Because a Surprise Sounds Fun + 16 Weeks

I somehow convinced Andrew that we should be surprised and wait to find out the sex!

It took some time and a powerpoint presentation (I kid ha) for him to understand my reasoning but he is on board now.  I think the surprise will be a really amazing experience to have together in addition to how incredible the miracle of birth is and while I HAD TO KNOW with the girls, for some reason with this one I am craving a surprise.  I’m also thinking that between Knox really wanting a boy and Brooke wanting a girl, it will be much easier for both of them to just love the baby so much no matter what when they meet it and see it for the first time compared to feeling disappointed before they meet him/her.  We are going to try something new but also don’t be surprised if I change my mind in a few weeks because I never know what I am going to feel/think the next day lately ha.

As of right now I think it is a boy because this pregnancy has been so much different but then again I wonder if getting older plays a part in being more sick etc.

Okay, let’s talk about a few things happening this last week!

*Running is feeling so much better than it did in the first trimester.  Well, everything feels better now than it used to ha but I’m really enjoying my runs now.

*I went from needing my weighted blanket to sleep each night of my life to not even wanting to see it anymore and hiding it under the bed because it just feels so suffocating now ha.  I just miss consistency in my life and knowing what I do and don’t like for more than 10 seconds at a time.  I am loving my body pillow that Andrew got me at Costco and I’m using that every night.

*I just started wearing a wedding ring again (sometimes) ha.  See above suffocating feeling… That’s how a ring felt on my finger so I went a few months without mine on and still don’t wear it everyday.   When I stopped wearing my wedding ring at the end of my first marriage a lot of people guessed I was getting divorced so when I wasn’t wearing mine the last few months I was worried people would wonder but Andrew and I are doing absolutely fabulous, I’m just crazy when pregnant and little things bother me.

*Skye is convinced that she has a baby in her belly now and tells us as often as possible.

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*I sleep every night with a banana next to my bed and sometimes in the morning when I wake up and see the peel I don’t even remember eating it in the middle of the night.  Not only do bananas sound good to me but I also don’t want to deal with the intense leg cramps that I had during the night when I was pregnant with Skye.  As soon as I started eating bananas with Skye’s pregnancy, the cramps went away.

*Tell me there will be a day that i can brush my teeth happily again.  With the girls I just switched from mint toothpaste to Colgate but I can’t even handle Colgate right now!

*Greek food sounded so incredibly good this week and I had to make it a part of my life.

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*Somebody recommended Propel Water to me (I love Kiwi Strawberry) and I’ve been drinking that like crazy and feeling so much more hydrated… That plus starting to take Tagament plus being a few weeks into the second trimester and I am feeling a lot better the last few days.  I haven’t thrown up for over a week now.

*Skye is now happy about the baby because we told her that she will get to sleep in Brooke’s room once the baby is here.   I’m not sure I’ll be able to ever give up the crib with her so we might just have to buy another and scoot one into Brooke’s room.

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Has anybody else waited to find out the sex of their little one?  

Pregnant readers—> What has just sounded absolutely amazing to you this week?  How far along are you?

When did your kids move from a crib to a bed?  Skye will be 3 once she will move to a bed and I’m feeling nervous about this!

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Yay!!! With my son I had all of these ragey angry hormones and with my daughter I cried constantly and was soooo sick non stop!! Maybe that can help you predict the gender too! Either way, I’m so thrilled and congratulations !!!


Isn’t it crazy how different these pregnancies can be because of the different hormones! I haven’t cried very much with this one but definitely feel low on patience so maybe it is a boy?! PS my sister was also very ragey angry with her last two boys too. Hope you are having a wonderful afternoon, Casey!


I could not wait to find out the sex.
Not pregnant – sorry!
Baxton moves to a toddler bed at age 3 (he got the bed for Christmas).


Okay, so Skye will be 3 at the point she moves over too… that makes me feel a lot better! I hope you are having a great afternoon, Tonya!


Never found out the gender of any of my three, so much fun for it to be a surprise


We waited to find out the sex of both my kids (both ended up being boys). I was honestly convinced my second was a girl because the pregnancies were so different but I was wrong. We waited until our oldest was three to move him to a bed. My youngest is 2 and I plan on keeping him in there for a while :) I am so happy and excited for you and your family.


