Placebo Effect & Making Friends as an Adult

When I woke up yesterday, I checked the weather, and it said it was 60 degrees.  I put on a tank and shorts and left the house.  About ten minutes into the run, I passed by a school where they have a board that tells the time and temperature, and it said it was 42 degrees… INSTANTLY I felt really cold, and I checked my phone, and I had been looking at the weather in St. George when I woke up.  When I thought it was warmer than it was outside, I didn’t feel cold, but as soon as I knew how cold it was, I realized I was frozen.   This is why I love to repeat to myself, “I am comfortable” when I am hurting during a run because I can trick myself into thinking it is true ha.

8.14 miles at 8:29 average pace!

Skye had her last day of preschool!

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Beck and I were pretty lazy while everyone else was gone.  But I did get in some rolling.

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And some stretching.  I remember years ago, I would never do downward dog in shorts because I didn’t like seeing the dimples/cottage cheese on the front of my legs whenever I do this.  I look at those dimples now (and post pictures of them on the internet even though the pic is blurry because taking a picture of your legs while doing this stretch is hard ha) and feel nada.  Your body is an instrument, not an ornament! <— Read this book if you struggle with body image!

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After I picked up Skye, we celebrated her last day with donuts on the driveway.

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This little chair is pretty special to me.  I spend a lot of hours sitting in it each week.  The kids love riding their bikes/scooters on our driveway and the street, and I love sitting there watching them.  It’s simple, but I know I will miss this chair sitting on the driveway thing when they are all grown up.

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And now for a few random topics before I let you go…

*I read this fact to Andrew, and he said I would probably spend 32 hours of my life asleep, and he will spend about 10 (he hates sleep)…

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*I washed my hair yesterday and realized I am going to save a lot of money on shampoo and conditioner now that I will always be keeping it short.

*Beck can sit all on his own now!

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*I saw this on Megan’s IG and I just need to change the caption to, ‘MY ENTIRE LIFE I THOUGHT THEY JUST HAD HUNDREDS OF TOWELS.’  I always wondered how they folded them so perfectly haha.  Please tell me I am not the only one that realizes things like this in adulthood haha…

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*How do you make friends as an adult?

I have stayed close with a few friends from high school/college/living in California/blogging, I meet friends now from running or my neighbors, and if I am with another adult during the day other than Andrew, it’s usually my sister!   I was wondering how you guys make friends during this time of life.  PS thank you for being my friend over the years… now to just find a way for us all to move to a community where we get to run together every day!

And a flashback picture to my first friends ha… and my dad, but he was taking the picture:)

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And a special thank you for reading through 30 different topics in one post.


What about you… How do you make friends as an adult?  

Would you rather have a lot of friends or just a few close friends?

Placebo effect moments for you in life or running?

Anything recently that you finally understood that you maybe should have known a while ago?

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My closest friends are from childhood/middle school and graduate school. I’m working on making some new friends through running groups and church!! I think the biggest lesson I’ve had to learn with that is it takes more time and patience to make friends outside of school. (At least, in my opinion ha). The school environment provides so much built-in interaction (and time together!) that is difficult to replicate in the “real world.” Once I realized that making new friends is going to take a little bit longer now, I felt a lot better about it all. One of the best parts about being in my mid-20s is that I have friends who are married (and some have kids!), friends who are in serious relationships, friends who are single, friends who have been working for several years, friends who will be in school for several years, etc. etc. You get the point :) It’s fun to have friends at all different stages of life and learn from them!


Clare!! Thank you so much for sharing this and I love what you said about patience! I love that you realized the reality of what it is like now and still go for it. You are an awesome example to all of us! I love what you said about having friends in different stages, it really is fun to get to hear about all of the different parts of life from them. SO happy you have running and church to meet awesome people. Have the best day friend!


Oh, making friends as an adult – something I talk about frequently with my husband. I have never been one to make friends easily or had many growing up and as an adult, I find it SO HARD (I would like to say impossible, but I know that is not true). I grew up and went to college in one state and moved halfway across the country after college and while it has worked out well, I am definitely lacking in the friends category. I don’t need many, just a couple close friends. Honestly, I should probably try to find a run club of sorts – that seems to be the easiest way for runners to meet new people. But then I get scared to do that – ha, such a vicious cycle!


