Which fall marathon to do? + Convinced her to do it.

(Shoes, shorts)

Another morning run with friends (Emilee was there too, but she had to leave quickly once we finished:).  8.3 miles @ 8:23 average.

I love it when I wake up in time to do weights before my run.  It’s much easier to do them alone compared to when Beck is awake and crawling on me… He loves to try to rip my earrings out if I am laying on the ground during strength, ha.

15-minute chest and back + 5-minute core.

Skye’s mat was already out, so I just borrowed hers;)

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She foam rolled with me afterward.  With each year of life, I get better at doing all of the running extras because I know I won’t be able to run without them anymore.

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She is pretty set on doing Boston herself after seeing the unicorn on the medal.

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It was a pretty normal day for us filled with lots of errands…

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And soccer fields.

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We had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and snacks in between games.

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And Skye and Beck both insisted on being on my mom’s lap:)

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Skye got in a run while we were at the games too.

View recent photos 3


I have a dilemma… I have six marathons I want to run this fall, but I don’t think my body will want me to complete all six marathons.  I’ll just choose one, and here are some of my thoughts on my top 3 choices:

St. George:  My favorite marathon.  I know this course so well, I have a bunch of friends training for it, and I believe I will be able to get a new PR there.  Miles 20-24.5, you roll down the mountain (with a few minor ups), and I want to see if I can crush my previous time there.  This one would be the easiest to arrange with kids and travel for… Andrew is also routing for this one (I think he loves this one because he can see me almost every mile).  I also think I would have a lot of FOMO if I missed this one this year.

CIM:  I want redemption at this course.  It brings so many fast people that it would be easy to try to join up with and run the race together.  I love rolling hill courses because of the downhill speed and trail running, and I think I could have a great race there this year!  I really did love this course, the crowds and everything about it when I did it… I just exploded out there when I tried it the first time (I will also fly in a few days early rather than the day before and not race a marathon a few weeks before, ha).

Indy Monumental:  It is different than any other marathon I have ever done—> FLAT.  Change sounds fun.  Who knows?  Maybe a flat course would be fast for me, but it freaks me out because I’ve never done that before for a marathon.  I ran the Indy Mini Marathon  (1/2 marathon), and I loved it.

My friend will be writing up my plan again, and this summer will be full of as many shorter races as possible to work with my family’s schedule.


WHAT SHOULD I CHOOSE?  Who has a fall marathon, and which one are you doing?

Do you prefer courses with hills, downhill or flat?

Whats your run today?  

What running ‘extras’ (aka the things that keep you running healthy) do you typically do?!

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Whatever you decide, you’ll have a great experience I’m sure. But seeing Andrew lots during the race would be a big plus, right? So St. George sounds great!
I’ve never run a marathon before (longest run was a 24km trial) but I’m thinking about running the marathon in Amsterdam in October. So I’m gonna need lots op tips from you!
Until my last pregnancy I was really into bootcamping besides running and that helped me a lot getting stronger and injury free. Now I just don’t have the time for that anymore, but I do some strength workouts from home.


I ran Amsterdam Marathon as my second marathon – it was awesome! I loved it (although I was undertrained and went out to fast which led to me crashing and burning in the last 5k… don’t do that). Someone else told me that they found the long out and back section along one of the canals boring but I found that part quite relaxing. And we did a bike tour of the city the next day which was the perfect way to combine looking around with recovering.


That is good to hear, thanks! It’s also reassuring to read that you were undertrained and still finished the race :D


I would definitely do Indy! I did it a few years ago and it’s such a fun race. The course is beautiful and definitely fast! I think you would crush it :)

I prefer a course with rolling hills! I’m thinking of signing up for a trail half marathon this fall – there’s one that goes around a lake and it looks like fun and also beautiful.

Today’s run is run club- probably will do 3-4 miles with friends. Excited because I haven’t been able to go the past few weeks :) Have a great Wednesday!


I vote the Indy Monumental! It’s only a few hours from where I live and a great course. My husband has done the marathon and I have done the half. There is a great zoo and children’s museum if u bring the whole family!


Your running group always looks like you have so much fun together! I think St. George because I always want to go for a PR, but I also totally understand wanting redemption at a race! I train on hills and when I just ran a flat race I was surprised how hard it was to have the constant pounding instead of changing up which muscles I was using.
My run today is a 35 min tempo run that will probably happen on the treadmill since it’s pouring out today!
I don’t know if this counts as an extra, but I am much more mindful of getting good sleep because I know how much it helps with my recovery and overall well-being!


