Boston Marathon Recap!

(Shoesbrashortstanksocks, koala clip for my phone ((HRG10 for 10% off))

That went better than expected.  When Lauren and I kept looking at our watches throughout the miles we were shocked by how good we were feeling for the paces we were going.  So let’s just dive right into things…

I carb loaded more for this race then ever before.  I would be fine to never eat a bagel again after the amount of bagels I went through this last weekend.  I woke up at 4:45 on Monday morning with nerves and started eating bagels and drinking water and gatorade.  I finally got out of bed at 6 and showered.  I listened to the podcast of Deena Kastor on The Strength Running Podcast while getting ready.  Her optimism is so contagious and I think she is the best person to listen to before a marathon.

We left the hotel at 6:35 and walked over to Boston Commons to meet Lauren at 6:45 to get on the busses.

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Andrew made the entire weekend so easy for me.  Like usual, he planned every detail and was on top of making sure I had all of the carbs and liquids I needed.  I had the best weekend with him.

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I said goodbye to Andrew at the busses.  Lauren and I noticed we were wearing the same socks which we took as a great sign.

Towards the end of the bus ride I was feeling very carsick and just trying to keep down all of my carbs.  I felt lucky that I did and I was SO ready to jump off of the bus.

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We used the restrooms and sat in Athlete’s Village for about an hour before we started moving towards our corrals at 9:30.  I was very happy that my teeth were chattering from being cold at this point because it meant it was going to be perfect marathon weather.  Not once during the race did I even think about the temperature because it felt so perfect.  The last mile I was thinking about the headwind but other than that it was a runner’s dream.

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We took off our sweats and switched out into our Nikes.  We stuffed our pockets with gels, my chapstick and a bottle of gatorade that I was very happy I had at mile 20.  Bottles are so much easier to drink from than cups for me.

The excitement in the corrals and Athlete’s Village was amazing.  This was Lauren’s first Boston and I just loved being able to be there with her.  I am hooked on racing with a friend.

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We passed the start line at around 10:05 (I think) and it was pretty congested for 90% of the race (to be expected)!  We tried not to weave around people too much so we wouldn’t  waste energy but we definitely had to weave a bit.  We were able to chat a few times per mile for the first 16ish miles which helped me feel at ease about the pace we were going.  It had been 2.5 years since my last marathon so I really was nervous I would go way too fast out the gate but the pace felt pretty moderate for the first 19ish miles and it wasn’t until the last 10k that I felt like I needed to work for the pace.

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I saw Andrew FOUR times throughout the course.  He was thinking of taking the train to see me twice but then decided to take an Uber/Lyft around and was able to make it to four spots.  Seeing/hearing him each time brought me so much energy.

Lauren is SO good at fueling for races and she really helped to remind me when it was time for more calories.  We took a Maurten caffeine gel 5 minutes before the start, a normal Maurten at mile 4, a normal Maurten at mile 8, a normal Maurten at mile 12, a caffeine Maurten at mile 16, a caffeine Maurten at mile 21 and I felt like I never hit the wall energy wise (each of them had 100 calories).  We also had a water and gatorade at basically every aid station.  It was never more than a sip or two from the cups but it was nice to stay consistent.  We also dumped water on our head during a lot of the aid stations which felt refreshing and helped to get some of the sticky Gatorade off my face ha.

At about mile 18/19 I lost Lauren (she hit her A goal of 2:56 ahhhhhh) and tried to stay strong mentally now that I was on my own.  Boston really is such a rolling course, it wasn’t until the last mile that I felt like we were actually running on a flat road.  I would try to stay strong on the uphills throughout the course and then pick up my pace on the downhill since that is the type of speed we do so much in Utah (downhill!).  I think all of the downhill training we do helped my legs to not feel too dead but my hamstrings were definitely upset in the last 10k.

I stayed focused on the mile I was in and avoided thinking about anything ahead of me.  I wanted to stay as close as I could to my average pace that I had set in the first half and try to shoot for even splits.

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That final homestretch felt better than it had in my previous two Boston marathons.  My friend that gave me workouts/mileage for the 5 weeks leading up to Boston helped me SO much to be prepared and he told me a few days before the race he thought I would do a sub 2:55.  That gave me a lot of mental confidence.


I crossed the finish line at 2:54:52 and stopped to watch for Lauren for just a minute.  We hugged and cried together.  Her first sub three and she did it at Boston and hit well under 3 hours.

