One Mile at a Time… how to get through this.

The post-run watermelon is here to stay for the next few months and I thought about it sitting in my fridge waiting for me for the last 3 miles of my run yesterday.

My friend that I went to London with told me yesterday to make these Cream Tea Scones (because I was obsessed with the scones that we had together while we were there) so Brooke and I got to making them right away.  They were amazing and they were perfect for our tea party.  I even had some of the jam from the place we had afternoon tea at in London to use with the scones.

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The girls wanted to wear dresses (well, Skye always wants to wear a dress).

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And I even wore real clothes which is a very big deal.

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We had grape juice and hard-boiled eggs with our scones so we were just living the dream over here.

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The girls then got in play clothes and we spent most of the day outside.   I’m very very grateful for spring weather right now.

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She still rubs the corner of her blanket near her nose to let me know she is ready to sleep.

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Just doing my part to let you know about the best jelly beans out there… these are good but the Starburst ones are even better.  Jelly Beans have sure come a long way over the years.

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Who knew that sitting on a different couch than the one you normally sit on would feel kind of like an adventure haha…

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For dinner we made another comfort food of my mom’s that I’ve been missing along with some roasted veggies.

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Name that movie….

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Ashley sent me this and I showed Brooke and now she wants to try it on our chicks!

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Yesterday morning at the end of my run I was feeling really overwhelmed by everything.  Each day brings new emotions and yesterday I just had a very similar feeling to the one that I have usually around mile 16-19ish of a marathon.  The fatigue has set in yet I know there is still a lot of road ahead of me.  At this point in the marathon I start wondering how I’m going to keep going at this pace or how much longer my body is going to hold up if I still have 8 more miles to go when I’m already feeling drained.  That forward thinking is what really get’s me down during a hard race.

Over the years I’ve learned that what helps me the most during the marathon is to quit worrying about what is going to happen in the next 8 miles and to be where I am at now.  To do the best I can do in the mile I’m in because worrying about how I’m going to feel in few more miles is a waste of energy.  I need to do what I can to fuel/hydrate (or in this case of what is happening in the world right now…offer myself self-care and rest) but to do what I need to do now and not worry about how much further I have to go because I’m doing the now and that’s all that matters.

(From mile 19 of my 2nd marathon back in 2010)

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Keep doing what you do best.  Right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot.  Running has proved to us over and over again we can do hard things.  I have a lot of hope that things are going to get better and the future is bright but until then, I’m just going to take this one mile at a time.

I heard this quote on Sunday and it really has stuck with me:

“We did not come this far to only come this far”

There is so much brightness up ahead and the hard is what changes us into the type of people we want to become.  We’ve got this.


If you could (and it was safe to:) go anywhere in the world today, where would you go?

Have any mantras or thoughts that have helped you to get through this time? 

Favorite Easter candy?

When are you guessing races to start up again?

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Yessssssss Starburst jelly beans, I also like Jolly Rancher jelly beans, Swedish Fish jelly beans, and Sour Patch jelly beans. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, for real.

Those scones look good, I might have to make them myself!


Victoria, how are your parents? Are they just the happiest to be home. Why do I feel like I haven’t ever tried the Sour Patch jelly beans? That must change today! Let me know if you try the scones. Happy Wednesday, friend!


Be the light, even when it feels the darkest. I totally understand how you feel about being fatigued :( Trying to stay positive for others all the time is tiring. And sometimes I just want to stop. But even when it’s hard, be the light. I’d rather know I made someone else’s day better than sit here grumpy.

Reese’s all the way! Best candy in general, whether for Easter, Halloween, etc.


OH I LOVE THAT so so much! Thank you for sharing…. we need the light and by choosing to be the light rather than grumpy our day is already going to be better! I hope you get all of the Reese’s and I LOVE their holiday versions (I think the chocolate and pb ratio is even better than normal). Have a beautiful day Mariah!


This post has made me incredibly happy this morning. I needed this so much!!! I woke up feeling overwhelmed and consumed with worry about all the what it’s. I need to just begin the moment more. So thank you for the reminder. Favorite Easter candy for me hands down are Reese’s eggs. They are life!


I am so glad Kimberly, we are all in this together! Let’s just keep doing our best in the moment! I want to send you all of the Reese’s eggs right now. Have a great Wednesday!


Costa rica. It is one of my favourite places:)

Honestly I am not even sure about my one fall race in Sepr which is 50/50 at this point. I am just taking the time to rebuild my base and enjoy this time to run for mental health. Each night after work I head out for a run or walk and my partner comes on his skateboard:). But guessing maybe end Octiber I’d we are lucky?