You should Look at doing the Twins Cities Marathon.


I vote for Columbus marathon. Flat fast and a fun city to explore! Also I am doing that one so we could meet up at the finish when I finish an hour after you ?


Hi Janae! Was SO proud of you for your Boston marathon (and your incredible spirit and attitude!!)-I followed your progress the entire time!
I feel since I had my son (called Skye!) that my core is dreadful (which occasionally leads to lower back pain after longer or hard runs)- are you able to suggest some quick daily exercises (for a busy working mum!) to strengthen my core? any help super appreciated!


Hey Florence! Thank you so much, that means a lot to me. I love that you have a little Skye too… the best! I cannot recommend the Peloton app enough. The core workouts are AMAZING and even the five-minute classes work SO good for me. I just love it, they make me stay consistent with strength. Keep me updated and have a wonderful day!


Oh I am not going to be any help with this decision, ha! I also want to do all 3 of those. You have run all 3 in the past, correct? Such a tough decision! For me the pull (if I were you) would to get revenge on the CIM course. Especially since you’ve done At. George several times and will probably have many more chances to do again. But, St. George has your heart!
I love normal busy days. They always make me happy.
Off for my early run with friends, the strength and core with the Peloton app.
I had my last big event with all of the PTA’s in our city, and it went really well! And shockingly (not really), I finally slept so well last night! It is amazing what/how stress can affect you sleep!
Have a wonderful day!


I say Indy only because you haven’t done it before so it sounds exciting! And if I could suggest one not on the list then I choose Philly Marathon! Basically flat, weather is essentially always perfect running weather since it’s the weekend before Thanksgiving and then after you can go eat all the delicious food in the city.


What were the other three?? Lol I’m trying to decide on my fall one too. ?


You will have to let me know what you choose! I was thinking Houston (not fall but close;), Top of Utah and Twin Cities have been tempting me a lot too! I definitely want Chicago next year!


Currently Twin Cities is #1 on my list for this fall! Direct flight and sounds like a beautiful, scenic course to run and will be cool but not freezing. I tried the Chicago and NYC lotteries but no luck. Will let you know what I decide. Maybe I will see you in Chicago next year…or Twin Cities this year. Also I did the Indy Monumental last fall. Was extremely impressed. Beautiful course (hit the fall trees perfectly) and very well organized. I’m from Indiana though and used to no hills so can’t advise you there. Lol


Ummm let’s for sure plan on Chicago next year and that is so good to hear about Indy! THANKS APRIL!


Is it strange that I want you to do all three of them? I did Indy in 2019 and am pondering repeating it this year. I love training more in the cooler temps of September and October for it.
Any race that you do, I’m excited to follow your training!


Thank you Molly, that means a lot to me! I agree, training in those months are the best!


I’m running Monumental, so I definitely think that’s the one you should choose! ;-) It is such a great course though and it’s always got great weather. Plus it will feel sooooo good running at sea level after all that training at altitude! It’s so good that I even enjoyed it the year I accidentally ran it with a stress fracture—well, I enjoyed the first 18 miles anyway!

I’m tapering now for the Indy Mini next weekend so I’ll run 6-8 today before hopping on a flight to NYC for a girls’ weekend (stuck on the treadmill thanks to no preschool so we will see how many miles my little buddy waits through—I ran with him in the jogging stroller last week for 12 miles and let’s just say that neither of us enjoyed it; he’s 5 now (so heavy!!) and felt like it was an affront to his dignity to be in the stroller!). I’m planning to do 20 min full body strength on the Peloton app; there is such a good workout with Robin that I try to do every couple weeks after a run. I’ll DM it to you on Instagram bc I think you would love it!


100% biased response: Indy Monumental! It will be my very first marathon this fall and I’d selfishly love to find/meet you at the Expo. But also, Indy is flat as it gets and just beautiful at that time of year!


Tough decision can’t go wrong with any of them. Sorry, I am no help! But no travel is a big plus!


Come back to Indy!! It was so fun meeting up when you did the mini and I would jump in on that race if you did ? I have ran it a couple times and yes it is flat!


Indy! Because I am running the Half-Marathon there and want to meet you in person. :)


I would love to meet you! That would be amazing and I hope your training goes so so well!


Indy Monumental!! It’s always great running weather and fast course! It’s also the perfect sized marathon!! Not too big but still a lot of excitement. :) You would crush it!