I may have squeezed her a little tight.

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We walked for a bit to get our medals and out of the corrals before plopping on the cement to wait for our people.

Here were the splits—> 6:46, 6:39, 6:34, 6:30, 6:42, 6:33, 6:30, 6:31, 6:31, 6:32, 6:34, 6:31, 6:30, 6:26, 6:35, 6:21, 6:47, 6:47, 6:34, 6:44, 7:09, 6:27, 6:34, 6:40, 6:35, 6:53, 6:32 average for the final stretch.  My first 1/2 was a 1:26:43 and my second half was 1:28:09 which I was so happy about considering this course with the second half being harder than the first half.  During the hills and heartbreak hill I tried to not look at my watch and just be fluid and let the miles happen.  I knew I had a downhill once I reached the top of heartbreak. Once I was at the top, I pushed my hips forward which forces my feet to try to keep up with my hips. It’s my favorite downhill trick, it really activates my glutes.

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I kept thinking about how much I wanted a sub 3 back in 2010 when I was training for Boston.  I ended up not being able to run the race because of femoral stress fractures due to underfueling and overexercising.  I kept getting emotional and tearing up throughout the course feeling so much gratitude for the road that it took to get here.  Andrew sure changed my world.

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We said goodbye to Lauren and hit up the hotel to hurry and get ready before going to the airport.

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I could not get enough salt after the race.  I wanted to just pour these packets on my tongue ha.

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Now to talk about all of the tangents that I didn’t put into the race recap that I still want to talk about:

*I had a few side aches (I’m guessing from all of the gatorade that I’m not used to) but I would put pressure on the cramp with my fingers for a minute or two (pretty hard pressure) while running and they would go away.

*Hearing the Wellesley girls from a mile away will always be shocking to me no matter how many times I run Boston.  The crowds are unreal along the whole course, it is magical.

*This was my first time being sunburned during a race… I had sunscreen on my face but spaced putting it on my arms.

*I found about 50 houses along the course that I want.  So many beautiful homes.

*The taper is crazy.  The week leading up to Boston I felt so terrible.  Running 2 easy miles on Saturday felt hard but somehow it all comes together.  On Sunday I was in my hotel bed from 2 pm on (I even ate dinner in bed ha).  I felt so exhausted but amazing on Monday.

*I followed Deena Kastor’s example and found joy wherever I could when things felt hard. It changes my brain in a flash when I do this. From the trees to my love for Maurten gels to watching everyone’s form around me…

*Those tracks in the road at around mile 22 almost tripped me, I forgot about those.  They are so tricky  when you are exhausted but I probably wouldn’t have noticed them if they were in the beginning.

*Taking a month off last October because of my plantar fasciitis was a really good thing for me.  I think breaks like that every now and then really help us in the long run.

*I smiled when I hurt… it forces the flow of happy hormones.

*I absolutely felt the benefits of sea level coming from altitude.  My cardio was not the hard part, it was definitely my legs when things really hurt.

*The Peloton and strength training (peloton app… anywhere from 5-30 minute classes five days a week) are things I will keep doing forever, I think they made a huge impact on my training.

*I also loved having a short marathon training cycle after building up strength for a trail race.  It was a change compared to anything I have done before but I loved it.

*I saw Shalane Flanagan and Adrianne Haslet (the amazing woman that lost her leg in the Boston bombings) along the way and it made Lauren and I both very emotional.

*The Vaporflys are worth every penny in my opinion.  I don’t even know how to adequately describe them but they made me feel like I was flying.  I had zero plantar issues during or after.

*We met Meb the day before the marathon and he told us over and over again to be patient on the course.  He told us to wait until mile 17 to push it and it was fabulous advice.

*Now to figure out what is next after I take at least a full week off.  I’ll be using the kids as my alarm clock, resting as much as I can and letting my body recover.

*I’m really happy I decided to just go for it even though it kind of seemed crazy after such a short cycle. What’s the worst that could happen?

*I’m so grateful for Amazon giving me this chance to go race Boston!


Who raced yesterday and how did it go?

How long do you take off after a marathon?

Ever seen a running pro in person?  WHO and WHEN?

Best part of your last few days (I feel like I haven’t had updates in forever from you)!

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YAY YAY YAY what an awesome race, Janae!

