10 Month Beck Update

Let’s talk about BECK!  He is ten months old in a few days and just getting more fun by the day.

*When I take a shower, I have to leave the shower door open, ha.  Beck crawls around while I am showering, and if I close the door, he is NOT happy, so I leave it open.  He does not like it if he ever feels like he is alone unless he is going to sleep.

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*If he has a chance to stand up and there is something he can hold on to, he is up and standing very quickly.

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*Beck is extremely interested in Baretta and following her around and checking out what she is up to.  She is such a gentle dog and just lets him follow her around.

*Beck is beyond obsessed with water and eating sand.

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*The second Beck notices I’m cuddling with someone else, he is over in a few seconds to join (or push the other person off).

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*He has had two ear infections over the last little while, which meant he was waking up often during those nights, but other than that, he crushes it with his sleeping.

*He isn’t the biggest fan of veggies, but I have found I can sneak a lot of them into a smoothie, and then he goes crazy for them.  These frozen avocado chunks and spinach are my favorites to add with some blueberries and yogurt.

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*We found out that he does not like slides!

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*I’ve been crying over everything the last week or so.  Stuff that usually wouldn’t make me cry makes me cry.  I’ve learned after having three babies that the postpartum time is a RIDE.  I never know what my emotions will be because of the hormones, and I’m not sure what is going on, but if somebody looks at me wrong, I’m in tears!  I’ve learned to be open about these types of things and talk to whoever I need to talk to about them for my mental health.  Hormones are no joke.  I have been reading that when babies start to feed less (he has gone down in his feedings which I’ll talk about next), it can produce a lot of sadness/anxiety for mothers.

*Beck still makes breastfeeding extremely easy (ps if you struggle with breastfeeding, I definitely did with the girls too).  We don’t really have a schedule with this, but he lets me know by rolling into position in my arms, and on average, I am nursing him four times a day which seems like an entirely different world than those first few months when you are feeding them every hour or two it feels like!

*I’ve learned to wear oversized shirts every day because it makes it very easy to cover when I feed him ha (and I hold the bottom of my shirt open, so he is getting plenty of air:).

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*We put Beck to bed at around 8:30, and then he sleeps until I am home from my run.  I feed him right before I leave for a run, and then he goes back to sleep until I am done.  He knows how important a good run is to me;). He takes two naps throughout the day ranging from 1-3 hours each.

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*He just started crawling normally this last week! I already miss seeing him zoom around the house moving like a caterpillar.  Also, each week he holds these planks for longer and longer.  He is going to have a six-pack soon.

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*Beck LOVES Andrew and gets so excited when he hears his voice.

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*Beck has been by far my most wiggly baby.  Getting him dressed or changing his diaper is quite the workout.

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*I do not do well with hormonal birth control, so I’ve been researching the copper IUD… CAN ANYONE TELL ME ABOUT THEIR EXPERIENCE WITH IT?


Weaning and dropping feedings… did it affect you and your hormones?

Those with littles… When did they start walking?

What are some milestones that your kids are up to these days?

Copper IUD, tell me everything!

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Hey Janae! I have the copper IUD because like you, I didn’t want to take hormonal birth control. I’ve had mine for about 4 years now with no issues whatsoever. The only negative experience I have had (and still have) is that my period is heavier and longer than it used to be. I know everyone has different experiences with this but my period went from being 4 days and quite light to about 8 days and very heavy.


It is so so good to hear you haven’t had any issues… I feel like with normal birth control I had 10 issues. I’ve heard about the longer and heavier periods, now I need to see if I’m up to that! Have a great day and I really appreciate you telling me about your experience. Thanks Shelby!


Hi Janae,
I thought I would chime in as I too struggled with hormonal birth control. I also have a family history of blood clots so I was Leary about hormonal bc for that reason as well. I was also looking for an option that would not hinder my running. I felt even heavier periods with potential for more cramping sounded unappealing. I with the aid of my doctor opted for the Mirena IUD. It’s been a great option for me. The amount of hormone released by the IUD is so small that I had no symptoms like swelling that I had with oral bc. The risk of blood clots is also less the iud than oral bc. Lastly and a big win for me is that my periods are basically just a little spotting with less cramps.
Good luck with your decision!


