Monday Matters + INTIMIDATING

(It was 24°F and windy outside—> Jacket, tank, braleggings ((JANAE15 get you 15% off of the leggings)), gloves, sunglasses, shoes)

I upped my long run by a mile and finished with 11 miles @ 8:08 average.  I’m convinced that running with friends makes increasing your long-run mileage a million times easier because they keep me so distracted.

Only one mile on the dirt and the rest on the roads but plenty of hills for 900 ft of climbing.

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This is the elevation chart for my 25k coming up and it is a bit intimidating (even though I’ve done the course before)!

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Curly still does the babysitting if she can when Andrew is gone in the morning.  My kids adore her and she and Skye love to make sure they have matching hairstyles while I am away.

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My niece also loves to style me and the kids when she is over.

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A highlight of our weekend was Brooke’s indoor soccer game.  She scored an amazing goal and felt like a million bucks having her dad there too!

She also won the sportsmanship award (which they have made into quite a nice advertising tool since it goes in your front yard for the week;).

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We also got to hang out with my friend Allyson!

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Skye was in heaven with her girls (she misses Brooke so much when she is gone so it was just what she needed) and Beck just loved the toddler foam pit.

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A few Monday Matters before I let you go:)

*Well, now I need to sign up for Houston 2023!  Sara Hall broke the American record in the 1/2 with a time of 67:15 and Keira D’Amato is the new American Marathon Record holder with a time of 2:19:12.  What an exciting day!

*So many miles were completed with this little iPod of mine that I adored.  I wish it still worked.

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*My friend Jenn (she has five kids) had the best dinner idea!  I am so trying this.

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*Megan D gave me these sour gummy lips and they made me remember that I could survive completely off of gummy candy if needed.

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*Andrew and I both went to Target in the same week and both came home with the exact same jacket for Beck without realizing it… the longer we are together, the more we think alike.

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How are you spending Martin Luther King Jr day today?

Last dessert that you made and what did you think of it?

Tell me about your weekend running and WHO RAN THE HOUSTON MARATHON (DETAILS NEEDED)!

Does anyone else still have their old ipods?  Does yours work?

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Keira and Sara ran incredibly races yesterday! That’s so cool they both broke the American female record on the same day and race too.

The last dessert I made was coffee cake cookies and I obviously thought they were delicious otherwise I wouldn’t have given you the link lol.

Today I slept in, now I’m about to workout run some errands and then read/chill because my company is off!


Hey Maureen! What a day! Seriously so excited for both of them. Still need to make those asap! Enjoy your day off and I hope a lot of it is spent relaxing with your book. Happy Monday!


Apparently Texas is for PRs!!! Of course, I’m biased, but it looked true yesterday!!


I’m COMING! Seriously, I know so many people that had major PRs! I hope your day is a wonderful one!


I still have it somewhere! Pretty sure it worked last time we checked.

Weekend running…10 road miles Saturday and 7 miles on a snowy adventure Sunday. Lots of naps too!

Last dessert I made peppermint chocolate cookies.

Have a great day Janae! Your niece sounds like the best


Yours still works?! Okay, that is awesome. Sounds like the perfect weekend of running and I need those cookies. Still just so happy about your engagement. Have the best day, Kristine!


I have the day off, but we had snow followed by rain yesterday so it’s too slushy to run. I’m hoping it’ll be clear enough to run outside tomorrow because I don’t have access to a treadmill.

I’ve been really into these no-bake monster cookie energy balls lately. I like to add a scoop of peanut butter powder to the mix, and I firmly believe that Ghirardelli’s 60% dark chocolate chips are the best!


Hey Cynthia! I hope that you get a beautiful run day tomorrow! I am SO grateful that you shared these with me because I have made them in the past but completely forgot about them and my entire family loved them. THANK YOU! Hope your Monday is a wonderful one.


Keira and Sara are amazing!! What an incredible day for women yesterday!
I haven’t made an actual dessert in a while, but made lots of Christmas cookies.
We had a couple of ipods in the house, but none of them work at all. I don’t think we still have them.
I had a great 9.4 mile run yesterday. It was slow, but it was so good! A super steep incline right past the turn around point (thus the .4) but I knew the view from the top would be amazing, and it was!
Today, we all slept in a bit, which felt nice. The rest of the day will be good and lazy.
Have a good day Janae ?


Seriously, TWO in one day… it was just so inspiring. Way to get in those 9.4 miles and climbing to the top… builds so much strength. Enjoy the rest of your day. Thanks Wendy!


I was so inspired by Keira and Sara (as always!). I haven’t run in about 6 years (since before having my kiddos), but I then 40 this year and really, really want to get back into it and maybe – a big maybe- run a fall marathon. We got dumped on with snow but I didn’t give up on the inspiration and hit the treadmill. I have a LOOOONG way to go but I did it!


