What I’m telling myself now + Weekending!

(Tank, bra, shorts)

Skye popped into the garage for the last few minutes of my ride on Saturday.  She was a good cheerleader.

Andrew left at 5 a.m. to the airport to fly to California, so the bike saved the day again by making it possible to get in an awesome workout while Beck and Skye (for most of it) slept.  I took a class from Kendall, and I hit my goal of breaking 500 for my output in a 45-minute class.  Kendall’s classes are so hard for me, I feel like she has a higher standard than other instructors for where our resistance should be;).

I also did a 30-minute strength class from Becs Gentry after.  I have never been this consistent with strength training, so I need to write Peloton a thank you card for their programs.

A big highlight of my Saturday was going to TJ’s to stock up on all of the Christmas items for gifts and ourselves;).

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Brooke and Andrew got home from the airport at around 7 that night, and I loved finding this picture on my phone.  She had a great time, and goodness gracious, it felt good to hug her again.

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Andrew brought home peppermint froyo with brownies on top to eat in the hot tub once the kids were asleep.  My kind of night.

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But then, a few hours later, we were up all night with Skye.  Nothing like eating breakfast burritos at 3:30 a.m. and keeping my sleeping mask on because I had high hopes of sleeping again…

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So our Sunday looked like this…

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Andrew made our favorite blueberry muffins, and we ate those throughout the day (he prefers his without the streusel, which I don’t understand).

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Beck took his first steps!

Skye was not doing well in the late afternoon and so we took her in (we have been living in the doctor’s office!). They tested her for everything and it’s just viral. Lots of snuggling will be happening today too.

So let’s end today by talking about something I had already written:)

I have had a few mantras that have helped me in running and in life over the years.

A few that I have used the most are:

*I can do hard things

*I am comfortable

*I can and I will

*Be stubborn with your goals

*Stay in the mile (or moment)

I was scrolling Instagram and came across this and loved the mantra “I can handle this.” (<— similar to I can do hard things but I just needed to try something new). I said it to myself the next morning during a hard interval on the bike and it instantly helped.  I can’t tell you how many times I have needed ways to help me to calm down/stay positive during challenging workouts/races or hard things in life.  This mantra is short, effective, and powerful.  Whether it is a huge hill, another interval around the track, or the final 10k in a marathon, we can handle this.  We’ve proven to ourselves repeatedly that we can, and it brings me so much peace to remind myself that I am capable of handling the moment.  This statement brings me confidence, and I love it.

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Tell me some mantras you have loved over the years? 

What was the highlight of your weekend?

Favorite holiday items from TJ’s?

What do you give out for neighbor/teacher/friend gifts?

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Poor Skye; hope she feels better soon! And wow, I cannot believe Beck is taking his first steps! He’ll be running around with the big kids before too long. I love the mantra “I can handle this.” because it can apply to anything that is stressing you out (I hate to admit it, but sometimes small stuff stresses me out even though I know it’s not worth the stress). I’m going to use that this week. Thank, Janae! Have a great week!


Thank you so much, Emily! Me too, I’m ready for everyone to be healthy. You are not alone, sometimes it’s the smallest things that stress me out… not the things that actually should stress me out ha. I hope your week is a great one too!


As a not incredibly confident person, the very best mantra I have ever heard is “Pretend you’re someone who can do it.” I know that it sounds a little depressing, but I’ve always had trouble identifying with the “believe in yourself” leaning mantras, especially if I’m in a hard place, but by “pretending” I’m someone who can do it, I feel like I really can do anything in the moment and it really helps!

I’m so sorry that you were up all night with Skye and that she’s come down with something. I’m hoping that she’ll get better soon. You’ve been spending entirely too much time at the doctor’s! How exciting that Beck is taking his first steps though! I bet he is so proud of himself!


Courtney, I absolutely struggle with confidence at times too. I’m going to use that one in the future, thank you. We’ve got this! Thank you so much, hoping we won’t be visiting a doctor again for a while! He really thinks he is a big deal now! Happy Monday, friend.


Hi Janae! We are on vacation in Colorado and I’m going to run now when it’s 32 F outside which is about 20 degrees cooler than I’m used to so I will definitely use that mantra and let you know how it goes!! Also first run back since I’ve been resting my heel so wish me luck!
Have an awesome day with all your peppermint stuff!!


Colorado now!? Oh I am SO happy for you guys. We usually have similar weather to Colorado and that is what the temp was for my run. I hope your heel was extremely happy! Thanks Amy, enjoy your trip!


Hi Janae! The weather was perfect and no wind but dang that elevation!!! How do you do it?? We just came from sea level to 6k ft and my lungs sure let me use some of those mantras ;)


I hope Skye feels better soon :( that’s no fun at all but glad you get to snuggle her more!