For me the uncertainty and not knowing is hard but I remind myself that nothing has ever been vertain. A For me writing it all tmy houghts during this time helps. And my poos ling suffering guy has had to do a lot of listening.

We also take the time each night to do something together whether its working on a puzzle or boardgame s o we arent consuming as much media haha

Chocolate Cadbury candy creme eggs. Yum.

When things are hard I remind myself that this too has pass.

I hope you have a great day Janae with many little moments that bring joy!


I’ve always wanted to go to Costa Rica! I’m right there with you… I think we are all training for our mental health and a great base right now! Your guy sounds amazing and so are you so that makes me happy. We need to start a puzzle asap, thanks for sharing that with me. I hope you have all of the cadbury candy creme eggs and thank you so much friend!


Reading Psalm 91 from the Bible every day out loud with my family.


Just pulled it up for me to read with my family this morning, thanks for sharing Mary!


Jelly beans are hands down my FAVORITE candy. Which is saying something for a person going through like 5lbs/week at this point… usually the first thing we run out of before the weekly Big Shop. If you can find them near you, I highly recommend Surf Sweet! So good.


Mmm! Scones! My middle daughter (17) loves them–maybe she’ll make some for us all today? She and her older sister (21) found their old ladybug porcelain tea set while they were rearranging their room (as you do when routines change). That would be a priceless photo :)
If I could go anywhere, it would be to a beach. I’m not very picky, but it would need to be warm and sunny.
Stay in the moment, like you said. If I (or my kids) feel like “it’s not fair,” I’m honoring that feeling–it’s truly not–but it’s where we are now, not where we will be in the future. Our days look quite different and it feels like lowering our expectations or standards, but I’m choosing to see it as giving ourselves the grace to make different decisions in unique circumstances.
I’m also doing a workout streak because it’s a way I can feel in control of something. Some days are a hard effort, other days are short or easy movement, but I’m going for consistency (and endorphins).
Hope the chicks love their fancy dresses :)


I hope your daughter makes them, they really are so good. Hahaha yes, you have to get that picture and I need to see it:) Oh a beach sounds really amazing and I hope you are at one soon! I love what you said, we just need to give ourselves grace and compassion during this time. You are rocking your workout streak and I love that you are doing that right now! Thanks Corey and I hope you are having a beautiful Wednesday!


Have you had the Swedish Fish jelly beans!?? They are AMAZING!!


You are so right… Just take 1 mile at a time, or 1 day at a time ?
The beach!! I miss the beach so much. I quite often would run twice, maybe 3 times a month at the beach. I miss the sound and the peace it gives me.
I was able to get out for 5 miles yesterday between rain storms, and it looks like I should be able to do the same today (maybe even longer), yay! I didn’t go out at all on Monday, and it really made me feel sad and depressed a little. Getting outside is really important for me right now.
I love all jelly beans, but my favorite are definitely the Starburst ones…. Oh and any kind of mini chocolate/peanut butter eggs.
Those scones look so good. I may need to make them this week.
Have a great Wednesday ?


I’m totally with you on that Wendy, being outside for a little bit of time is so needed right now! I hope that there was a big break in between showers so that you could get in an amazing run! I also hope that you will get a beach run again before we know it, I bet you miss it so much. I hope you like the scones if you try them and that you get some mini chocolate/pb eggs asap! Thanks and you too!


I forgot about those ones, they are the best! Thanks Melissa!


Hugs to you.
Something that helps me is to focus on some of the things like, Chris working from home, getting to run about double the amount of when I am not working from home, zoom game nights with college friends, talking with my sister on the daily (when it usually is weekly) and then I say, “thank you for these opportunities. Please don’t let it end it fast. It’ll never happen again.”


This i just what I needed to remember. Gratitude is the cure for anything. Thanks Erica, I really love the way you view the world!


I would go to Target right now!!! Haa! Ah, the simple things. I just want to walk around and “meditate” there (that is what I call my Target outings – meditation). I used to go about once a month on a Saturday and Sunday and roam the aisles.


Oh my.. a Target trip sounds like heaven right now! I fully agree with you, Target is the best type of meditation. I hope we are all back to that soon:) Enjoy your Wednesday!


Those scones look fantastic! If I could travel anywhere right now, I would actually go to London–I’ve never been and it’s always been at the top of my list.

When I get really stuck on a run, I think, “Just put one foot in front of the other.” That’s what I’m reminding myself of in life right now, too–I can’t teleport myself to the end of a race OR to the end of this strange time, but I can keep doing the next thing, and by doing that, we’ll get there.

Chicks in skirts . . . what else do you need??


Oh Kristin, I hope you are able to go to London ASAP when all of this is over, you are going to love it. I love what you tell yourself, it’s just what we all need. We will get there <-- I love that. Have a beautiful day!


