Our Running Tips and Day + It Makes Everything Better.

We finally got in another run together.  Brooke has been sleeping in a lot more lately which hasn’t given us time to run before school but yesterday she was up and ready to lace up her shoes and run to school.  She brought my average pace down again (I did the first part of my run solo) and I finished with 4.5 miles @ 9:38 average pace.

Brooke’s latest running tip—>  Throw in some leaps throughout your run to add some fun, speed, smiles from people driving by and to avoid stepping on cracks and breaking your mother’s back.

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My running tip is to plan your routes right now where you can run through the most amount of leaves on the ground.  Picture from my run earlier in the morning.  PS lately I’ve been sticking to being around a mile or a mile and a half max away from my house.  I don’t want to be too far if anything happens!

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Skye and I tried out Michelle’s oatmeal version with sautéd apples and bananas and wow.  Butter just makes everything better.  I learn the best things from you guys.

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We both loved it and now I’m not sure if Skye will ever be able to eat oatmeal without her apples cooked in some butter first.

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When I asked Skye what she wanted to do yesterday she told me she wanted to go on a walk and then get the baby out of my stomach… This gives me hope that she is excited to be a big sister:).

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Andrew, Skye and I went out for a bit during the day.

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This salad from 180 Tacos brings us both a lot of happiness.

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And then I spent a lot of time on the couch and the kids tried on their Halloween costumes for me.

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I did eventually get off the couch to go on a walk with the crew.

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A peanut butter smoothie followed by sweet potato gnocchi from TJs (isn’t that a delicious sounding combo;).

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And then we watched the World Series…

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PS how long will Skye LOVE doing chores like feeding Beretta?!  I’m really enjoying this.

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Very random running tangent… I noticed on Des Linden’s IG picture the dirt on her socks just above her ankles.  I kick my feet there too and end up with those same marks during my runs sometimes… does anybody else do this?


Give US one of your running tips that you’ve been using lately?  

How often do you go on walks?  Those of you with dogs… how often do you walk them?  Do you enjoy walks?

-We are trying to get in as many as we possibly can before snow hits!

Are you dressing up this year for Halloween?

-This year will be much different than most Halloweens but we are dressing up… I’m going to be a pirate.

Who else is watching the World Series? Who are you cheering for?

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I always dress up for Halloween! This year we’re going Grease and I will be a pink lady and my hubby a t bird!


How fun! I can’t wait to see your costumes! Have a great day, Loribeth.


I would say I walk my dog 5 days a week. I’d love to say it’s 7 days but sometimes it doesn’t happen because of my schedule or the weather haha. I love my dog but if it’s raining, I prefer indoor play time to tire to her. A tip for people is the play scavenger hunt! I have my dog sit and then I put little training treats around the house (it’s a big open concept so it’s easy) then she goes to find them. After about 30 minutes, you do it again because it’s harder. The scents of the first round are still there so the dog has to work harder mentally. It’s a rainy (and freezing cold day) favorite of ours.


I’m with you on the rain… I don’t think that Beretta likes it either ha. I LOVE that idea, we will totally have to try that. Thanks so much Maureen and enjoy your day.


I used to go on walks all the time, and it’s what I miss most since my injury! Trying to find other ways to get fresh air and clear my head . . . but I can’t wait to start walking again. I did get a great swim in this morning!

I will definitely be dressing up for virtual school this year! I got my costume and I’m so excited. I always go as a book character!

Your gnocchi/smoothie combo sounds heavenly. And I still like feeding my dog–maybe Skye will, too! :-)


I REALLY hope that you are able to get back to those walks again soon. SO happy you got in an awesome swim though. I hope the endorphins are flowing big time. I should have guessed that you would go as a book character. I hope you get some gnocchi or a smoothie soon. Thanks Kristin!


One year my son was the same thing that Knox is! However, this was before there was an actual costume for it so we had to make the “mask” out of a white bucket-cutting those eyes was so hard! Then I put black gauze in the holes. It was hilarious and just the other day I finally recycled the Marshmello costume bucket.


You are good… I’m very impressed that you made your own mask for the costume! I bet your son loved it! Have the best day, Kelly.


I wish we got in more walks! We don’t live in the best area for walking–especially with kids (flat road country road and fast traffic) so we have to drive into town.

I always kick my ankle bone and I end up bleeding especially on long winter runs. My running tip right now is to use the treadmill. We had pure ice on our roads yesterday and I woke up to a winter storm this morning…and a school snow day.

