How it all started? + No, I will not be wanting that.

(Shorts, top, ear warmer, shoes, socks)

Seven miles @ 8:29 with Jo (where we solved all of life’s problems in 60 minutes;) and then a 20-minute lower body strength workout.

We had another loooooooong night together, but once morning hit, she was feeling a whole lot better, and her temperature dropped (it was 104.5 on Sunday!).

A friend of mine dropped off this bowl of goodness.  It meant the world to me.  It inspired me to be better at doing this for other people because it made me feel special.

You know there is a lot of sickness going on over here recently when the 1-year-old mimics taking his temperature.

Skye was attached to me for most of the day…

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But she also did a bit of playing too.  This train was the one that Andrew had around his Christmas tree when he was a little boy so it’s everyone’s favorite.

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A 3 hour nap!

View recent photos 1

And the focacia bread from TJ’s makes excellent grilled cheese sandwiches to go with some tomato soup.


PS this is Beck’s absolute favorite thing lately.  He loves us pulling him around the main room on this blanket.

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Lora posted this from here, and I wonder if this is how it allllll started for many of us.

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I signed up for my first marathon because Megan was doing it, and I wanted to do it with her.  Running ONE marathon had always been on my bucket list, and it seemed like the perfect time to do it because I could train with Megan.  Over the years I had ran a bit here and there with my sister, but my focus at the time had been on teaching spin classes and doing the elliptical (next to Megan or my friend Ali).  I thought it would be a one and DONE (ps my first training plan is HERE) and then get back to my regular fitness routine.  I did all of my runs for the marathon on the treadmill (except for one 5 mile outdoor run) and made all of the mistakes possible on race day… but I finished and knew I was hooked on the marathon.

I ran another marathon just 7 weeks later.  I went straight from a casual fan to 100% letting it consume my soul:).

5,395 (an educated guess;) pairs of running shoes later, and running will be a big part of my life until I can’t run anymore.  It just took that one race to change everything about my thoughts about running.

Speaking of marathons… I got an email yesterday asking if I wanted this picture (I just took a screenshot of my face… the real picture is big) from my last marathon.  Ummmm no, I think I will pass ha… that marathon hurt so so bad.


What got you hooked on running?  Did you guess you would end up feeling the way you do now about it?

What is your workout today?

Does sleep deprivation feel like torture to you?  I have no one to empathize with over here because the amount of sleep I got the last few nights is what Andrew gets on his good nights, ha.

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I have been an athlete all my life. Growing up I was a big soccer player which led to college soccer. After college that is when I got into running. Running keeps me sane however, running can also be an obsession and too important in my life.

I’m rehabbing my Achilles tendinitis right now so I did a 60 minute peloton workout and then a 20ish minute strength workout. I went back through and read at your post about treating/healing your PF. How long did the whole process take? How long did you have to takeoff running?. Also, I know you have a history of disordered eating… so does injury ever trigger those thoughts.? Did you change your diet when you were arrested for doing less exercise.

I used to sleep a lot (before kids) but I have learned to work off of less sleep.


Hey Liza! College soccer, you are amazing! I can totally relate with how it can become TOO important. I am really sorry about your Achilles tendinitis, I have heard that is a rough one. PS I am afraid of 60 minutes on the Peloton, I haven’t gone about 45!
I took a little over a month completely off from running. I wish I had taken time off earlier when the pain started! Great questions… my diet did change a bit in the sense where I wasn’t as hungry as I normally am when I am running 60 miles a week but the foods I ate didn’t change. The injury didn’t trigger disordered thoughts because I think I am used to my body constantly changing now if that makes sense (which you get with having kids too)–> ie training hard, pregnancy, breastfeeding, postpartum, injury changes… it doesn’t stress me out before because I’ve learned that no matter how my body changes, I am enough. It will constantly be changing and that is normal… it’s weird for it to not change. BUT I 100% do struggle mentally without movement. I can go a few days without exercise and be fine but any longer than that and I feel really down and sad. My patience levels decrease, I feel way more stress etc without movement so that is something I need to work a lot on. TEACH ME how to be okay with less sleep. I hope your day is a beautiful one and keep me updated with your injury. You’ve got this!!!


Sleep deprivation is torture, there is a reason it’s not allowed by the Geneva Convention!! My youngest just turned 19 over the weekend and I still remember how physically I hurt when deprived. It’s the worst. Give me vomit over no sleep. Feel for you!


NINETEEN! Oh that is so so exciting Nancy! Thank you for understanding, it hurts so so bad! Hope your day is a beautiful one!


Hahaha thank you for sharing your race pic, so many of mine look like that too. Why would I want to buy that?!?! Makes me laugh.

I grew up running, my dad would bring us to races as kids. In middle school, I thought it wasn’t cool and I stopped for a while. But once high school hit and I did cross country, I’ve never really stopped! Running makes me stronger, physically, mentally and emotionally. It also brought me so many friendships! I’m definitely addicted.

