31 Weeks + Hormonal or Not So Much?!

Less than 9 weeks to go!

Let’s chat about a few things that have been happening the last few weeks.

*The baby is around 3.5 lbs right now which is crazy to me because that means it still needs to double in size (Brooke and Skye were both just a little over 7 lbs) and I already feel like there isn’t enough space!

*Andrew said that if the baby decides to come a weekish early and arrive on Halloween that it will become his instant favorite child (I think he is kidding but I’m not sure;)

*WE HAVE NAMES!! Andrew picked a boy name and I picked a girl name so let’s hope we continue to love them:)

*36.1 miles last week.  The temperatures are dropping which makes me feel more confident that I will probably continue to run throughout this pregnancy because the cooler temps help so much.

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*My two current cravings that are quite different from one another but equally delicious…

Edamame with extra salt and…

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Ding Dongs (2 at a time).  I hadn’t had a Ding Dong for decades and then boom, one day I had to go to the store just to get them.

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*Because I have an anterior placenta, I’m not feeling the baby moving as much as I did with my previous pregnancies so my doctor wants me to do kick tests throughout the day.  This means under doctor’s orders I am supposed to go and do absolutely nothing but lay on the couch and count kicks a few times a day.  I love it and I love that as soon as I seem to relax and slow down, I start to feel all of the baby’s movements.

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*I’m thankful to everyone that helps me get up off of the bed or couch… a helping hand makes all the difference.

*I either want to be standing, reclined or completely laying down… sitting is already uncomfortable ahhh!

*I feel like Skye is the perfect mix of Brooke and Knox (with the way she looks and with her personality) and I’m wondering what this new one will be like!



This is a very random tangent but I wanted to see if this was the case for anybody else.  For the two years leading up to getting pregnant again I tried ALL of the skincare products, went to a Dermatoligist, saw estheticians and felt like I had tried everything.  My skin definitely improved during that time but I was still getting zits.  And then I got pregnant and I rarely get one and if I do it is very small.  I haven’t changed what I eat, I still sweat from exercise often and there have been a million nights that the only thing I’ve done is wipe off my makeup because I felt so sick so the changes can’t be from those things.  I use my PMD weekly still (which was what I noticed  helped me the most pre-pregnancy and overall just makes my skin feel so much smoother and alive) but I’m thinking that a lot of my acne problems were from hormones!  Although during pregnancy I get a lot of brown dots everywhere (including my face) but they aren’t zits!

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Anyone else have better skin while pregnant compared to before they were pregnant? 

What have been some of the biggest hormonal changes you have noticed in your life over the years?

Pregnant readers—>  Give me your updates.  How far along are you and how are you feeling?

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Yes! My skin is soooo much better during pregnancy! Then soooo bad when I’m nursing. 19 weeks on Friday and we found out yesterday we’re having a BOY! I nearly fell off the table during the ultrasound. This pregnancy has been the EXACT same as my daughter’s, so I was completely convinced it was another girl. We had a girl name picked out and everything!


Oh that is so interesting… I don’t remember how my skin was when I was nursing. I’ll pay attention this time. CONGRATULATIONS on finding out you are having a BOY! I am just so thrilled for you all and that is really amazing that your pregnancies have been so alike. Keep me updated on how you are doing and congrats Christine!


Yes to great skin during pregnancy and acne all other times! I was taking Spirinolactone daily prior to trying to get pregnant but had to stop once we started trying because it’s not proven to be safe during pregnancy. It is the ONLY thing that ever helped my hormonal acne.


REALLY?!?! I just wrote down Spirinolactone so that I can try it after this baby/breastfeeding! Thanks for sharing and these hormones of ours are sure intense! Have a beautiful day Lauren.


My pediatrician confirmed for me that it’s safe during breastfeeding, just not pregnancy. Supposedly it can “feminize male fetuses” though that’s not ever been proven in human studies. I’m breastfeeding now and tempted to go back on it but I know I’ll just have to stop again when we start trying for baby #2 so I think I’m just going to wait until after haha


I don’t think I had one zit the whole time I was pregnant! It was amazing. One of the perks!


My skin is so clear right now, minus a few mask related breakouts. I was on a run when my sister FaceTimed me to ask if I was pregnant (she uses my amazon and a few pregnancy related items were in the order history). She said that one my skin looked so good and my boobs were huge already (former 32 B now a 34 C and growing).

22 weeks and so ready for the cooler temps and less humidity. We got a treadmill last week so hopefully even snow won’t stop me until my due date. Running has gotten a lot harder but it always feels so good after.

100% loving the second trimester! Found out it’s a girl and loving all the cute little outfits.


Congrats to you Jenny on finding out you are having a girl and I am so so happy that you are feeling so great during the 2nd trimester. It’s the perfect time to buy a treadmill… it will be so helpful once she is here too. Hahaha those are two of my signs of pregnancy too! Keep me updated on it all and I hope you have some fun cravings soon.


