I ran up THE hill, all 12 eyeballs & NECESSARY.

All 12 eyeballs were looking at the camera.  I’m not sure that has ever happened until we took this picture.

It sure felt good to have everyone home yesterday.

My day started nice and early outside on my own.  I listened to a podcast about Princess Diana because I can never watch/read/listen to enough things about her.

My photography skills just get better by the year.

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I ran up THE hill (technically it is a hill but when you are running it it feels like a mountain).  I was SO tempted to go the non-mountain route yesterday but if I want to get stronger, I need to start taking the hills when I can.

You know you are adjusting to winter quite nicely when you are too hot to wear your gloves and you want to take your jacket off because it is thirty degrees…

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Beck was a total rockstar and gave me a 6 hour and 15 minute stretch of sleep the night before.  I haven’t slept that long uninterrupted since November 2nd;).   Here’s to hoping that happens again because the night before that he woke up 6 times ha.

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A bit later on in the day we bundled him up and we all went outside for a bit.

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Because a scrunchie on your handle bar is just the right thing to do.

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The amount of eggs we eat each day is getting out of control but I’m really enjoying how nice it is to just go out and grab them from the coop and eat them.   Our neighbors are loving them too:)

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For dessert we made Megan’s Marshmallow Popcorn and we watched Soul for the 3rd time.  This stuff is so so good.

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Oh and we also had my sister’s boys over and everyone got in the hot tub!

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PS I’ve had a few people asking me about what I was wearing the other day for a run in the teens!  I can’t find this exact one online anymore because it is so old but I do have one similar from Athleta that is HERE!  These types of tops are so necessary for me on the really cold days that I only want my eyeballs to be showing.

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Today’s questions are all brought to you by Andrew:

Taco Bell or Del Taco (or other fast food Mexican food)?

What is motivating you to run lately because he’s lacking motivation!

Did you get any running Christmas presents?  What was your best present?

What was the BEST thing that happened to you in 2020?

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Glad the gang is back together!

Not sure what Del Taco is but definitely not Taco Bell!

I got a running stick for Christmas…my calves are going to feel great! Ohh and I bought myself one of the straw cups you recommended and it’s going to be delivered today!!

Best thing in 2020 for us was that my daughter has not had any kidney infections! She was born with something called VUR and got lots of kidney infections which are scaryyy! She had surgery one year ago now so all seems good so far! So super grateful we got it fixed when we did!!

New Years Eve plans? Trying to find something to do with the kids at noon :)


Lots of running/fitness presents! I got a bench to hold my weights, several sets of kettle bells (loving them!), calf stretcher, running tights, a small spiked foot ball, and a launch box. Loving the new type of challenge with the fitness box and how much it gets my heart rate up. Best thing in 2020 by far was finishing my first marathon last month. I even got to do it in person, bc it was in a small town and very small race. Thank you for all your motivation on your blog from your excitement in training during hard days (I can do hard things!) to types of fuel and nutrition. I took your less running, more cross training plan for Andrew you suggested earlier this year and made my own variation! Despite having to adjust it down again due to a lingering minor injury that popped up midway thru training, I still was able to complete the race! Hope you guys have a wonderful week all together!! ?


Okay, I am so excited about the gifts you got for Christmas! I need to copy you with the kettle bells and the calf stretcher! Huge congrats on your first marathon last month, you are amazing and I am so glad you got to do it in person! Thank you for your sweet words, I’m glad we could join you in the build up:). Thank you friend and I hope your day is a beautiful one!


Ooooh that popcorn looks scrumptious! I will for sure be making that soon. One of the best things that happened to me in 2020 is being able to witness my grandson grow and thrive. He is such a blessing to our family. It is a privilege to be his Grandma!! Oh and Taco Bell is ok, I feel maybe it’s not quite as good as in years past. I’ve never had Del Taco so I can’t speak to that.


Kimberly! Thank you for sharing that with us, what a beautiful blessing. You sound like the best grandma ever! He is so lucky to have you. Maybe Del Taco is just a Utah thing?! If you ever see it, try it because I think it is way better than Taco Bell. Have a great day!


Jenn, this is so so so good to hear about your daughter. I am SO thankful that the surgery has helped so much. Thanks for sharing this with me. Let me know what you think of the cup:). Also, can you tell me more about what you do at noon… is that to replace staying up until midnight? Have the best day!


For NYE we will find a noon countdown on youtube for the kids and me! I haven’t stayed up until midnight in who knows how long! We like to do fun snacks, sparkling juice or shirley temple’s in fancy glasses too!
That popcorn looks awesome but when I click the link I can’t find the recipe! I looked on her website under recipes too! Help!