Janelle, thank you SO much for sharing this with us. It really is so so hard and with the situation of moving halfway across the country after college… that makes it even harder! I really think a run club would be such a great way to meet friends. I feel like that is basically my only social time now and it is great because we all have so much in common from the beginning. You are doing amazing, please keep me updated on how it goes with a new run club:)


Thank you for sharing this. I’m the same way. I moved back to the area I grew up in about 3 years ago, after a long time abroad, and everyone I grew up with has moved away. I also have quite bad social anxiety, which just adds to it all. It is a vicious cycle! It’s a relief to know other people struggle with this. This last year has been hard, we have had so many lockdowns here in the UK, but we are slowly going back to normal, and I am going to keep trying! I hope you do too. :)


As an adult, I’ve made friends through work, running, volunteering, and school! School does feel more similar to how I made friends when I was younger, but now it’s fun because we all nerd out on the topics, since they relate directly to our work haha.

I have a few really really close friends, but also friends who are less close. I think it’s good to have both- it never hurts to have friends and build relationships with people!


I only have a few close friends and I struggle with making new friends, would love to hear anyones suggestions on this! I have been considering joining a running club but super nervous so I keep putting it off.


Sarah! I am going to put together a post with ideas of making friends, expect it soon. I FULLY support your idea of joining a running club. I was SO nervous to start running with people when I did 8 years ago (I was terrified of slowing them down or making them stop for a bathroom break) but I’ve learned that runners are the best kind of people. They are so inviting, encouraging and don’t mind what speed each person goes. I am cheering you on to do it, it’s how I’ve made some of my closest friends and it is so nice to instantly have something in common from the beginning. Have a beautiful day and keep me updated!


Mariah! Oh I love that about the friends you’ve made through school. I feel that way about my running friends, we can all nerd out over the same topics ha. I agree… a mix of both is perfect! I hope you have a beautiful day Mariah!


No one tells you how hard it is to make friends as an adult!! Majority of my friends are ones I’ve known since I was like 3-6 which is amazing except they live in Chicago and I don’t lol. But I’m blessed to have a couple good friends in Philly too. I feel (hope!) it gets easier once you have kiddos since you meet other parents through friends and activities.

Placebo effects is my favorite! During tough workouts I will tell myself that the rep will feel easier when I get to the next lamp post because I’ll settle into the pace. And that’s just with running – big fan of placebo effect in everything in life!


RIGHT?! It just goes from being so easy as a kid to so hard as an adult. I LOVE that you have known so many of your friends from such a young age, that is really cool. I wish that you all lived closer together. Thank goodness for those awesome philly friends (and how was it with your cousin?!). YES, kids did make it easier to meet people too. Oh I love doing that during a run too, it’s fun to trick our brains. I hope your day is a beautiful one. Thanks Maureen!


Yeah it’s super cool! Guess it’s what happens when you go to a tiny private school for preschool until 8th grade ha.

OMG my cousins visit was so much fun! I forgot to tell you that on Monday but it was a lot of fun and much needed as I’m considering it my unofficially kick off to summer. Have a wonderful day :)


I love this: your body is an instrument, not an ornament. Since I shifted my focus to all the amazing things my body does for me, I have been much more loving and respectful to it…and more at ease. I prefer a few close friends, but also enjoy just being friendly with everyone…a smile and a nod or a few kind words in the grocery store does wonders for my spirits. I hope you have a lovely…warm…day. Enjoy that child-watching chair!


YES YES YES! Christie, I am so happy for you and where you are now with your body. All of the respect for these instruments that take us to do amazing things. Thank you, friend, I sure will! And I’ll give more smiles at the grocery store because of what you said, it really does do so much.


How? can? you? hate? sleep???????????


It makes ZERO SENSE to me! But I guess it is making it so he can do work and school right now ha, he never sleeps. Have a beautiful day Nina with a great night of sleep.


Honestly, a majority of my friends are people that I have been friends with since middle or high school. There are a handful that I have met through spouses of other friends, and of course, friends from work! It is definitely not easy to form new bonds as you get older and your life changes. During college, I had a HUGE group of friends that I was with all the time… that’s slowly decreased to where I am now, which, frankly, is just right! The people I am friends with now will be friends for the rest of my life. I’ve thought a lot about this lately as we put together our wedding guest list, and I realized just how much my friendship circle has changed. Wouldn’t change it back for anything though! Life is good. :)


Hey Rhiannon! I love that you have stayed close with your middle and high school friends. And what you said about the people you are friends with now being your friends for life, that is so great. You guys have strong bonds. Life is good. I hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday!