Definitely hormonal! When I’m training hard and running my skin is terrible and hormones are suppressed. Now that I’m pregnant (and preparing for pregnancy with much less training!) everything cleared up nicely!


That is so true… I’m sure the level of training effects hormones/skin big time too! Congrats on your pregnancy and please keep me updated with how you are doing! Have a great day!


Please tell me you picked my name somewhere in baby’s name. Haha.
I remember my mom told me once that her skin always cleared up during pregnancy. I think it must be a hormonal thing.


Hahah maybe I did, maybe I didn’t;) Good to hear that about your mom… it really must be. I hope your day has been a great one so far Elaine!


There’s a reason that birth control pills are prescribed to control acne- it’s so often hormonal. I regret not being on them in my 20s as I could have avoided some scarring.


It’s so so true… I just have had so many people over the years tell me it was from the way I eat/exercise/products I use that I forget that. I definitely have some scarring too, you are not alone Erin! I hope you are having a wonderful day!


Yes, my skin is amazing during pregnancy! I am about seven weeks along with #3, so getting deep into the first trimester yucks ?. This time my hair is suddenly super greasy, but I’m hoping it settles down as the hormones regulate. I hate having to find a new shampoo haha.


Yup, I’m 17 weeks and my skin is amazing. I have so many skin issues otherwise. Cutting out gluten for a while helped my skin immensely when not pregnant but… I love bread… Lol!


I haven’t been pregnant (yet! :)), but I definitely have hormonal acne that came with a vengeance after I stopped taking the BC pill. They say it’s supposed to go away within 6 months or so as your cycle regulates, but it’s been 3 years for me and it’s only gotten worse despite a solid skincare routine! The one thing that has helped a LOT (and you may not want to hear this hehe…I sure didn’t) was cutting out dairy. From my minimal research, it seems like dairy can interact with hormones and cause acne in some people? May be worth a try, but also, I cheat all the time because I think hot chocolate is worth a few pimples ;)


Yes, it was dairy for me, too.


I’m just 6 weeks along and my skin is breaking out like crazy! With my first pregnancy, I had flawless skin so I’m hoping things will regulate soon! Or maybe this is a sign I’m having a boy this time? I am so jealous you’re at 31 weeks- if I could snap my fingers and have this babe in my arms I’d do it! But I love your updates and am so impressed with your grace throughout- I’m always such an anxious mess.


Hi Janae,
Love following you and your family’s journey ? such exciting times ahead!
I totally agree with skin, mine was amazing and luckily has stayed that way during nursing (my son is 14 weeks now). It must be hormone related but I do also note I drink a tonne more water since pregnancy – that used to help my skin a bit but it was never totally clear!
I had an anterior placenta too, it was my first baby so I didn’t know any different but setting time aside each day to count the kicks (and have a rest)! sounds a lovely way to bond.
Have a lovely day/evening (it’s morning here, my baby brain can’t work out what it is for you!)


Hi Janae :)
I’m with you on clear skin during pregnancy. I had cleaned up my diet quite a bit before getting pregnant and my skin was looking better, but NOTHING like it is now – my hair, skin, and nails have NEVER been so fabulous!?! This is my first pregnancy so I wasn’t quite sure what to expect and even though I haven’t been leaving the house too much (thanks COVID?), I’m trying to focus on those positive changes because everything else (body changes, energy levels, food likes and dislikes, etc.) seems to be pretty uncomfortable!

I’m just about 22 weeks along (with twins!?!) and feeling much better these days than before – but honestly it depends on the day – I never really know when my hormones/emotions are going to sneak up on me and make me crazy or when I am going to wake up just overall feeling like crap for the ENTIRE day – that’s just not typically me, so it’s been a bit hard to handle sometimes. My moods and emotions are definitely a lot more stable when I get a good exercise session in. Between the heat and humidity, I haven’t been able to comfortably keep running throughout my pregnancy so I’ve had to be a bit creative in keeping moving but I do try to do something active every day (strength training, old school workout videos, etc.).

Thanks for sharing your journey – it’s pretty cool to be able to follow along on others progress, especially with the world feeling a bit isolating these days.


YES my skin is much better! 8 weeks with my first… can’t wait for my first appointment on Monday!


I can’t wait to find out if it’s boy or girl, and to hear the names you picked out! I’m hoping you have a Halloween baby for Andrew’s sake- that would be so fun!!!


Finally someone who has good skin during pregnancy and bad skin when they’re not! I have amazing skin when I’m pregnant or nursing…basically until my period comes back. Otherwise I have adult acne. I definitely want to figure out which hormones change during pregnancy to give me such clear skin! Keep us posted on what you discover:)


Yay I am so excited for you Janae! Almost there! I am 11 weeks along with my second baby :) my first is 9 months old so I am going to be a very busy mama!!
Have you heard of WomanCode? It is a book and app all about balancing your hormones and it helped me sooo much when I had skin problems and other hormonal issues. It really helped me understand my cycle and hormones and changed my life! It also helped me to get pregnant both times ?


