(Shorts, top, bra, socks, shoes, gloves)

IT’S BECK’S BIRTHDAY!!  I cannot believe this little guy is one and I feel so lucky to be his mom.

This year zoomed by and I can’t wait to continue to learn everything about him.  Time to celebrate!

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Yesterday—> A mile with Brooke and then three miles with Emilee.  It’s tempting to run every day right now but I’m going to stick to 3 times a week!

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We also got in some hopscotch while we were out.

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My mom met up with us for some lunch.  180 Tacos rice bowls are the best of the best.

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Skye was there for the back scratches.

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These two had parent-teacher conferences.

Remember my amazing pacer for my 50 miler?  He turned 40, so we all went over to his house for food.

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Andrew and I have known Austin since college, and he has always loved having everyone over to cook for them.


A little plantar fasciitis talk—>  It first started hurting about a month before my race.  I took a few days off, did all of the stretching etc and then it was doing so much better leading up to the St. George 1/2 Marathon.  For the first 6 miles of the race, I didn’t feel a thing.  For the second half, it hurt bad and got really bad from that…  The day after the race Andrew practically carried me everywhere we went, and it has caused a lot of pain over the last month.  It has taken a lot of time each day (and money seeing people!) to stretch it and work on it, and I will continue doing those things for a long time.  It is doing a million times better (my run felt heavenly yesterday), but I can tell it will be a slow return that requires a lot of patience.

The other night I was thinking about if I regret running the race and going all out after a pr?  I decided I didn’t regret running the race because I was pain-free going into it… but I regret running the race on it when the pain came on during mile 6.  I should have jumped off the course, called Andrew, and let it continue to heal rather than running 7 miles on it (even though slowing down did help… I should have just stopped).  I needed to take my own advice = There will always be another race.   I’m always grateful for the lessons I learn from my injuries and I’m going to be a lot smarter about it next time!

So, learn from my mistakes okay?!  If an intense pain kicks in during a race, there is no need for us to continue to run on it.  We get one body, and we need to take the best care of it that we can… Let’s all decide to do this together, mkay?

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Any running regrets that you have had over the years?

Do you enjoy cooking for others or does it stress you out? 

Those of you that have kids that run… tell me about their running!

Running every day?  Every other day?  A few times a week?  Taking a break?  Give me the details.

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It’s so hard to make the decision to stop running in a race. I grappled with it during my second marathon because I got knee pain about halfway through. It’s definitely a hard choice to make because you put so much time and effort into training for a race and then to not finish can make you feel like a failure. To me the regret would’ve come from not finishing but that’s because I had no pain leading up to the race so it was new to me and not something I had been battling. If it was the case then I probably would’ve stopped. Either way we all live and learn!


Hey Maureen! Uggggg isn’t it so hard to know the right thing in the middle of a race?! I totally relate with you on that too.. regretting now finishing. I think you absolutely made the best choice during your second marathon. We live we learn, AMEN. I hope your Thursday is off to a beautiful start!


Happy Birthday Beck!!! I have loved watching him grow over this year. What a great, funny, smart little boy he is becoming.
Oh, I meant to comment yesterday, but the day got so busy. I loved what you said about “stop shoulding ourselves”! It’s so true. And I think that ties in nicely with your thoughts on if you regret running your race. Ya, maybe you should have stopped, but you didn’t. Ok! Learn and move on…
And yes, let’s all take care of the one body we have, physically, mentally and emotionally.
I’m currently running 4-5 days a week, and getting in some good cross training, weights, and yoga as well. It’s feeling really good for me right now. We’ll see how I feel when official half marathon training starts again ( I’m running the Surf City half the 1st weekend in February). But I honestly feel like the cross training and strength stuff is really helping.
Off for an early morning run…
Have a really great day celebrating Beck!!!


HEY WENDY! Thank you so much for being here over his first year. Haha you caught me… I did it again today;). I’ll just be happy I learned an important lesson during that race and move forward. Thank you. You really are such an example to me of rocking the pilates/weights/yoga. Cannot wait for you to run Surf City, everyone loves that race. Hope your run is a great one and thanks Wendy!


Hi Janae,
Your advice is a really good-we really do get only one body!
I am doing my best to run 4 days a week and strength 2 days a week to see what it does to my speed. I really want to hit some speed goals in the next couple of months!
My son just finished up his first year of HS XC. He is doing indoor track over the winter. I never ran in HS so this is all new to me. Racing flats, spikes, Pliyo, oh my!
Have a really wonderful day!


