What does this mean about my running + Tangents

My brain is not going to be functioning normally until we start to sleep again so just expect plenty of bullet point type posts for the next little while;)

*The picture above is how each and every post will be written for the next few months… I love it and my one handed typing skills have greatly increased:)

*On Saturday night I did get one four hour stretch of sleep and woke up feeling like a million bucks.

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*Beck is going to be 2 weeks old as of tomorrow!  At this point with Brooke I was already running again (and SO excited to be running again but also dealt with many injuries because I started again so quickly), with Skye I was dreaming about running again at this point and with Beck…. I’m feeling like maybe I’ll start running again in 2022 ha.  I don’t know why but I’m just not missing running and that might change soon but I just remind myself that running will be there for me whenever I’m ready for it.  Until then I will go on walks and do some light stretching (below I washed my hair and did some stretching all before noon on Sunday ha… I was so proud).

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*A stop along the way on our walk to see a gnome garden.

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*I came across this picture of when Skye was a baby and thought it was Beck until I realized that Brooke was much younger in the picture than she is right now!

*We tried something new for dinner and it was the absolute best….

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We will never make chicken noodle soup without homemade noodles again.  THIS recipe was so good.

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*I’ve been taking advantage of our drive-thru cookie stores VERY often lately!

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*I think we have another pacifier baby…. We are very thankful that we got Skye off of hers before Beck arrived (thanks for all of the help with that)!

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*This was a DM from Instagram and it made me so happy… We might have our own cross-country team in a few years;)

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*I styled Beck’s hair yesterday and I’m not sure he loved it…

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*Beck does really well in the car until we have to stop somewhere which results in me trying to find the best route that do not include stop signs or stoplights!

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Give me a tangent or two today!!

Those of you that have had kids… When did you start running again?

What is going to be the best part of your Tuesday?

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I kind of love that feeling of NOT missing running when you’re taking a break from it–it’s a good reminder to me that as much as I love running, there are other things just as important! And when you do start to miss it, it’s usually a good sign that you’re ready for it.

I hope Beck is dreaming about donuts. Your chicken soup looks SO good!

My tangent for the day is . . . I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about how I didn’t like some of my lesson plans for the week, so mentally rewrote them before I fell back asleep. I am shocked that I remember this 8 hours later.


I totally agree! These breaks are so nice and I’m sure they help us to love running even more whenever the timing is right again! That is amazing that you remembered the new lesson ideas when you woke up again… I can never do that! Enjoy the rest of your day Kristin and make the soup!


Beck is absolutely beautiful! You look great!! I started exercising again about 4.5 weeks postpartum, because I felt ready, but took it super easy. I did some incline walking and extremely slow running (I’m talking like a 4.5 on the treadmill for pace haha). I felt like I was back to running mostly normally by about 8 weeks, and now I feel pretty good! I’m still maxing out at about 5ish miles and I’m 20 weeks postpartum, but am eyeing a half in the early spring. I hope uour Tuesday has been great so far!


Hi Janae! I am 9 weeks PP and still haven’t run…i told myself i would definitely be back by 4-6 weeks, but my body and exhaustion just wasn’t feeling it. I’ve really been enjoying every second I get with my baby, so we go on walks together (I carry her in a carrier) and it feels like a great workout! Running will always be there, but these baby years won’t :)


Thank you so much for sharing your story with me Kristine! Keep enjoying every snuggle, they grow up way too fast and I’m glad you are getting this time together❤️ keep me updated on how you are doing!


Thank you! Enjoy Beck – he is absolutely adorable!


He seriously gets cuter every time you post! I was definitely ready to run quickly with both of my kids, but I think if I had another I would wait a while. I kind of think it depends on what’s going on in your life, how much stress relief you think you need. haha. My tangent is, our school district went full virtual with no notice. I’m so over this.
I need one of those cookies asap. That would help. ;-)
I hope you have a wonderful, cuddly, relaxing and maybe nap filled (?!) day! <3


That is so so true.. Each situation is so different and each stage of life is too! Mollie, I am so so sorry about school going back to 100% virtual. How will you juggle things with work? Thinking about you and I need to fedex you this cookie!


The best part of my Tuesday will be taking my grandson for a walk in his stroller on this beautiful sunny day. Wow! I think Skye and Beck look alot alike! Treasure these precious newborn days ?


I’m so glad you are getting that walk together in the sunshine! The best! Thank you so much Kimberly!


I love getting these little updates from you! How is Beck 2 weeks old already? Wow!
Today I am getting my hair done!! I’m very excited, and feeling very thankful. Our Covid #’s are really high again, putting us back in the purple tier, so that means many things will be closing again. So, I’m focusing on the positives again, to get through this next wave.
Thanks for sharing baby pics and sending us all smiles!


The pregnant days went by so slow and these newborn days are going way too fast! I am so happy you are able to get your hair done but I’m so sorry about the numbers in your area and things closing down again. That is so so hard. You are doing amazing staying positive! I’m here for you if you ever need to talk. Enjoy the rest of your day, Wendy!


I almost forgot about the dreaded red lights! One of mine LOVED the car. Until it stopped. Even for a second. He would immediately wake up and cry his head off. So yes, I knew all of the no stopping routes, kind of like knowing all of the running routes. Better to map them out now in case you need them later. Enjoy your precious baby!


Glad to know Beck is not alone in hating to stop! So so true.. these non stopping routes are so important right now ha. I hope you are having a great day so far Colleen!


Everytime you post those cookies I need them!! Where are they from? Thank you!!


They are from Swig! You must go ASAP or I need to send you one❤️ Have the best day Jenn!