Hey Jenn! I LOVE this idea and I’m going to copy you:). Let me know if this link works? Otherwise I can just email you the link. I hope you are having a great day!


That popcorn looks so good!! We are planning to watch Soul tonight and I have all the ingredients to make that popcorn :)) Is that the north face thermoball vest? I love the color. My best present was my first pair of Brooks!!! They feel amazing. I don’t think I can ever wear any other sneaker


Let me know what you think of the popcorn… it is so good! It is the north face thermoball vest, Andrew gave it to me for Christmas and I love it. YAY FOR BROOKS… it made me smile so big to read that you don’t want to wear any other sneaker. Have a great day!


Where did you find the Princess Diana podcast?


Hey Angie! I just listened to the Dateline one but Kelly recommended the Princess Diana Series on the podcast You’re Wrong About and it is SO good so far. Let’s do a podcast club and talk about it all haha. Have the best day!


Thank you! My grandmother got me hooked on Princess Diana when I was a kid:)


If you haven’t listened to the Princess Diana series on the podcast You’re Wrong About, you should. It is excellent!


YOU ARE THE BEST! I just listened to it on my run and I am HOOKED. Thanks for the recommendation. Have a great day!


A few years ago I started a tradition of buying myself a nice present on my birthday and Christmas. The only rule is that it has to be something I really want. This year I treated myself to a pair of Goodr sunglasses (the shamrock ones—so fun!) and a new pair of running shoes.


Cynthia, I love this tradition! YAY for some new Goodr sunglasses and running shoes… I like the way you think:) I hope your day is off to a great start!


Never eaten at Taco Bell and never heard of Del Taco. I’ve never actually eaten at any fast food Mexican place because it does not agree with me at all. Around here people rave about Taco Tico.

My biggest motivation is just to get outside and get some fresh air.

I bought myself a new running jacket for the colder weather and some new leggings. Merry Christmas to me!

One of the best things of 2020 is that I started a new job that I’m really enjoying and has been so much better for my family.


Taco Tico… I need to find that place for Andrew! The fresh air is motivating me big time too! I love that you got yourself those things, good winter gear makes it so much easier to get out on the cold days. I am so happy about your new job, you deserve it! Have a beautiful day Erika!


My running motivation is my almost 6 month old son! I am capping my runs at about 4 or 5 miles right now because that’s usually all I have time for in the morning, but it totally keeps me sane and definitely makes me feel so much better and more patient! I think it helps me feel better when we’ve had a rough night, too!

Janae, I hear you on that 6 hour stretch! My son has had a rough past couple of weeks of sleep (up several times a night, sometimes every hour), but last night only got up once and I feel like a new person! It’s amazing what sleep can do for us!

It’s so nice to see all of the kids together again! I hope you all enjoy this week!


YAY for your little boy sleeping so well last night! It really is crazy how much the lack of sleep effects us! I hope that he keeps sleeping well for you:) I totally relate with you, running helps me to be a better mom and to enjoy motherhood more. We have to take care of ourselves a bit too each day:). Thank you so much Emily and I hope your morning is off to a great start!


We need to get our hot tub fixed! Every time you post a picture of yours, it makes me jealous.
Oh my goodness that picture of all of you is adorable! So happy for you that everyone is home. And I think Beck is really looking like Knox!
We watched Soul last night and loved it! What a great story.
I feel like not a lot happened or was accomplished this year. But we all stayed healthy, so that’s great! Our niece had her first baby in July, so that has been pretty special for sure.
So I am not a fan of hardly any fast food, especially Mexican fast food. But, my boys prefer Taco Bell. I guess the positive for Del Taco is that they also have french fries ?
Have a good Tuesday!


You absolutely need to get yours fixed! Thank you so much and I agree, I see so much of Knox in Beck. Glad you loved Soul! SO thankful that you have all stayed healthy and for your new niece. Hahah that is a positive for Del Taco and they also have good milkshakes:). Thanks Wendy, you too!


That group picture is adorable and I am very impressed. My kids are older and I STILL can’t make that happen? And those older kids got up every hour on Christmas Eve! I was so tired and ornery the next day. And you have to do that crap every night. I’m sorry. I truly don’t know how we all survive that stage ?

Del taco all.the.way.

I can’t remember the last time I ran ? You’re fine, Andrew. It’s fine. I mean, I still workout every day. I just haven’t ran??‍♀️ I got new exercise clothes for Christmas. Pretty much all gifts for me are fitness related or food? go figure. Speaking of, I got a GC to zao in my stocking, so it’s a yes from me!!