Today was a treadmill run, kept increasing the pace until the end so I can practice my negative splits. Then 3 min of abs (better than nothing, right? Haha).


Hahaha right?! Maybe they should go through them all before they send them to us and filter out the really painful one ha;) I LOVE that you grew up running with your dad. Cross country really hooked you. SO many friendships… it’s just the best. Ummmm 3 minutes and my abs are on fire, way to go on the abs and the run. Hope your day is a fantastic one!


One of my kids had night terrors on a regular basis. If you have not experienced that as a mother, it is probably the most frightening thing ever. Anyway, during the extended time period (months) we dealt with keeping him safe during those night terror episodes, I probably got four hours of sleep a night. I spent just about every lunch hour in my car taking a nap. I’m not one that needs a lot of sleep but that stretched the boundaries even for me. That was the extreme in sleep deprivation. Good news, he finally grew out of it and I re-learned what it was to sleep for a full night. I also learned how much a mother can accomplish on pretty much no sleep. Moms are quite frankly amazing people!


Oh Susan, that must have been so hard to have them happen regularly. Knox has a few each year and it really is so scary (and Andrew is so good at handling them)…. but I cannot imagine having them happen all of the time. Four hours a night?! Oh Susan, you guys are so so strong. Thank you for sharing and I am so glad you are back to getting normal sleep again. AMEN to that last long. Hope your day is a beautiful one!


My husband got me into running, and I thank him all the time. I was never going to run a marathon though, I’d let him do that “crazy” stuff and just stick to half marathons. But I actually love the training! Finishing that 1st one, although I was so ready to be done, was almost magical. Like after crossing the finish line, I could do anything! I really want to get back to that feeling again. I’m working on my mental game for sure right now.
Today is an easy run, so I’m going to listen to a favorite podcast and just run, then some core work. I have a crazy 2 weeks (I run a toy/food drive for the holidays… My passion project) so I may be doing a lot of easy runs.
I get decent sleep, but our old dog has been getting me up super early lately. I really need to start going to bed earlier I guess.
I hope Skye is feeling better again today! I love that Beck was pretending to take his temperature, so cute!
Have a good day Janae ?


I LOVE that your husband got you into running. ‘CRAZY” stuff…. hahaha! I absolutely agree with you on that magical feeling. I am always so impressed with your running, you are incredible. Is there any way I can help with the food/toy drive? Donate money and/or post about it? You are helping so many people. Thank you so much friend, you too!


I got myself hooked on running. One day in high school I decided to go for a run up and down the path in our local park, and I loved it. No idea what drew me to it – I just had a thought about running one day and went with it. Whatever the reason, I’m so glad I went for that first run!
No workout for me today – it’s a rest day for me!
Yes sleep deprivation is absolute torture for me! That is easily the worst part of having small kids. I didn’t enjoy going through it then, and I don’t like to reminisce about it now. When new parents want to vent to me about it, I don’t mind, because I truly know how that feels lol. I have, however, learned to function on less sleep than what I used to get. Especially now that I have 1 teenager and the other will soon be there too – bedtimes aren’t 8:45 like they used to be.


Hey Amanda! What brought you to running made me smile. I am so grateful you went for that first run too. ENJOY that rest day! Can you teach me how to do well with less sleep, I’m going to need it for when my kids are teens. That last line just scared me!

Hope you are having a beautiful day so far!


I hope Skye is feeling better! Isn’t it funny how different people have different sleep needs? I feel like low sleep need people and high sleep need people always marry each other too! I am more than good with 6 hours a night, and my husband needs 8-9 to feel human. He doesn’t understand how I’m not dying every day (especially the bad nights with our baby when it’s maybe 2-3 hours of sleep) and I don’t understand how he wants to spend his time sleeping! Hope you guys have a great day and that everyone gets healthy fast :)


Hahaha that is so so true… looks like you and your husband are the perfect match too (6 hours makes me want to cry… how?!?!). That is how Andrew feels, why would I want to waste my life away sleeping?!? Thanks for sharing Christine, it made me smile. Have a beautiful day!


Hi there! I am rooting for your sweet fam to feel ALL better soon!! At least you’re getting it out of the way for the season. :) I was wondering- I was thinking about snagging a pair of those Lulu shorts you linked. What size do you typically run in these? Do they run true to size or close to what you wear in the leggings? Thank you!!!


Cortney! Thank you so much! I have them in 6 colors now… oops. Most of them I have in size 6 because I don’t want these particular ones skin tight but I do have a few in size four that fit great too, just a bit tighter. In lulu leggings I wear size 4 if that helps! Thanks and let me know what you think of them!!!


I started running on the treadmill because the lady next to me at the gym encouraged me. We would walk 5 minutes, run 5, repeat. I eventually started running outside because there is no reason to run on a treadmill in So Cal. That was 25 years, 4 marathons, thousands of miles and a few injuries ago!

Cross training today. I’ve had my best year running in a long time and I attribute that to the strength training I have finally been consistent with.

