Topics to Talk About Today (along with my list of the best documentaries).

I have a bunch of different topics to discuss with you today and today’s post is partially sponsored by Wikibuy.  They compensate me when you get the Wikibuy extension using the links provided!  Thank you for supporting us and our amazing sponsors. 

 *Father’s Day is coming up and I just want to share with you how I’m shopping for Andrew, my dad and my FIL (and everything else I buy:) this year!  Wikibuy is a FREE browser add-on that automatically enters in any available promo codes to your shopping cart on thousands of different websites. Because there is usually at least one person crawling on me when I am shopping online, Wikibuy makes the whole process so much smoother.  Wikibuy also gives you a friendly notification when you can find the product you are shopping for somewhere else for cheaper before you checkout on Amazon, Target, Home Depot or Best Buy!  A perk that I’m enjoying now from Wikibuy is that they offer loyalty credits at Amazon, and thousands of other retailers which I am now redeeming for gift cards… score!  

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Wikibuy has already saved us money several times without having to spend my time researching different sites or searching for promo codes that I can never find ha… They do it all for me.  

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 *9:05 pace for my run in the perfect weather yesterday.

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*I bought a new medicine ball and as I was doing squats with it, Skye grabbed her ball and joined me.  

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*Brooke had her first day of tennis lessons!

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 *I went to Runner’s Corner to get some more socks and saw this on the wall.  Ain’t this the truth:

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*Knox has been asking if he can put Skye down for her nap.  He told me he was going to read just one book but when she asked for another he couldn’t say no.  

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*I found this picture on Andrew’s phone and I had no idea when it was from.  He told me that one night Brooke had a bad dream in the middle of the night so he got up with her and they watched a happy show together before she went back to bed.  He’s a good one.

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*Gone are my pull-up days (I kind of quit trying because I felt like my form was all over the place) but I am trying to keep a little bit of that strength by just holding myself up above the bar for 30 seconds at a time.  

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*I think it is time for us to start attempting to say goodbye to the Binky.  We need your help.  Brooke and Knox were not binky babies so we have no idea what to do.

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*My mom made us these Cowboy Cookies and they are a cookie that you need in your life. 

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*Skye is definitely our child that is most excited about fashion and her face in her new swimsuit was too much for me to handle.

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*Christine asked if I had a list of all of the documentaries that I’ve recently been loving so I decided to put one together!  Here are some of the best that I’ve watched over the last year or two (and let’s be honest, I’ve watched A LOT of tv lately but at least documentaries help me feel like I’m learning some new things;).

PS a good documentary + a jamba + great harvest bread + my favorite blanket = heaven.

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-The Last Dance on ESPN+

-Broke on ESPN+

-’The 99ers’ on ESPN+ (about the US Women’s 1999 Soccer team)

-OJ Made in America on ESPN+

-Lance on ESPN+ and we watched the TV-14 one because the language is pretty bad on the other (turns out I’m obsessed with ESPN+ lately)

-Just Mercy on Netflix is not a documentary but it is based on a memoir and true story and it is a much watch.

-Miss American on Netflix (about Taylor Swift)

-Becoming on Netflix

-Bethany Hamilton: Unstoppable

-Skid Row Marathon on Amazon Prime

-Free Solo on Hulu (my palms sweat just thinking about it).

-Three Identical Strangers on Hulu

-Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez

-In Search of Greatness on Hulu (SO inspiring)

-I loved this 3 part documentary about Eliud Kipchoge on Youtube.

THIS Anatomy of a Runner with Des Linden (it’s only about 10 minutes) is my absolute FAVORITE).  

Courtney Dauwalter’s documentary is pretty great on Youtube.

Life in a Day (about women in The Western States 100 Mile endurance Run)

-13th on Netflix was so eyeopening, heartbreaking and educating.

-Made to be Broken on Netflix 

-Babies on Netflix was pretty amazing 

-This one is so random and not a documentary but an interview with the entire cast from Gilmore Girls in 2015—> Here.  If you loved Gilmore Girls then you have to watch this and tell me what you think.  I watched this at 2 a.m. one night ha.