I’m so jealous! i usually have very clear skin, but now that i’m pregnant i have been breaking out right on my chin! I don’t think it’s a facemask thing because I always wash mine/wear a clean one! I’ve heard that if you’re having a girl they “suck the beauty out” or something, so maybe that’s it???


I had better everything when I was pregnant. Skin, thick hair, energy levels, chest size (ha).


31 weeks with baby number 2! With my first my skin was SO dry which is abnormal for me. And I remember breAking out a little bit more than normal. This pregnancy I am not really breaking out but my face is more red. I am way less grumpy this pregnancy than my first. That was hard to be hormonally enraged so much.


21 weeks tomorrow with our first, so were about 10 weeks apart!! I’ve been loving following you through this pregnancy and looking forward to whats coming up. Thank you for sharing!


Sometimes you’re sciency, and I like it! So, I got to thinking about how much the placenta weighs. Then found it doesn’t weigh as much as I thought. Then found there are other weights to factor in:

. uterus (because it grows, too, and can weigh more than the placenta),
. amniotic fluid (we all know liquids can be heavier by volume than solids), and
. increased blood volume (another liquid).

Interesting, and thought to share. It’s amazing all the growth happening. So often, don’t we (want to) think it’s just the baby? I wonder how many mothers think more globally/ big picture…. It’s also interesting the placenta is less weight than the baby and the uterus, so it seems it wouldn’t block sensation to the point where mom has to cease activity to check in…. All very interesting. The universe is unique in so many ways! There is something for us all to ponder, and covid19 gives us the time, mm, mm, mmm/ oo, oo, ooo.


Yes to better skin while pregnant! And hair..lol. Postpartum my body turns on me haha. I found that after my 3rd (he’s 2 now) the baby weight didn’t fall off like my other two pregnancies. I think my age (35) has something to do with it but I find it frustrating as my previous methods haven’t worked so I’m thinking hormones or things are slowing down metabolism wise…
My daughter was suppose to be due nov 3rd but she came October 20th! So tell Andrew there is hope ;). We took her out trick or treating at 11 days old.


I didn’t have terrible skin before getting pregnant but I haven’t had a single blemish since! No makeup days are great now! I’m 12 weeks with my first and have had very minimal symptoms. I was tired for a few weeks but that has gone away already. I also want to eat bread and butter all the time..I may have eaten a whole baguette by myself yesterday (normally a sweets person). There is no bump in sight yet so I’m excited for the changes ahead! It still feels surreal and I keep forgetting I’m pregnant haha.


Your Body in Balance by Dr. Neal Barnard might Be a book to look into. I haven’t read it but I’ve had many of Lindsay Nixon’s meal planner meals and they are great!


I don’t mean to brag, but…my birthday is on Halloween!


Yay! So close!

My skin also became so clear in pregnancy when previously. Toning had helped. I stopped wearing makeup on my skin, with the exception of a tinted spf occasionally. I’m now 8 months postpartum and still don’t wear makeup on my skin and have had almost perfectly clear skin.

I think hormones originally cleared it up but that also made me comfortable not wearing foundation, which has helped keep my skin clear. The only other change I can think of is how much more water I drink now.

I hope you find something that works for you!


Not toning… that’s confusing autocorrect as you can use a toner on your skin ha! I meant to write nothing* helped!


My skin was GREAT during pregnancy! Which shocked me, because usually any kind of hormone shift or product change caused a breakout Pre-pregnancy!

Also – my birthday AND my mom’s birthday are both on Halloween and it is THE BEST!!!! We have always Had so much fun dressing up and celebrating together! I still look forward to it every year! :)


My skin was ok when I was pregnant with my son and afterwards, but as soon as I got pregnant this time ( 22 wks with a girl this time) my face has been the worst ever since I was a teenager! I started using DIME beauty a few weeks ago and my face is getting better. Def thankful I found a good skincare line that works, because it was bad!!
22 wks and feeling pretty good. The hunger has been unreal lately tho. Cereal for bed time snacks every night!


My skin was so much better during pregnancy and so far, 5 months later, is still holding strong! (**knock on wood**) But MAN, I am losing soooo much hair now! I have thick hair so I was used to shedding, but this is a whole new level. I’m really ready for that to be over.

Also, you are badass for doing all those kick counts. Kick counts caused me a lot of stress. Keep it up, mama. You’re crushing it!


Halloween is also daylight savings this year…..so the baby has an extra hour to make it happen! Also it is a random full blue moon. Sounds like a pretty lucky day for a baby…plus …it would be the best treat ?.


Yes, my skin is amazing during pregnancy! I am about seven weeks along with #3, so getting deep into the first trimester yucks ?. This time my hair is suddenly super greasy, but I’m hoping it settles down as the hormones regulate. I hate having to find a new shampoo haha.


Yes, my skin is definitely much clearer when I’m pregnant and nursing! I’m 26 weeks and suddenly I have extreme exhaustion in the afternoons. I feel bad for my two young boys because I can’t seem to muster up the energy for anything, and on top of that I feel more emotional lately. Feels like the “easy” second trimester is quickly disappearing!

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