Jenny – my daughter is a freshman and just finished up her first year of HS XC too! I also never ran in HS (well, I dropped out of XC :( ), so I’m also learning as I go. I give my daughter SO much credit because she went from only running for basketball (which she dropped) to being in varsity XC. She was last at more than one race, which made me so upset for her, but she handled it very well. She was discouraged to be sure, but she never gave up and I am excited because I know she will see big gains next season. I’m going to keep her out running through the winter and continue to build her base. Watching her really makes me wish I would’ve stuck with XC in HS. My parents were not athletic at all, so I had no one who understood what running was all about who would encourage me to stick with it. So that’s a running regret of mine. I run 2-3 days per week in the winter, with lots of rowing and spin biking mixed in. More running happens for me in the summer – I love running outside. I love to cook for others, even though the process sometimes stresses me out because I want it all to be perfect. Oh and I always end up making LOADS more food than what is needed! I never want anyone to leave hungry or 1/2 full.


Hey Amanda, I wanted to chime in here too. Your daughter sounds incredible. She is so lucky to have such a supportive mom that helps her chase after her dreams.
I feel like I’ll be joining you in your increase of rowing and spin in the winter and then more running in the summer. Hahah I am with you, I always overcook. Have the best day!


Hey Jenny! I think that is a perfect combination of running and strength. PLEASE keep me updated with your speed goals. Congrats to your son and he is so lucky to have you be his number one cheerleader. I’d love to hear how he does at indoor track. Thanks Jenny!


Happy birthday, Beck! I hope y’all had a wonderful day. Seeing pictures of Beck with his older siblings always reminds me of pictures of my family when we were kids because I was the Beck of the family (youngest of 6 in a blended family), always running to catch up to the big kids. So happy for you Janae that you are getting to run again! I 100% agree about not pushing yourself to the point of regret. You are right, there will always be another race. Also, I definitely love cooking for other people; it’s the best! The hardest part of us currently having work done on our house is that we can’t have people over for dinner because I get embarrassed about the remodeling mess! Happy Thursday!


Hey Emily! Oh I love that you had 5 older siblings that you chased after. I was the baby too and so I completely relate with you (and Beck ha) trying to keep up with everyone. I’ll come over for dinner any night;) I NEED TO SEE YOUR REMODELING BEFORE AND AFTERS (when will it be done?). Thanks friend, you too!


Happy birthday, Beck! Please share all the details of the cake when you can.

So I have done three races with a stress fracture (but didn’t know at the time, just had some weirdness in the area beforehand). I don’t regret how I handled any of them. The first two were my first two national championships (in one weekend) and I wasn’t sure if I’d ever make it back to nationals, so that was my one shot and I was willing to sacrifice the rest of my season to do it. The third was a half marathon in March and once the pain was consistent, I stopped almost exactly halfway through because I had so many other things I wanted to accomplish that season. I think the answer on “should I race if not 100%” can really depend, as performance isn’t the only reason we run, sometimes it’s for mental/emotional/spiritual reasons that are unique to the situation.


You had TWO national championships in one weekend?! You are incredible. That is such a great point about thinking about the reason we are running a specific race… maybe if this plantar had happened during a more important race than it would have been worth it (like CIM 2019?!). Loved that you shared examples from both sides. You always get me thinking outside of my little tiny box ha, I really appreciate you!
Wish you could meet us for Kneaders and a cake:). Have the best day!


Happy Birthday Beck!!

My 13 year old just ran his second 5k this past weekend and PR’ed by almost FOUR minutes!!! He is loving running and I love it! I started running at 14 yrs old (I’m now 41).

Right now I run 2 days in a row then take a day off and that’s working very well for me. I tried to increase to 3 days in a row and couldn’t do it. I’m listening to my body!!

Hope your PF goes away completely ASAP!!!


CONGRATS to your 13 year old and a four minute PR on a 5k is unreal?! I bet you are just loving watching him accomplish things and enjoy running. That sounds like a perfect combination for your running, I love it. Thanks Erin and I couldn’t believe how good my foot felt when I got out of bed this morning wahooo. Happy Thursday!


Ah that is a hard one. I hope you recover fully.

Right now I am running a few times a week and usually do a longer weekemd run on trails /road either in time or distance. I went out for an easy lunch run yesterday to beat the rain.

I love to bake ..I don’t mind cooking for others but I usually don’t.. just for my little family :)

Happy 1st birthday Beck! Hope you get cake:). Have fun celebrating Janae!


Thank you Kristine, I feel like I am getting really close. A lunch run sounds so great… nice way to break up the day and destress! I love that I come back from a lunch run with more energy than I left with. Thank you, I am so excited to celebrate him. Have a beautiful day!


Happy Birthday Beck!!! I know Austin from College too!!! He is a great guy!


NO WAY! Oh that makes me so happy! I wonder if that means we ever saw each other somewhere:). Have a great day, Lupita!