Hi Janae,
My experience is exactly the same as Shelby- smooth sailing just a heavier/longer period. It’s not super pleasant to have inserted but after 3 babies I’m pretty sure you’ll be fine! (I have a 2.5yr old son called Skye and after giving birth, IUD insertion was uncomfortable but not painful as such). It’s by far the best form of birth control I’ve used (I’ve tried pill & implant).


Yes to this!! I just switched from the copped IUD to the light hormone IUD. For me, heavy periods was an understatement. I felt like I couldn’t leave the house for a day because of the heavy bleeding. And yes, the length of my period was sooooo long. I was nervous about the hormone IUD because of a family history of cancer, but the risk is lower than the pill…good luck!!


Same experience as Shelby…just longer & heavier periods!! I did find out after I had the copper IUD removed that I had endometriosis… so the IUD may have not even contributed to my longer, heavier periods!! Hope this helps!


The post-weaning hormone changes were worse for me than the post-birth hormone changes! I had anxiety attacks and terrible mood swings. I warn all my girlfriends about it as they get closer to weaning. Both my kiddos started walking right at 12 months.


I relate to this so much… I felt like after I had beck, I had a boost in mood and with this… allllllllll of the mood swings! Thanks for sharing this with me!


Completely off topic, but where is your rug from? We have been looking for the perfect rug for our living room for way too long and yours looks perfect.


Hey Janae, I had a copper IUD for about 4 years. I loved how reliable it was and that I never had to think about it! I wound up changing to an IUD with hormones because the copper one was causing my periods to be really heavy and it was causing anemia. When people ask, I suggest trying it out but staying in touch with your body in case it isn’t right for you. I’ve had 3 IUDs now and insertion/removal was no big deal the first two times – some pain when it was done but nothing afterwards. The swap from the second one to the third one was more painful and took a few days to clear up. I’m still happy I did it though! I’ve also never had kids and I’ve heard it’s easier if you’ve had them.


Thank you thank you thank you. I was wondering if it would be painful to get placed in! Anemia though… that is so good to know about so I can pay attention. Thanks for taking the time to help me. Have a great evening, Andrea!


I also have the copper IUD and have had no issues. Heavier periods regulated to very normal after a year. Hormonal BC messed with me way too much and I recognize that now after the switch. I really recommend trying it, for me it was the best decision.


This is really good to hear! I’m so glad your period regulated after a year! I feel you on that… I really noticed things once I was done! Have the best night LeeAnn and thanks for the help!


Copper IUD here… because like you, I didn’t want hormonal birth control. Worst “side effect” I have dealt with is spotting between periods…but I will take that over synthetic hormones. ??‍♀️


Copper IUD: I had no pain for insertion, just a little pinch but not bad. Lots of cramps/some bleeding the first couple days after insertion. The first 3 months were REALLY heavy bleeding/bad cramps and 8 day periods but now it’s just slightly heavier and my normal 5 days. If you give it a try, give yourself a couple months to adjust bc at first it was terrible but now I love it!
Also, just from talking to friends, I’ve heard that if you don’t really have bad cramps, you’ll adjust pretty well but if you normally have bad cramping it’s a LOT worse and may not be the best option ?‍♀️


Interesting you mentioned this, I was considering copper! But I chose kyleena instead, exactly cause I didn’t want to deal with heavier or longer periods that come with copper. It has a bit lower hormone dose than the mirena IUD. I’ll get it inserted at my 6 week post Partum check up! Zach is doing amazing, after a rough start including hospitalization for jaundice and dehydration we finally got the hang of nursing after about 3 weeks and he’s now gaining weight like a champ! One month old already!! HOW?!


Andrea, I had no idea so many things were going on with Zach! You are amazing for figuring it all out and I’m so glad he is doing well now❤️ I bet Allie is in heaven. Kyleena sounds awesome! Hope you get a great night of sleep tonight!


On the copper IUD – please research ectopic pregnancies after their removal. I had a copper IUD after baby 2, and loved the switch to less hormones. However, after I had it removed, I had two ectopic pregnancies and a miscarriage (with absolutely no history before). The first ectopic ruptured my left Fallopian tube and I had to have it removed, along with my sweet baby.