-An older one that I will always love—> Barkley Marathon on Netflix and Gary Robbings experience with The Barkley Marathon (WHERE DREAMS GO TO DIE) is amazing.

-Our favorite one that we’ve watched with our kids = Elephant on Disney+

-Tiger King of course and yep, I also loved Cheer on Netflix too.

-The Fyre documentaries on Netflix and Hulu… so crazy to me.

-And my favorite memoirs that I have finished this year—> Open BookFull CircleUntamed and Inside Out


Don’t forget to start saving money and time with Wikibuy as you do your online shopping, it makes saving money so easy!


Binky… any tips or advice for us on getting rid of it?

What documentaries am I missing from my list?!

What online websites do you shop from the most?  

Tell me your favorite part about summer!

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When Baxton was 1.5 he needed to have a minor surgery on his gums and could not use the pacifier for 48 hours. The first day he asked for it a lot. The second day he kind of forgot about it, so I never brought it back out. After a month or so of “just in case” I threw them all away. Skye is probably able to understand a bit. You could get rid of all the extras and just have the one. Leave it up to her to keep up with it – don’t help her. She’ll probably lose it :)

Documentary: Idle Threat – A Man on Emission

I shop on Oiselle, Target, Amazon, sometimes J Crew

Favorite part about summer: Outdoor Pools!


I didn’t know Baxton had that minor gum surgery at so young! I’m glad it helped to at least phase out the binky. Great idea and I predict her losing it in about 30 minutes ha. I can’t wait to check out that documentary and I am so happy your Y pool is open now. Enjoy Tonya!


My kids were all binky babies, and when we decided it was time we just took it away completely. They would ask but we would say it’s gone. They only cried for the first couple of nights then they were just fine! I guess we first started with they could only have it at bedtime and nap time. Then when they weren’t falling asleep as fast that’s when we decided it had to go. Good luck!


Good to hear it only took a few days to get through it! THANK YOU and I hope you have a great day, Natalie!


Thanks for all the recommendations, now I want to Watch them all!

Soo my mum did this sort of manipulative thing with me about the binky…
She spent weeks telling me (and getting other people, including kids, to tell me) that binkys were for babies and I wasn’t a baby anymore.
And THEN, the day I finally caved and threw all my binkys in the trash, she very quickly took the trash out and then told me “sorry it’s too late”.
Of course I cried and begged, but there you go.
Ah and also she got me the nicest teddy bear to make up for it, so I got to hold that at night when I felt the binky withdrawal :)


You’ll have to let me know which ones you watch and love! I love the way your mom did it and I think that will work for Skye (especially if I replace it with a new stuffed animal ha)! I hope you are having a great day so far Sarah!


You just gotta do it! It’ll be hard and she will cry. We tried having them throw it away which they were happy to do until bedtime and they ran to the garbage to look for it. We cut the tip off and told them it was broken which still just made them mad. Eventually we just took it and the first night was super rough for everyone (do this on a day you don’t have to get up early and are both there) but by the 3rd night it was mostly forgotten.

I had been using Rauketen but seems like less and less website except it now so I’m going to have to look into Wikibuys. I’ve heard about Honey too but haven’t tried it.

We just got the vote last night to open our pools so the kids and I am very happy and looking forward to that this summer!


Knowing it took about 2-3 nights is helpful because I was worried it would be a week or two! Thanks so much for the help. I hope you like Wikibuy! ENJOY THE POOLS… this is fabulous news! You and your kids are going to have a blast.


I love all of the documentaries you listed! Here are two more (both happen to be running related):

3100 Run and Become –
Run For Your Life –

Hidden Valley Road (so fascinating) –
Running Home – Katie Arnold
Sound of Gravel –
Thirst –
Shoe Dog – Phil Knight (story of Nike)
Iron War – Matt Fitzgerald (about the 1989 Ironman race) –


YOU ARE THE BEST! Thanks for helping me with some more documentaries and memoirs… my absolute favorite genre. Thanks Kerry and I hope you have a wonderful day.