Best part of my weekend was a surprise visit with my sister and nephew at the zoo! They were down in North Carolina to visit my brother in law’s family and we were able to meet up halfway and explore together. It was so fun to see all the animals with him (his favorite was the elephant!)

Hope you have a great week!


YOUR SISTER AND NEPHEW SURPRISED YOU AT THE ZOO? I love that so so much. I am so happy for you guys and I bet seeing him see that elephant was the absolute best. Thanks Gretchen, you too!


Good morning Janae! It sounds like you’ve had a rough couple of days. I hope everyone is feeling better soon! Neighbor gifts are homemade consumables: muffins, cinnamon rolls, cookies, etc. The same with FIL’s visiting nurse and our mail carrier, but purchased instead of homemade. Teacher gifts are usually classroom donations of books/games or a gc to a teacher supply store. My go-to mantras: Keep Moving Forward, You Can and You Will, Get it Done. I hope you have a great week Janae! On to the next phase of baby-proofing now that Beck is going to be even more mobile :)


Hey Jen! Thank you so much, luckily today she woke up a bit better. Ummm can I be your neighbor? That all sounds amazing. Love what you give to your people… thanks for the ideas. LOVE your mantras and really, keep moving forward is all we need to do! Hahaha have you been peaking into my amazon cart and seeing all of the baby proof items? Happy Monday, Jen!


Poor Skye! I hope she’s feeling better soon.
Our niece, who’s living with us, has a really bad cold right now too. I feel so bad for her, even though she’s almost 21, I still am feeling the need to make sure she’s comfortable. She was also tested for everything, and it’s just a bad cold.
Favorite part of the weekend… After spending really great Thanksgiving with lots of family, it felt so good to sleep in my own bed, sleep in, and spend all of yesterday cleaning and getting Christmas put up. I did get a good (it felt so hard) 6 mile run in yesterday morning, and after being in the car for almost 7 hours, it felt good to move again .
One of my favorite mantras is “calm down and breathe”. Along with “you’ve done this before, you can do it again” ( I like this one when I start to get into the long runs during marathon training). Right now I am struggling a bit with my mental game, so I need to figure that piece out. So perfect timing for you to ask us all what our favorite mantras are. ?
Have a good Monday, and hopefully Skye’s doing better.


Thanks Wendy, luckily she is doing a bit better this morning. I hope your niece is feeling better soon. That is so great that she is able to come and live with you guys, you are the best. Isn’t it the best to come home after a great trip and get everything back and going like normal?! GREAT job getting out for the run after a long road trip. I always feel like the tin man in that situation ha. Oh I lovvvvvvve both of those mantras. I don’t think you are alone, this time of year is so hard to be 100% in so just know you aren’t the only one. Happy Monday!


Hands down the best holiday item at TJ’s is the candy cane Joe Joes and I will fight someone who disagrees with me ;)

I think the highlight of my weekend was going to my new friend’s small business Saturday at her workshop! I saw some small items at a little pop up but it was so cool to see where she makes everything and some of the larger bags. She owns a leather good business and her items are gorgeous! My brothers are giving me one of her wallets for Christmas so I went to pick it out and her stuff is amazing. There’s like 5 more things on my wishlist now haha


Hahaha ‘I will fight someone who disagrees with me.’ Luckily, I totally agree with you! SO awesome about your friend and you are an amazingly supportive friend. I love that your brothers are giving you one of her wallets too, what an amazing idea. I hope you are able to get the other 5 things soon. Happy Monday, Maureen!


What a great TJ’s haul! I stopped by on my way home from teaching at the gym yesterday. I was boring and VERY regimented, since Tom and I had a very rich and sweet bourbon chocolate pecan pie as part of our Thanksgiving and I need to lay low on sweets (AND I have the haagen dazs in the freezer!!!), but I did get the white chocolate and peppermint coated almonds. And they are amazing. Look for those with your next holiday haul!!!!!

I love that Peloton has gotten you more consistent, for a longer streak so far, than previous strength training attempts. It’s so important!!! I swear I need to take a week or two at some point and sub out the spin classes I teach and use that week as ‘off’ from yoga, barre, and work with my virtual trainer on strength training just to try a free trial of the Peloton app with their version of all the things I already do. I’ve been curious for WAY too long, and right now I am curious how any HIIT class on the spin bike would compare to the Les Mills Sprint class I teach super early on Monday mornings. I will also need to determine, once Tom and I have a bigger place, whether I save my pennies for a peloton (and the app) or just get something like a Schwinn IC4, which is reviewed to be closest to the peloton bike and far more affordable, AND it has an iPad holder so I can follow my Les Mills classes with their online platform and with my instructor masterclasses…and then switch with other companies when it’s right. *shrug* we will see!!!