I had a few years of insomnia during peri-menopause and it was torture! I would lay awake for hours, knowing I needed sleep, knowing the morning was going to be torture, and I couldn’t do anything about it. It’s a rare occurrence now and I’m so thankful my regular 8-9 hours of sleep! Glad Skye is feeling better and hope you get back to your regularly scheduled sleep!


Oh I didn’t know that is why you started running… oh my goodness! I loved reading this about you! Oh I bet that insomnia was so incredibly difficult. I am SO so sorry. 8-9 hours is my happy place too. Thank you Kathy and I hope your day is a great one!


I went from the casual Turkey Trot to my friends asking me to train for a Half Marathon with them and it was the race environment that hooked me! It’s “Track Tuesday” for me – on an old race track converted into a park (I can’t find a real track open to the public near me!)

Speaking of your desire to run just 1 marathon – that’s where I am now. I’ve done 7 half’s and I’m ready to tackle the full – I was looking at your first marathon training plan you shared – did you really only run three days a week? I’ve been reading tons and tons of plans. I know I personally get injured with high mileage so I am thinking about a lower mileage plan. I’ve got a peloton for cross-training and strength workouts – just deciding between 1 speed, 1 long, and 2 easy runs a week, or if I could actually just run 1 speed, 1 long, and 1 easy. It’s daunting to figure out a marathon plan, but exciting!!


Seriously, there is something about that race environment that is so addicting. Happy Track Tuesday, I love that. WAHOOO for your first full marathon:). You are going to rock it. I absolutely only ran 3 days a week with that plan. I taught spin classes or did the elliptical (along with one full rest day) the other days and I had a great race. You can do it with only three days of running and if that helps to keep you injury-free, do it! Let me know what you end up deciding and I want to cheer for you along the way. So excited for you! Hope your day is a great one, Rachel!


I started running in July 2009 with the goal to run the 24th of July 5k the in 2010 because I was so out of shape I couldn’t run with my 8 year old in 2009.
In January 2010 my friend convinced me to go to a meeting about a Ragnar team she was putting together, no obligation. Well, I left that night as runner 3 of the Wasatch Back Ragnar. I trained religiously, never missed a run and showed up at that race with the worst shin splints ever and a bag full of cotton running clothes. That race changed my life. It showed me that I could do hard things and running gave me something that was just for me. Now 12 years later I am still running, I go through phases where I run a lot and others when I run less, but it is still a part of my weekly routine. It clears my head and still gives me something that is just for me. And as you have said countless times, running is always there for us, no matter the phase of life we are in.


Mindy, you are amazing. I LOVED reading about what Ragnar and the training did for you. Goosebumps. SO thankful that friend convinced you to go to the meeting and for running does for you and all of us. ALWAYS there for us. Loved this so much.


I got into running because of a friend too! Although, it started with a 1/2 marathon (now 28!) and then a marathon the following year (now 7!).

Workout today was a 30 min spin ride and 30 min of strength.

I don’t know how people survive without sleep! Most nights I’m in bed by 9pm. I’ve always been that way though, even when I was in high school


I signed up for the cross country team at the sports fair before high school started without really knowing what it was. After the first few practices, I wonder what the heck I was doing! But the camaraderie of the team, kept me going for all four years. But I still didn’t love running until after my senior year when i started running for fun and could really feel my improvement. Then I just ran for fun and didn’t sign up for my first half marathon until the summer between college and grad school. Since then I’ve ran 9 half marathons and then got the courage to run a marathon. It was a one and done bucket list. But I did much better than I had thought and although it wasn’t planned, I was 10 weeks pregnant come race day, so now I’m curious how much better I could do if I really push myself.

Peloton cycle and strength!

Sleep deprivation is SO ROUGH! I have a 6 month old and she’s decided to party somewhere between the hours of 3:30-5am… while still waking up around 11 or midnight. I just ordered the Dreamland baby sleep sack bc I remembered you had mentioned that a friend of yours had started it and they were having a black friday sale, so i said what the heck, can’t hurt to try something new. She gets settled when I put my hand on her, so maybe this will help. I mean, I love my weighted blanket! Wish us luck over here!


I started running in my 20’s after one of my parents passed and at the suggestion of an uncle. He was the only really active person in my family besides me. Didn’t think at the time that it would be something I stuck with but 20 ish years later I am going strong. I like to think of it as free therapy then and it still is now! These days I am the one convincing my 60’ish year old uncle to run races with me.

I always wonder how everyone started running and if it they were always surrounded by others or if there was a catalyst. Thank you for sharing!


*I haven’t run in a couple years, but I want to get back to it!
I was a dancer growing up and HATED running. Seriously, I quit the tennis team because they made us run around the court to warm up! Lol!
Fast forward to when I was walking for weight loss and randomly started running intervals. Saw a sign for a Turkey Trot and thought “I usually go 2.5 miles, 3 isn’t bad!”… but I realized it was a 5 miler a week before the race! It was rough! Lol! But I was hooked, joined a running group, and eventually ran a half. :) I quit after that and regret it. Now to get over the “I have to start all over” blues and just get to it!!

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