Reading about people waiting is making me even more sure about this decision. SO interesting that they were both so different. Skye will be three too when she moves over but I hear ya… keep him in there as long as you can. Thanks Jess, hope your day has been a great one so far!


I was due yesterday! We are patiently waiting. It’s our first and we haven’t found out the gender! I was desperate to know for a long time but my husband was adamant we shouldn’t find out and I am quite excited now to find out!! I was so sick for the first 30 weeks (although luckily medication made it bearable) but felt amazing the last 10. I am drinking tonnes of squash at the moment. Before that anything carb heavy and plain was the best for men Congratulations and all the best with the pregnant, very exciting time for you and your family!


YESTERDAY?! Oh I hope that your little one comes asap and I’m just so happy for you. I am so sorry that you were so sick for the first THIRTY weeks, wow. Thank you so much and I can’t wait to hear what you are having. Such an exciting time!


I didn’t find out for my first and it was the best! Everyone had their guesses and when she was born there were just so many happy tears it’s overwhelming and amazing! Just make sure you assign someone to inform you of the sex to celebrate with vs. deciphering through the excitement ;)


Oh that is a great tip, we will definitely do that! Thank you so much Melodie and hearing your experience makes me even more excited now! Hope you are having a great day!


I could never wait to find out the sex. I found out at the 18 week scan for both my babies (my second Is just about 2 months). I felt much worse with my boy while pregnant – emotionally and physically. My daughter who just turned 2, has been in a twin bed since 18 months! She transitioned smoothly and actually was a terrible sleeper until she got a big bed.


Congratulations on your new little one!! What was the hospital like when you delivered? Were you able to have others with you? You must be busy with those two! SO good to hear that she is sleeping so well in a bed now. Interesting about feeling worse… makes me really think this is a boy. Have a wonderful rest of your day, Emily!


Thank you! So I had him the first week of stay at home order in CA. I was allowed to have my husband with me but no one could come visit. Luckily we checked in at 7am, I gave birth at 12pm and then we were released the next day at noon! Nice and quick trip. It was strange how silent and empty the hospital was though.


I wanted a surprise with my second pregnancy but at the ultrasound (20 weeks!) we found out it was twins! So we found out the gender to prepare. So my oldest is a girl, and my twins were both girls. With my last pregnancy I knew it had to be a surprise because I had always wanted a surprise, and I finally convinced my husband and MIL, haha. It was seriously the best! As I was in labor the nurses and everyone in the room had fun guessing. It was so much fun when my son was born, I was shocked to have a boy and the element of surprise made it 100X better! You will absolutely love the surprise!


WAIT A SECOND!! You didn’t know before that that you had twins?! Did they not see that in the previous ultrasounds? That must have been quite the shock! I love that you had to convince your MIL too:). Reading about your experience just made me even more excited! THANK YOU for sharing. Have a beautiful rest of your day!


For some reason my doctor did the first ultrasound at 20 weeks so we knew nothing before then! I knew something was up though, because I was super sick. At my 16 wk appointment she told me I was just a bit bigger than I should be for 16 weeks but she wasn’t alarmed because it was my second pregnancy. Anyways finding out it was twins was a surprise all in itself! And I felt super validated in being so sick haha!

I’m always so excited for people who want the gender to be a surprise because it was an amazing experience for us. We loved calling our daughters and telling them they had a brother, and telling our families. Congrats to you guys!! Surprise or not, welcoming a new baby is the best thing in the world!


I found out I was having a boy at 13 weeks, thanks to genetic testing. I wanted a few less surprises (since it also took issues like Down syndrome and a few other genetic disorders off the radar). I just jumped at the opportunity to remove some ambiguity since I really like to plan. I sort of decided getting pregnant was enough of a shock at the time. I’m 29 weeks now and never regretted the money spent on the testing and also have peace of mind that if I get pregnant again I’m not a carrier for some scary conditions.

I went from being cold all the time to suddenly feeling I’m about to burn up in generally pleasant weather so I’m loving cold watermelon and ice cream/milkshakes this week…and I’m assuming the baby does too since he excitedly kicks for those foods.


I didn’t find out the sex for either of my kids and I loved it! It’s really fun to find out in the delivery room
Hearing my husband say “it’s a boy!” the first time and “it’s a girl!” the second time were great moments. Plus the nurses and doctors get excited too since almost everyone knows the sex ahead of time these days.