I would do St. George if I were you! Sounds like it would be a lot easier with the kids, and you already travelled for one this year to Boston! Also its your favorite marathon, and like you said all your friends are doing it so you wouldn’t want to miss out! Plus getting to see Andrew throughout the course is a bonus!
No running for me today unfortunately, work all day, then softball practice for my daughter, and making a lasagna and garlic bread for dinner.
Jealous of the pictures of your kids in t-shirts and shorts! Ohio weather is not fun right now, should be in the 60’s, or 70’s this time of year and its 40 degrees right now :(
Good luck making a decision!


Good morning, Janae! Decisions, decisions! Given how well you did with Boston, I think you could crush any of these. St. George gives you all the heart eyes and certainly sounds like it works better with life. That said, I vote CIM – go after it and show it whose boss!!
I much prefer variable terrain for courses. All or mostly flat just feels harder with the same muscle groups being challenged in the same way for the entire time. Those courses also tend to make my lower back more cranky than a varied course.
Today is an off day, but with a hike planned for later :o) As for the extras, I agree that they become more important as we become gracefully aging runners. Sleep, nutrition, strength training, flexibility & mobility – all the things!
Happy Hump Day!!


That’s a hard choice!! I vote for CIM so you can hit your goal on that course, but you cant go wrong. It’s not the same, but you can still cheer on your friends at St. George and make a day out of that if you go with CIM or Indy.

My running extras are strength, yoga, lots of sleep, and baths to soak my legs.


I say no to st. George. As a runner myself, anything with a big net downhill gets an * next to it. Also you’ve run it several times, I think you’d do great at Indy. Time to change it up! Plus it would be nice to read a change in training for a flat course.


I just need to convince my friends to switch things up with me haha. Hope you are having a beautiful day!


OR you could do St George and then Houston in January! I’m skipping a fall marathon this year to try and get my half PR down down down and then doing Houston. ?


Houston has been calling my name too! But training through Christmas?!?!?


The pull of doing a logistically easy marathon is always a winner – but there’s a lot of marathons out there so maybe one you’ve not done before?
I’m running London Marathon in the autumn – my deferred place from 2020! I’ve run it once before and loved it so I’m excited for it but also a little scared – I’ve mainly done trail races recently so a road marathon and all the crowds of people will be something I’ve not experienced in a while.
And I need to get a lot more consistent with the running “extras”!


So much to choose from. Sadly no help lol. No travel is a plus in my books but revenge on a course sounds good too.

Today’s run..maybe with a friend around Stanley Park or north shore trails.

I try to foam roll and be more diligent about strength and core. Have an amazing day Janae!


I’m sure it’s not on your list but you should come do Richmond and I’ll go hang out with you (and maybe do the half). They give out gummy bears at aid stations, I am serious.


Sounds like St. George is coming out on top but I’m sure you would rock any of them! I know I do think flat courses can be tough. The same muscles are used the whole time. I tend to get major calf tightness and sometimes knee and IT band issues if there is no elevation change. I’m considering running a fun half marathon for halloween but it’s mostly on our towpath which is crushed limestone and flat for almot the whole thing. That is not a selling point for me!


I vote for the Indy Monumental. I just spent 4 days on vacation in Indianapolis and I think it is a really fun city to visit! Lots of great restaurants, lots of monuments, easy to walk. Flat is a bonus as well.


I vote CIM- I’ll probably be running that one too :) St. G is probably the best option from a logistics standpoint, and having friends to run with really helps.

My worst marathon was on a pancake flat course. I think some hills allow other muscles to work too and give your quads a break.

planning on an easy 8miles today!


I’d say St George maybe semi-selfishly because I’m running it too :D I signed up ~3 days after Boston haha. But I <3 CIM (actually ran it and BQ'd there the same year you ran it, iirc), however I lived in CA at the time and it was much easier to swing. I think whatever option you choose you'll be in a great place to get a great time and I'll be cheering you on!


INDY: purely selfish reasons. WE will come cheer!!
Tell Andrew there is some decent mountain biking there!! (My BIL works at a bike shop in Indy and can hook him up with a bike if he needs.)


Choose Indy!! I’m running Indy and it would make my YEAR if I ran into you. :)


Yay! I am so excited to see that Indy Monumental made your list!! As someone who lives an hour away from Indianapolis, I am a huge fan of that marathon. I have run the full a few times and the half once. It is a FANTASTIC race! You should definitely do it. And, you could always do St. George as a “long run” and then come and run Monumental as your goal race. Or, vice versa and have Indy be a fun run. :)


Indy! It’s on my short list of races for fall too, so selfishly, I pick that one!


