My latest very embarrassing moment, the beach and Skye’s obsession.

That hurt.  I really had to talk myself into getting up to do this workout.

I didn’t start until later in the morning so I decided to do most of the speed inside because it was so hot.

I copied what my running friends were doing at home—>  2 mile w/u, 2 x 2miles (6:15 average for first set and 6:11 average for second set) with a standing 3 minute recovery and then I went outside for 1 mile fast (first 1/2 mile downhill and then flat) @ 5:52.

9 miles total for the morning and it was one of those workouts where you are just there to check it off… nothing really exciting happened.

That fan below was saving me.

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While we were in California I had a very embarrassing moment.  I was riding the elevator down to the lobby to go for a run and I got off on the wrong floor.  I realized quickly and jumped back on to the same elevator before the door closed.  When I got back on I said to the other people that were on the elevator that I got off on the wrong floor because I was half asleep.  A guy then said, “I really do think you are half asleep because your shorts are on inside out.”  Yep, somehow I managed to put them on with the liner on the outside.  I ran to the bathroom as quickly as possible ha.

I knew something felt weird when I put them on that morning… I need to start looking in a mirror before I walk out the door.

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And now for some tangents.

*This little girl, she is an advanced traveler.  She is always packed up (I’m being serious.. She packs her own bags when we go out of town now and I just check them before we leave to make sure she has everything) and ready to go before all of us are.

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*We went to the beach!  It felt like it had been forever since the last time we were there.

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*Beck studied each grain of sand.

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*Ice cream, fresh fruit and candy are the best things possible to have at the beach.

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*Andrew’s nephew goes to school in Hawaii but was back visiting and joined us at Disneyland.  Skye is obsessed with him and to have him there with her at Disneyland = pure joy.

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*She also loved to have Brooke carry her around and I have no idea how Brooke can carry her.

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*I miss Disneyland food.

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*We have a City Select stroller that my cousin gave to us once her boys were too big for it and it is amazing.  It reclines back pretty far and Beck has been able to have great naps whenever we are out.

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*We left our house over a week ago with one binky and have been in a few different states since and we have somehow kept track of this binky the entire time.  I lose everything else but this binky.

PS Beck has a special skill where he is able to keep the binky in his mouth when he sneezes!  This isn’t a picture of him sneezing but it just reminded me of this random fact.

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Id love to hear any tangents (even though it isn’t Tuesday)!

Tell me something delicious you have eaten lately?

What has been your motivation lately to get out and run?

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I have a similar story! I get my haircut in an old school and the salon is on the 5th floor. I went a few weeks ago to get it cut and when I was finishing up, I was in the elevator going down. Well it opened up and a couple went to get on which I thought was rude because I hadn’t gotten off yet. So I get off and realized I was on the 2nd floor not the 1st. Then I awkwardly walked down the stairs and tried to leave without seeing them lol


HAHAHA why do elevators just bring out the weirdest awkwardness in us all. I would have thought the same thing! Have the best day Maureen and thanks for sharing.


Your shorts on inside out… Oh my goodness! That is really funny.
So glad you got to the beach yesterday. I live about a half hour away from the beach, and it feels like forever since I’ve been too! It looks like you were in Newport? Perfect day for it yesterday ?
I’m meeting my friend for our early morning run, and it feels so sticky out already!
Have a great day!


Hey Wendy! We were at Corona Del Mar (I have no idea if that is Newport haha). YOU LIVE 30 MINUTES AWAY… so gorgeous. It was very sticky when I went on a run there too… you are strong. Hope your run with your friend was amazing.


Well there was the time my bikini top came unhooked and I basically rode down the water slide bare chested and it was one of those slides that landed at the front of the park where everyone was parked in their chairs for the show that I didn’t know I was giving until I stood up to get out of the water. You’re welcome.

P.s. your shorts were hilarious and at least you will probably never see those people again.

Have a beautiful day today Janae!


NO NO NO!! Hahah thank you for sharing that with me Belle, that must have been so embarrassing! Yes, I am glad I will never see them again but why I felt the need to tell the internet, I do not know! Thanks Belle, you too!


I had a similar situation to your shorts- I was out to dinner the other day after being out all morning and afternoon and realized that my shirt has been inside out the entire time. No one even noticed so maybe you and I are starting a new fashion trend haha!


Hahaha you and I are onto something with the new trend! Thanks for telling me Gretchen, I’m not alone. Have the best day!


You brought back memories for me of running to the store while on vacation to buy another fooler (what binkies/pacifiers are called in my neck of the woods). We didn’t lose too many of them, but when you need another, you NEED another :) One time we were at an Indians game, and the fooler flew out of Alice’s mouth….we didn’t have another with us and I was wondering what the heck we were going to do. Soon after, a gentleman like 3 rows ahead of us called out “is this yours?” holding it up. Yes – that’s ours – thank you so much! Quick dash to the bathroom to rinse it off, or maybe we just blew the dirt off, 2nd kid in line so you know how sanitization drops off after the 1st kid ;) Good memories but I don’t miss keeping track of those!


I know what you mean… when you need one, you NEED ONE! Thank goodness for that man! Hahah the sanitation really does go downhill with each kid! Thank you for sharing, have a beautiful day and I loved learning that your area calls them Fooler!


