Seek to Understand + That’s Explains A LOT!

(tank, shorts, long-sleeve)

Good morning, let’s get right into talking about yesterday!

I was worried Beck wasn’t going to go back to sleep yesterday after I fed him because he was so alert, but he did!  I grabbed a muffin and some caffeine and then I was out the door.

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TMI portion so feel free to skip if you would like:   Remember on my baby post a few days ago where I talked about the fact that I couldn’t stop crying all of the time?  Well, I found out why… PMS (it’s been 20 months since I last experienced this because of pregnancy/breastfeeding), which explains a lot!  I felt terrible in the morning but knew that going to a workout would help me mentally… and it did.

My friends were doing 1k repeats (.62 miles), and so I joined them for 9 of them.  We did about a 2.5-mile warm-up and then did all of the intervals on the same stretch back and forth, which was very hilly.   The majority of the group is running Boston (and I have major FOMO!), so they needed those hills.

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My friends did jogging recoveries after each interval for about 2 minutes, but I only did that for the first one and then took a standing (ehhh sitting) recovery after that.

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The extra hard part about the course they chose was that you pass by two water fountains in the middle of the interval and the temptation to stop for a drink is high.

I love knowing my paces for most of my workouts because it helps to motivate myself to push harder, but yesterday I didn’t even use my watch for the intervals.  I just used the triangles on the trail to tell me where to start and stop (my coach from 2019 marked this canyon with triangles so that you know the distance:).  I knew by how I felt that my paces would be way off from what I wanted, so I was just there to check the workout off, get my legs turning over quickly, and raise my heart rate.

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During the cooldown, we found a beautiful peach tree on the side of the trail.  The peaches were still a little hard, but I will be grabbing one of these mid-run in a few weeks.

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Next up—> Skye had a sports intro class that she will be doing this month.  She loved every single second of it and they did everything from tumbling to dribbling!

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We got home, and all I needed in life were some chocolate chip pancakes with scrambled eggs/veggies.

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And then we got to work getting our hot tub up and running again.

If you live somewhere cold and are looking for something to make winters more enjoyable, a hot tub will change your life.  At least one member of our family was in there every single day last winter.

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And then we hung out at home for the rest of the day.

Beretta is so so patient.

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And just a few random things to talk about…

I repeatedly try to seek first to understand when it comes to this issue, but I just can’t… How could Andrew be happier WITHOUT sleep?!?

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My niece set a new park record at California Adventure!  She went on the Goofy roller coaster 38 times in one day (previous record was 35)!  My brother and nephew switched off going on it with her which means the record really is all hers:)

This post was written while Beck played with Andrew’s keyboard so that I could use mine;)

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How much longer will they all be able to fit on a twin bed at the same time?

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How does your period affect your running?

When is it time to bring out the fall decorations in your opinion?  What about eating all of the pumpkin items?  

Who else has Boston coming up (38 DAYS)!?

Random question of the day…. If you wear makeup, how often do you?  

-Probably 5 out of 7 days a week I do!

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I also need to run during my period – it helps escape the cramps which then come back as soon as the run is done. I can just do without dealing with tampons in a ports-potty pre/post race :(

I love fall but with climate change I feel like we aren’t getting good falls in New England anymore. The leaves change but the crisp, cool air may not arrive until November or December. We are escaping to Northern Maine in October in search of cold weather.

I also don’t like to think about/decorate for fall until October. No apple picking, no pumpkins. I’m weird because first I’ll make all the Apple stuff in early October after we’ve picked apples but pumpkin doesn’t happen until right before Halloween and trickles into November. But we aren’t big pumpkin people – I might make 1 or 2 pumpkin recipes a year and no, no, no pumpkin drinks.


Running really does do so much for us… including helping us with our periods! That sure would be nice to be able to skip the porta-potty parrt ha! Oh I bet you are missing those falls that you used to have so much. I hope your trip to N. Maine is perfect next month and that you get ALL of the fall activities in. I am with you on NO pumpkin drinks (I don’t think I have even tried one) but apple drinks I am here for. Enjoy your apple foods/drinks in a few weeks! Have a great day, Jessey!