Maybe try taking 495 selfies a day and your kids will get better at it;). Hahaha it’s easier when they are little/innocent/truly hungry and wake you up vs when they are older and wake you up! I need to see your new workout clothes and Zao… next week?!


good to see so many happy eyeballs! lol!
I don’t know why but I can’t do fast Mexican food; Café Rio or Chipotle is as fast as it gets for me!
Two weeks ago my motivation was a New Years Eve half with a friend. Until there was a chance I was exposed to COVID then I had to cancel all friend runs for a couple weeks. Boo. Now my run motivation is to get to 1,000 run miles before the year is up. I blame Strava for this new run goal.
All of my presents were run presents! Massage gun, shorts, Bosu ball (not technically a run present but I have to do the strength to keep running injury free!), kettlebell, fuel and a massage scraping tool. I think I’ve used the Bosu and massage gun the most.
Oh man …. 2020 was a doooozy! I’ll have to get back at you with that one! Lol!
Have a great day!


I cannot do Taco Bell so I completely understand where you are coming from! I am so sorry that you had to cancel everything because of your exposure. That is so hard. I LOVE your new goal to hit before the year is over… I’m cheering for you! Strava really gets us! You got the best presents! Enjoy! Thanks Jenny, you too!


Whenever I need motivation to get outside for my run, I think of Shalane Flanagan’s mantra: ‘mood follows action’. That always gets me out the door because I know my mood does improve enormously after a run.
The best thing to happen to me this year is finding love! My boyfriend and I have known each other for over seven years, it took us some time to realize we wanted to be more than friends, haha.
I am not from the US so unfortunately I can not help you on the Taco Bell/Del Taco debate.
Good luck with Beck tonight, keeping my fingers crossed!


Oh I LOVE that mantra and it is 10000% true. I agree, I come home like a new person after a run. I am so thrilled for you Liz, your story gave me goosebumps. I am so happy for you and your boyfriend. Thank you so much friend and have a great day!


I’ve been having the same problem running in the cold! My eyelashes will freeze but I get hot and have to take off gloves haha.

Favorite fast Mexican would be chipotle or cafe rio (which I only tried after your suggestion Janae!).

I got some new running clothes and nice longer socks! Excited for the longer socks for cold running days.


What is going on with our hot hands?! And I am SO happy I got you to try Cafe Rio… and now I think I need it for lunch:) Have a great day, Mariah!


I’ve never actually had Del Taco, but I’m going to say Taco Bell… or can I say Chipotle or Cafe Rio? haha
One of my motivations to run is that it’s cold outside, so I need to run to get myself warm and then into a hot shower! I’m perpetually cold, so I don’t think that’ll be the same motivation as Andrew’s though haha. Also, I always feel better after a run… Can he take Baretta? When my dog would want to run (she’s getting older now and has had surgery and some arthritis is flaring up) I would take her and she would help with my motivation since she just had a smile on her face when we’d be out there!
I got a massage gun for Christmas and excited to use it!
The most exciting thing to happen in 2020 was I’m pregnant with my second right now! So far everything has been going well and I’m almost at the halfway mark!


CONGRATS KATHY on your pregnancy, I am so happy for you! Keep me updated with it all. I hope you are feeling good!

You can absolutely say Chipotle or Cafe Rio and I fully agree with you:) Haha I love what motivates you and I can definitely relate to you more than he can. YES to Beretta helping him with his motivation!


Hi Janae! My running motivation is definitely mental health. Often running is the only time of the day that I consciously set aside just for me. I also run easy pretty much this entire year because this year was challenging and I just wanted the endorphins. The other thing Andrew can try is a running streak, because when you have to run every day your brain shifts from “do I want to run today?” to “when will I run today?”. Happy running Andrew! Let us know what works!


I totally agree with you Amy. Those endorphins do so so much for us. Oh a running streak, that would be perfect for him! That brain shift is the best… I love when running just automatically becomes part of our day! Have a great day Amy and I hope your run was an amazing one!


Beck is changing so much! Happy the whole crew is back together.

I’ve never had Del Taco and I haven’t had Taco Bell in years. Baja Fresh for the win!

I’m finally able to run again after a month off due to injury. I’m still doing more walking than running but I’m motivated to get strong again. I’m also committing to strength training hoping that my injuries will decrease.

I got 2 new running/cycling jackets, one that has magnetic sleeves that can come off mid-run. It’s replacing one that I’ve had for a decade that got torn up when I tripped over my own feet last month.

With all that’s gone wrong this year, I’d say the best thing has been staying home. We’ve traveled so much for the past 8 years and I didn’t realize how good it would feel to just be still for a while. I’m very thankful that Les has been able to work from home and both of our families have been healthy. Icing on the cake: TWO of our nieces got engaged! My sister’s daughter and Les’ brother’s daughter both got engaged. So happy for both of the happy couples!


