Longish Term Goal + My Thick Skin

Happy Wednesday!

Eight miles yesterday and time for some 1000m repeats today.  To help my legs to move fast, I’m going to wear all of my favorite running clothes and shoes, listen to some pump up music on my drive there and eat a pop tart before I leave (these things all seem to be good luck tools in my running toolbox).  A little more than 10 weeks until my first race back!

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Sara Hall posted this on IG and it is soooo true.  Right now I just feel like I want to jump right back into marathon training because I LOVE marathon training.  What I really need to do is get better at the 5k/10k first.   My current longish term goal is a PR at the Chicago Marathon in 2022 but I guess I’ll see what variety of things I can do along the way to that goal.

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Soooo Skye told me yesterday, “Mom, you talk too much about the same thing.”   Good thing ten years on the internet has thickened my skin a little ha and I’m being prepared now for all of the teenage years ahead;).  I told the kids the other day that my plan is to go back to teaching high school when they are there so I can keep an eye on all of them.  My mom used to periodically show up at the high school that one of my brothers went to just so that he knew she could be watching at anytime hahah.

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A little update on breastfeeding…  You were so right about my body learning to adjust to Beck sleeping through the night.   I’m not doing any extra pumping now and my milk supply is exactly what he needs right now.  PS please remember if you struggle with breastfeeding that you aren’t alone, I had the hardest time trying to do it with the girls and I even told Andrew on the way to the hospital with Beck that I wasn’t going to try because I was so afraid of doing it again.  At the hospital I decided to just try once and Beck just made it so easy.

Beck currently does about a 7 hour stretch at night but I just need to learn to go to bed at the same time he does instead of telling myself ’10 more minutes’ 15 times.

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My nieces and nephews came over after school!

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And Beck was so happy to wake up from his nap to see them all.

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Whenever my niece is over and she see’s something unorganized she goes straight to organizing it and questions my organizing skills the whole time haha.

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This happened too…

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And just as I was thinking about what in the world to make for dinner, my neighbor asked if she could bring over a Shepherd’s Pie.  UMMMM…. YES!  It was so incredibly good.

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I was looking at my call records to find a phone number and I realized that my sister and I might have a problem….

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And to finish things off, I was on an old post looking for something and saw this picture and wondered how I had a picture of Beck in 2018 haha… it took me a minute to realize it was Skye.

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Do you talk on the phone often?  Who do you talk to the most on the phone?

Who has run the Chicago Marathon?  Who is planning on running it this year?

Who do you think Beck looks like the most?

Are you a pretty organized person?

-In some ways yes and some ways absolutely not!

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Janae, is that Curly with the braid in the front of her hair? I am a long-time reader, but I cant believe how long it must be, she is so grown up!!!! And I avoid talking on the phone at all costs! Hope you are having a great day!


It sure is!!! I can’t believe how quickly she has grown up and the amazing human she is today! Thanks for being my friend over the years❤️ I hope you don’t get any phone calls for awhile and have an amazing day!


No way is that Curly??? How did she grow up so fast???


It sure is!!!! She grew up way too fast, it feels like she was just Skye’s age. Have the best day Kathy!


I talk on the phone but only to my Mom and my husband! Since my husband is working from home we dont talk on the phone much. On the other hand, since coming back home after being with my parents for 7 months of the pandemic (they finally got their vaccines!!)- I talk to my Mom on the phone 7 times a day! Haha

I am a super organized person. I am most obsessive about my purse. My keys, wallet (and card lineup within the wallet), extra masks for the family, snack for the kiddo, and phone must all be in a very specific spot. If something is not in the right place I feel frazzled at the checkout counter! I dont change purses very often because I get really stuck in my ways…Which leads me to a question for you: are you using a specific purse this spring? Or using a diaper bag because of Beck? I was looking for something springlike/summery for the months ahead.


NADYA! I am so thrilled that you parents were able to get their vaccine. I bet your daughter misses them but I hope this means you get to see them again! 7 times sounds good to me! Teach me to organize my purse please! I am using a purse that I call a diaper bag because I wanted to justify my purchase haha. It’s this one and I love it!