Oh, and my son stayed in a crib until age three. I highly recommend leaving your kiddo in a crib as long as possible!


Just the thought of the leg cramps makes me shudder, even after all these years. Ouch! But yes, bananas helped and I think I only have 1 the second time around.

I never could keep the gender a secret. My thought always was that if someone in this world knows it I need to know too – But it’s not like I bought anything pink with her because I knew we wanted another so wanted everything fairly gender neutral. I will 100% admit how much I cried and how relieved I was that my first was a girl. I wanted a girl so, so much and I was glad I “got it out of the way” so didn’t care as much what #2 was….but at the same time we “tried” for a boy based on timing and whether it was an old wives tale, but we got a boy. With #2 we had an amnio but he was being uncooperative so we had to wait the 48 hours until the results came back and then another 2 weeks to get a visual confirmation (not that I thought the results would lie). I was home by myself (still on bedrest after the amnio) when I got the results and after calling my husband I called my parents and I was bawling and they thought the amnio results showed something abnormal, but were of course thrilled that they were tears of joy.

As for the crib, #1 never ever climbed out of her crib but we wanted her out by the time her brother came at 2y7m but I was on modified bedrest with him and my poor husband was already so exhausted taking care of both of us so we didn’t bother transitioning her even though her toddler bed was set up in her room. But she transitioned herself the day he came home hoping he’d immediately get to sleep in her room (we waited six long months for that to happen). He was a climber (and had an older sister coaxing him to climb out) so we removed the crib front at 2y2m.

Do you have thoughts about trying to wean her off the pacifier before the baby comes? We had told my daughter that when she bit through the last one she was done and she did that when he came home from the hospital. In hindsight we should have given her our backup but we had been talking up getting rid of it for 4 months. She never napped again :( My son was a complete addict so we did the binky fairy on his 3rd birthday and he never looked back.


Pregnant here! I’m 22 weeks pregnant, due at the end of September. It’s our first and we’re not finding out the gender either.

What sounds good to me all the time is fresh fruit. And often salads. So basically all the fresh fruits and vegetables.

What doesn’t sound good, heat. I don’t know how I’m going to survive the summer. We will find a way. :-)


12 weeks with #2 and absolutely nothing sounds good to eat right now. Keep waiting for the day when I’ll be excited to eat something! For now forcing myself to live on cereal and waffles. Nice and bland.


I am 38 weeks & 4 days! I have been eating the artichoke jalapeño dip from Trader Joe’s and the caramelized onion cheddar cheese. Real meals don’t sound that appealing.

My husband and I are waiting to find out the sex of the baby. It’s our first but I think it’s a boy and he thinks it’s a girl. He’s had dreams but I haven’t!


I have to buy cinnamon flavored toothpaste when I am pregnant. I still gag, but not as bad!


We’re waiting find out the sex too! We need to take any little thrill we can get these days. I turned 11 weeks yesterday! I have been really into soft serve this week. And I just made some homemade biscuits that were fantastic. Unfortunately, there’s some mysterious smell in my fridge (that my husband cannot smell) that makes opening it an impossible task.


I made biscuits for a biscuit sandwich that I HAD to have before I even knew that I was pregnant, lol. And proceeded to eat McDonald’s soft serve at least weekly for all 41 weeks. My little boy turns five next month.?


Maybe that means I’m having a boy! lol


My comment said Harmon which was spell corrected from Garmin I know you probably know what I meant! ?


Currently almost 32 weeks pregnant with my 2nd little girl ? this week ice cold lemonade, watermelon, and massive bowls of cereal sound amazing to me!!!


How exciting! I decided to be surprised for my second and it was SO FUN! The last few weeks were hard with nesting, etc- I just wanted to have everything set and ready- but I’m so glad I didn’t find out. You’ll have a beautiful family of six(!!) either way!


We only have one little boy who is almost 3, but we waited to find out the sex until he was born. It was such a fun surprise and my husband got to tell me what he was!! It was also really neat to be able to tell all of our family and friends once he was born!!

As for a be, we moved him out of his crib at 2 years old and into a toddler bed and now that he is almost 3 he is in bunk beds. He got too heavy to lift in and out of the crib. Plus, he climbed out one time and that was enough for me!