The second was found faster, but was no less life threatening.

I am so blessed that God has given me two babies after those losses, but the maker of the copper IUD has been sued.

Anyway- not to scare you (although it is scary), I just had to let you know.

Prayers for your upcoming decision. It is hard to know what is right!


I had a copper IUD for 7 years before having my first son and I loved it. I don’t like what hormonal birth control does to my body either, so I totally feel you there.

The one difficulty I had was that I had to be super careful removing my menstrual cup (another kinda TMI thing I love) to make sure you don’t also remove your IUD on accident. ?


I didn’t want to use hormonal birth control, so my doctor recommended Phexxi. It’s a gel you use each time you have sex, so you’d have to be willing to do that. I like it because it has no side effects and you don’t have to make a doctor’s appointment to have it removed when you want to start trying to get pregnant. I think the effective rate is something like 85%, so that is also something to keep in mind


I have the copper IUD and have had it for 6+ years. I chose it because I wanted to get away from hormones and I love it. I had the opposite problem of most and has no period at all for about a year after getting it put in. Would definitely suggest getting the copper IUD!


I don’t do well with regular birth contr pills either. I’m on a Mini pack now which only has progestin and have not noticed any of the side effects I felt while on combination packs. I had heard frequent comments like the above about heavier and longer periods and with one that typically last 5 full days to begin with I was not on board for a copper IUD. My period now tends to be 4-5 days but varies in flow rate each month.


Seconding the comment about progestin-only birth control. It is meant to be breastfeeding-compatible because it doesn’t contain estrogen to tank your supply, and even the dose of progestin is lower than it would be in the combo pill. You have to be more precise with when you take it (a 1-hour window instead of 3-hour) but I never found that to be too difficult. I wanted a birth control I could stop taking IMMEDIATELY in case it didn’t sit well with me after being so miserably ill during pregnancy and this fit the bill better than an IUD, the shot, etc. I noticed almost no side effects, after reacting pretty strongly to the combo pill pre-pregnancy.


Those postpartum weaning hormones are no joke! My little one is 9 months this Friday and I’m already starting to feel the ups and downs that come with weaning.

Currently we are using natural family planning for birth control but I’m looking into the copper iud too. Hormonal birth control made me feel all over the place. What are you guys using now?


I noticed after going off the pill to get pregnant that I felt different, and ended up deciding not to go back to it. Instead, I got Mirena (hormonal IUD). It doesn’t have estrogen (which is in the pill) and I feel a lot better. Also, no periods, which was my main goal anyway other than pregnancy prevention. It might be worth talking to your doctor about it, since the type of hormones and concentration is different.


If you think post partum hormones are a mess, wait until menopause (or perimenopause). It’s a crazy making ride that leaves my head spinning every once in a while (I’m 50 now!).
When I knew I was done having children, I had my tubes tied. Highly recommend. It is such a relief not to have to worry about birth control. I hated hormonal birth control and never tried an IUD -went straight to a tubal and never looked back. It’s fun looking forward! Best of luck with your decision.


Hi Elizabeth,
Just curious did you have any side effects from the tubal?


Happy 10 months to Beck! Such an adorable little guy. You’re doing a great job.

Have you ever thought about Natural Family Planning? Certainly different than most conventional worldly methods but NFP has been effective for our family and really an amazing spiritual journey. Tracking basil body temperature is really easy especially with all the apps out there and it’s a beautiful, natural method for your body. Try taking a NFP class, you never know! :)


I was coming here to suggest this also! We love natural family planning. I’ve had 4 babies, and used NFP in between pregnancies. :) We love Marquette University’s method that uses a fertility monitor. Good luck on your decision! Beck is SO cute.


It does not seem like 10 months has gone by since Beck was born!! Looks like he is getting ready to run!
Weaning was a different situation with each of my 3. The one that self-weaned made me the most emotional, even though I was pretty ready to stop. The day she didn’t come to me for her usual evening session was the end, and I was a bit conflicted ;)
I love my copper IUD. My periods have always been long with a few heavy days, but I didn’t notice any difference after getting the IUD. When they say “you’ll feel a little pinching and cramping” when they insert it, yes, yes you will. But if you think of it like a labor contraction, I don’t think it even lasts that long.