Your hair is amazing!! All of my closest friends are from high school still, but I just recently met some good mom friends at the playground! Before, my daughter would play without another little girl or boy and I’d make small talk with their mom then we’d both go on our way. Then one mom gave me her number and told me to reach out if we were ever coming to that park again because our girls played well together. She made it seem so effortless that I felt like my introvert self could handle trying it next time I hit it off with a mom at the park. I tried it a week or two later with a girl I seemed to have a lot in common with while we were chatting and now we meet up all the time for play dates! So I guess my best advice is just to put yourself out there even if you’re like me and it’s super uncomfortable :) Also, my husband is 100% you with sleep and I am 100% Andrew. If he gets free time, he takes a nap and loves every minute. I feel like sleep wastes my time and would much rather spend it doing something else I like (reading, watching a show, etc.) Maybe sleep opposites attract! Haha


Christine! Thank you so much! I love that you are close to your high school friends, just the best. Meeting friends at the playground–> I need to be better at doing that! I LOVE what your friend did with giving you her number. This is inspiring me and so cool that you did that with another girl. Great advice. Hahah sleep opposites must attract. I probably sleep double what you do;). I hope you are having a beautiful day and thanks for helping us all!


Oh my gosh, that towel picture… I never knew!! That’s so funny!
Making friends as an adult is tough. When the boys were young, it was easier to make friends through school, little league,etc… But now that they’re older, it’s hard. I do a lot of volunteering, so have made wonderful friends that way, and have made a few friends through online running groups. But it’s not always easy. I am happy to have a few good good friends, rather than lots and lots of “casual” friends.
Yay for celebrating Skye’s last day of preschool! She looks so grown up in that picture. And yay for Beck sitting on his own! Before you know it, he’ll be crawling everywhere.
Ha ha ha, thinking it was 60°, then only feeling cold when you saw it was much colder. The mind is so powerful.
Off for an early run before a busy day. Have a good one!


Hey Wendy! Glad to know I’m not the only one to just learn about the towels! I bet it only gets harder. You are such a good example to me of volunteering and I love hearing that you have made so many great friends through that. And online running groups… that is awesome! I am grateful that we are friends and someday you have to stop here on your way to Colorado!


It is very hard to make friends as an adult. Add in moving around and it feels impossible sometimes haha. The friends I’ve made here have come from random places—my chiropractor, running, the park with the kids, their schools, now even through my dog haha. I am very grateful for running though, I’ve met some amazing people through it. I’ve stayed close with a couple of my HS friends (both Mormons, one lives in Provo now!) but I’ve found it’s so hard to keep up with people when you’re living so far apart. I have a lot of ‘we don’t talk to see each other often but when we do it’s just like normal’ friends.
Ok that towel thing is crazy, I did NOT know that! ?


Hey Mollie! It really is and moving makes it SO much harder. I love hearing where you made your friends… so great even through your dog. Well, now you must come to Provo and run with me while you are here! Glad to know I’m not the only one that didn’t understand the perfect towels trick hahaha. I hope your day is a great one!


I moved back to my hometown three years ago, and was determined to find friends. (I had some here from high school and that was awesome, but we had grown in different directions and don’t have a ton in common). I went to my local run group for almost a year knowing no one there. It was actually really difficult to stand around and watch other people chat and seriously not know a soul. I kept repeating to myself that these people didn’t have anything against me personally, even though it feels like it when you are standing around and other people know each other. I kept going, kept introducing myself and making conversation. It worked-so grateful to have this group of about 7 friends, ranging from mid thirties up to 70s! These friendships actually grew stronger during pandemic because we all invested in patio heaters or fire pits and would walk or jog 2x a week and hang out in our snowy backyards afterward.

Didn’t mean to make such a long comment-I just want you and your readers to know that it’s possible! It takes time, and it’s not easy to keep putting yourself out there, but you can do it :)


I love this comment so much- I know that feeling well, where you think everyone else knows each other and you feel like an outsider. Great advice here, to just keep trying. Making friends as an adult is hard- you really have to work at it.




Andrea! You. Are. Amazing. I am so happy you didn’t give up and you built this amazing group of friends. You all sound amazing. THANK YOU for sharing… keep putting yourself out there! I love it.


Hi Janae! I read some research once that said making friends takes three things- repeated contact, spontaneous meetings, and a setting where people can feel ok sharing. So that’s why it’s so much easier in school where you see people every day. I could use more female friends too and this is a great subject to talk about!
Happy Wednesday!