YAY that Brooke is home. And Beck’s first steps…SUCH an eventful weekend! I hope that even with some couch time for soothing Skye as she gets better you have a good day out there. :) Take her to Great Harvest for soup and alll the bread!!!!!!!! :)


Hey Stephanie! Ahhh I did get some of those and they are incredible. I swear you and I have the same tastebuds. Yesssss try the Peloton app and let me know what you think! I would love to hear how they all compare. You could always do what we did and buy it used:). The person we bought it from used it a handful of times and we got a great discount! But that Schwinn IC4 sounds amazing too! Ummmm brilliant idea about Great Harvest, I might just have too. Happy Monday, Stephanie!


WELL, not sure we have the exact same tastebuds, but I will go for a very strong overlap. ;) It’s like the shaded area in our Venn diagram of What Is Considered Yummy Things is pretty significant. I’ll take it!!

I think now each of us needs to do a side by side taste test of Trader Joe’s holiday edition mint jo jo’s ice cream with the Haagen Dazs…

ALSO, you have TOTALLY influenced me. I haven’t bought any olaplex products yet, but I *did* add olaplex treatment to my next haircut which is (finally!!) in about 10 days. Since I’ve been incorporating collagen peptides to increase my overall protein consumption AND to give me stronger nails, hair, and joints, it only makes sense that I work with the treatments and products that will work that same mission–strong hair strands–from a different angle!!!!! ;)


Poor Skye. Hope she feels better soon.
The highlight of the weekend. I got in a soaking wet run Saturday..had a date with a girl friend ..we went to watch House of Gucci and then on Sunday was just family day..started holiday baking with a pecan pie and toffee chocolate chip shortbread cups. River must have known something was up because she parked herself in the kitchen for an afternoon nap lol.

I hope you have a wonderful day Janae!


Thank you! Luckily she woke up a lot better today! Ummmm your weekends sounds like it was absolutely perfect! Hahah I just need to meet River one day:). Thanks friend, you too!


Hope Skye feels better soon!!

Question for you – where did Andrew get his mountain bike sunglasses from your Saturday post? I’m looking for some with nice wide coverage like that and I’d love to know where they came from!


THANK YOU! Happy Monday to you too!


Oh my gosh, Janae! That photo of you with Skye and your eye mask still on IS MY LIFE! I have a 6 month old and he typically sleeps through the night, but he’s teething right now. I don’t even take my eye mask off when I go to him in the middle of the night and then I just PRAY I will be able to fall back asleep quickly haha.
Hope Skye is back to her old self soon! XO.


Wish we could just all hang out together when we are all up with little ones ha. I am REALLY hoping that he is starting to feel better and get back to sleeping through the night. Sleep deprivation is torture. Thanks Ali and have the most beautiful day.


Hi Janae! Happy reunion with Brooke and BIG congrats to Beck on those first steps!!
Great TJs haul! I so wish there was one closer to us, but the nearest is over an hour away. Bummer.
Mantras have come and gone over the years. When I was learning to become a hill lover, I used to say “Just like Deena Kastor” on the tough ones LOL! Others I have used are “I’ve got this” or “You’re doing fine; just keep going” (as though a friend were telling me). I have also resorted to ridiculously close together landmarks and counting steps just to keep moving forward!
Two highlights from the weekend: this was the first holiday that members of both my boyfriend’s and my family shared together. Also, we got our first real snow with 12 inches and the ski resort near my house opened for the season! Hoe Skye continues to feel better each day and that your week is off to a good start!


Two Mantras:

Relentless Forward Motion


Bird by Bird

The latter is a reference to writer Anne Lamott, and I was shocked to see Ted Lasso use it as a reference in season 2! Bird by bird/mile by mile/minute by minute.

Running CIM for the first time this Sunday, so tucking your recommended Mantra of “I can handle this” in my back pocket. I’ll let you know how it goes!

Hope Skye is on the mend soon ❤️


My mantra has always been, Be comfortable being uncomfortable. Hope everyone is on the mend at your home!


Omg!!! 500 output – that is incredible. I thought I was killing it and my max output is like 346. I don’t do many 45 min rides though unless there are arms (breaks lol) and I stay away from Kendall. She’s been described as an assassin and for good reason! Ha! I love the consistency that peloton has pushed me into… sometimes I just want to jump on the bike bc that’s what I paid so much for, but the strength classes are so so good.

I hope Skye feels better soon. Sometimes a positive test result feels better mentally than hearing “just some virus” but I hope it passes quickly.


Ummmm I went to TJ a few weeks ago and they had just started putting out the Christmas stuff and I did not see those almonds! I need to get their ASAP before the are gone ??
Poor Skye! I hope she gets feeling better soon. Nothing worse than being sick and not knowing why. I currently have the most swollen, painful, VISIBLE lymph nodes in my arm pits. So here is to going I didn’t pick up some weird virus/bacteria in Costa Rica! ?

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