Queen of embarrassing moments over here–I am always getting injured in the dumbest ways possible! Last week a door somehow hit my foot at a cafe, and my toe would not stop bleeding. I had to keep going and asking for more bandaids.

I need to channel Skye’s packing energy. I’m so bad at packing! I’m glad you had such a fun trip–it looks like it was just perfect! I want all that Disney food!


NOOOOO why do toes bleed so much! Glad we can all bond over these things haha. Thank you friend and before we know it I am going to have Skye pack for me too. Have a great morning!


Ah I have the same shorts! Well once I left the house with 2 different shoes and I wore a dress inside out ??.


Two different shoes and a dress inside out… I feel much better now! Thanks Kristine and I hope your morning is a great one!


I have done that with my shorts too!!! I couldn’t figure out why the were so uncomfortable…my husband said there is no way anyone else had ever done that–happy I am not alone! How nice of that man to tell you too:-)

I usually don’t lack motivation to run (I usually need to have someone tell me that is time to back off), but I do lack the motivation to do any type of speed work or running any shorter distance. I am not competitive enough to care about my times, I love running slow/long(er) and I get injured when I do any type of structured speed workouts. However– I am trying to become a little bit more competitive in sprint triathlons so I know I need to get my 5k time faster (because swimming faster is never going to happen, haha). So I am using that to motivate me to run 2 miles after my bike. My legs are used to the faster turnover for the bike and my legs naturally go faster aka I don’t feel like I am doing speed workout because my legs just want to GO!

My tangent–I can’t remember what day of the week it is! We have been living it up this summer vacation. My kids are at the age where we can load up and go to the beach within 5 minutes or if I want to do something by myself (bike, run, grocery shop/errands) my oldest is old enough to babysit so I can have a “free” morning or afternoon.

Have a fabulous Thursday Janae!


Tell your husband that you aren’t the only one doing crazy stuff like this haha. I love that you have found your happy place with running, it’s the best. I am so excited about your goals with the sprint tri and please keep me updated with the training. I really do think that biking makes us faster because of the turnover! AMEN… we are feeling the same about not having any idea what day or time it is! I love summer. Thanks Becky, you too!


I am afraid I can top the inside-out shorts. When I was 18, I went to a friend’s very swanky birthday party. After coming out of the restroom, I joined everyone on the. dance floor. A few moments later, a family friend started dancing very close to me and was tugging at my dress. I gave him a look like “what are you doing?!” and he goes “your dress is tucked into your underwear!” My whole bum was out in plain sight. Pretty sure my friends’ grandparents got a good look at it, too.
I WIN ;)


I’m dying over the inside out shorts!

Thursday tangent – I’m going outside to do yard work, but it is only maintenance. We finished our project! It looks amazing and we are so please with it all. ( Maybe we’ll do landscape architecture as a retirement career? We would need to hire some young workers because shoveling and swinging a pick ax is hard!

Two delicious somethings – homemade peach shake (because Chick-fil-A sent me an email about theirs!) Mashed potato pancakes. We had mashed potatoes on the 4th and Les asked if my mom ever made potato pancakes. Well that sent me searching for recipes and we’ve now had them twice. Both recipes will be on the blog tomorrow.

I’m motivated to run because I’m feeling great these days. Down 27 pounds, 30 inches since the first of the year, I’m feeling so strong and enjoying the progress.



Bookmarking your web page for landscape inspiration. Ya’ll did an amazing job!


I wore my leggings backwards to a pelvic floor PT appt once ? no one would have known in any other type of appt so of course I did it there. When I walked out of the appt, I saw my car keys on the drivers seat of my locked car and had to call AAA. It was just a hot mess morning!


I rarely run with people. Went out with 2 new to me runners. We stoped for a second and swore I could have wet myself right there. Got running again, and it was not good, literally had to drop my pants in a bush……they were trying to figure out how to pause their Garmins. Yikes!!


One time I was getting ready for a concert, trying on different boots to see which I liked more…my friends picked me up and we got all the way there and I realized I had one light brown boot on and one black boot. I forgot to decide and had on one of each!! >.< I was so embarrassed…but maybe I was just setting a new fashion trend ;)
You are not alone. The picture of the shorts made me giggle. At least he told you and you didn't spend your whole run that way!!


I have eaten nothing as delicious as you lately… I got nothing HAHA
What a great vacation though!


I’ve gone to early morning yoga or body pump classes and midway through class wondered what the bulge in my legging was only to find a pair of underwear crumpled up inside (yes this has happened more than once, you’d think I’d learn!!). I only hope everyone else was too tired to notice.

My latest delicious treats have been nectarines from the farmer’s market. Sooooo good right now, summer fruit is my favorite!


What a fun trip. You all should bring the family out to DisneyWorld. The California version fits in the parking lot of the Magic Kingdom. We also have way better beaches than California. That said, running here in FL can be a bit humid and muggy at times. I think the little ones’ smiles though will be worth it.


Ha! I had the exact same thing with the shorts happen to me about a month ago, I was with my whole family and my daughter pointed it out! At least I wasn’t in public yet and sadly it was not that early. I run really early usually so I am sure i have done it at 5 am and never noticed since it is dark :)

Not very excited but went to a ballgame on Wednesday and had a hot dog and cracker jacks, very nostalgic and tasted great I am sure the atomsphere made it better.

Have a great weekend!!

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