Hey Amy! Oh I LOVE what you shared about those three things. Yes yes yes! I need to put together a post with more tips and I’m including your three things. Thanks Amy, have a wonderful day!


This makes so much sense to me! I am a teacher and all my the very best adult friends that I have made started as just co-workers. Being in a school definitely allows all three of those things to happen naturally!


I make friends as an adult by following people on social media and blogs and talking about how much we both love cookies and candy haha. And also by meeting people through swimming and running groups!

On the weather and what you think of it affecting how you perceive it – I bike indoors using this game called Zwift and when I ride up at higher elevations, there is snow on the side of the road and seeing it always makes me feel colder, even though it’s just a computer screen. It’s so weird.


Hahaha I am SO grateful I met you through blogging, I really value our friendship and can’t wait until you are back out here someday:) That is SO interesting about what it does to you just by SEEING the snow. I know the same thing would happen to me. I hope your Wednesday is a great one!


Honestly – I have made very few friends since college. Everyone I consider a friend since then have all been coworkers and even then it’s hard. Being 35 and no kids – it’s even harder to make friends, and maintain a lot of friendships over the years with all my college friends who have had kids for several years now and we’ve just grown apart because their new focus is on kids and their family. Living in a different state didn’t help either. But there came a point where I was the one who was always making the effort to visit them for years and they were making no effort to visit me. So I just gave up. I’ve also been struggling a lot personally and mentally with trying to force myself to be okay without having a family of my own because I was with someone who had a kid and an ex wife who made co-parenting and visitations extremely difficult to the point she never adheres to the agreed to schedule and I have spent only 2 holidays with my dad in the past 5 years because she refuses to not experience a holiday without her son (mind you – 1 was because my dad drove 5 hours to spend it with my then boyfriend’s family and the other time was because I just up and left Christmas Eve out of pure anger that I was giving up another holiday for her selfishness). So long story short – I distanced myself even more from people with kids/families because it was triggering to me. It’a still triggering and being 35 without kids is even harder to make friends now.


Kim. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. This is extremely hard. I watch Skye and anywhere we go she makes a new friend and then as adults it just seems SO much harder. I am extremely sorry about everything you have gone through and that you are experiencing. Is there any chance you are in Utah? I’d love to meet up for lunch if you are. Let’s be penpals if not. This is tough stuff and I would love to be there for you!


What a timely topic as I’m getting on a plane tomorrow and loving across country to SLC! I’m freaking out a bit about making new friends at almost 40 but know I’ll meet other runners and soccer moms quickly. And can’t wait to meet you in person after reading your blog for years!


You already have a friend HERE! I am so excited for you and you have to keep me updated on it all. Soccer moms and other runners = amazing friends. Can’t wait to meet you and travel safe!


I think a lot about how you never know when the last time will be with your kids. The last time they fall asleep in your lap, or carry them up to bed or kiss a scraped knee. It’s the little things (like your chair) that I try to appreciate now, it all goes so fast.

Before kids all my new friends were from work or the triathlon club we were active in. Now all my new friends are Moms of kids that are similar ages to mine from playdates. Mom friends are my sanity now caring for two littles!


And now your comment is making me cry… I don’t do well with the lasts! But thank you for sharing to remind me to really enjoy each of those things. SO grateful for your mom friends, they really make the biggest difference. Have a beautiful day Beth!


Love your mirrored aviators in the post-run selfie! Will you link the them in your Friday Favorites (pretty please!)?!


YES!! I’ll give it to you now too. Have a beautiful day friend!


I love sleep lol.

As an adult I have a couple of close friends from high school but really they come from my post college life..I used to go to a post college fellowship and I still have a good friend or 2 from there. Some of my friends are from running group/communities I have joined over the years. But I have to say I have definitely been more of a homebody this past year and spending more time with my partner and River. My sister used to ask me how I made friends and I was like I just go out and do stuff. You always meet people and some will become your friends.

I am definitely a few close friends people.

It’s crazy that it’s already the last day of school for your Skye! We have another month here!

Have a great day Janae!


I do too, I have no idea how Andrew doesn’t. I LOVED reading about where your friends are from and I think this last year has made all of us more of a homebody. Your partner and River are so lucky to have you. Thank you Kristine for being my friend! Have a beautiful day:)


I love your little chair in the driveway. I put my camping chair in our cul de sac for years with all the other neighborhood mom while we watched our kids. I have such fond memories of dirty kids, popsicles, sidewalk chalk and bike washes! Thanks for bringing that memory back!