I am 18 weeks! My daughter is close to Skye’s age (she will be 3 in August) and keeps saying she has a baby in her tummy too! She also thinks she’s getting a sister but we’ve already found out it’s a boy so trying to get her to say brother instead :). Just out of curiosity, did your mom and sister have sickness when pregnant? It’s so interesting how different we all respond to the hormones. I had intense sickness with both of mine in the first trimester and my mom wasn’t sick with any of her 5 pregnancies! I’m glad you are starting to feel better :).


Team yellow over here (meaning SURPRISE aka not team blue or team pink)… we waited to find out for our daughter and it was really amazing! I wanted a girl and got my wish :) Would recommend surprise 1000%. I am a huge planner and organizer so everyone was shocked we didn’t want to find out but having that gender surprise just felt right. I can not wait to see what it is. My guess for you is boy!!


Oh and Allie moved into a queen sized bed (lol) when she was barely two with no issues. She’s also queen of following rules so that probably has a lot to do with it …. like mother like daughter ha ha


We waited to find out the sex of both of our girls and it was awesome! I had to convince my husband the first time around, but the second time he was all in. As we said, it’s one of the only true surprises you can have, and either way it’s a good one!

We moved my oldest in to a twin bed at 22 months to make room for baby sister. I learned my lesson (after big sis continually had issues staying in bed at bedtime), and my 2 year old will stay in the crib as long as possible, so I completely understand!


Not sure how you feel about cinnamon but Crest makes a cinnamon toothpaste that saved me when I was pregnant. Mint was disgusting but cinnamon was quite tolerable.


We are pregnant with our first and the #1 reason I agreed with my husband to find out the sex is because I can’t handle having to come up with two name options!!! haha! I think it’s so fun to be surprised, though. My brother and SIL did that with their first and it was sooo magical when we walked in and my brother said “It’s a girl!” with tears in his eyes. I will never forget that moment!

I’ve been loving cold, fresh fruit and I wake up every day looking forward to my cereal! haha I am 19 weeks!

Sooo glad you are feeling better these days, Janae!!


We have 4 and found out for the last 2 but were surprised the first 2. Love being surprised. Good approach with the kids being split on what they want.
Our first was 23 months when our second was born and no where ready to give up his crib. We borrowed a crib from friends and when James was ready to move to a big kid bed he was so happy to give his crib to his little brother. Good thing, the friends were pregnant and needed it back. HA! It was a great transition because he was ready and just about 3 1/2. Later than usual but it he made the call. They all get there. Glad you’re feeling better!!


My kids were awful sleepers but climbers, big time. They climbed out around 18 months. I mean like climbed out continuously even in a sleep sack- both kids! My oldest we struggled through until around 20 months and made the jump to a twin and my youngest was not quite 18 months. I did it after one night of her climbing out about 10x and we already had the bed in her room anyway!! I used the bedguards and she slept the same, maybe better in her bed. Maybe make the switch in the summer so you aren’t dealing with the new baby and that transition.


So happy to hear you’re starting to feel better, especially with hydration and running!
I wanted the “It’s a…” announcement to come when I was being handed my babies, not before. It probably sounds strange, but I didn’t want to “open the surprise” and then have to wait to receive it, LOL. I also didn’t feel like I could name them for sure before seeing their faces.
Whenever you share, though, I’ll be excited right along with you :)


You look so cute! That’s a good idea to wait for the kids who want one gender so badly….or it could always lead to some great photos/memories of them meeting the baby and throwing a tantrum it’s the wrong gender ?

My daughter we switched to a bed at 3, my son started getting out of his crib at 18 months so we switched then in the middle of the night after his third escape (crib converted to toddler bed).


We just moved my 3.5 year old to a bed a few weeks ago. I don’t trust him not to wander during the night! lol. My oldest we moved at 2.5 but he also crawled out of his crib so it was the right decision for him then!
Also, I’ve had friends find out the sex at birth and they’ve loved the experience. I had ZERO patience to wait! lol.


I wouldn’t be able to wait for the surprise. I had to know with my kids. When is your due date? We did a toddler bed after the crib so it’s still small And has some kind of bars and just has a smal area they can climb in and out of and that was around 3.


My friend switched to kid bubble gum tooth paste while pregnant because the mint was so bad!

I HAD to know with both my kids. I have no patience.

We switched my daughter around 2.5 before her brother arrived and we switched my son when he climbed out, 2ish?

