It felt like summer while we were there.  I’ll share some pictures from while we were there before I get to the main topic of today.

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8 miles @ 9:08 pace which strangely helped my soreness.

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(shorts, top, bra, shoes, sunglasses)

Andrew got out for biking a few times!

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He always sees the coolest things while he is out and I get very jealous.

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Flake is another must in St. George.

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Cross-country has been going on for a little while now so I thought I would share a bit more about how it is going!  We have about fifty kids at practice ranging from k-6th grade.  These kids don’t even notice the temperature at practice, they are out there running when it is snowing, raining or hot.  I love it.  We have two 50-minute practices a week and the mileage ranges anywhere between 1-2 miles (some kids run it all and some kids run/walk) a practice.

We start each practice with some dynamic drills like high knees, bun kickers, skips, lunges and leg swings.  We then do a few static stretches and talk about our goals for the day.  We will throw in some planks, pushups and jumping jacks some days too.  I share a mantra or mental tip with them quickly (they are like racehorses and want to get right to running so I don’t have a lot of time where they want to hear me talk ha). We started the season off with a time-tested mile so that they could see their improvements by the end and for every other practice, we have been using running games in addition to laps to get in their runs during practice.

I have gotten so many good ideas from this blog.  IE one day we had these signs at the four corners of the field and when they got to each animal they would copy that animal’s speed until they got to the next sign.  Turtle = walk, pig= slow jog, horse= run, cheetah= sprint.  The kids LOVED this one and some of the older kids would run the entire time but go from a jog to a sprint throughout the animals.

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We have done an Easter egg hunt that involved them running around getting eggs after some laps.

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A few more of the things we have played:

We incorporated sprinting into playing four-corners.  We played musical chairs with a big circle of hula hoops around the field.  One day I had about 6 different beach balls for the kids to use while we play Sharks and Minnows (that game really gets them getting in some good fartleks).  We have done things like going slow on the short part of the loop and then speeding up for the longer part.  I love to stand towards the end of each lap and tell them my high fives will give them power/energy and it always does the trick for them:).   Everybody’s It tag is also a fun one!  I attempted to create a relay-type situation and used PVC pipes to make a bunch of batons but it didn’t work well and I need to figure out how to make it work!

In addition to having some sort of game, each kid gets a yellow foot before our run and they get a hole bunch on the foot with each lap/interval etc.  If they are able to fill up their card they then get to choose two new beads to add to their chain.  It’s amazing to me how much these yellow feet help to motivate these kids.  We also have shirts for the kids too, if they want to purchase them for a bit more!  On the last day of practice, we will celebrate with a race and otter pops.  The price for cross-country is $4 per kid with about 15 practices to cover the cost of the feet and the necklaces.  Parents/guardians are required to volunteer at two practices and they do so much to help the practice move smoothly.

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Skye loves that she gets to be in with the elementary school’s team:).

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I know I am dramatic a lot but take me seriously on this one, doing this so far has become one of my greatest joys.  I hope the elementary school will let me do this program forever.  Seeing these kids do hard things at each practice, watching them get the benefits from being outside, and feeling like I get to be their cheerleader throughout practice has helped me in a lot of ways.

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My goal is to give these kids an experience where they feel like going for a run is fun.

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The other day at practice it was really windy and Skye told me, ‘I’m a fan of wind.’  It will now be my new mantra whenever I am running on a windy day.

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If you have the time in your life right now and you love running, I cannot recommend heading on this type of program enough at an elementary school.  I can email you the forms that were given to the students/school etc if you are wanting to, it really has been a blast and I cannot wait to see what all of these kids do with their running.

PS this program was started at our school in 2014 by an amazing woman and she has given me SO much help.  She had to stop in 2019 and we weren’t able to have it for a few years because of Covid but I’m so happy it was able to do it this year.


Was anyone else running when they were in elementary school? 

Does your area have any programs like this?

Any other ideas of things I can do with my cross-country kids?

Have any close spots to you that you like to vacation to often?

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This is so awesome! We didn’t have a program like this in school but I wish we did- I would have loved it. Those kids are lucky to have you. I’m sure the school will let you do it forever! And I love the photos from St. George (especially Andrew’s turtle shot.) Looks like it was a great trip.


Hey Jenny! It really is so fun and I’m with you, I wish my school would have had this program too! Seriously, he always finds the best things out on the trails. Have a beautiful day, Jenny!


