If you don’t believe in yourself, try these tips + It is so strange.

(Sweatshirt, tank, shorts, socks, shoes)

It is so strange for me to wake up excited to cross-train.  I don’t get it, and I’m not going to try to understand it either.

I did a 30 minute HIIT and Hills class on my bike and finished way below my PR.  It turns out that biking and running are very similar, some days you fly and some days your body doesn’t want to go fast.  I finished up with a 20-minute leg and glutes class.

It just feels so good to be moving without pain anymore.  Call me dramatic, but I was positive it was going to feel like a knife was shooting into my heel with each step I took for the rest of my life.  I am grateful that it no longer hurts, and I’ll keep doing whatever I can to keep it that way!

We walked to school while we ate blueberry muffins.

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Then this little girl had school

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Skye got her school pictures back.

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Beck was able to break (destroy;) the remote and my $40 water bottle within minutes of each other.  He is getting expensive ha.

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I ended the day with one of my favorite meals ever with some girlfriends.  I could eat Massaman Curry every day of my life.

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I felt like quite the party animal getting home at 9:15 pm.

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Laura sent this to me… and he has a point.

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Some random thoughts that might help you to believe in yourself a bit more in your running (and in life):

*Remind yourself, we all struggle with not believing in ourselves at times.  Even the people you look up to the most don’t always believe in themselves.  There are people that look up to you and would be shocked to know that you don’t always believe in yourself.   I remember being very surprised when I read about Kara Goucher struggling with not believing in herself (or feeling like she belongs) at points in her career.  Sometimes just knowing I’m not alone in a struggle helps me to overcome it!

*Not believing in yourself will only HINDER your athletic performance.  There is zero good in not believing in yourself.  Fake it until you make it, and the more you believe in yourself, the closer you will get to your goals.  You have nothing to lose by believing in yourself.  Maybe you won’t ever hit your goal, but at least you’ll come closer to it because you keep trying because you think you can do it.

*You do not have to believe all of your thoughts.  Just like you get to choose whether or not to believe every random thing you hear/see/read, you get to choose which thoughts you have to believe.  Believe the ones about you succeeding and crushing your running goals.

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*Our training should scare us a bit each week if we go after big things for ourselves.  In 2019 with marathon training, when we would get our workouts for the week, I would SERIOUSLY laugh/freak out over some of them because I thought there was no way they could happen.  But they did.  Eventually, I stopped doubting my ability to do them and put the energy I wasted not believing in myself into the workouts and getting even faster.

*Sometimes, I have to remind myself not to take running so seriously.  It’s my hobby.  This usually helps me enjoy the process more and put less pressure on myself = I don’t have thoughts of not belonging/succeeding.

*Think back to previous successful moments you’ve had… In your workouts, your races, your goals.  Write them down and look at that list anytime that you doubt yourself.

*Let Your Mind Run… it changed my mental game with running!

*It took me eight years to reach the goal I longed for so badly (sub 3).  I had many training cycles when I was fit enough to get that sub 3, but I wouldn’t because I didn’t believe in myself the closer I got to race day (especially during the race).  The most significant change in getting that 2:59 was the mental work I did.  I started to honestly believe in myself.  If you feel like you are plateauing even though you are working as hard as you possibly can physically, maybe it’s time to focus on the mental side of your training.  I have a post here that talks a lot more in detail about what I did differently.


Do you stick to one brand of running/workout shoes, or do you have a few different brands in your closet?

Any books/websites/sources that you use to help you with your mental game and running?

Tell me your run or workout today?

Would you rather do a race far away or close to home?

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Aww Skye’s school picture is so cute!

I used to stick to Brooks for running shoes, but my sister is a physical therapist and said I need to switch it up. She got me Adidas running shoes, which I am really liking so far! Discovering it is nice to switch it up.


Oh that’s interesting! I’m glad you have found the best solution and loving the Adidas too. I’m with you, it is feeling good to switch things up. Thanks Mariah, have a beautiful day!


I have several different brands of running shoes. Too many shoes according to the other half lol

While I like races close to home so I don’t have to drag race gear for ultras there is something to be said for traveling to a new destination to race. I live in BC but I have raced in some cool places, Boston, New York, little coastal Oregon towns, San Francisco, Washington, Alberta and as well as more locally. I have so many memories associated with the race and trip.