While pregnant with Allie, and for about a year afterwards i hardly did any physical activity. Probably wasn’t the healthiest choice looking back, but it is what it is.
I had not run in a few months (just wasnt feeling it, and listened to my body) but over the last 3 weeks I’ve done 3 5k run/walks each week, and feel really good about it. You’re totally right, running (or whatever form of exercise you prefer) will ALWAYS be there for you when you’re ready.
I can’t stand how cute beck is. Wow!! MY OVARIES!!!


I think you did exactly what you needed to do after having Allie! You have rocked it the last three weeks! On fire! Hahaha Beck is making my ovaries already want another too? Have the best day Andrea!


I would so appreciate if you shared how you got rid of the pacifier. I have a 2.5 year old and and due with any other baby in February. Hoping to kick it before new baby arrives.

Have a wonderful day!


Hey Mary! Congrats on your new little one coming in February! So excited for you. With Skye we took her to build a bear and she put her last binky inside of the bear before they sewed it up! We explained to her that every time she misses her binky she can just give her bear a big hug. This way she got a bear that she has wanted so bad and something to remember her binky too. Let me know if it works for you guys… good luck and I hope you are feeling well!


Hi Janae! I am super impressed with your sleep deprived one handed typing skills, you don’t have any typos! Thanks for challenging me to think of what the best part of my day is going to be, we are going back into lockdown so it’s hard for me because everything is canceled. I think the best thing may be still seeing all the gorgeous fall colors on my runs even though it’s been raining. This year the leaves have stuck around longer and I love when the trees look like they are on fire. Happy Tuesday!


Hey Amy!! I am so so sorry you guys are going back to lockdown. That is so hard. Please keep me updated on how you are doing. Those leaves and colors are the best, keep enjoying them on your runs.


We started off with the pacifier and only let our baby have it when it’s sleep time. He puts it away every time he wakes up which is great and always looks forward to night night time. We now have a 3 year old and have been trying to wean him off the nighttime ritual and it is not going well yet. We will get there.

I had a C-section, but couldn’t wait to run and started slow and easy at about 10 weeks out. I say you start when you are ready to start. Going out for walks with the little cutie would be a great way to start.


That is a fabulous idea… I’ll try that with Beck! Good luck with the weaning, it is so hard! Yes.. I agree! Thanks so much Michele and I hope you are having a great Tuesday!


I waited more than a year after having my daughter to run again. I know that is a long long time (esp when my obgyn gave me the go ahead at 6 weeks) but running didn’t feel right (especially when I was breastfeeding and leaky- ha!). I walked a ton and went on hikes. I love your motto, “running will be there for me when I am ready.” You are honoring your body!!!


I think you did the perfect thing! You listened to your body and did what felt right! I’m excited to hike again so I’ll probably copy you on that! Thank you so much friend and I hope you are having a beautiful afternoon! PS what is going on with school for your daughter now?


We are still homeschooling and we feel we made the right decision to shield her from the instability of closures and reopening etc. we have seen numbers increase in schools and the town…Public schools will go remote for 2 weeks after Thanksgiving and Christmas because people will likely travel- spread the virus. Meanwhile, we are just staying home and taking walks bundled up. It’s hard to homeschool but so worth it for her learning and happiness. How are your kids’ schools?

Oh and thank you so much for recommending the scribble scrubbie crayola set- Leila loves playing with it!


You guys definitely made the right choice for Leila! She is so lucky to have amazing parents. Our elementary schools have done well and had very low numbers but the older grades have gone through a lot of different closures. My sister’s high school kids are so bummed about it! Oh I’m so glad she loves it! Thanks for getting back to me!


I left my 6 week appointment where she told me I could run again and had a celebratory first run.
Winter babies might make it easier to wait and then some……..30 or treadmill vs. 70 and sunny. ??


That really is so so true… the spring/summer/fall miles would be much more tempting! Tell Hope we all say hello!


Just had to stop by and say Beck is waaaaaaay cute! Oh my. Love the pics. Miss my boys that little sometimes. Running for sure always be there and a rest break on your body will benefit you ten fold. Snuggle away with that cutie.


Thank you so so much Christina! These snuggles are just the best. I hope you have a great week with your boys!


I love homemade noodles!! When I was young (maybe Brooke’s age?) it was a school project to come up with our own holiday. So January 9th is Homemade Noodle Day!! We still celebrate to this day :)


Okay this made me smile big! I will join you in your holiday, I love it. Hope your Tuesday has been great so far Alyssa!


? the baby pics! So precious!

You will know when you’re ready to ?‍♀️and guess what? It doesn’t matter how long it takes!! ?

I have a tangent…

How is Thanksgiving next WEEK? ?


I need to thank you for your post about Skyes pacifier. I was telling my husband about what you did with the build a bear and my 2.5 year old heard the story. She thought her bear took her sous sous, and we’ve never gone back…
Wasnt really expecting that to go as smoothly as it did!

Beck is gorgeous! Congratulations!


This makes me so so happy! I’m so glad it worked❤️ Have a beautiful evening and thanks Laura!


Congratulations on your baby ! recently came across your blog and I admire you ! Your family is adorable. I’m looking forward to our zoom family gathering next week. Though we chat at various times, we set aside a day where we will all log on and chat ! I have a question- do you mind sharing when and how you take time to do your daily chores ? I’m sure there’s a lot of planning and effort and would love to hear how you manage to do your daily chores. What was your routine like ( I’m guessing it’s Beck driven now :) ) . Are you a morning or night person to get things done around your house? Looking forward to your reply ! Congratulations again ! And thanks for your blog :)

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