I love the idea of getting the kids running for fun! Our school has Girls on the Run for 3rd through 5th graders. Two days a week we meet, have a lesson that talks about how to make good friends, positive body image, confidence, etc. and then we run for a little while. The season ends with a big 5k that is more like a party with music, hair coloring stations, temporary ratio tables and so much fun stuff. The girls all pick an adult buddy to run the 5k with them too, and it is just such a hit with all of the families and the schools!!


I love that your school does Girls on the Run. It truly is such an incredible program and I love how they combine incredible life lessons with running. It’s perfect. I need to get that program going in our area too. Thank you for sharing and I hope your day is a great one, Korynn!


My daughter did a kids XC program last year, and I love all of your ideas! For the younger kids they did a build a scarecrow relay where the kids would grab a shirt, pants, hat, pumpkin head, etc out of a wagon and build a scarecrow on a line taped on the ground from top to bottom…they loved it!

We live about 15 minutes from Portland, ME and less than 2 hours from Boston so we do quick trips to those places all the time! We’re 3 hours from Acadia National Park so I’m hoping we can start doing more there this summer!

Hope you have a great day!


BUILD A SCARECROW RELAY… I MUST DO THAT. That is so so fun. You live in the most incredible area… can I come visit? Thanks Meghan, you too!


I coach Girls on the Run at my daughter’s school. It’s a social/emotional curriculum that incorporates running and uses it as a metaphor for achieving something you once thought impossible. Girls in grades 3-5 meet twice a week for 90 minutes and we do a lesson on a topic like making friends, activating your star power, managing comfortable and uncomfortable emotions, and we practice running with games and laps. Our team is doing a practice 5k today – the first time they’ve covered the full distance – and it’s been fun for me to plan this! The final 5k will be a huge celebration at a local university with more than 1,000 girls coming together from the western part of our state. It’s definitely been a fun experience as both coach and parent, and I love seeing the girls get excited about running.


I LOVE GIRLS ON THE RUN. Those girls are so lucky to have you and I might reach out and have you help me build that program in my area. More than 1,000 girls… that gave me goosebumps. Thank you for sharing, absolutely incredible.


I love reading about what you’re doing with the kids during cross country. Quite a few elementary schools in our area have a fun running program called Kids Run The OC. They have practices (for several weeks, I can’t remember how many) where they run and keep track of their miles earning charms for their necklaces. During the course of the program each kid will run 24 miles (I believe) Then, the weekend of the OC Marathon, all the kids who have been participating, run the last couple of miles on the actual marathon course and go through the actual finish line and receive an actual marathon medal! It is so fun to see these kids finish.
Looks like you had a great time in St. George. So happy you could get away for a little while. That can be such a good little refresh.
Oh, how are you feeling/healing from your gum thing? Still having to eat soft foods? Hopefully that is all going well.
Have a good day Janae ?


Thank you so much! I love that your area does Kids Run The OC. That sounds like a blast! 24 MILES and then they get to finish with the OC Marathon. What an incredible program. I might need to get a similar thing going for next year… thank you for the idea. Thank you for asking, I feel like myself again but definitely still have to eat soft foods. I MISS REAL FOOD ha. Have a happy day, Wendy!


I love that you are doing this with the kids. Anything to get them outside and enjoying running is great. One idea may be to do relay races. Maybe it’s because I’m a kid at heart, but I love when our speed work group does these instead of the normal speed work.

We have a Kids Run for Fun series here. Every Friday night, we meet at the track and each age from 3-12 lines up and does a one-loop race. Of course, my 4-year-old will run with his group and then immediately line up for the next race and then the next. He usually does six laps. Great way to burn energy. I love your idea about the animal signs. I think I’ll do that with my kiddo this summer just for fun.


I agree, getting these kids outside is the best thing for them! I will totally try out a relay race, I love it… thank you! I love that your area does that, so so cool. I love that your little guy keeps lining up. He is a runner! Have a beautiful day, Michele!


Oh man our school has lots of good programs but they don’t have a running one. I would love to start it but I’m way too shy!! My daughter who is about to turn 8 and I ran a race on mother’s day (just a mile) but she did so great and she actually loved it!

Also do you have any tips on running post Covid? I know a lot of people have heart rate issues which is making me a bit nervous to start.