Not sure about today. Yesterday I went out for some easy km post work but it was already dark at 4:30pm!

I just always tell myself I can do hard things ha. That usually works for whatever goal I am trying to achieve. I haven’t set a road time goal for awhile because most of my races in the last few years have been on trails.

I hope you have a wonderful day Janae! Ps Beck is adorable even though he destroyed your water bottle and remote lol. And Skye looks so grown up in her school photos!

As a funny not so funny aside River destroyed an expensive pair of my prescription glasses which I needed to replace. I turned around and found her chewing on the frames!! Oops.

Have a wonderful day!


There is no such thing as too many shoes! You have raced some incredible places and I am sooooo jealous of all of the trails and beauty you have to explore in BC. Andrew and I loved it there. 4:30 and dark?! NOOOOOO. I love that so much, we can do hard things. Oh no about the glasses, we can support each other in River and Beck’s damaging stage! Thank you Kristine, you too!


I’m so, so glad that you’re feeling better and in less pain! I hope it continues to feel better..yay for cross training :) which reminds me, I need to get back to it.

Today’s run will be with Run Club! We just started a new route for the winter that’s supposed to be less hilly..looking forward to it and catching up with friends after I went to Colorado last week!


YAY for Run Club, I want to join you guys! I hope your trip to Colorado was absolutely perfect. Thank you so much, cross-training is strangely really fun. Have a beautiful day, Gretchen!


So glad your foot is feeling better! And I need to order that book!!

I love that saying, it gives you permission to show up as you are, even when the thoughts/feelings aren’t there!
I’ve switched to “face it until you make it” with some of my counseling kiddos too! Only changing one letter but a reminder you aren’t faking it, it’s so hard to show up (in any area) when you aren’t feeling it, and you are doing it! And I think it feels more like a battle cry to them!


Thank you, Amanda. Seriously, that book changed my running! YES, we can all show up just the way we are. I am 100000% stealing that quote from you. It is perfect. Can’t wait to share this with my kids. Have the best day!


Skye’s picture is so adorable! And Beck… Little stinker!
I love Kara Goucher! I haven’t read her book, so thanks for sharing that. I’m definitely putting it on my must read list. Dena’s book helped me a lot too, it’s probably time to get that out and read it again.
I have a couple different brands of shoes for running/workouts. I’m loving Altra’s for running lately, but I need to find some good cross training shoes since I am doing more of that. One of my sisters, who loves working out with weight lifting, loves her Under Armor shoes… I may try some.
I’m heading to the gym to get a mini speed session in on the treadmill and then do some weights.
Have a great day!


Yes, Kara’s book is so so good too. We should do a book club and all read Deena’s book together. I love that you are loving Altra’s! My coach’s son started Altras! I have never tried Under Armor shoes, you’ll have to let me know what you think if you try them out. GO ROCK THAT SPEED SESSION! You are amazing.


A book club would be so fun :)
That is so cool that your coach’s son started Altra! I think you mentioned that before. :)
Speed session this morning was super fun! I haven’t done one in a little over 2 months! My legs definitely felt it, but it felt so good to get things really moving.
Thanks Janae!


What a great school pic of Skye!
LOL on Beck breaking things. I used to say my son’s job was to test the tensile strength of every object he could reach during his toddler years :)
I stuck with the same shoe brand until they discontinued it, but I’m pretty pleased with the switch I made last year.
Doing a spin and dumbbell deadlift interval workout today since my heel is not being as cooperative as yours–I’ll get there! Can’t wait to run again and enjoy myself like you are :)


Her picture made me so happy. HAHAH I have a feeling Beck will also do that job over the next few years! Thank goodness you are happy with the switch after they discontinued the shoe you were using. Go rock that workout today and PLEASE keep me updated on your heel… there is nothing like that pain! You’ve got this, Corey!


I’m glad that your foot is feeling better!!!! The body’s capacity to heal is so incredible—sometimes it’s just not on the timeline that we would LIKE, but it SO can happen. Tommy Rivs sure has shown that!!!