Is Andrew okay?! Who doesn’t want sleep?? Opposites really do attract for you both though!

So fun your niece got the new record! I never thought that amusement parks would have things like that but it makes sense now that I’m thinking about it.

I think end of September is when I’ll bring out fall decor. Mostly because it’s currently fake fall right now in Philly so I know heat will come back at least once, maybe twice haha.


Hey Janae, this is really a response to yesterday’s qn – i turned 35 today and I ran 35km again!!! I started with 33km because of your 33 MILES (do you remember, haha!) And I’m still at it. Thankfully we’re using the metric system here.
So i will only do a marathon again when I’m 42? ;)
I used to get not too bad but still annoying cramps when i was younger but as i ran more and more over the years (and with age and pregnancy maybe?) It doesn’t bother me so much at all. In fact i feel the crappiest during ovulation and by the time my period comes I actually feel way better and pretty strong. The not so great thing is if my period is actually due and on that very day I’ve got a speed or tempo session, i sometimes get the worst cramps DURING the workout. They pass and I just continue usually, and then my period starts when I shower after the run. Weird huh!
Have a great day :)


CHLOE!! AHHHHH happiest birthday and 35km… YOU ARE INCREDIBLE. Maybe I’ll join you on the metric system for this next birthday! I love this plan of yours. I hope you are doing all of the celebrating (and recovering… seriously, great job) today! That is really interesting that ovulation is when you feel worst, I have a few friends that way too! Our bodies… they are sure interesting and the timing of starting your period/cramps the morning of a speed workout is just not right! Have a great day and thanks for telling me:)


I really don’t know if he is okay haha… I just don’t get it! Oh I hope that fake fall lasts for a while for you guys! I feel like we are in that stage right now too. Have a fabulous day, Maureen!


I always decorate for fall on Labor Day weekend. School has started so it feels like it’s time. I love all things pumpkin and already had an iced pumpkin cold brew from Starbucks a few days ago.

I hate running on my period but I still do it. I mostly run on my treadmill and won’t run outside with my period. I keep track of it on an app and won’t sign up for a race when I’m due for it. Blah.


It’s your weekend to start decorating! I think we will do the same (but for Halloween, not fall haha… ANDREW). I am so glad you were able to enjoy that drink a few days ago. Okay, you just changed my life… I have never thought of looking at my app to see if I would be on my period before I sign up for a race. Brilliant.


I get more affected by PMS than my period while running. Once it starts, I actually feel better. It’s weird. There’s a GREAT episode of Fuel for the Sole that talks about what actually happens during the menstrual cycle and when the best time to run is (if you haven’t listened to it yet, highly recommend!).

Berretta’s face…….I’m cracking up.
September for Fall decorations! I’m the same, probably 5 days a week I wear makeup, I don’t wear a ton though. And YES I can’t believe boston is so soon!!! I’m so scared I won’t have enough hill prep.


In ROAR they actually talk about how a lot of women can perform their best on their periods because of their hormones being closer to what a man’s are at that point (don’t quote me on that ha)! That PMS week though is something else. I will absolutely be listening to that episode… thank you! I cannot wait to track you (if you let me) and cheer for you! Mollie, you are going to CRUSH Boston!


I always worry about products letting me down, but running during my period helps with my cramps and mood, for sure. I’ve learned that that part of the cycle is excellent for strength, which inspires me to go ahead and be active.
Summer is my season, so I ignore fall as long as possible, LOL! Pumpkin bread is necessary, but I could skip most other pumpkin things. Candy corn is an entirely different story, though —>ALL of it!
Mascara and a tinted moisturizer are my go-to daily routine. I’m going someplace special (like actually into Target instead of the curbside pickup) if I bother with eyeliner.
And that rollercoaster record is amazing!!! Persistence is a fantastic life skill :)


It really is interesting now that this is more information about women’s cycles to see what hormones can help/hinder us in our activities throughout the month. I’m going to go ahead and do some hardcore strength workouts these next few days:). KEEP IGNORING FALL haha. It made my heart happy to see you love candy corn, I think it’s time to bring it out. I think that combo for makeup is perfect. Hahaha I went on that ride once this summer and it made me sick, I’m not sure how she did it. Have the best day, Corey!