I raced yesterday, too, finishing in 3:36:39. This wasn’t my A or B goal, but exactly a month ago I began having IT Band issues (sharp pain, X-ray, MRI, prescriptions, etc.). So given that I haven’t run more than 12 miles at a time in the past month, and only six or so total at goal pace, I’ll take it. My goal went from 3:25 (which would’ve been a huge PR for me) to finishing. I even managed to BQ again! No IT band the entire time- thank goodness.

YES to the sun- I forgot to do the back of my legs and they are toast today!

I saw a guy go down at the train tracks at mile 22. It was heartbreaking, and I felt so guilty for not stopping even though the medics were already there and there’s literally nothing I could do. It hurts to see someone in pain.

Rest and recover well!


MARGIE! Congratulations on a BOSTON finish after the crazy month you have had. This shows how incredibly strong you are to BQ AGAIN. Wow. I seriously cannot even touch my arms right now they hurt so bad. Oh my goodness, that is terrible… the train tracks are so hard to run over without tripping. Thank you friend, you too and I hope you never have IT Band Issues again.


SO PROUD OF YOU JANAE. YOU ROCKED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy resting for the rest of the week. You have earned it and deserve it.


Thank you SO much, Donna! I hope you have a beautiful day!


Congratulations. It looked like a beautiful day.
Sometime I’d like to know more about how you carried the Gatorade bottle. Are there pictures of that in a previous blog post?


I did not explain that well at all! It fit right into my shorts pocket! So east!


That doesn’t sound like it would be comfortable. Thanks for letting us know it worked. I’ll try it sometime.


Janae when I saw I was screaming from Philly tracking you I mean it! Had to force myself to close the website tab during meetings because I would constantly be refreshing it. So so proud of you and Lauren!! You both ran incredible races.


Janae, CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are amazing! You look so strong out there!
I’m so glad you found Andrew and he changed your life for the better. :) How wonderful that he was able to cheer you on 4 times!
Enjoy your rest, and your great accomplishment.


Congratulations Janae!! I’m so happy for you!! Enjoy your rest this week! Your tangents today are pure gold-thank you for that. So important to find joy when you can and smile when it hurts. I’m recovering from a tough bout of the flu and running is hard these days. I will definitely put those to practice on my next run!


Congratulations on such a wonderful race! I was freaking out a little because the tracking just stopped for you at 25.2 (but it also stopped at the same time for some other people I was tracking) but finally it updated but not for more than 20 minutes after you finished.
I am glad that the weather cooperated this year – what a beautiful day. But I much prefer running in cloudy weather – for some reason, even on cooler days, my body doesn’t love the sun. I am amazed how many people don’t run with sunglasses on – I could never do that!
Next year I tell myself I am going to go watch the race – I haven’t watched it in person in over 25 years. Next year will be extra emotional I can imagine being the 10 year anniversary.
Don’t your legs completely cramp up sitting on a plane for so long so quickly after the race?
Congratulations again! I can’t wait to see what you’ve got in store next!


I’ve been reading for 10 years (since I was 17!) and I’m commenting for the first time now because this is just unreal and I’m so so proud of you!!
I love the way that you soared in under three hours when years ago this was a huge stretch goal and now you are doing it on a tricky course whilst being a Mum to four, working and keeping so healthy in body/mind/spirit. I also love what you say about the difference Andrew has made in your life, that’s really beautiful. I got married last summer and I’m only just realising how wonderful it is to have someone on your team who takes your goals and your health seriously. My husband encourages me to eat more (specifically more protein than I would like), listens to long rambles about my latest injury/workout, even supports me to buy running gear when I feel guilty about the cost. I keep on getting injured (currently it’s my Achille’s from a hiking trip boo) but seeing you looking stronger and faster than ever whilst flourishing in all the other aspects of your life is super duper encouraging.
Thanks for sharing Janae xxxx


FRANCES. WE HAVE BEEN FRIENDS FOR TEN YEARS. Thank you for reading and for your comment today. I am so happy to hear about you and your amazing husband together. It makes the world of difference to have someone on your team like that. I really hope that your achilles feels better asap. Please keep me updated on it all and have the best day!


AMAZING!!! The best recap:)
I am also so happy that the Wellesley girls (my students) put on a good scream tunnel for you!
Hope you had a good flight home and are enjoying some rest with your family.


Tell your students that gave me the BEST DAY! Thank you friend, you live in the most beautiful area!


AMAZING JOB!!! You did it!!! Congratulations to you and Lauren!!!