Hi Janae! Choosing which race to run is so difficult! I would go with Indy Monumental – you are in a great place for a new challenge like running on a flat course and would be exciting to see what you can do, even PR! It sounds like a great race from everyone’s comments – I just added it to my race list!

I am still recovering from my stress fracture in my foot but starting to run next week! Hoping it goes well and my foot stays pain free. I am a Brooks girl but trying out Hoka’s since I think the extra cushion will be good for my foot. I got the Bondi 7 and have loved walking in them so far.

I have my sights on Big Sur Marathon 2023 and so only shorter distances until then. If I could would totally be running the Leading Ladies Marathon in Spearfish, SD – its a fast downhill course through beautiful Spearfish Canyon. I ran the half last year and can’t wait to try the full.

It’s a tough decision but you will make the right choice for you, no wrong choices here. Excited to find out what you decide!


Hi Ellen-
Sending you healing juju from your foot stress fracture! I had a stress fracture of my 2nd metatarsal in the fall (had to forgo the London Virtual marathon). Where is your fracture? Hope your return to running goes well!!


Thank you Kelly – it was a big bummer not to be able to run Big Sur this year but onwards and upwards! My fracture was in my lateral cuneiform bone left foot – its one of the little bones in the top of my foot. It’s actually the second time it’s happened (first time was in 2020) but both times it was from increasing my mileage too quickly..hopefully learned my lesson now! Thank you for your kind words and healing juju, I hope your return to running has been going well too!


I got into the New York marathon this fall, it will be my first and I’m slightly terrified! I’ve really appreciated all of your running tips and race recaps to help me get through training and figuring out what to do during the race!


I am having this daily debate myself! I ran the Indy half last year and loved it. I would definitely do the full– it’s comparable to Chicago, but a little more chill with easier logistics. I’m in Colorado, so I’m thinking of running St. George for the first time (partially based on your recommendation!) since it’s comparable to how I train. I just need to make the leap and sign up for one, but for now the debate continues. Good luck making a decision! I don’t think you can go wrong!


I have ran Indy Monumental and I have ran St. George. You are right, they are totally different. I ran a 3:30 at St. George and a 3:44 at Indy (it got hot). I would do St. George! Indy is hard because it is flat so you use the exact same muscles the ENTIRE time….ouch.


Selfishly, I want you to do St. George because I’m attempting to do it this year (scary to type it!), but personally, I think you should do CIM. Go get that redemption – you are more than ready!


It sounds like st George has your heart and you have a hard time doing any others but i would say the flat Indy. You will definitely speed on flat. Maybe I’m a wuss but I’d take flat over hills.


Those all sound great but you should definitely try the Detroit Free Press Marathon! It’s international! Running over the Ambassador bridge at sunrise is amazing and you get to run through the Detroit Windsor Tunnel on the way back which means you actually run a mile under water! It’s a fantastic race but to mention I live on the Canadian side of this border crossing! ?


So many great choices! I think the Indy Monumental sounds like a great choice (but I’m also from the Indy area, so I’m partial). Why not see what you can do when you fly on the flat course? The view won’t be as amazing as it is out west, but I still think you’d have fun! If you bring the whole fam, the zoo and Children’s Museum are top-notch. Whatever you choose will be the right one!


Logistically-St. George. It has the least impact on your family which is also less stressful for you!. Uniqueness? Indy. Or both? I’m guessing it would be hard for you to run for fun at St. George so maybe race that one and go to Indy and have fun or pace someone slower than you. Or go all out and just see what you can do on a flat course to mix things up! I get nervous for winter races because the chance of being sick or having kiddos get sick in December-February is higher. haha.


I have monumental on my radar this fall too!!! Easier for me since I live just outside of Chicago. Flat races are so great! If I race anything with elevation, I get so nervous! In the Midwest you literally have to seek out a hill or overpass to do hill training!


Indy! try a flat course and make it a goal to WIN!


That would be dreamy:) Thank you for believing in me and I hope your day is a beautiful one, Stephanie!


St. George and CIM?! Can that be a thing?! Indy looks like a blast but more travel and a greater time change to deal with. CIM would mean you could do both!!! A and B races right there for you :)


Also, I was wondering about HOKA sizing! Do you know if you’re the same in Nike? Wanting to try Bondis or Clifton’s! Also thinking you should totally test out a pair of Nike Invincibles if you like a cushioned, bouncy shoe.


I have also been thinking that…. Now you are really convincing me haha. Thanks Katie!! Most people size down a half size with their hokas but I actually wear the same size in all brands. I will absolutely try those… they are beautiful. Do you race in them?