Fall decorations came out yesterday!!! And I had pumpkin waffles for breakfast. I like to make the holiday season last as long as possible. And FYI- Trader Joes pumpkin items come out September 7. I will be there!


FALL DECORATIONS UP AND PUMPKIN WAFFLES… that makes me so happy! Enjoy every second and I’ll be there on September 7th too. Happy Fall, Jenny.


So, is Andrew in the small percentage of people who thrive on little sleep? I’m not. However, there are times I love being up because I have so many exciting goals to work. If Andrew is a fan of clearing tasks/ making progress when others are not around, he and I have something in common. Warning: if one is not in the small percentage, there are serious ill effects from too little sleep. Isn’t it interesting how people work in a certain industry and do not apply knowledge generated by the industry? So human!

I didn’t pick up the sleep book recently, and I trust his writing. Mark the words in “Why We Sleep” by Matthew Walker. Didn’t you read it? Thought so.


I loved that book, it is so great. I really think Andrew is a part of that small perfectage! I hope your day is a beautiful one, thanks Lee!


Good for you for listening to what your body wanted to do during those reps. That takes real discipline!

I also try to continue running through my period. I find the mental part tougher than the physical – I really have to force myself to do it but feel better afterwards.


Thanks Chris ha, I just didn’t have it in me yesterday! So glad that exercise/running is able to help you each month during your period, I seriously felt so much better too afterward. Have a great day, friend!


Ok, Andrew is weird!! I wish I could sleep more!
Oh my gosh… We love our hot tub! It has helped my back this week so much. I am very happy we upgraded to a new one when we did our backyard this summer.
I always wait until after labor day to start bringing out the fall decorations. But I have had a pumpkin spice latte twice already… Ha ha. I will start making/baking pumpkin breads, cookies, etc. towards the end of the month. Although, my son’s girlfriend is dying for my pumpkin chocolate chip bread, so I may send out a couple loaves next week.
That picture of Andrew with all the kids is just the best!!
Oh, I did my early run with my friend this morning, and my back feels totally fine! Yay! I’ll still take it a little easy, but I was so relieved.
Have a great Thursday!


He really is… I will never understand. I am SO thankful that your hot tub is helping your back so much. Keep enjoying your latte and you will have to share with me some of your favorite recipes! RACE WEEKEND!! I am so so happy for you and that you are feeling good to go. I want to hear all about it. Thanks Wendy, you too!


I haven’t had a real period in years, thank you Mirena! I am training for the virtual Boston- I’m way too slow to ever do the real thing- and I am honestly pretty burnt out. I won’t quit this far in, but I have regrets.


That is such a nice thing about the mirena! AND VIRTUAL BOSTON… I am so happy for you! I hope that you let me know how it goes and I’m cheering for you! Take a nice and long break afterward to help with the burnout. Have a great day, Lisa!


I struggle with paces and everything just feeling WAY harder the week before. The week of my period things are getting better (I feel bloated, but not tired on runs). The week after is HEAVEN! I live for that week and the next. I have more motivation, nothing feels as hard, and I feel fast on runs!

I am ready for fall now. September is a good time to decorate for fall, and October 1st those Halloween decorations are up, baby! I am picky with pumpkin………in breads and pies = YES, but otherwise, eh. I live for the candy corn and peanut “trail mix” though! I really do have an awesome shirt that says “Candy Corn is my favorite vegetable”, ha! And I am sure I mentioned it before, but I dressed up as a candy corn one year in high school…….white beanie, orange sweatshirt, yellow sweatpants, and I painted my nose like a candy corn!

I never wear makeup………….I may use concealer under my eyes, or lip gloss or lipstick, but it just doesn’t feel like me to be in makeup. I was a theatre major, so I know how to do crazy thick stage makeup, ha!

Have a great day!


I cannot wait for next week… that is when I feel my best too haha! I hope you have fun decorating for fall and I agree with you about 10/1 being the day for Halloween (but Andrew wins this argument). I need that shirt and I LOVE that you dressed up as Candy Corn in high school. What a great idea! How cool that you know how to do stage makeup, I bet your nieces love that! Thanks Loribeth, you too!