I loved watching the race yesterday on TV, it’s my yearly tradition of not being productive at work and having the marathon on hahaha.

I met Meb and Bart Yasso at the NYC marathon expo and Stephanie Bruce at a Hoka event. So cool you talked to Meb! My favorite though was one time I was cheering on the pros at NYC and a lady asked if those were my friends- I wish Shalane and Des were my friends!


Great run!!! Congratulations!
I raced Boston too yesterday and broke three for the first time, I ran 2:59:09! At 46 years old I couldn’t be happier!


STOP IT. This gave me so many goosebumps. You are incredible. SO so strong. I wish I could give you a hug right now.


Thank you!!! I trained hard for it and I knew it was in me, but Boston is not an easy course and you can’t take it for granted!

I knew you were running and thought maybe I’d see a glimpse of you on the course, but it was so crowded and was focused on hitting those paces.
Congratulations again on your race!


Wow, congrats Sara. Sub 3 is a phenomenal accomplishment! So cool.


Thank you!!!


Wow congratulations Sara!
Felt I had to reply as I’m 46 too and training for my sub-3. I hope! Current PB 3:04:48 in London last year. You must feel amazing to have reached that goal… and in Boston too! MAGICAL!!! So incredible! Really well done, enjoy your achievement!


Thank you Vicky! Yes, it is amazing to finally see that 2 in front on my finish time! And it can be done!!! Keep up the hard work! Which marathon will you be running?


Either London or Munich – both in October 2022. Have places for both and will decide which one I race closer to the time! Trying to find a nice flat half to target for the Summer and will build from there, fingers crossed! I just want that sub 3 so bad! Current PB London October 2021 3:04:48.


Cheering for you! It’s nice to have a couple of options, especially when it comes to racing marathons. I ran a 3:04 in 2019 and then a 3:00:53 in June 2021. I was supposed to run Chicago in October 2021 and go for that sub-3 then, but I was injured over the summer so I decided not to run it. Finally it all came together in Boston!


Whohoooo!!!! Way to go Janae!!!! As a looonnnggg time follower of your blog – makes me so happy to see this amazing accomplishment!! Enjoy your week off with your family :)


Congrats!! ?? That is so awesome! ?


Thank you so much Jen! It means a lot. I hope your day is of to a beautiful start!


Congratulations Janae!!! This is amazing and so inspirational! ♡♡♡


CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! I watched the NBC coverage and also tracked all my blogger friends on the B.A.A app- you did GREAT!!! So happy that you had amazing weather and a perfect day. Hope you get some rest this week. : )


So awesome!!!! Well done to you and Lauren, woo hoo! It was very exciting cheering you on and watching your consistent splits :) How wonderful to read what a perfect time you had (and yay, Andrew)!
I’ve seen Michael Wardian at races–he lapped me in a marathon in Delaware several years ago, LOL. And I ran a Ragnar with his sister a couple of years after that.
Savor all of that recovery!


I am SO inspired by you. What an amazing race!!!!! I was tracking you and just kept getting more and more excited the further you got. Congratulations to Lauren also!!! Seriously, she is a rockstar.
Ps-this sub 3 journey is hard. Everytime I get down about my last attempt I think of your story and it gives me hope. Those perfect race days are rare, but man, when they happen…it’s worth it.
Enjoy your week off ❤️


The Boston Marathon just comment on Mollie’s post today… “The comeback is always stronger than the setback” and it gave me all of the feels. I cannot wait for your sub 3. You’ve got this and thank you!!!


Well done Janae! You really do inspire me. Do you usually get a good sleep in the night before the race? Or do you try get a decent rest the night before the night of the race. I am typically too nervous to sleep well the night before!


I should have included that. I slept terribly the night of the race but the two nights before that were both 9-10 hours of uninterrupted sleep! I think that makes the biggest difference. Have a beautiful day!


Good morning, Janae!! What an AWESOME race for you!! It was exciting just to track you on the BAA website! It’s official – you are now my SUPERHERO!! Another commenter noted the tracking getting hung up – I freaked out a little and may have screamed at my monitor when tracking stopped at 25.2 LOL. Love that you have such support from Andrew <3 Have the most awesome beginning to your full week of rest :o)


So happy for you!!! Awesome time! I was tracking you and another fellow runner from my neighborhood, his first major marathon and he did it in 3:06. Now go rest!!