Thanks for being my friend Janae❤️


Toby! Hearing about your camping chair just made me so so happy. There is nothing like it. And now your kids are out doing SO many amazing things. You have always been such a good example to me of motherhood and I am so thankful for your friendship.


Good morning!! Congrats to Skye and Beck for their big accomplishments!!
What great questions about friendship as an adult. I have moved and changed jobs a lot, so have had to make new friends along the way and it is definitely harder in middle age than in middle school – lol. Most of my friendships started through work and evolved from there. Like another commenter though – I just go out and do stuff. It does help that I can strike up a conversation with just about anybody. I heard once that you should have at least one friend 20 years younger and one that is 20 years older to offer different perspectives and I am happy to say I have both. There is also a 30+ year range just in my women’s hiking group and it’s the best!
The towels!!!! Who knew?!?! The other thing I learned recently is that there is a space in the bottom of your oven door that allows you to clean between the windows of your oven – what the what?!?! Always learning something!! Have an awesome day :o)


Janine! You are so right, it is much harder now… I watch how easy it is for my kids and I am so amazed. You are so awesome for being able to talk with everyone and I am sure you have brightened SO many people’s days. I love having friends in different age groups too, it teaches me so much. WHAT??? Off to go clean my oven windows haha. Thanks and I hope your day is a wonderful one!


The old family picture of you reminds me of Skye!


After I read your comment I looked at the picture and can totally see that…. thank you, that makes me really happy! I hope your day is a beautiful one!


I am so glad you’re talking about making friends as an adult. I struggle with this and the pandemic has made it even worse because I have been on lockdown since March 2020 due to preexisting conditions. Now that I have my vaccines, I desperately want to make friends but it’s so hard. It’s even something I put on my vision board for this year back when I created it in December. I know I should go to a running group but I’m a slower runner at 10:30/mile and am intimidated by those that are “real runners.” Kids have been out of school so I haven’t been able to make mom friends. The feeling of loneliness is so real and depressing and I know I need to get out of my comfort zone to make some new friends. It’s just so hard in your 40’s.


The pandemic really has made it so much harder for everyone but especially for you in having to stay in lockdown for so long. Tracy, I am so sorry. I’m very thankful that you have been able to receive the vaccines and I want to really cheer you on in joining a running group. I was SO so worried about joining a group and slowing people down or making them stop when I needed the bathroom (and I joined girls that were much faster than me!) and nobody cared. Runners are so encouraging and loving and I really think they will make you feel right at home. YOU ARE A REAL RUNNER!! Having running friends is the best as a mom because you get to take care of your physical/mental/social health all at once. I am ALWAYS here (any chance you are in Utah?!) to talk about this. You are amazing and I am really hoping some huge blessings come your way after such a hard 15 months!


Ah, thanks friend! I wish I were in Utah but I’m in California. I know I need to show up to a running group. Our friends started one a couple years ago (and I pushed my husband to become their first member and now they are his closest friends) but I showed up once and it didn’t go well. The entire group was doing hills but I wanted to do flats so ended up running alone which defeated the purpose of a group. Honestly nearly just ran home but went back and had a beer with them all afterwards. But I haven’t gone back. I know I need to join that again and also try out the Fleet Feet group locally. Baby steps. Set a goal of a half marathon this year so hopefully that pushes me to make some new faces that I can connect with.

Thank YOU.


I was really hoping you were in Utah! Baby steps is right. You are doing amazing and I would feel nervous going back too… but you can do hard things and I cannot wait to hear about your half marathon! I am positive there is another runner out there in your area feeling a lot of the same things and I just cannot wait for the two of you to meet up!


Oh and if you are ever in Utah, you BETTER LET ME KNOW!


I totally will! And I’m saving your words – they will become my new mantra this month as I tackle training and putting myself out there to meet folks.


Yes to your body as an instrument! I use to hate my calves, they are really big and I wanted thin legs ;) My dad was in the hospital about 10 years ago and when he sat up on the side of his bed I realized I had calves exactly like his! These calves have powered my through thousands of miles and I’m proud of them now.

We only knew Les’ boss when we moved to Hawaii, but now have a full circle of friends that we met through church or running/cycling. Those friendships started with having something in common and have grown from there.