Haha, I remember those days of being pregnant and running loops around our (old) neighborhood. Our neighbors thought I was nuts as I ran past their house about 10x’s during my run.

Agh, I keep forgetting about Halloween. My oldest 2 are all set, but I don’t think my youngest has a costume that fits. I usually don’t dress up, but I think in 2020 we all need a bit more fun/happiness so I might put something together!

Happy Thursday Janae!!!


That is a bummer that there aren’t a lot of great places for you to go on walks. PURE ICE already and another winter storm… thank goodness for treadmills. They sure save us when the weather doesn’t want us to run. Hahaha now I feel more normal because I’m sure my neighbors think the same thing. I just don’t want to get too far away! You’ll have to let me know what you dress up as. Thanks Becky, you too!


We have 3 kids that are doing full virtual learning until schools open here in Raleigh, NC, so we go on a LOT of walks to break up the day!!! We have a 1 yr old dog too, and he needs lots of exercise. He gets 3 walks/day ?


I can only imagine… those walks are saving you guys and I’m sure your dog LOVEs them too. I hope that schools are able to start opening up soon in your area because everyone is healthy. Keep me updated and have a great day, Allison.


It looks so pretty out there in Utah! I think this time of year you guys have the best weather and fall colors!
I walk my dog almost every day. He’s getting older, so we’re much slower and don’t go as far, but we still get out there.
I love to take walks. My husband and I were doing a lot of walks together in the early part of summer. Then he got really busy, then had a hip injury… Booo
My running tip lately has been to smile when it feels hard. It gives me a mental lift every time.
I don’t know if we’re dressing up for Halloween this year. We usually have neighbors and friends over for a big pre-trick-or-treat chili dinner, then the kids go out trick-or-treating, then back to our house for other goodies…. But we’re not doing that this year, and not many people in our neighborhood are handing out candy. It will be strange for sure! We will still carve pumpkins though and we have our decorations up!
I love Skye’s answer to what she wanted to do today! So sweet!
Have a great day!


I’m going to have to agree with you on that.. it is so nice here right now! I bet those walks together are the best, wish Beretta and I could join you and your pup. Oh I love that tip and I could have used that today, I will tomorrow! Sounds like you guys have figured out the perfect way to celebrate Halloween. Thanks Wendy, you too!


I love walks! They’re my main form of exercise. So usually 3 – 4 miles a 2 or 3 times a week. My puppy is 4 months and is a mastiff so they’re not supposed to go on long walks until they’re fully developed, so we go on a 15 minute walk 1-2 times a day. Of course there are days when this just doesn’t happen due to schedule or bad weather. Also live in the country, but luckily the farmer behind us doesn’t mind if we walk through his property. It’s beautiful with corn fields and all the fall colours, so peaceful!
I never dress up for halloween, not much of a costume person. Allie is going to be either Elsa or a Unicorn! Her school is having a dress up day and a little event outside where each class will go separately.
How far along were you when you had Brooke and Skye?! I had allie at 35 + 6, water broke at 33 + 4 but I hung on for 3 weeks.


Wish we could go on a walk together! Walking where you live sounds stunning. You’ll have to send me a picture of Allie dressed up, it will make Skye so happy. I didn’t know your water had broke and you didn’t have Allie for three more weeks!? Skye was one week early and Brooke was about two weeks early… Let’s hope that this baby copies one of them;). Have a great day Andrea.


I kick my ankles too and am always muddy/dirty after runs from it! Makes me feel better that you and Des do that too.


I’ll ask Des if we can start a club all together ha:). I hope you have a great day Mariah!


I have a couple of Des Linden running videos on my phone to use for comparison purposes when I study gait. She has a bit of a hip drop and her foot passes very close to her opposite ankle at mid stride. It is not quite a cross over gait pattern (like I have and am trying to fix) but her feet definitely land a tad bit to the medial side of her knee (her foot is more towards the mid-line of the body and not directly under her knee). I found the videos on YouTube but can’t seem to find them again.

I notice that I have medial heel whip also – which can cause that same ankle mark. Obviously Des does not have this issue but it is common in recreational runners like myself.
See here: https://www.runnersworld.com/health-injuries/a29639106/heel-whip-exercises/

Maybe Des does have a bit of medial heel rotation, you can see how close her heel is to her opposite ankle and the heel rotated towards he mid line in the 2nd picture here: https://www.bustle.com/p/boston-marathon-winner-desiree-linden-says-this-is-what-she-was-actually-thinking-about-during-the-race-8854437

I am watching the World Series and have no real preference – but am leaning more toward the Rays.


