Sentence Per Picture!

(leggings, shirt, ear warmer, gloves ((great for 30ish degrees F)).

A chilly solo morning run.

Seeing a sunrise on the run has to be my favorite part of running… they symbolize so much hope to me.

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Jenny told me about this episode and it was amazing.

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This place is a must.

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Beck was pointing out and chatting to Brooke about everything he saw.

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Petroglyphs from 2,000-8,000 years ago.

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A lot of hiking around occurred.

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We then went to the Red Hills Desert Garden.

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Real dinosaur tracks were there.

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Our favorite cactus that we found.

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He felt so cool sitting with the kids.

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In the stage where he must share his food with anyone near him.

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We all shared the largest banana split.

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Andrew and I finished up the day by watching The Rescue on Disney+ —> the story about the 12 boys and coach in Thailand that were stuck in a flooded cave.

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Give me your sentence of the day!

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❤️sunrise runs! I must have hundreds of photos. Sometimes I think it’s the reason I get out the door.


Good morning, Janae! What a gorgeous sunrise!! Makes crawling out of a nice, warm bed worth it :o)
What cool things you are visiting while you are in St. George – I am adding Little Black Mtn to my list for next time I am visiting my sister in AZ. Enjoy the time with your family and have an awesome day!


I agree with you about seeing the sunrise on a run… New Hope, new start, a feeling of renewal!
I love seeing petroglyphs. We went hiking in an area just south of Vegas, and saw tons! So cool!
Starting my day with a quick rainy run, then doing some prep for Christmas Eve (we’re hosting both Christmas Eve and day), laundry, and a quick clean up.
Keep enjoying St. George ?


hi first I wanted to say I hope you’re having a great Christmas Eve eve with your family ?? Second I wanted your advice on what to do after a bag run this morning when I went for my usual run it was so hard I felt so depleted and just law and I did way slower than I normally do and this has really upset me I don’t know it’s kind of annoying because I haven’t done anything different and it’s making my day kind of frustrating because I keep holding onto it what is your suggestion for moving on from this or what to do when it happened any advice I would appreciate because I do as always look up to you


Hi Janae! Long time reader but I do not comment much at all. How do you like the base pace tights? I have been debating it but I usually only wear wunder unders or the amazon leggings to run!


Hey Lauren! I adore them. They don’t move the entire run and are so soft on your skin it doesn’t feel like you are wearing anything! 1000% recommend! I hope your day is a beautiful one!


Glad you liked that episode! She speaks so well- I want to read her book now.
Hope Skye is feeling better and that you guys are having a great Christmas Eve!


Thank you for the recommendation. I hope you love the book, let me know what you think about it! Thank you Jenny, I hope you do too!

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