Our pastor taught a lesson last week about choosing friends wisely. He said you should always have 3 close friends – people who know you, that you trust, that will tell you the truth even when you’re being a brat or no matter how much it hurts. That doesn’t mean you can’t have an abundance of friends, but those close friends are really important.


Kathy, thank you for sharing this about your calves. Those beautiful and strong calves will always remind you of your dad:) I love hearing about your friends from church and exercise, just the best. I agree with your pastor, having a few close friends means the world to an individual. Hope your day is a beautiful one!


We moved on to an amazing cul de sac and the other families have become our friends, both the kids and the parents. It’s really wonderful.

Also, some of my best female friends have been other loss mamas I’ve met through instagram and support groups. It’s sad we have baby loss in common, but they are some of the strongest women I know. I am lucky to have them to lean on.

My other friends are from HS and college and man do I miss them!


Megan. I am so deeply sorry that you have lost a little one. I am sending so much love to you and I’m so thankful you have found such a wonderfully supportive group. They are so lucky to have you to lean on too. Thank you for sharing, you sure sound amazing to me!


Making friends is so hard and making couple friends for my husband and I is even harder. My closest friends are from college. I’ve met one close friend through a moms group Bible study at our church and I’ve lived here 15 years. So that means it is hard! And my husband and I still don’t have close couple friends and we’ve been married 10 years. I don’t know what the answer is!


AMEN! Couple friends can be even harder too! I’m going to put together a list of everyone’s ideas… it really is so tough. I’m so glad you have that friend from mom’s group Bible study… she is so lucky to have you too!


This looks like a cool book that you showed on today’s post. Can you share what the title is and author?


About 2 years ago I moved to Berlin, Germany alone, not speaking German and not knowing anyone. One day I finally just talking to people at the climbing gym when working on the same problems. I found a willingness to say yes and making an effort really helps. Other people are also in the same situation-so you can always make a first move! Sometimes it won’t work, and that is ok, you should still be proud of yourself for trying, and it makes asking the next time that much easier- because you know you can do it.


I can’t get past that towel photo…….

My closest friends are from middle school. We met in 7th grade and the three of us navigated middle school, high school, our separate colleges, marriages, kids, broken marriages, aging parents etc. We live in different states/countries but keep each other close. I also have a friend from kindergarten. Oddly enough, my college friends and I have drifted more than my HS friends. Social media has reconnected many friends and for that I am grateful. Sometimes meeting someone at a life changing event (like a marathon) is an instant friendship that may not be super deep or personal, but that one event connected you and boom…..friend/acquaintance. I met some amazing people at the Berlin marathon and NYC marathon and keep in touch years later.

Sitting on the sidewalk/driveway while kids play is the best.


Oh my gosh.
Please share how people make friends as an adult. I need all the help I can get! Also, yay for you making leg dimples real and ok! Can we please keep normalizing that? Beck is growing so fast! And I wish it was 42 degrees here—I’m in New Orleans and it’s already like 74 when I run at 5am! You’re the best!


I would love a post about making friends as an adult! It is so hard!! This made me laugh because a couple years ago I had a dream that I stopped by your house and you were shocked to have a reader just stop by like that. I said dont worry – we are friends from the blog! So crazy! I laughed so hard when I woke up!!


THANK YOU for the dimples picture. I just realized that same thing not long ago on my own legs during downward dog and was like noooooo howwww whyyyy. haha all the things! So thank you :) always feels better to know you aren’t alone


Why is making friends as an adult so much harder??? My most recent adult friends were found through a mom’s group. I had heard about a group in town and I went totally out of my comfort zone and invited myself. It’s been 8 years now and we are all still friends and get together. I also joined a study group at church and have made friends through it. However, these made-in-adult-life friends still don’t feel as close as the friends I made when I was younger (and the few I still keep in touch with).

What I think is even harder to find though is couples friends. I hate to say it but with a lot of the ones we’ve meet there is one half of the couple that we don’t jive with so it’s been hard to find a couple that we truly enjoy both their company.

Someone recently pointed out that the game of TAG is Touch-And-Go. Not sure if that’s true or they just made it up but it was news to me! :)


What a timely question. I just asked on IG yesterday how I should go about making friends with a lady in my neighborhood I see walking everyday since I have worked at home all year. I really want friends that don’t live far away and most of mine do. Harder to be spontaneous for walks to lunch when you have to plan and fight traffic. Made me feel a little more normal to see so many others struggle with this also! You could have a friend matchmaking post with all the comments! Lol

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