Hey Jenn! I THINK YOU SHOULD DO IT!! Your school would love this and how fun that your daughter just ran a mile on Mother’s Day… that is so so special! Uhhhh I should ask that question in a post. I had covid last year but I didn’t have any heart rate issues afterward?! Have a beautiful day!


You’ve made the cross country program so fun! I’ve been working with middle school age kids and would love to start something for the elementary school. If you do t mind emailing me your forms/materials, I’d really appreciate it.
Congratulations on winning Vigor!! Your progress is amazing.


I love that you are working with the middle school aged kids! They are so lucky to have you! I’m putting together an email for everyone interested so I’ll get it to you by tonight. Thank you friend, that means a lot. Have a wonderful day!


Hi! I am just seeing this but am interested in the e-mail info, too? Could you still send it? Thanks!


Your cross country info is so inspiring! My oldest won’t be in K until next year, but I would love to do something like this. Would you mind emailing me the forms you mentioned?


Hey Christine! YES YES YES! You have to do it! I am putting together an email for everyone interested and will put your name on right now (expect it sometime tonight or in the morning:). Have a beautiful day!


As a teacher, I really love this idea! How long does your cc season go and do you just do it in the spring?


I love hearing from teachers! Thank you for what you do! The school has always had it just in the spring but I’ve been thinking about adding something in the fall too! We do a fun run in the fall (2 mile race) which the kids love too! This year we will be going for 6 weeks. Have a beautiful day, Jennie!


You read my mind! As a teacher and jr. high track coach, I’ve been wanting to start a cc program in the fall but wasn’t sure how to go about it. I love all of these ideas. Can you email me the forms? Please and thank you!


This sounds so great? When/how often do you have practices? Thinking of the logistics around starting it here – my kids’ school only does cross country for a very short fall season for older elementary grades.


It really is so much fun! We have them two days a week (right after school) for about 50 minutes. The program is 6 weeks long! That is great that they have a program for the older grades, I hope you can get it for the younger grades too! Have a beautiful day!


You make the cross country practice sound SO fun!! What a great experience for those kiddos, and for you! Keep up the great work :D


Thank you so much, Alyssa! I hope you are having a great morning!


What a wonderful program. I would love to have the email with information. I have a question though. Do the kids have to have a physical on file before they are allowed to join?
My email is [email protected]
Thank you!


Thank you for making a difference in the lives of those kids! <3


I would love those forms! So my kids have gone to a K-8 with less than 150 students. I have one child there currently and I started a track team 3 years ago (with no experience at all). Then Covid, then I homeschool my daughter with dyslexia now because of various reasons. So I won’t have kids there next year. But! This sounds like a great program for my 5th grade girl for her homeschool group. I’m sure I can tweak it but not reinvent the wheel.
I’ll message you unless you are able to send me information via this comment?
Coaching track has been a joy as well. Seeing children become confident and planting the seed of what they can do in high school or later on in life is such a reward to me.
And it’s been SO windy here I’ll remember Skye’s mantra lol!!


Janae, I work as an elementary school teacher and would be very interested in starting a program like this after school. Would you mind sharing your forms or other info with me? Thank you so much! You sound like an amazing coach!


I’d love the forms and information you have! We have no running program for our elementary kids here, and I’d love to hear more about this. I may need to start something up!


Hi Janae! I am an elementary teacher and would love the forms as well. I would love to start something like this!
Thank you!!


Thank you so much for sharing more info. How did you get started with the school? I don’t have elementary age children anymore (I have a sophomore and a junior) but would love to start this up. Can you pretty please send me the info? My email is [email protected]


I live overseas right now in Saudi Arabia. The running programs at our schools are limited so I started a run club for 4th-12th graders. We usually do two workouts a week: one interval workout and one easy longer run. It has been one of the best things I’ve ever done. I cannot believe the joy it brings me! So glad you have found the same joy!


No way!!!! This is incredible. I love what you have done!


Thanks so much for the tips for the track program. I shared them with our amazing PE/track teacher and she thought they were wonderful. Much appreciated!


Hi, Janae – Thank you so much for sharing about your cross-country program! I’ve been trying to figure out how to get one started at my kids’ elementary school this fall and would love to receive the forms. I coached a city running club for kindergarteners during COVID and it was such a fun experience that I’ve been trying to figure out how to introduce it to the school. Thanks in advance for sharing the information!

Look up Jail Break the outdoor game.
So motivating for the youngsters!

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