I’m not pregnant, but I’m craving enchiladas :)


I think a surprise is really fun. I haven’t had any kids yet, but I think I have decided I want my first to be a surprise. Can easily do a neutral color nursery. I mean obviously we will see what happens when I decide to have kids, but the first as a surprise and then maybe the second find out or something is my idea right now.


You are soooo similar to me when I‘m pregnant! Totally get the toothpaste debacle (I had to use kids bubblegum toothpaste for a while because mint=death) and same with the suffocating feeling and not wearing my wedding ring. I would LOVE to be surprised with the gender if I ever have a third!


We had to graduate my 2.5-year-old from her crib several months ago because she kept pulling herself up and climbing out! After seeing her acrobatic escape stunts, we decided there was a good possibility she’d hurt herself, so she’s on a twin mattress on box springs (no bed frame, so she’s closer to the ground for safety reasons). Each kid is so different with how they sleep, I think it’s awesome Skye is a crib-lover!


I’m so excited for you! I’m almost 19 weeks along now. I did the Harmony Test and found out the sex very early (second boy). I could never wait because I’d be too anxious going between boy/girl scenarios… also I kept everything from my first kid so I needed to know if I could use my boxes and boxes of clothes and toys!

My cravings for food change and once they are satisfied I’m completely over it. One thing that has stayed consistent is wanting cold drinks, I drink water at room temperature usually but now I can’t get enough ice.

I practice attachment parenting so we had a family bed until he was 5 then he started sleeping in his own bed. Neither him or I were ready for it but I was getting remarried so I compromised – I still lie down with him to fall asleep and he comes out with us on the rare occasion he wakes up in the night. Love the sleepy cuddles and chats!


I’m 38 weeks tomorrow with my 2nd – a boy! My daughter is a few months older than Skye. She’s still in a crib and hoping we can keep her there for awhile as the thought of her being able to roam after we put her to bed sounds rough. Right now any food that doesn’t give me reflux sounds good – yogurt and frozen fruit (papaya in particular) has been great. I also had major struggles with brushing my teeth for the first 20 weeks of this pregnancy, but happy to report I have been able to do it without getting nauseous for awhile now!


Kid1 climbed out of his crib the first time at 8 months and consistently at 12 months so we moved him to a twin bed at 13 months. Kid2 climbed consistently out of his crib at 15 months and we moved him to a twin bed at 16 months. Kid3 knew how to climb out around 21 months but rarely did so we left him in the crib until we moved when he was 2-1/2 – then we just didn’t put the crib back up at the new house.

I would have been fine with all three of my boys being surprises but my husband was *determined* to know ahead of time if possible and it wasn’t a big enough deal to me to be worth arguing about…so we knew by 20ish weeks for all of them.


We didn’t find out the gender for either of my girls. My husband announcing was the best thing both times. I loved it! It’s also fun to hear everyone predictions.

We moved Adelynne to a big girl bed before she was 2 because we needed the crib for Skylar. She did really good with the transition. We first made the crib into a toddler bed all the way to floor and added a guard rail. I think it still felt like a crib so she did really good. Then we moved her to a twin bed with the guard rail and she’s done really good. Sometimes she gets out of bed but she goes back in just fine. I think it’s harder for the parents then the kids.


28 weeks with twin girls! (and have an almost 4 and an almost 2 year old…yikes). Actually debated not finding out the sexes for the first time. The ultrasound was at the peak of COVID-19 around here, and everything seemed so depressing, but I decided I needed to hear something good/exciting during this time. Plus I wouldn’t be able to come up with that many name options, ha. I’m glad I did; knowing sexes always makes me feel more connected to my babies!


My baby girl is 2 months old and we didn’t find out her gender beforehand. I knew it was our last baby (#4) and convinced my husband to wait which he didn’t love the idea but it was worth it in the end. Such a fun surprise and I’m so glad we did it! I was convinced it was a boy until the very last week when I switched to girl and it was a girl!


You could brush with no toothpaste, just some water on it. It won’t give you fluoride or extra abrasiveness but will still remove plaque and make your teeth feel smoother!
Also love the idea of a surprise!!! So fun.


Are you and Andrew thinking about names yet? Will it be another one syllable name or are you doing something different this time?


I’m so glad you’re feeling better! Having the gender be a surprise will be fun for you guys and torture for all of us that want to know :-) Haha, just kidding!