Good morning ! I’m Just relaxing on my front porch with Zach eating a sub brought to me on a surprise home lunch visit from my husband! Doesn’t get much better lol. It’s finally below 80 degrees in southern Ontario – we had an intense heat wave recently – so it’s comfortable to be outside.

Funny you should say that about the hot tub, I feel like we need to use ours more! My husband uses it maybe 1-2 times a week, I almost NEVER go in!! I just always feel like it’s a gargantuan effort to change into my bathing suit and also shower after …it came with the house from the previous owners and I always say I’d never buy one myself.

Make up – maybe once a month if I have a party or event to go to. I like how it looks but HATE taking it off!


Andrea, I am just picturing your current scene and it makes me so happy! Congratulations again on Zach and keep enjoying the weather change! Oh bummer about your hot tub! Maybe this will be the year you use it more ha. Taking off makeup really is a chore! I hope the rest of your day is perfect:)


I feel like I have less energy running when on my period, and I also need more food! But running always helps with my mood, whether I’m on my period or not! Endorphins for the win.

On vacation today through the long weekend with my best friend!


Oh my goodness yes to the fatigue. I just wanted to take a nap on the side of the trail. AND ALL of the food. Seriously, I feel so lucky that we all have the chance to get these endorphins each day! ENJOY YOUR TIME WITH YOUR BEST FRIEND!


I love the routine of doing my makeup, even if it’s only eyeliner and mascara!


Running or doing some type of workout always makes me feel better when my cramps are at their worst. A lot of times my legs will get really heavy feeling at the beginning of my period and I may be slower moving but it does help.

I wear makeup most days even when I’m not going anywhere. I’ve found that if I don’t have makeup I touch my face more so with makeup on it helps keep my hands off of it. I’d love a makeup post on what products you use and see what others recommend – I’m always looking for new stuff to try.

We don’t put up much for fall or Halloween decorations but I enjoying seeing them in others people’s yards after Labor Day.


I am fully menopausal, so no more periods! YAY!!!! The last 3-4 years of periods were awful, unpredictable, and an emotional amusement park (way more than just a roller coaster!) But I survived and now I’m feeling better than I have in years and seeing my paces get significantly faster.

I pulled my Fall decorations out this week ;) We don’t really get Fall weather in So Cal, we’ll be in the upper 90s this weekend, so I have to pretend inside. We have burgundy accent walls in our living room and dining room and I love how the Fall colors accent that.


I never used to pay attention to my cycle with running but now I find it super interesting! I haven’t gotten mine back yet after baby so I’m enjoying this time while it lasts haha, those first couple periods after baby are such a rude awakening haha.
PS you have convinced me to try out liquid IV, what are your favorite flavors??


I’m still taking it easy with the running, with no races on the horizon, but that’s fine with me right now. I’ll get back to it eventually. It still feels nice to keep it to 15-20 miles weekly, with cross training sprinkled in, too.
My period and PMS have been HORRIBLE since stopping breastfeeding. I get canker sores in my mouth during PMS now, which just adds to the fun. It definitely affects my running… and my mood.
I wear makeup most days, but not a whole lot of it. I love playing with makeup and watching tutorials on Youtube, but I’m just not very good at applying it. I recently indulged in Lancome Lash Idol, and this has been amazing! It’s pricey, but wow is that a nice mascara.
Berretta looks like such a sweet pup — getting a little gray these days :) We just adopted a Shephard mix from Puerto Rico named Charlie. He is 7 mos old and an absolute bundle of energy, but also a good boy. My (human) boys love him, as do I.
You have a nice Labor Day weekend, Janae and family ! <3


I’m running virtual Boston along with my husband and a few friends! I’ve done a few marathons in the past and was happy with doing half’s now but couldn’t pass up the opportunity for that unicorn medal! Counting the days until we can drop the miles again! ?


I’m running Boston and am so excited!!! Running 19 tomorrow for my long run and now after your post I’m worried I haven’t trained for the hills like I should have?!! Shoot! I’ll guess I’ll find out soon enough! I’m so excited to run in the Northeast in the fall. Cannot wait!!!!

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