As others have said, we just had to take the binky away & quit cold turkey. We tried other things too, but nothing works as well as just getting rid of them. You can’t cave and give them back if they’re gone. I might start a war with this comment, but that’s the same reason I never had my kids use pull-ups when potty training. It just easier to move them into underwear and deal with a few accidents. They learn fast they don’t like that feeling. Good luck on helping Skye kick the binky!


I think you are right for us too… cold turkey is going to be the way to go! I think that is a fabulous to skip over the pull-ups and just go straight to underwear, that’s what works for us. I have a question though, what about for naps and bedtime… did you use a pull-up for that or no? Trying to figure out what to do with Skye but she is still in a crib so I think we might just have to keep the pull-up until she is in a bed. Thanks Amanda and I hope you have a really great day!


I had two bunny babies. My middle guy chucked his at me so I took them all away and he was done at 10 months. My oldest loved hers so we started by only giving them to her at naps and bedtime and then after the new baby was born we explained that they were for babies, she collected all of hers and gave them to him. She definitely cried the first few night and then all was good :)

I definitely order from Amazon the most and Target probably comes in 2nd.

My favorite part of summer is swimming, bbqing, and hanging with friends and family.


Oh that is interesting, maybe we will wait until the new baby gets here and that would help her to understand better. Thanks for the help Marissa. Those are all amazing parts about summer and I cannot wait for more bbqs. Have a wonderful day Marissa!


Let her use it until she’s done with it. It’s her comfort and she won’t have it forever.


That’s a great point! Thanks so much Lindsey!


I’ve been watching nothing but documentaries for the past 3 months, definitely some great ones out there.

I as also looking at medicine balls yesterday to purchase online! Where did you get yours? Amazon?


Seriously documentaries are just the best! I got mine at our sport goods store (Al’s) but I found my same one on Amazon but 10 lbs. So far I love it.
Have a great day Lindsey!


Just make a small cut in the top of all the pacifiers without her knowing. You don’t have to take them away. Our daughter said it “was broke” after that and threw them away on her own! It took her about a week to find them all and throw them away.


We did the same thing with our boys… Worked so well!


Okay, that is awesome! LOVE this plan and so glad it worked so well for you Ashley and Wendy. I’ll try some cuts in them today. Enjoy your day.


I agree with the other comments- I was worried that the binkie was interfering with my son’s speech development, but he LOVED it. One day he went down for a nap without one so I decided on a whim to quit cold turkey. I thought it would be terrible but after a day he hardly noticed. He was 18 months so it might take a bit longer for Skye since she’s a little older, but it hopefully will be easier than you think! I also know someone who took all binkies away except one, then had a party where they tied that one to a helium balloon and let it float away and gave a stuffed animal instead. Good luck!


So many people went the cold turkey method so it’s so good to hear that it works so well. Time to start some talking with her and I love the balloon idea too. I’m sure if I gave her something Toy Story related in exchange she will be find. Thanks Bailey and hope you have a great day.


The Imagineering Story on Disney+ series was super interesting!


Oh that is so good to hear, I was wondering about that one. Thanks Brianna and have a wonderful day.


We got rid of the soother a few weeks before planned with my son who is now Brooke and Knox’s age. I’m not sure I’d say this is the best method but it totally worked. It’s the accidental cold turkey method.

Baby boy loved a certain type of soother that came in pale blue or green. We had 6 of them because they’d blend into our furniture and get lost all the time. I swear we spent half our day trying to find and clean soothers. One day I was home alone with him and couldn’t find a soother. He had an EPIC 45 minute tantrum. It was truly terrible. I didn’t want to put anyone (baby included) through that fit again so we stopped giving him soothers right then and there. When he went for his nap, I searched the house, found all 6 soothers and hid them away. After the mega tantrum it was about 2 days before he adjusted to naps and bedtime without his soother.


YESSSS we spend a lot of time trying to find all of her things that she needs to be able to fall asleep. Good to hear it took about 2 days because I was worried it would take a week or two for them. to adjust. THANK YOU for the help Lisa and I hope you are having a great morning.