Hi Janae! I have been wondering about the copper IUD as well, thinking this could be an option for me after I give birth to my 2nd. When I first came off the pill, I felt like this huge brain fog was lifted, it was the craziest thing! I have been so curious about hormonal birth control ever since – the book “This is Your Brain on Birth Control” was recommended to me as a result. I have only read a little bit, but so far it’s very interesting and I think it will ultimately help me make a decision, or at least have a more informed discussion with my doctor. You might want to check it out – you may not need it for your decision, but it could be interesting / interesting to learn why all the issues you had in the past happened! I’m sort of a nerd and find all of that super intriguing :)


Hi Janae!!

I have the copper IUD because hormones stink. I didn’t have any pain when they put it in. I got it put in at my 6 week check up after my second. I breastfed for a year so I didn’t get my first period until 12 months postpartum. I will be honest the first 5 months were very heavy bleeding but I think that was due to no period for almost 2 years between pregnancy and breastfeeding. By 6 months felt regulated and it wasn’t heavier than normal. I don’t get cramps or anything. It is such a relief! I don’t even notice it.


HI Janae,
I have had a copper IUD two times. The first was as actual birth control and I had zero issues with it. I then had it removed and was able to have another child. I have one now, too. I have it now to regulate bleeding because my husband has had a vasectomy and we don’t need it for birth control. The first time I had it I basically never had a period after the first 3 months. This time it took about 6 months to regulate, and now I just have light periods. Good luck!


Hi Janae! I had the Copper IUD because I wanted to try a hormone-free birth control as well. I really wanted to love it, but my periods became much heavier and longer, and I had even worse cramping. I stuck it out for about 9 months and ultimately switched to the Skyla IUD, which has the lowest dose of hormone in a hormonal IUD and lasts for 3 years. I love it so much. Regular light periods for several days, no other side effects. Definitely try the Copper one if you feel it might be a good choice for you! But I know for a lot of people, a common side effect is a long, heavy period.


Copper IUD was terrible for me. No cramping but the HEAVIEST periods of my life. I ruined multiple pairs of pants AND MY DRIVER SEAT. It’s like 3 months worth of period over 3 days. I used a cup plus the largest tampon plus a pad and had to change the tampon multiple times in the night. It was atrocious.


I love reading your kid’s updates! I had the copper IUD after my first and absolutely hated it. ? my Periods were terribly heavy and super long- like two weeks long. I have the mirena IUD this time around and it has been amazing- no periods and I don’t feel like I “feel” the hormones at all. Have you tried that one before? BC pills always made me crazy ??

Also weaning my first made me feel crazy again too! Ha!

Love your little family!


I have had my copper IUD for almost 2 years now. I love that its not hormonal. My face/acne took about 2 months to ‘normalize’ after getting off fake hormones, but it was best for me. I felt my mood/energy day to day was so much better once I went off hormones. I didn’t get night sweats anymore or anything. I don’t have regular periods, so I can’t tell you how they affected my period, but I have heard some women have heavier periods.


I got the copper IUD this year after having my fourth baby – mental health and hormones from birth control are NOT friends. They say you can have spotting and bleeding along with cramping for a few weeks after insertion – it decidedly took my body over two months to sort itself out and I was about ready to be done with it all, but then it all finally calmed down. I wish I would’ve realized it would be such a bumpy few months, it was hard.

I have struggled with the heavier and longer period, I really loved my super light cycle, but I got myself some period undies that I can wear with my menstrual cup or on any day where I’m not sure how my flow is going to end up and that has been a game changer – it just takes a lot of stress off my mind.

Good luck making the birth control decision! Even with the difficulties, I am happy to have gone the copper IUD route. My mental health is in a solid, stable place and I don’t worry about my birth control messing it up! I also love not having to think about birth control anymore.


Hi Janae! I’ve had two copper IUDs, one before having kids and the second one placed after my last baby. Insertion the first time was painful but after babies, no big deal at all! I wanted to use non-hormonal birth control because I used to suffer from ammenorrhea and this is a way of knowing that my body is healthy and getting regular periods. I have had this current IUD for a year and my period is heavier but not so bad. The first 2-3 months after insertion I had much heavier bleeding/cramps but it evened out and it’s great!