Have the best day!


Chicago is the most special marathon ever (and a SUPER fast race)!! I didn’t defer my registration from 2020 cause I wasn’t sure it was happening in 2021 but hoping I can run it again in 2022!! Thinking about either running the Colfax Marathon here in Denver OR putting my name in the hat for Boston again :)

Literally talk to my mom on the phone every. single. day … Sometimes twice.


ARTHI!! AHHHH I’ll see you there in 2022?! It makes me so happy to hear that you love it so much. Keep me updated with what is next and keep enjoying those chats with your mom!


I LOVE THE CHICAGO MARATHON!!!! I’m totally going to sign up for 2022 also!!!
I like Sara’s quote. She’s so right. I’ve been thinking of my marathon goal and I think I might push it to the end of the year to work on the shorter stuff. I kind of feel like I’ve stalled there a bit and it’s not helping. There are better races in nov/dec anyway. :)
Beck does look a LOT like Skye!!!


MOLLIE, LET’S DO IT! 2022 is our years:). Why is the shorter stuff so much harder haha. Agreed… gotta love those fall races. Have a beautiful day Mollie!


I talk on the phone a lot- to family, friends! It’s easier than texting for full conversations.

Curly is so grown up!! And they look like mini me’s of your sister!

I am a very organized person- sometimes I wish I was more relaxed and go with the flow, but I like having things clean and in order!


I’m the same… I don’t feel like texting anymore ha! I agree, they both look so much like my sis. Come teach me how to be more organized please! Have a beautiful day friend!


Ha ha… Your mom showing up at school randomly. I have always been super involved with PTA, so on the school campuses often. My boys grew up knowing that mom is around a lot and all of the teachers know her… All their friends knew that too. Ha ha. It was a great way to see what was going on, and I did do a lot to help the school.
Beck and Skye really do look a lot alike. And could you please send your niece out here to help me organize?? I would love that.
I love following Sarah Hall on IG. She’s positive, but real too. I forgot, what race are you doing 1st? It’s so exciting to see races coming back.
Have a great day!


Probably my sister and my mom re: the phone.
Still a lot of races on hold!

When it comes to my work I am because I have to be and organizing my race kits yes. But otherwise nor particularly. A work in progress..

I think Beck and Skye look alike! Have a great day Janae!


Oh I am with you on being organized with racing items and teach me to be organized with work ha. Thank you so much Kristine, you too! Enjoy a chat with your sis and mom soon!


Wedny, that is awesome that your boys new that haha… always watching;). I’ll send my niece over and my sis over to help with the bathroom reno! I’m doing a race in June and not sure if I want to do the 10k or the half but I should probably do the 10k:). Have the best day and thanks friend.


YES, YES… your niece and your sister! Mike is finishing the last of the demo today. All that’s left of the old bathroom is the framing! Then we get to re-build and bring in all the pretty :)
Oooo… a 10K! I haven’t done one of those in a long time. That might be really fun to try. I know you’ll do amazing, and can’t wait to see how the hard core training comes along. :)


I saw that Sara Hall note too & it made me happy because I always have FOMO when I see others marathon training. I’m not there yet – I had a 2nd baby, then was almost but not quite back to marathons in 2019, & then 2020 happened. :) No races in existence = less motivation to be consistent. I intend to find a few 5/10ks that will be happening this May/June around here(MN) – so far some of the littler events are able to happen so just need to find one near me.
I do not talk on the phone much, even though I like to – I text quite a bit, and I text most with my mom. That is so great you talk to your sister so much!
I love that your niece organizes for you – so helpful! I like to organize others’ homes/spaces more than my own…


FOMO is exactly what I have too when everyone else is marathon training. We can get through this together:) I agree, the lack of races takes out all of the motivation. SO excited for you to do some 5k and 10ks in the next few months and I hope you keep me updated with how they all go! You are always welcome to come organize over here haha and I’ll make you dinner and a cake:). Have a great rest of your day Katie!