You are the running pro I have met in person. ;)
Such an inspiration always.
Enjoy your accomplishment!!


I have never tracked a runner before yesterday. I was watching you all the way, I was so excited for you. You are such a positive influence on all types of runners. I’m not fast and never will be but the advice and the genuine joy you get from running is absolutely having an impact on your readers. Seeing the joy around you while running is great advice. Congratulations on a wonderful Boston finish!!


I tracked you the entire race and was amazed at how strong and consistent you were.. even over Heartbreak! And my heart went in my throat when it took BAA a half an hour to register your finish time. So happy for you!


So happy for you! All the hard work and belief in yourself has paid off. The past struggles must have made this all the more sweet. Hope you get some rest this week!


AMEN to that. Thank you Christine… the lows sure make the highs so much sweeter. Have a beautiful day, Christine!


I couldn’t be more thrilled for you Janae!!! You’re an incredible runner and such an inspiration!! GREAT JOB out there!!!! I hope you’re so proud of your amazing hard work!! :)


Congratulations Janae!! I was watching the race on TV yesterday (always so cool to watch a big race like that on live TV!) and was tracking you on the app! I was rooting for you so hard. GREAT JOB!!!!!


Wow wow wow what an incredible day and impressive race. You earned every second of that run.

Andrew is pretty amazing bouncing around the course like that and supporting and he’s definitely a gem – BUT – coming back from where you were in 2010 with your broken femur – YOU had to do the work so take credit for that even if Andrew has helped you along the way!


VALID POINT. I worked my butt off to come back from that stage of life. Thank you Victoria. You have done so much for me over the years of our friendship… everything from mental help to candy help. I am grateful for you.


Congratulations!!! I’ve been reading your blog since you were pregnant with Brooke and I followed your progress yesterday morning with the bib tracker. It was so exciting seeing that you were accomplishing your goal! And thank you for your blog posts, I love your positivity!


We’ve been friends for so so long. Thank you Meredith, that means a lot to me. Hope your day is off to a great start!


Congrats!! So happy for you!!!


Way to go Janae!!! It sounds like you had an amazing race! So, so happy for you and Lauren!!!


Congrats!!! I was on heartbreak hill, and I believe the timing between you and my husband was so so close that I must’ve missed you! (He started 4 mins before you, but you finished 3 mins faster). I was really hoping to get to see you and embarrass you with my cheering but, alas, next time;)

On my run along the Charles River saturday I saw Deena Kastor!!! Twice! And even though I had a chance to say hi (she was stretching on a bench) I got too nervous, which isn’t like me! So now I shall live in regret lol. (I’ll have to check out that podcast though!)

Congrats again and enjoy your relaxing week, you deserve it Janae!!


Congrats!!! I was on heartbreak hill, and I believe the timing between you and my husband was so so close that I must’ve missed you! (He started 4 mins before you, but you finished 3 mins faster). I was really hoping to get to see you and embarrass you with my cheering but, alas, next time;)

On my run along the Charles River saturday I saw Deena Kastor!!! Twice! And even though I had a chance to say hi (she was stretching on a bench) I got too nervous, which isn’t like me! So now I shall live in regret lol. (I’ll have to check out that podcast though!)

Congrats again and enjoy your relaxing week, you deserve it Janae!!


You’re amazing! And an inspiration as always! Congratulations on such a successful race and training cycle!


THAT WAS AMAZING! Loved “watching” you race online – and was so stressed out when BAA did not update your time. I was nervous that something happened! Glad you got to fly home right away too! No other place you want to recover then with that sweet family of yours!!

Eat all the treats and rest all you can! And rejoice in that Marathon afterglow! :)


Omg!!!!!! I’m so excited for you!!!!


OMG! YAYAYAYYAYA! Congratulations Janae! I’m SO happy for you! You rocked it!! One observation – do you think your peleton training had a positive impact?? It seems to me like it did! You look stronger then ever and you ran this so beautifully! I think there’s a correlation there! Relish your success and RELAX! You deserve it!


100000000% yes. I cannot wait to get back on it next week. I can’t believe how much strength it built. Thank you so much friend, have the best day!


Great recap Janae. I am so happy for you and Andrew! Tell Andrew he sets a great example for a caring husband. Thanks so much for sharing.


Wooooooooaaaaah you are awesome! You both are! What incredible times you ran, amazing!
You are an inspiration for sure!


