Sentence Per Picture!

Nine miles @ 8:20 average with Jenn and Emilee… We were planning on doing some hill climbing but our bodies were too tired from the day before.

Flat roads/trails were just what we needed.

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I picked up Knox and he had a cute haircut!

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Beck could sit like this and splash for hours.

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ALL of the gymnastics watching.

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I can’t get enough.

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The girls wanted to go to a family yoga class.

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I love it because they are happy to let you bring your baby too so Beck could crawl around.

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Andrew and Knox went biking!

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Nobody loves the mall as much as Skye loves the mall.

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I have really been into Coldstone lately.

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Knox is leaving today for two weeks… We are all going to miss him so much.

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Trying to decide whether or not to race again this weekend… I love this time of year for running.

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I love this quote and it works with any relationship!

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Give me your sentence of the day!

When is your next race?

Any thoughts/stories/goosebump moments you’ve watched from the Olympics so far?

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ALL the gymnastics here, too! I’m so excited to see Suni and Jade compete in the all-around! I stayed up way too late watching last night–Bobby Finke’s win in the 800m swim was a STUNNING finish that I don’t think anyone expected! And of course I can’t wait for track to start!

My sentence of the day would be about checking things off the to-do list . . . summer is suddenly feeling short, and there are things I need to get done!


I cannot wait to watch both of those! This is all so exciting. I agree with you, I am taking the kids school clothes shopping soon… I cannot believe it! Enjoy the rest of your summer, Kristin.


Caeleb Dressel’s Olympic record last night in the 100 free was a great moment! I managed to stay awake for that race and then had to go to bed right after – this time difference stinks! Seeing his family crying, which made him cry, it was such a special moment. I’m so sad for the families that can’t be there to support their loved ones, but happy the games are able to take place.

Next race is the Air Force 10K in September. Last race I did was the Air Force 10K in September 2019 so it’s been too long!


I agree with you about the time difference but it’s been nice to be able to jump around and choose what we want to watch next. I was thinking about that the other day, it must be so hard for the families that have sacrificed so much to get their family members there to not be able to be there. Amanda, it is going to feel so good to be back at the Air Force 10k again… that will be a special day!


I signed up for a trail race in September! We are going to camp in Manning Park. I signed up for this race for the views and apparently the larches are also supposed to be beautiful this time of year. Currently signed up for a 27 km distance but considering a longer distance because the trails are stunning in this area

I have been watching women’s gymnastics! No goosebumps yet lol but haven’t watched that much.

Your kids are so grown up! Have a wonderful day Janae and if you decide to race have fun!


Trail race in September I am so excited for you! I wish I could come join you and let me know if you change the distance! You’ll have to share pictures with me:) Thanks so much Kristine!


Hi Janae! I have to share my Olympics story. My kiddos are 3 and 5 and my in laws really pumped them up to watch Simone Biles. Needless to say, they are devastated she won’t be competing (it did lead to a great discussion though of how important it is to listen to our bodies/minds), so my 5 year old asked if we could watch a different event every night that they don’t know anything about. So far we have watched archery, tae kwon do and synchronized diving. I’ve always been so into gymnastics and the running events that I have never really watched much of the other events. It has been SO fun!

Question for you, where is that tank from you’re wearing in the first couple of photos on this post? Thanks Janae, have a great day!


Sara, I LOVE that you guys have been doing that each night. We’ve been watching a variety of events too and learning SO much about different sports that we knew nothing about before. Off to have that conversation about listening to our minds/bodies like you did with your kids. Thanks for sharing that! Here is the link… I hope you love it too! Have a beautiful day!


That is such a great quote/saying! I love it!
Oh my goodness…. When Lydia Jacoby (from Alaska)won the gold medal in the women’s breast stroke has been the best! The look on her face, but then when they showed the students at her school all going crazy…. Best ever!!
You should totally race again if your feeling ready! It was way too long when there were no races, so enjoy!
I love that you and the girls are enjoying family yoga. That sounds so fun.
Have a great Thursday ☺️


Oh my goodness, that moment gave me all of the goosebumps. And it did all over again reading your comments. Her students are so proud of her! Seriously, we need to soak up all of the races we can these days after last year. Thanks Wendy, I hope your day is a great one!


Oh my gosh, that family yoga class looks like so much fun! How fun for Beck to crawl around!

It is so smoky here from the fires in Canada. It smells like a bad campfire outside and we can’t see across the field.

I have a sprint triathlon next weekend. I don’t get too excited for races, but love the race atmosphere. I really need to find my competitive side;-).

I love all the swimming! My kids like it the most because they can see what lane is ahead and see people come from behind and win.

Have a fabulous Thursday Janae!


Oh wow Becky, I didn’t know there were bad fires in Canada right now. I hope everybody is safe! I’m excited for your sprint triathlon next weekend! We are loving the swimming so much too this year! Thanks Becky, you too!

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