I do like strength training, too, and sometimes I consider really focusing more solely on that to see what body composition changes it might give me, but I just can’t quit running. When I’m injured, I think I convince myself that I love all of the other cross-training that I’m doing. ha ha That body-mind connection is so real.

Shoes—I’m open to any brand, but the Brooks Ghost is my GO TO WORKHORSE shoe. I have some Saucony, NB, and Adidas shoes, too. I’ve tried on the OnCloud shoes, and I just can’t get into them or Hokas. I’d love to try to move to something with a lower drop/wider toe box like Altras at some point.

It has been in the upper 60s here in PA all week–so weird for November, but I’ll take it!!! I haven’t run yet this week bc Monday was strength, and yesterday I had a volleyball banquet, but TODAY I GET TO RUN AND SOAK UP THE WEATHER, and I cannot wait. It’s funny how 2 days off has me craving that run again :)

I hope you’re having a beautiful week!!!


Ohhhhhh that is so true, not always our timeline but so thankful that it does heal. Wasn’t he incredible?! I am in shock over what he has overcome. I’m right there with you, there is just something about running that we cannot quit! Ummm those sound like perfect temperatures, enjoy every step today. Thanks Jen, I hope you have a great day of teaching and I bet you are so looking forward to that run!


I have three brands of running shoes that I rotate through, which has really helped my foot problems. Even so, my run today was not great and I almost quit two-thirds of the way in, but it’s check done! Running is such a mental game – you can always do more than you think you can.

We make massaman curry at home all the time! Here the recipe I use: https://hot-thai-kitchen.com/massaman-curry/. In a pinch you can go without the tamarind and peanuts, but it’s better if you have those, too.

Skye’s school picture is adorable and hang in there with Beck. Those moments will make the best stories when they are teenagers/adults! We still laugh about how our oldest destroyed half our books by chewing on the spines when she was teething. Toddlers are quick little buggers ?


THANK YOU for sharing that recipe with me and I love that she includes a video… that will help me so much. I am hooked on massaman curry. This is so good to hear that rotating shoes has helped your foot problems… I will follow your lead. You are amazing for not quitting… you proved you can do hard things. CHEWING ON THE SPINES?! Oh my goodness haha… I can do this, I can do this, I can do this! Have a great day!


Hi Janae! I loved Deena’s book! I read it cuz you recommended it, same as How Bad Do You Want It? And I loved both. I’ve read other running books and while everything is interesting those two are my favorite.
Running is such a mental game- often when I am worried about aggravating an injury I run in a loop so I can tell myself “I’ll never be more than X distance away from home” and “I can stop whenever I want”.
Happy hump day!


My sister, a physical therapist, has been telling me to branch out from Brooks and try some other brands of running shoes. She presented me with a pair of Adidas running sneakers, and I’m really enjoying them. The realization that variety is the spice of life.


I tried Brooks many years ago on your recommendation and I won’t run in anything else now!

Let Your Mind Run….one of my favorite books and not just because it changed my mindset while running. It changed my mindset about everything! It’s so uplifting and I felt so motivated after reading it.

I did a METCON workout this morning before work. I didn’t love it but I did it because I love to start my day off with a workout.

I would love to run a race away from home one day! Our marathon/half marathon route is not very exciting. Plus, I love to see new cities so that’s a bonus!


I am 100% Brooks obsessed for roads but for trails I am now a Salomon devotee. Have you read Bravey by Alexi Pappas? HIGHLY RECOMMEND! I couldn’t put it down. Running lessons + life lessons because who are we kidding we can’t have one without the other.


I just got my first pair of Solomon and I’m excited to try them out! I don’t know how I haven’t read that book yet… I’ll order it now. Thanks Kari, it sounds wonderful. Have a wonderful day!


I’m so glad you are pain free. I dealt with plantar for about a year and it was a relief when it finally resolved. I’ve been reading “master the marathon” before I go to bed. I have a race Saturday so that’s helping me calm down. She has some good tips on how to redirect your thoughts.


Good luck on Saturday! I will have to read that book. Remind yourself that those nerves just mean you care? That’s what I tell myself sometimes and it helps! Please let me know how it goes, I’m cheering for you! And you had plantar for a year? I can’t even imagine that pain for that long. So so happy you are better! Have a beautiful day, Veronica!


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