WOW, you understand this all so well! I definitely have had hip drop problems over the years too. Enjoy watching the rest of the World Series. My brother and Andrew are definitely cheering for the Dodgers so I hope they win! Have a great day, John.


Ha, it’s one thing knowing it. It’s another thing actually implementing it into a 40 year old trained gait! Not only that, but to my untrained eye it takes forever to figure things out. I really need to have somebody who knows their stuff do a gait analysis. On the bright side, It is nice to have the knowledge yourself by studying it.

Yup, everybody has some sort of hip drip, even the elites. It’s kind of like pronation; it is a normal part of the natural gait cycle. But TOO MUCH hip drop or pronation is not a good thing. So confusing, lol…


Hip drip, lol. I should start calling excessive hip drop – hip drip now.


Hi Janae! I kick my ankles too! The one thing I don’t like about running through leaves is that sometimes the leaves are hiding acorns. I’ve rolled my ankle stepping on a hidden acorn more than once and it’s not fun. Always makes me wonder if the squirrels missed that acorn because it was hidden or they his the acorn under those leaves. Anyways have a great day!


Running in the fall is the absolute best!

Our kids are dressing up as a pumpkin and Cinderella this year. Normally we do a big family themed set of costumes (least year we were Peter Pan so I got to dress up as Mr. Smee, it was fun) but this year we aren’t doing much so just the kids are dressing up. I miss it but next year hopefully we will live it up!

We don’t follow baseball but we are watching the Vuelta a España (cycling grand tour similar to Le Tour de France).

I bet Skye will be an amazing big sister, she has such good role models with Brooke and Knox. Have a great day!!!


We walk/run with our dogs at least twice per day. Our dogs actually are the athletes (participating in dog sports) in our family. Keeping them fit keeps us active.


Running tip: starting all over from 1 min run / 90 second walk intervals is just as exciting as the very first time I started running. Don’t be afraid of losing your fitness to an injury. Take all the time you need to heal, running will wait for you.

I walk Archie the pup 3 times per day for a total of about 3 miles per day. We choose walks over dog piles in the back yard.

I love Brooke’s running trip. I’m definitely adding in at least one leap tomorrow!


I love your running tip. I’m currently healing from a sprained ankle and while its certainly frustrating being sidelined, I’m also dreaming about the comeback and all the exciting milestones you get to hit again.


Michelle – just be patient with yourself. This back problem of mine has been really difficult to sort out and there have been false starts back to running before this. Although it’s a sprained ankle and may heal without intervention, I would say find a really good PT or personal trainer that’s willing to stick with you until you find the stretches and strength training that really works for you. I thing strength training is the absolute necessary complement for an injury free runner. Good luck! Belle


haha my dog is VERY spoiled… she gets 2-3 walks daily. Sometimes they are short 15 mins walks, other times if I have time it will go up to a 30 mins walk. Before I had my daughter (she’s almost 2.5) my job would start later too, so I would take her on an hour walk in the morning and then shorter walks throughout the day. She will walk in freezing cold, snow, rain, heat (although ironically we found out this summer while visiting my parents in st louis that she does not like hot and humid, which I totally feel the same, she’d only walk 4 houses down and wouldn’t budge until we turned around). We live in Denver, so she doesn’t mind the dry heat.
Running tip? I’m struggling right now haha It’s amazing that exactly 3 years ago I ran my first marathon at 10 weeks pregnant. I felt great and now I’m *secretly* 8 weeks pregnant (new baby’s due date is 2 days after my daughters birthday!) and I’m feeling so tired and I haven’t actually gotten sick, but my stomach hasn’t been feeling great. I’ve made it out a few times, but it’s hard to get out the door right now. So I guess my tip is just get out the door and reevaluate after a few mins. Usually you can at least keep going for a little bit and most of the time, you’ll feel good to have moved at least a little bit!
I don’t typically dress up for Halloween, but I do still have an Owl onesie costume that is warm and comfy!! My daughter had two costumes last year (a unicorn and rabbit) and she only wore the rabbit once, so she’ll be a rabbit again! haha I suppose next year we’ll have to get a new costume for her!


Walk the dog every day usually twice. Early in the morning and then later on after dinner. She’s just 1 1/2 so still puppy energy and actually walking doesn’t make her tired enough but i try. It’s time consuming though!! And I’m having a hard time getting my kids to help


Brooke’s fleece is so cute, where’s it from?

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