So hard to make that call mid race. Hind sight is always 20/20!

I am celebrating my first year long running streak. I thought it would be a fun fitness goal after having #3 to run (at least) a 5k/day for a year! Saturday marks the one year mark! Now what?

Thank you for your inspiration every day!


Soooo true… in the moment it felt right but now that I’ve dealt with it so long I am annoyed haha! CONGRATS on your year long running streak, you are absolutely amazing. Seriously, amazing. YOU inspire me and will you please let me know what you choose for your next goal?


I’m hearting your prudent use of the should tool!! Looks like you’re spot on using should for the stop at pain step, not the skip the race step. Is this a maturity thing? Maybe. The should tool is complex, and some younger (in age) people probably want to limit use until they get a handle on it. This can be a big deal, and I’m so glad you’re blogging about it.

There are a lot of tweaks and adjustments to make as we go along. Look at today’s comments regarding non-linear annual running? Tweaks and adjustments/ non-linear/ flexible is THE way to be in so many respects, both internally and externally. It’s everywhere! Man, life can be complex amirite? Really and truly, IMO if we chart all.the.things we’ll find we flex on a lot and it’s subconscious/ unconscious. It’s the things we don’t have experience flexing (for whatever reason) where the learning/ growing/ maturing opportunities lie (or is it lay?). So, through conscious effort they too can become subconscious/ unconscious. Oooooohhhhh! I HEART your blog for this, and all!!!!!!


I ran the Rome marathon with bronchitis. In my defense I didn’t know I had bronchitis but it was a horrible cough and cold. But It was Rome Italy and I was so determined to run it. Unfortunately it was the worst decision ever. I thought I was going to die in the med tent surrounded by Italian med help and no one spoke english. They wouldn’t let my husband in the tent. Obviously after plenty of fluids and oxygen I was well enough to catch our train to Naples but I SWORE I WOULD NEVER EVER RUN A race sick again.


For decades, there has been a tremendous amount of misinformation about plantar fasciitis. The truth is, plantar fasciitis is rarely about the foot. And yet, most approaches aim everything under the sun at the foot, e.g., calf stretches.

Over time, chasing pain can turn the pain volume down a few notches. Because symptoms are addressed throughout the process, approaches that throw everything at the foot fail to prepare your muscles to tolerate the demands placed upon your body going forward, e.g., running.

What I described in the previous sentence is the reason you started to feel pain at mile 6.

While it’s not uncommon to hear that plantar fasciitis is about pronation or overpronation, the reality is it’s more about your foot’s inability to go through the motions consistent with supination, i.e., motions that require your muscles to pull your foot against gravity (at the right time).

Experts prefer to keep the conversation around pronation and supination to your foot. Nonetheless, the reality is, pronation and supination are a series of motions that occur throughout your entire chain. For example, when you run, pronation (a.k.a, a combination of motions that give your foot the ability to absorb shock) is *initiated* by your foot. Then, your lower leg, which is a component part of your knee, follows your foot. Next up, your femur moves in three directions at your hip.

When experts recommend “custom” orthotics (whether they know it or not), they are forcing your foot away from the pain. In addition, certain running shoes, whether “neutral’ or “stability”, can be the reason why your foot is no longer capable of *initiating* pronation at the right time.

Taking the path of artificial support also forces your foot to go in the wrong direction at the wrong time. Because of the mechanical relationship between your rear foot and lower leg, all forms of arch support force your entire leg to supinate at a time when your lower extremity is supposed to be absorbing shock.

By forcing your feet to move in ways that no longer allow your feet to *initiate* shock, more stress is placed upon your knees, hips, and lower back.

Experts fail to recognize your foot’s ability to go against gravity is driven from the top-down. When you have muscles not capable of moving your lower leg from the top-down, your foot is forced to take on more than it is prepared to handle.

To save yourself a lot of frustration, it’s helpful to know that the tightness you feel throughout your calves is a sensation (and a symptom). Stretching and deep tissue massage geared towards releasing muscles in your lower leg always fall short of improving the reaction time of your calves and can increase instability (and tightness).

The reason you continue to feel the need to stretch your calves is that one or more of the muscles that attach to your heel via the Achilles tendon are not firing to the best of their ability. So, even though your calves feel tight, getting to the root cause of plantar fasciitis is less about muscle tightness and more about the calf muscle’s inability to perform the heavy lifting that’s required.

Muscles that are not fully capable of reacting to what the ground is bringing on every step will leave your foot on the ground longer–something that’s consistent with all running injuries.

To improve your body’s ability to decelerate and accelerate motion, you want to do what allows for stability. By doing what provides stability, you will also experience gains in strength, mobility, and flexibility.

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