I think they gave all of us mamas so much inspiration! I am cheering so loud for you and your goals this year. This is your year and I want to be included in your progress. So happy you are back! Way to go on the treadmill this morning and enjoy some hot chocolate today!


That race was so exciting!! I went to school with Keira so it feels extra exciting to watch someone you “know” do these incredible things!

I’m building my mileage from zero so I ran a whopping 2.5 miles this weekend! Gotta start somewhere! I still run with my iPod and will until the end of time. I can’t see how running with a huge phone is comfortable so hopefully my iPod works forever!

Have a great week!


You went to school with Keira… that is AMAZING. Oh I bet that was just extra exciting for you. Jenn, that is awesome. Congrats on that 2.5… that is the hardest part! Please keep me updated with all of your training. And I am very jealous about your ipod. Very.
Thanks friend, you too!


YASSS! Houston was amazing. Cannot believe all the broken records and fast finishes! I DID run it and had a small but mighty PR myself! Wanted under 3:35 and came in at 3:34:53–just in the nick of time. Literally, a great day. But, can we talk about this–does anyone else feel like they black out for a few miles in the marathon–it always seems that between like 17-20–I just never remember those miles. HA! Anyway, great day and really fun weekend. BEST PART: Met Des Linden at the expo. She’s such an inspiration to me. Cheers!


Avery. OH MY GOODNESS. YOU DID IT. I am so thrilled for you and I hope you celebrate all month after this huge accomplishment. Hahah yep… every marathon there is definitely some miles where I can’t remember a thing.

And you met Des… best weekend ever. Meet you there next year? Sounds like an incredible race! Have a great day, Avery!


Thank you–that means so much and Yes!! Let’s do it in 2023!


I’m in!


I ran a 10k this morning. It was lightly misting when I headed out but no rain in the forecast. I made it home and was still in my running clothes when it started pouring! I kept thinking about Murphy’s Law for Runners, “The rain will start to fall about 5 minutes into your run, and stop about 5 minutes before you finish.” I got lucky on this one!

I skipped my usual Christmas bake-fest last year, only made Butterscotch Oatmeal Cookies. They were delicious and gone very quickly!

My iPod died years ago, but I love my AfterShokz!


Kathy! Way to go on your 10k this morning! Bahaha I have never heard of that law but now that I think about it, that is how it always is for me. Glad you got to break the law today. I adore butterscotch so I am going to have to search your blog for that recipe. AfterShokz truly are amazing! Enjoy your day, friend.


Hi Janae! My mom and I are making mochi today! But first we will get donuts in the morning. Dad and I are going on a long bike ride too.
Happy Monday!


MAKING MOCHI! That is so awesome. Enjoy the donuts and bike ride too. Thanks friend, you too!


My ankles are cold just looking at your first picture. ?


Hahaha it really is so strange but I think I have lost all sensation in my ankles because they only get cold if it is like 10 degrees out:). Hope your day is a beautiful one, Trisha!


Good job at soccer Brooke!! So awesome, not only scoring a goal, but winning the sportsmanship award too.

I slept in, shopped online and bought some gifts for upcoming family birthdays, went out to do a few errands. Now time for homework, working out, and meal prepping!


Thank you Mariah! I’ll share this with her when she gets home. I am so happy you slept in and did some online shopping (the best)! Good luck with the homework, working out and thanks for inspiring me to meal prep!


I got 6 miles in this morning and I’m about to get to work baking chocolate chip cookies :) The best Monday off of school!


I was suppose to run the Charleston half marathon, but it was canceled. I am training for my first marathon and my long run next weekend was 20 miles ( never ran longer than 14) and my husband will be out of town. So I ran 20 miles in 3:01:13! I did 11 miles by myself and 9 with a friend and it felt so good! The last time I made a dessert it was cookies prior to the holidays, my kids and I love to make chocolate chip cookies or sugar cookies and decorate them. I ran 7 miles today and will be spending time with my 5 kids, youngest is 4 and he’s been sick so it’ll be a lounge day for us. But I did promise to make cookies with my youngest two girls!


Taryn, I am sorry your about your half being canceled but wow, you absolutely CRUSHED those 20 miles. I am so excited about your first marathon coming up. You’ll have to keep me updated with it all! I hope your little guy is feeling better soon! That is so hard!


yes, still have the ipod…and yes, even have CDs and some vinyl…I’m really old? but the ipod is our go to at the RRoom store, cause, well, I’m the boss, and I’m still not a fan of steaming….


Hi! I have a long run in the cold later this week and am wondering if you have gloves for 20ish degree weather? I saw you posted the lulu gloves on here but are they great for running/getting sweaty? Thank you so much Janae!!!


very nice article looking forward for more such content

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