My daughter was in a crib until she was 3 .5!! She loved her crib and was so happy in it and we just didn’t feel the need to move her. My son is almost 2 and he’s still in a crib. He loves it also and I have no plans to move him anytime soon!


I have a six month old son. When we first started trying, I had a dream and “saw him” as a toddler just learning to walk. It then turned out we dealt with infertility for five years and were told we wouldn’t be able to have kids. When I did get pregnant, we already knew we wouldn’t find out the sex, but I absolutely knew it was my son, and we called him the name that’d we’d picked years ago for the entire pregnancy. I distinctly remember right after he was born, my husband and I were just so enthralled that one of the nurses had to ask, “Did you see? You have a boy!” I was so certain, we didn’t even think to check. His face was also the same as how I’d seen him in my dream five years ago :).


We did not find out the sex of the baby.
I knew this was probably the only time I would be pregnant, I knew Chris really wanted a girl, and I don’t know why I was afraid if I knew it was a boy it would make me sad during my pregnancy. It sounds so silly, but I can feel disappointed for people’s disappoint sometimes, and I was just like let’s not go there.
It was fun picking two names, packing 2 going home outfits, etc. and when the dr. announces the sex it will be like unwrapping the best surprise present ever.


I transitioned my 2 year old to a toddler bed bc he would pull himself up over the rail and would attempt a head first tumble to get onto the floor! I was terrified so now he’s in a toddler bed and happily stays in it as I think he hated being “contained”.

I’m glad bananas worked!!!


Head first tumble ahhhhh! So glad that he is doing so well in the toddler bed and that the transition went well. Hope your day is a beautiful one!


I’m ? at you and the ? by your bedside!

I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better for the most part!

Wear your ring or don’t wear your ring.. you do whatever you need to do.. always! Don’t you give a second though to what people might think. Most people are good and we are here with you supporting you always!

I ? the idea of waiting to find out the gender of the baby? I wanted to do that with my last child. I asked the ultrasound tech to write down the gender and seal it in an envelope. Needless to say I caved. According to my husband .. finding out the gender of the baby is a surprise no matter when you find out ?

Just think of you decided to find out maybe you could still be surprised and have gender reveal party. How fun would pink or blue stuffed cake be? I bet your kids would love it!

Take care ?


My last (4th) pregnancy was my HARDEST pregnancy by far. I threw up way more and my joints/body hurt a lot faster that time around. It was my second girl so mine didn’t have anything to do with gender, I think it was just me getting older (I was 32). I am not patient enough to wait to find out the gender of my babies. I’m impressed that you guys are waiting to find out. As far as cribs go, we just bought another one (used on Craigslist) and kept my toddler at the time in a crib for as long as possible. It helped my peace of mind so much knowing my toddler was safe in the crib when I was hardly getting any sleep from the baby and completely out of it haha. My youngest turned 3 in February and she is still in a crib. She sleeps amazing in it and doesn’t try to get out so I am keeping her in it as long as possible- “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it” is my motto haha.


I had head-neck cancer a few years ago, and as a result of treatment, I use Biotene toothpaste for dry mouth (at the grocery store). Just an FYI, there’s not much taste at all to it, so it might be something to try if regular toothpastes bother you.


I am so happy for you and your family, Janae. We didn’t find out the gender of either of our boys. We went through fertility treatments, which I felt took away a lot of the “magic” of it all. So, we decided that since we never had a surprise pregnancy, we would have a surprise gender. It’s so fun! My husband announced the gender each time, and everyone I came into contact with had a guess. ]
Just be prepared for one thing, though (this was the only bad part) — people will scrutinize your body. I mean, look you up and down, make you turn around, stare at your belly, etc, in an attempt to guess the gender. At first, this was kinda fun, but as I got bigger, this felt really uncomfortable. Just a head’s up!


Currently pregnant with our second! We are waiting until birth for the gender too! First was a boy! This one feels different but I’ve heard conflicting things!

Excited either way and definitely the ultimate surprise!


We waited to find out the sex of our baby and it was so special. My husband got to announce it and could barely get out tom he words “it’s a boy!” He was so emotional, haha it was the sweetest moment. I also ate at least two bananas a day when pregnant and still keep one plus a granola bar by my bed since I get hungry from nursing. Enjoy your pregnancy!

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