My first two were soother babies and my third wouldn’t take one even though I tried lol! I have tried all the methods…I found cold turkey was the most effective. Good luck! I read somewhere about taking your child to pick out a new toy but the trade off was they had to pay using their binky. And when they ask for it later you show them the toy/stuffie etc…Not sure how that will go for Skyes age but it’s an idea lol


Thank you so much Gillian for helping me out with what you found to be the best method and I think the toy method would actually work really well for her too… as long as it is Toy Story themed. Thanks so much and I hope you have a great day!


That picture of Knox and Skye is precious! And Brooke playing tennis?! How is it she looks pro already?!

I’m a fan of cold turkey (easier said than done) None of my kiddos had a binky but #2 had a bottle and we did cold turkey on that one. Was it hard? yes, but better than dragging it out forever. I think maybe one day run a bunch of errands and happen to forget it? Or maybe you can bag them up for and “send them” for all the new babies? It might be better to conquer this sooner than later because boy would it be difficult to do with a new baby in the house. Sending you ALL the mama/family vibes. Skye is so active that maybe you could also start with “no binky while running/riding/walking/swimming” and she’ll be too busy to remember it?

Favorite part of summer? Shady runs ;) Outdoor pools, popsicles, lighter later, and the general vibe.

Now I need to make cowboy cookies…….yummers


I totally agree with you… she already looks like a pro! It’s been fun to hit the ball with her. THANK YOU for the help… you are really good at this and I think cold turkey while being really busy that day is going to be our best bet (possibly with a toy too ha). I hope you try the cookies and get all of your summer favorites. Thanks Kelly!


I love your documentary recommendations! Thanks! It’s been a while but I think we just kind of waited until the binkies got lost and then we just didn’t replace them. I think the first few days were challenging but after that it was fine. I do remember one of my kids found the lost one so maybe make sure you find and discard before Skye finds it. Or you could just “lose” it on purpose. I do think it helped that my kids knew it was lost though. As in, it wasn’t something we did, it just happened.


Oh that’s a good idea! I lose them so often that it wouldn’t be hard for me to lose them all quickly haha but you are so right, I would need to discard them quickly so she doesn’t have to go through saying goodbye twice. THANKS for the help Ali and I hope your day is a wonderful one.


We only used the binky for car rides and sleep. We took it away for car rides first and then for sleep telling our 2 year old that she was a big girl and the binky is for babies. She did awesome! Good luck


Thank you SO MUCH! Skye is understanding more and more that she wants to be a big girl so I think this will be great motivation for her. Hope your Tuesday is a wonderful one Jen!


Just throw all the binkies away (or cut the ends and let her throw them away because they are broken). It will be a hard couple of days, but then it’s over. You can do it!


THANK YOU SO MUCH! Just the encouragement I needed. Have a great day Ashley!


We did the same as Ashley… Cut a little whole in them, then the boys ended up throwing them away on their own. When they would ask for their binkies, we would just say, “they’re broken bud”. It worked well. There of course we’re some tears, but nothing too bad at all.
I love Skye’s face in her new suit! She has such personality!
It’s going to be fun for us to see how Brooke likes tennis. What a great sport for kids.
Thanks for the list of documentaries. There are a few that I need to watch soon!
I so need to try Wikibuy!
Have a great Tuesday!


Thank you so much Wendy for your help… time to try these out. I am secretly really hoping it is something she wants to continue with because I would love to play with her:) Thanks Wendy and I hope your achilles is healing up nicely!


A nurse at my pediatrician’s office told me that they tied their paci to helium balloon and sent it to Jesus :). I didn’t end up trying with my daughter because we just sort of quit cold turkey, but I thought that was genius and sweet!


Oh I love this so much and the big kids would probably enjoy doing this together with us too. Thanks for sharing Baili and I hope your Tuesday is off to a great start.


My oldest was a binky baby and at 6 months old he got a cold and couldn’t suck on it and breath at the same time so we took it from him then and just provided that much more hugs and cuddles to get through both traumatic experiences. My friend’s oldest was a binky baby and she ended up cutting the tip off a little bit at a time until there was nothing left.
My rec’s for movies from Amazon Prime: Desert Runners, Boston and Running for Good.
I really need to step up my online shopping game since I mostly buy from Amazon, Old Navy and Running Warehouse!
Favorite part about summer are long days at the beach, tan lines, the smell of sunscreen, warmer morning runs, seeing family and vacations. Ok, so I guess I just love everything summer!
Have a great day!