That first picture of you, Brooke and Skye needs to be framed. So cute!! Why does Skye look so grown up lately? I facetime my sister every Saturday usually. Because she lives in Arizona and I’m in New York, with the time change we are 3 hours apart now making it hard to chat during the week, but I love catching up on Saturday while I’m meal prepping or eating lunch.


Thank you so much! Seriously, once we had Beck it feels like Skye grew up way too fast. I love that you and your sis facetime, it’s just the best! I bet you look forward to that date every Saturday. Hope your morning is off to a great start, Alicia.


I felt VERY OLD when I saw Curly! She’s a beautiful young woman now and I remember her in her high chair eating your favorite food!! ha
I think Beck and Knox look very much alike!
You should be very proud of your parenting, you can tell you have HAPPY well balanced children ❣️


HEY CONNIE! Well, your comment just made me feel so happy because some days I feel like I’m doing it all wrong ha! Thank you for telling me that:). Ohhh that memory of Curly in the high chair took me back. I hope you are having a fabulous day and thanks for brightening mine.


Happy Wednesday!! My sister and I are on opposite side of the country and we talk and text ALL. THE. TIME. I laugh when I think about the days when you used to have a long distance carrier for your landline and the phone bills could get outrageous!
I love the city of Chicago! Haven’t run the marathon there, but maybe one day…
I think Beck looks exactly like Brooke :o)
Like you, in some areas, I am very organized and in others…absolutely NOT. Have an awesome day!!


OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE COUNTRY… NOOOO! That must be so hard. Thank goodness we don’t have to pay extra for long distance calls! Let’s all do Chicago in 2022:). I love that I’m not the only one that pick and chooses which ways to be organized ha. Thank you friend, you too!


I’m going to try to do Chicago 2022 as well! It’s my fav, but my PR is actually Boston, not Chicago. I’ve only done Chicago and Boston, and both are special. I love the different neighborhoods in the Chicago race.
Maybe I’ll see you there in 2022. I will/should be in the “A” group, which will still be WELL behind you!
Happy and training for the next 10 weeks.


For the past few days I’ve honestly thought that Beck looks just like Brooke did when she was a baby! I love Chicago as a city, though I’ve never done the marathon. I’d say I’m pretty organized with work stuff (I canNOT have clutter, it’s too distracting) but in my personal life that kind of goes out the window. I just found out I have ADHD, and it explains so much of the organization stuff!


The title of this post had me all worried-I was thinking “Thick skin” must mean that you had some random troll/nasty comments or something so I was all ready to pounce. Whew, good to know it was just Skye being brutally honest and the direct girl she is! Love her wit!!

I think Beck is a combo of Skye (expressions) and Knox (face shap). Skye maybe was a little more round in the face and Beck has more definition? All your kids are ridiculous cute.

Tell Curly she’s freaking us all out because she grew up before our eyes.

I was registered for Chicago in 2020 then rather than defer to this year or next I impulsively withdrew for the refund. Part of me regrets it but part of me feels relieved to not go through all the ordeal of finding lodging and flights again (I live overseas).

Happy Wednesday Janae!


Not related to this post at all, but…I JUST TALKED MY HUBBY INTO DOING THE UTAH VALLEY HALF!!! We’ll be celebrating our 10th anniversary in UTAH! Thanks for the code :)


omg i think skye and beck are twins – but i’ve told you that! you make the cutest babies!!!!


I heart Organizing Niece! Organizing is so helpful across the life spectrum day-to-day and longer term. I spy Painting Niece also.

I heart Shepherd’s Pie Neighbor. I heart this recipe (not Shepherd’s Pie): https://iowagirleats.com/make-ahead-breakfast-bowls-freezer-friendly/ I found this recipe on my way to sheet pan eggs. Sheet pan eggs, man, the way to go right now. Must be higher energy springtime.

I heart Easter treats with Twinkie cars! LOVE the imagination!! I wonder about people like the creator of the Peep in a Twinkie car with a covered pretzel for a steering wheel. Do they just come up with this, or does it take time? Oh, to be in touch with your creativity so it’s just flowing!! This is a big dream I need to keep closer to the front of my mind.

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