Ok, never had a baby over here but I HAVE had the copper IUD (I also do terribly with hormonal bc) and it honestly was one of the worst decisions I’ve made. I wish that it worked for me. The nurse practitioner I saw (who ultimately took it out for me after 3 months of hell), seemed to also have the opinion that the copper one typically isn’t great for people. That being said, I do know someone who has loved theirs. But let me also state that I have endometriosis, and apparently the copper IUD makes those symptoms worse, so if you don’t have endo you’ll probably end up fine. It was a blessing in disguise because I actually found out I had endo because of the copper IUD, so there’s that! Mostly women get the short end of the stick with bc in general.


I had the copper IUD and it made my periods unbearable. They were long, heavy, and lots of bad cramps. I also don’t do well with most hormonal birth control, but did great with the Mirena IUD. It made my period almost stop and got rid of my PMS headaches. I am on nothing now because my husband got a vasectomy, but sometimes consider getting the Mirena again because of how great it made my periods/PMS.


I had one for 8 years and liked it but had very heavy, crappy periods. I’m now 4 months postpartum and on the fence on getting another (because I still don’t like hormonal bc) or if I should maybe try a mirena… good luck to you deciding!


Meant to write crampy! Not crappy haha


Copper IUD made for long/heavy periods, and more cramping. The hormonal IUD is progesterone only- very light to no periods and no cramping. usually it’s estrogen bc that causes side effects. I’d talk to your doctor and see what they say/recommend.


I have also had bad experiences with multiple types of hormonal birth control and considered an IUD. But in the end, I decided to go with the Nuvaring, which is a low enough dose of hormones to be better than the regular pill. I’ve been using it for 10+ years now. I could only put up with the various types of the pill that I tried (orthotri, loestrin, seasonale) for a few months before the side effects started to bother me. You only have to remember to take it out once a month, which is nice, too.


Hey! I’ve had the copper IUD for close to two years. I was on the pill once for a while in college to regulate my period and then went back on it before I got married (before my baby). I had a really negative experience both times, so after my baby–my first and only so far :)–I went for the copper IUD instead. I’ve looooved not having to think/remember to take a pill daily and I love love love not having the hormones messing up my mental state. That said, the periods are worse. I cramp HARD for a good week prior to my period. It isn’t necessarily heavier and longer than it was normally (though it is heavier and longer than on the pill for sure), but it is more painful. The cramps can be a lot. I use a menstrual cup instead of tampons and that helps some with cramping. If you already have heavy periods and bad cramping anyway, then you may want to think about one of the other IUDs (I’ve heard from friends that they liked them better than the pill because the hormones were less intense and more localized, so it didn’t mess them up as much mentally, but still helped regulate cramping and lightened their periods). But if your periods are pretty manageable now (like mine were) then I think the copper one is a great option! If I could go back, I would definitely choose it again!


Ok just a disclaimer – my experiences are out of the ordinary, I’m sure. BUT I’ve had the copper IUD twice and both times ended badly. First time, it was okay for a couple of years and then I had a gnarly water skiing wipeout which knocked it loose – basically a super douche. Lol. I had spotting and cramping for months before we realized what it was and my dr took it out. The second time was right after having my daughter. My body did NOT like it this time. I had nonstop massive bloating, cramps, mood swings, and then it ended up embedding itself in one of my tubes. The doctor was able to pull it out, but it was massively painful and my cycle was a mess for months. I ended staying off bc for years and we used natural family planning (taking temp, tracking carefully, etc) successfully until my husband got the big V about a year ago.

Again, I don’t think my experience is normal, but the fact that I had issues with it twice turned me off of it completely. Whatever you choose, good luck!


I’ve had the copper IUD for over ten years (minus getting pregnant had carrying 2 babies)..but I highly recommend it! I was on hormonal birth control for years before this and I couldn’t believe how long it took my body get back to normal after stopping.. I much prefer my body’s natural cycle (even though it’s true, your period will be long and heavy – or normal haha). You get used to it! It’s a little uncomfortable to get put in but nothing crazy. You will be happy with your decision!


I’ve had Paragard for 8 years! Getting close to the 10 year mark when I will need to get a new one.