Hi Janae! Loving the documentary recs. I’m a big Courtney Dauwalter fan. I just watched a video about her attempt to break the Western States record yesterday. She ended up dropping out due to injury but she was full of graciousness and kindness the whole time. She was encouraging the other ladies that passed her and even hugged them. I can’t imagine being that nice after running 66 miles and being on track to smash the course record and then getting injured.

Thanks for the other recommendations, I’ll check them out!


Both of my kids used pacifiers. We started trying to get rid of them with only using them at nap and bedtime, and after a while just kind of started talking to them about how it was time to sleep without them. It took a while, but when we finally stopped they were in on the decision and knew it was coming. I just couldn’t all of a sudden take it away from them.

Thank you for the list of documentaries and the wikibuy suggestions! I love finding good running documentaries and my husband and I love the ones on ESPN(30 for 30 is a favorite!). We just watched the one on McGwire/Sosa’s homerun record season.

I shop at Amazon, Etsy, Loft, and currently stalking Senita(will they ever restock, lol?) online.

I’ve read three of the four memoirs you mentioned(I’ll have to add Full Circle to my cart today)! Loved them all. You have to read Deena Kastor’s if you haven’t! I’m a high school librarian so I’m also reading some YA this summer.

My favorite part of summer is the long days–love that is still light out at 8PM!


Sonia Sotomayor’s memoir, My Beloved World, is so good. My main takeaway was the way she approaches challenges with humility, curiosity, and determination. The audiobook is read by Rita Moreno, so that’s great, too. I both read and listened. There’s a kids version as well, I think.


Binky’s are so much easier to phase out than a thumb! Around age 2, we kept one binky for bed/naptime. It didn’t take long for it to get lost on its own. Good luck!
Following up on Andrew’s training…what was his weekly base mileage before he started training for St. Georges?


Thanks for recommending Skid Row Marathon. I watched it after you first mentioned it, and I was really moved and inspired.


Getting rid of the pacifier is so hard! My daughter had hers until she was a little over 3! We made up a story about the “paci fairy” and we talked about it for weeks leading up to it. We told her that one day the paci fairy would come and leave her a big girl bed and take all the pacifiers with her when she left the bed. It toootally could have backfired on us but thank goodness it didn’t and the day my daughter got her big girl bed she knew the pacifier would be gone and she never even asked for it again. You could use a big toy or something really cool as her reward if she’s not ready for a big girl bed yet. Kids are all so different – I hope you find something that works great for you and your family!


We started weaning from the binky by only having it in bed at nap time or bed time. Then one night we just decided it was time so we cut the nipple off without him seeing and when we gave it to him at bedtime. He put it in his mouth and then threw it and said it was broken. I told him we didn’t have anymore and he cried for awhile that nigh, but woke up the next day and said I’m a big boy now I don’t need a binky. :)


We told our daughter (she was 2) that there was another baby that needed her pacifiers. She helped us box them up and we pretended to mail them away. She was pretty excited to help a baby “feel better.” She cried for them for about a day, but we could just keep reminding her that they were helping another little baby. She did great with it!

If you’re a fan of true crime, The Staircase was fascinating. I also really liked the Ken Burns documentary on the Roosevelts. It’s super long though.

I order a lot from Amazon, Nordstrom, and The Container Store.

My favorite part of summer in Flagstaff is the monsoon season. It’s so beautiful!


I enjoyed Lindsay Vonn – The Final Season on HBO too
We are currently in the same situation regarding the paci… Ours just turned two and she went from hardly using them to ALWAYS using them. We now limit it to just nap time and bed time. Sometimes she happily says bye to them and closes the drawer and othertimes it’s a fit. I keep telling her that we’ll be taking them away soon. Some people have suggested cold turkey and others have said to trade them in for a toy. I think the older they are the harder it is to do cold turkey vs on their own terms.
I mostly shop at Amazon and Target. But also shop at Gap and Tea Collection.
I’m looking forward to when the pools open up and weekend getaways up in the mountains where it’s 20 degrees cooler! (we live in Denver, so it’s a quick trip up there).