I say St. George ! I live in PA and have followed you for a few years now. Myself and 4 great running friends are signed up for the half{4 of us} and 1 is doing the full! I would love to meet you in person!
Obviously pick the one that is truly calling you! Good luck and maybe we will see you!!


Ahhhh this makes me so so happy! I hope you guys love it so much! I will be there no matter what (racing or cheering) and I must meet you! Have a beautiful day, Patty!


My vote is for the Monumental because I live in Indy and will be running the half? And it will be FLAT as you mentioned. That is one of the things I hate about living in Indiana – how flat it is – but when it comes to running it’s a good thing LOL. Also, I’ve ran 13 half marathon, and REALLY want to get a sub-2 hour on this one. Do you have any tips???


Unpopular opinion, but don’t do the Indy marathon. If you want flat and fast (around the same time and in the Midwest), do Chicago! Having done both multiple times, I would pick Chicago any day. Go with what your gut is telling you!


I would choose St. George or CIM, I really don’t enjoy flat courses. It just seems so long when there isn’t the variety of hills.

I walked for an hour today – no run.

I’ve been doing lots of extras as I’ve gotten older – cycling, walking, trail running (vs. only roads) + yoga and strength training. It’s been 15 months since my last injury, so I’m pretty happy with that!


My husband is looking at St. George and CIM as well. (we live in Layton and he just did SLC ) Which one would you recomend if he is trying to shave down some time and PR?


Congrats to him on Layton! If he is a good downhill runner than I would say St. George is a faster course for sure!


I’m running Berlin!

I ran Indy this past fall. Well organized, easy logistics, and there are actually some rollers in the middle of the race, so not completely flat! My gripe with it are the roads in Indianapolis are in terrible condition- I think I spent 80% of the race staring at the ground for fear of falling in a pothole.


Philly Marathon!!!! End of Nov, fast and flat, big competitive field!


Hi! I was looking at doing the St. George marathon as well. Do you do special training for that downhill race? Quad strengthening etc? What are your favorites? This will be only my second marathon so Im kind of a newbie and any advice would be great!


yeah, Victoria in October full….it’s been a while so it’s time. Canadian Thanksgiving weekend, and an easy trip.
I love lots of hills and stairs…undulating hills
today, and evening 5K in the rain….


I 1000% vote for CIM redemption! A St. George PR would be great but REDEMPTION on a course I KNOW you can kill is ??. I have registered for CIM 3 times and DNS each time due to injuries so it is basically my white whale, lol but it’s not my bias that wants you to do it. You can rock it. It’s sea level and if you fly in a couple days prior it’s an easy transition. And we all know that fast people make you fast!


The Marine Corp Marathon is very moving and with so much to look at !


Indy! I did the full a few years ago & it is very pretty, fast, and mostly flat!

My first marathon ever was Detroit, and am thinking of doing that one again to compare time. It’s unique in that you run over the bridge into Canada, and then back to the US through the tunnel under the river!


They all sound great but I am a sucker for new experiences…….I vote Indy:-) You’ll rock it!


What is the CIM?


Do St. George if you love it!!!!! We only live once :) Make yourself happy!

Yoga. Honestly life changing.

AND the recent addition of foot wakers! https://www.yamunausa.com/products/foot-fitness-kit?variant=12171984633924

Have the best day! Night? I usually read your blog in the morning lol


That’s such a difficult decision! It would be great to be able to train with everyone for St George, but I’d also be super interested to see how your training with hills will help you on a flat course!! I’m sure you’ll be amazing no matter which course you choose!!

Question – how do you know you are ready to train for another fast race? I have made the same decision a few times (both coming off great and not so great races) but somehow the second one is never as successful or satisfying and I never end up enjoying the training quite as much as I thought I would… I would love to know how you decide when to keep going or when it’s time to just chill for a bit and enjoy running without the pressure of training for a race!


No question. CIM.


Do Indy. Do what scares you. I know St George is the closest and easiest to arrange, but try something new & maybe a bit scary. You will probably love it!


I’m voting for the Indy Monumental because it’s where I live!


Indy!!!! It’s a great race and you’d crush it! Plus I’m a Monumental Ambassador and basically think it’s the best race around!! I’d love to chat more if you decide on Indy.


I have done Indy Monumental and CIM and personally would recommend Indy. Plus. . . I am doing that one. But it sounds like rolling hills are more your speed and with the net downhill, CIM can be pretty fast. And you’d get redemption. There are also plenty of fast people who run Indy, so I don’t think you’d be alone at all in that race!

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