As others have said, my periods got extremely heavy and long lasting after I got off hormonal BC. So heavy that I’d use a super tampon and 30 minutes later I would need to put in a new one (definitely had to do the tampon/pad combo to avoid messes). However, it did stabilize after awhile – maybe a year or so. My periods were heavier than they were before paragard, but they became more manageable. They also went from lasting 8-10 days to a more normal 5-7 days. You will also miss the predictability of periods once stop hormonal BC.

The other problem I had was bad acne all over my body, especially my back, arms, and chest. I think this was just due to getting off of the hormones. It was only like this for a few months and then it stabilized.

Most importantly, in 8 years of having it, I have had zero pregnancy scares.


I have had a wonderful experience with the copper IUD! Been on it for 2 years after getting off hormonal BC. I love being able to track my cycle. I actually haven’t had any issues with longer or heavier periods but my Dr. did warn me that could be a side effect. For insertion my doctor numbed me and I would highly recommend!


Do you pump at all or solely feed from the breast?
As my baby gets older I’m debating pumping before my morning run rather than wake him up to feed so just wondering what you do.
Thanks so much Janae!


Hi Janae! I’ve had a copper IUD for about 10 years but when I most recently went to my OB she suggested switching to the Skyla for a lighter period. Quick notes from the below article:
Paragard – no hormones
Skyla – 14 micrograms/day of levonorgestrel
Kyleena – 17.5 micrograms/day
Liletta – 19 micrograms/day
Mirena – 20 micrograms/day

I’m sort of wondering who comes up with these names?? :)

Have a great night!



I have a copper IUD and love it. The best part is that it lasts 12 years! I don’t think that I’m ever planning to have children, so I love that I can go 12 years without thinking about birth control. I got heavier and longer periods for about 1.5 to 2 years after getting it inserted. But I’m now on about year 5, and my period has calmed down. One thing to keep in mind is that I never had any issues with heavy periods before getting an IUD, and my doctor said that she generally would not recommend a copper IUD to anyone who has had issues with heavy periods beforehand.


No experience with the IUD, I’m currently on the mini pill since I’m nursing still. I nursed my first for 20 months and didn’t get my period back until I switched back to my normal pill 2 months after I officially finished nursing. I’m hoping for the same for my second! I am a ok with not getting my monthly visitor! Question about nursing Beck before your run, does he wake up and you feed him or does he “Dream feed” ie sleep eating? My first had no problems dream feeding, but my second won’t eat if she’s sleeping and sometimes it’s hard to wake her!
My first started walking a few days after 10 months and was cruising shortly afterwards, she never looked back! My second is 3 months old and she just laughed for the first time and it’s the best sound ever!


Talk to your doc about this one. We all have opinions, but very few of us have tried all the available options and everyone responds differently. Your physician can give you better guidance based on their knowledge of you, your body and your priorities. Some people hate periods, some people hate less effective methods, some people hate hormones. No perfect option our there for everyone.


I’ve got the copper IUD! First got it after having my first baby, had it out for like a month and got pregnant with my second baby (who is now 8 months old). I got another one put in but haven’t yet had my period return. However, when I had it previously I honestly didn’t experience heavier periods or cramping or anything like that. My periods before the IUD were fairly light, and really weren’t any different with the IUD. I know everyone is different, though! Hormonal birth control raises my blood pressure so I’m happy to there’s a non-hormonal option!


Hi Janae! I have been a reader since way back when you were pregnant with Brooke and love your blog but never comment… first of all, I just have to say Curly is so grown up and beautiful! Second, and why I had to comment…I’ve had the copper iud since my second was born 6 years ago and overall I highly recommend it. For me, it went in with zero pain at 6 weeks postpartum (I think some discomfort is more common). I’ve never had it stuck or had it fall out. Only issues for me is that I do have heavier periods snd heavier cramping and it can be really really hard for me to feel the strings…so if you are one of those people who like to check that your birth control is still there that could be an issue. I’ve had to go in a few times just to make sure it was still in place because I wasn’t sure. But overall it’s great and the best form of birth control I’ve found. I can’t do hormones either and I am just not skilled enough for a diaphragm… it was too difficult for me. If you go for the Paraguard I hope it works for you!

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