We had the “binky-fairy” come one night after we had talked about it for 3 days or so. We gathered all the binkies and placed them on the counter for the fairy. In the morning, a nice toy was left in place of the binkies. We didn’t have any tears or breakdowns; we told our little girl that she was a “big girl” now and the binky fairy needed those binkies for little babies. We congratulated her on being such a big girl and helping out our kids that were still little. Worked like a charm!


Do you have a baby in your life she knows – family or friend? Have her “gift” the binkies to them. We did this with my daughter and she was so proud/happy when everyone said how kind she was and how happy she made the baby. A chance to celebrate sharing!


Try dipping the binky in lemon juice or vinegar! My mom did this with me, of course I was a climber and rinsed it off in the sink, but it is worth a shot!


We traded binky in for a blanket/stuffed animal combo.


My oldest was a HUGE binky baby. When she was three we let her trade it in at the Disney Store for a toy. She even went to check out and “paid” with it, the cashier was so nice! And my daughter didn’t notice that my husband used a credit card too:). It was an emotional drive to the mall, but she was surprisingly okay about it afterwards. Good luck!!


THANKS so much for your amazing List! So good!


My kids are all hard core bink-a-holics. They love their binkys! When we’re ready we go to build a bear and they give it a big hug, say thank you and goodbye and put it inside the build a bear with the heart they give them. Then it’s sewn up for good! But they can still hug their bear when they feel sad. But prepare for a few days of withdrawals (at least my kids always had a rough few days after). My two year old is not ready to say goodbye to the binky but all my older kids keep asking when we get to go to build a bear ;)


That picture of Brooke playing tennis -hard to tell but I think she has your scary-serious (intense) look of concentration :)
My favorite part of summer is the heat! And sunshine!


We ended up with about 10 babas around the house for our 2 year old. We had started losing them and when we got down to her last one she lost it and I refused to buy more so after that we were just done! Nap time & bedtime were just a little rocky for about 3 days but honestly not bad at all!! Try cold turkey! You can do it! (And if it doesn’t work out, no biggie either!!!)


Try snipping off a tiny bit of the tip of the binky. That’s the only way my little one broke the habit (at nearly four years old). Good luck!


Hi Janae~
Could you share where the girls cute 2 piece swimsuits are from? Thanks!


Have you ever watched the Barkley marathons? It’s a PHENOMENALLY entertaining and interesting documentary about a weird marathon. It’s on Amazon Prime- you have to watch it!!


My oldest was a pacifier addict! He was almost three before we stopped the madness. We tried the gentle ways, like cutting them. He didn’t think they were broken. He didn’t really care at all and used them anyways. LOL. I tried to convince him to “give them away” or say goodbye to them on his own terms but he was not on board with that! Then one day we were out shopping with my mom and she had taken it from him in the store. When we got back in the car and my mom left in her own car he proclaimed something along the lines of “Oh no! Gramma lost my paci!”. Well I saw an opportunity and ran with it. I simply agreed with him that grandma had lost his paci in the store and now it’s gone. He never asked for a new one, just told everyone about grandma losing it and he moved on. So my opinion…prepare her for it and then go cold turkey! Make up a story if you want, but don’t let her control the situation. I’m all for self soothing, but with this topic I believe you have to draw the line somewhere. He had definitely used it for sleeping, but I don’t recall having even one night of trouble after it was gone. Kids adjust! When my second was born he always had his fist near his mouth so we taught him to be a thumb sucker. It was SO MUCH more convenient than the pacifier and we never had to break him of it. He just stopped doing it once he wanted to have both hands to play.


Creo que soy la persona menos indicada para dar consejos sobre chupetes, mi hijo mayor lo usó hasta los cuatro años y no encontré forma de quitárselo hasta que podía razonar un poco. Sin embargo el pequeño no lo quiso nunca, qué alivio!

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