What a fantastic race! I am so happy for you.
I watched the race on TV, and the weather looked perfect.
Always such an inspiring day, especially when you “know” people running.
Congratulations again!!!
Now enjoy the recovery ❤️


What a master class in racing! Congratulations on a job well done!


Congratulations, Janae!! I’m so happy for you. Not only for the incredible time, but also for all the growth and lessons learned over the years. I’ve been following you for forever and you’ve had a beautiful journey.
My friend posted a video to FB of her husband’s finish at Boston and I saw YOU on it too!!! I was sooooo excited!! I was like — I know her!!! Haha. You looked STRONG and FAST!!!!


No way! Oh I want to see the video! Thank you so much Maria, your comment means the world to me. I hope your day is a beautiful one!


Hi Janae! Congratulations!!!! I love following your training and watching you out it all together!! Thank you so much for sharing you’re inspirational!


CONGRATULATIONS!!! This is amazing and you’re so so inspiring!
I’m currently where you were in 2010…under fuelling, get injured and not making progress. I want to get strong like you.
Thank you for the motivation and it would be a dream come true to race with you in Boston someday!!
Have the best RESTFUL day!


omg ughhhhhh not me crying, reading this at work, lol!

I was reflecting yesterday on your first Boston and your goals there. It seemed like such an epic struggle compared to this one (I am NOT saying this was easy lol it just feels so different, from a reader’s view). You put in the work and the heart for this, and I loved reading every moment of it. Thank you for always sharing!


I’m so so so happy for you, Janae! I can’t believe you not only broke three at Boston, but with EASE. Your running journey has always been fun to follow but the last few years have made my heart so light and happy! I also just ordered your shorts and your little water bottles because I realized during my long run this weekend that carrying water in my hand is no longer something I want to do ;) I can’t wait to see what’s next for you! xoxo


Congratulations!! You’ve been working so hard for so many years, you really deserved this. I’m glad you went for it and blew it out of the water! You’re seriously inspiring! Congrats to your friend too!


That’s awesome!! I’m so glad you had a fun race :). I added you to the tracking and it looked like you were running with my husband for a ton of it. We were at the Newtown fire station at the corner of Washington and Commonwealth and it was the absolute best place to park it and watch but if I hadn’t had the kiddos with me it would have been fun to try to catch him at a few different places.
I cannot wait to come back here- this was such a fun place to be :) :) :)


I just want endless thoughts of yours from the race! I tracked you all morning. And shook my phone when it would update the finish line. You were stuck on the last checkpoint which was driving me mad.
Big big big congrats!
Any inkling on what running adventure is next or just soaking up the endorphins?


Congratulations, Janae! You are incredible! Remember when you trained so hard for a sub 3 and now you just go out and sub 3 like it’s easy?? Progress!! You’re amazing and I love your race recaps! Enjoy your week of rest and eat lots of yummy food :-D


Congratulations, Janae!!!! When you hit the last check point at 2:48ish, I knew you had another sub 3. Then the tracker got stuck for about 15 minutes and I was kinda freaking out for you! So glad you had such a fantastic race. You married a keeper! The things our guys do to support us are amazing.


You’re amazing! Congrats to you and Lauren. I was flying to Florida on Sunday and saw two girls going to Boston and wearing Boston jackets I was so excited for them (and jealous!).


Congratulations! You are my running inspiration.


Congrats! Your excitement and happiness really were evident in the recap.


Congrats!!! My husband is a boston police officer and was stationed at mile 22, he said he saw a lot of people go down on the tracks there yesterday. You had a beautiful day for running!!!


Long long time reader (like from your full marathon on a treadmill days!) and I just wanted to say I am so so proud of you and absolutely thrilled for you that you preformed so well and had such a great day.

Kept checking your Instagram yesterday and couldn’t wait for this post today!

I teared up when I got to the part where you said that Andrew has sure changed your world. It is obvious how happy and grounded you are with Andrew and your children and that is a beautiful thing. The other beautiful thing is how much YOU have changed your world. There is such a difference in your training and priorities and strength training and mental strength and that has been shining though particularly in the last six months or so, so I had a great feeling for you today!

So many congrats… enjoy all the rest and recovery and go get yourself an Apple fritter or two or three!!


CONGRATS!! I was tracking you & several other friends & was so excited to see how you were ABSOLUTELY CRUSHING IT. I’m so thrilled you got the race experience you did, and I bet it was a fun getaway with Andrew.