Thank you so much Kathy! I love what you said about the best part of your 2020. I am so glad that you have been able to enjoy being at home in California and that everyone is healthy. That is so exciting about your nieces! Your new jacket that has magnetic sleeves sounds amazing! Enjoy and I am so happy you are back to running again! Have a beautiful day and now I need some Baja Fresh!


Marathon Project and one on one coaching have given me an extra boost this month for running motivation.
My husband gave me 3 pairs of Bombas running sock for Christmas. He thought 3 pairs of donated socks was nice but then decided to buy 100 pairs of regular ole socks to take on Christmas day to a local charity/shelter.


I love that your husband did that and I love Bombas! SO cool that you have one on one coaching right now… that is definitely a motivation booster. Have a fabulous day Molly!


Running motivation (and Janae knows me well enough to know this comes from a person with a healthy food relationship) : All the good Holiday food that tastes even better after some miles in the cold.

One of the best things that happened to me in 2020 is the introvert side of me got a chance to live her best life.


Hope you are enjoying your holidays!

We got to spend a lot of time snowshoeing together in the mountains with the puppy which is really what made me happy.

I did get cold hard cash lol which I put towards a red puffy parka from Aritzia which I loved.

So glad Beck slept for a long stretch and your whole family is back together again!

Have a wonderful day Janae!


So many commenters have never had Del Taco…what!! Confession…I had never had it myself until I met my husband 5ish years ago (his name is also Andrew haha). Hate to say it but I love Del Taco AND Taco Bell so it depends on what I’m in the mood for. I love the bean/cheese burritos and quesadillas at Del Taco and cheesey Gordita crunch at Taco Bell :)

Best thing that happened to me in 2020 is getting pregnant with a little girl :)


Yeah for the 12 eyeballs back in action!!!!

I haven’t had Taco Bell in at least a decade, but I do remember it being the perfect late night snack after going to weddings with light/boring food.

My mom got me a super cozy zip hoodie for after running. I’m wearing it non-stop!
Best of 2020: I got more into mountain biking with my boyfriend and youngest son. We even went to a few bike parks this summer and I had a blast. I’m no daredevil *at all* but it was fun to do the flowy tracks. AND……we got a puppy on Thanksgiving! She’s a black lab and so ridiculous cute.

Running motivation? Actually, I ran less and have been biking more which for some odd reason has made getting out the door to run more enjoyable. Weird, but since I realized the world doesn’t end on a non-run day it just makes it seem less of an ordeal to go. I was the rare person who was not disappointed with all the event cancellations because A) I’m not a huge fan of races B) it gave me time to focus on healing a years long (yes, pural) nagging injury C) I enjoy running with or without an event. Granted, I was registered for Chicago but knew it would be cancelled months prior so it wasn’t a hard blow. I do feel bad for those who really enjoy and crave races. That’s got to be tough. Anyway, motivation can also be so simple as “I can procrastinate for half an our or just get out the door for half and hour and be done.” 99% of the time I actually run more than 30 minutes but when I put it in perspective, it makes it seem so short and easy. In October-December I would squeak in a 5-8km during a break and simply throw my running shoes on and head out in my scrubs. I sort of did it as a homage to Florence Nightingale. I called it my scrub run Five for Flo. 2020 is the 200th year of her birth.


We have taco time and Taco Bell here in my area but I gotta say del taco is my go to for fast food when I visit the US! Mexican is my favourite yum!

Best thing of 2020 was successfully graduating from my hospital unit Clerk program . It was a year of my life, juggling 3 kids, a nasty separation and pulling all nighters to get my papers done. It felt SO good to scale that mountain in May 2020 :)!!

I got cash for Christmas so I just purchased some kinvara 11s today! Looking forward to breaking them in in 2021.


Gillian. You are amazing. You have done so much this year as you go through some very hard things. I’m cheering for you and your three kids are so lucky to have such a strong mom. Enjoy those kinvaras!!


So I can’t remember anything LOL – I copied pasted questions:
Taco Bell or Del Taco (or other fast food Mexican food)? Neither – I do not east fast food Mexican – only the nicer places. I call Taco Bell Taco Hell LOL

What is motivating you to run lately because he’s lacking motivation! I gained so much endurance in 2020 I don’t to lose it and I joined a 100 mile challenge – I don’t like to quit so that keeps me going.

Did you get any running Christmas presents? What was your best present? Unfortunately – no running presents :-(.

What was the BEST thing that happened to you in 2020? I lost 50 pounds, began running and added weights to my workout routine – I am stronger than I think I have ever been and I am 54 !!

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