Off to do my first run with my new Garmin 245 music… pumped….it is 60 degrees, sunny, blue skies, and I’m going to channel all of yesterday’s Boston vibes!

Rest up, you earned it!


The picture of you and Andrew before the race is so cute!!
Your race was so nicely paced!! I would say it was a very mature and experienced marathon!!!! (in other words, your experience, enthusiasm, and respect for running shines through, right!!!)

Flying on marathon day is interesting, isn’t it?! Were you super stiff after getting home? I flew same day as Berlin but day after for NY and it was like playing a massive game of aisle walking and refueling haha.
PS-have you watch the recap of the women’s finish? My goodness!!!



Congrats!! That is a short training cycle, but you sure had a solid base. It looks like a great race day for sure. I’m running the Glass City Marathon (in Toledo OH) on Sunday. Race day is going to be much warmer than we’ve trained in. I’ll keep your race tips in mind and channel these positive vibes! Enjoy your rest!


Congratulations on running such a strong race! I think I might have asked you about pace during the race. I came in at 2:55:01 a PR by 4 minutes. My hamstrings and calves are paying for it now. Curious to see what you will do to recover. You have excellent advice here. Please continue!


So much congrats to you Janae!!!! I’ve followed you for a while now and have always been inspired by you. So happy for you!!! I was tracking you too and was excited you did so well!
My sister and I will be running next year – finally got our BQ’s and are so incredibly happy!!! Reading all this got me excited …and a little nervous for the challenging course haha…but we are just going to soak it all in and take in the amazing chance to race at BOSTON!!


Congrats!!! You are in inspiration to so many! Boston was just magical yesterday (how was that just yesterday???) The city was ALIVE! I had a great race too, but my question is where did I go wrong on my vaporflys? I ended up with super bloody toenails and horrible blisters on my toes. I am wondering if I should have sized up? They just felt fast otherwise!


I am so proud of you! But, also not surprised that you were able to crush this race. You’re so thoughtful in your training and fueling. Congratulations! I hope you can rest and relax! Cheers to YOU!


I meant to comment this morning but both boys were sick and I totally got sidetracked. I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!! I have been a follower of yours forever, and remember your pursuit of the “sub-3” along with all the underfueling and injuries (I was in the same boat). Now, just look at you! Sub-3 in Boston after a short training block. YOU ARE MY HERO, JANAE!!! I hope you see this message and I didn’t comment too late. I’ll say it again — I am so, so proud of you!


Yes ma’am, you did that!
I have been so excited for you, I even told my husband (and read some of this blog out loud to him) at dinner. lol I’ve been with you for so many years now, it felt personal and I am just so very happy for you!! Your pacing looks so even, and I am glad you felt good the entire time. Good strategy, good planning, plus good weather and good people supporting you. That’s the way to do it. Sounds like a DREAM race! Thank you for sharing it with all of us.


Hi Janae! Massive congratulations! I was tracking you on the App all the way!
Just wondering, it looks like for this marathon you didn’t do the carb depletion- carb reload strategy that you have used in the past. What was your thoughts behind this and how do you think the different approaches compared?


You’re amazing! And aI am so happy it was such a beautiful day here for the marathon – our weather is all over the place these days!! I can’t get over your leg muscles in these pictures. You are one strong mama! You are quite an endorsement for Peleton classes that’s for sure. As soon as my kids are off to school I am doing a class myself – you’ve motivated me. Also, Andrew deserves a medal for his spectating and support!!! Enjoy your recovery. :-)


CONGRATS!!! You are truly such an inspiration, Janae!! Proud of you and I hope you spend the rest of the week celebrating so hard!!! You deserve it!! Also … I cannot believe Andrew hit four spots!! That’s incredible!! Husband of the year!!


What a wonderful race report! That bus ride was so bumpy- I can’t imagine how you must have felt if your stomach was a little off to begin with! I haven’t been following your journey but based on what you wrote it’s obvious that you have worked VERY hard to get to this point and have had to overcome many barriers. This is a true testament to your strength as person and an athlete. I listened to some of Deena’s Guided workouts on RunKeeper and yes, finding the joy in things is a really effective way to stay positive. I am so happy to you– really honored to get to meet you- and YAY- I have another blog to read.


Great job on your race!!! I am wondering where you got your Boston sweatshirt, i did not see that one at the expo and LOVE It!


It is nike! Here is the link:
Hope your day is a beautiful one!

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