Not a big travelling fan, but the pictures my boss took of trail running in the Swiss Alps were amazing so I will go with that.

I have your exact mindset (at least I am trying); my goal is to just get through today. We can only prepare for what may come – but need not obsess about it.

The big huge Cadbury chocolate/caramel eggs are my fave.

I am guessing races might begin early July, maybe for the 4th of July? Or maybe late July.


Trail running in the Swiss Alps? That sounds fabulous right about now. Yes, a day at a time… we can do this. I hope that you get plenty of Cadbury eggs and I can’t wait for those 4th of July races! Have a beautiful day John!


I think he did the Tour du Mont-Blanc one.

Every picture he posted on FaceBook looked like a postcard.


Loved the last bit of this post (whole post was great as usual, but the last bit got me in the feels ;)-I needed to read that this morning <3


I am so glad. We’ve got this Olivia, just take it a mile at a time! I’m always here if you need to talk. Have a beautiful rest of your day!


I would go anywhere with a beach! I really really want to learn to surf and it is my dream to go to one of those learn to surf/do yoga everyday retreats in Costa Rica. I WILL make it there one day.
I absolutely love that quote too! My daily intention for now is: “Just focus on the next 24 hours. Be completely present – for myself, for my family and for my community. I am making good decisions each day and using this time to change and get strong.” Trying to keep that internal dialogue positive!
I’m signed up for the Utah Valley 10K on June 6, and the last communication I received said it is still a go? But I have a feeling it will be cancelled? I can’t see things starting back up until the end of the summer :(
At least we have mini eggs (predictable, but definitely my favourite easter candy) to get us through!


Oh a beach sounds magical right about now and I hope that you get to do one of those retreats SOON (and I’ll come with you). I love what you are doing and telling yourself. That internal dialogue makes all of the difference. I heard that from Utah Valley too (I’m planning on the 10k too but I agree, I’m not sure it is still going to happen! Keep me updated with anything that you hear and I hope you have all of the mini eggs today! Thanks Rachel!


We had already booked and paid for a week at The Cliffs in Princeville on Kauai. We were suppose to go at the end of May but found out over the weekend that our reservation was canceled. We stayed there 2 years ago and loved it. It is one of the most peaceful places. If we didn’t have to be quarantined for 14 days I’d still want to go. For the first time in a very long time we don’t have a single trip on our calendar. Talk about strange!

I told Les this morning that I have COVID-19 fatigue. I try to stay away from the news as much as possible, there’s too much unknown and too many predictions. I’m staying safe at home.

Favorite Easter candy = anything chocolate, but I do like Starburst jelly beans.


Oh Kathy, I am really sorry about that! The Cliffs sounds amazing and I hope you are able to reschedule soon! I’m with you with that fatigue! I hope you get plenty of chocolate and Starburst jelly beans soon!


Thanks for your insights — we could all use a little perspective and a pick-me-up these days!

I am wondering whether you’d be willing to discuss any of your self-care interruptions during quarantine in a future post. I used to wear lashes, get my brows done, etc, before all of this started. What are you keeping up with at home? What are you itching to get back to (if anything), beauty-wise? For me: I can live without the lashes, but I had a hair appointment that has been canceled/pushed back and it’s a little thing, but I’m so bummed. I feel so frumpy now working from home in all of this and I was just really looking forward to getting my hair cut and dyed :)


Hey Betsy! Thank you so much! I absolutely miss going and getting my nails done or my eyebrows done… a lot. I am so sorry you are missing out on the things you need right now and I agree, I can’t wait to get to keep up with these things again. For me right now my self care involves a lot of things like resting when I need to, reading when I need alone time and being kind to myself about how I’m just not accomplishing the things I used to. It’s so easy to get down on ourselves right now but the biggest thing we can do is offer ourselves compassion, just like we would do our best friend. Keep me updated on how you are doing!


Hi Janae! I’d love to just go to a friend’s house haha. It’s the some things like just sitting around on the couch together that I miss. That picture of the chicks sure is hilarious!


I totally agree with you, that sounds perfect right about now!! Hope you have the best day!


Those chicks in skirts, omg so cute! I should definitely dress up and have tea with my daughter at home :)

That quote is perfect for my virtual half this weekend. I did not come this far (in training) to only come this far, so I’m still running it even though it got cancelled.



HEY MAYTHE! Yes yes yes… that quote is perfect for you this weekend. I’m cheering for you big time and please let me know how it goes. You inspire us all!


I’m hoping races will be back in the fall. There is a 10k on the track in Santa Barbara that I really want to run in October and I’m crossing my fingers it doesn’t get canceled!


Oh I really hope you get to do that 10k! I really think fall races will be back on track too! Have a beautiful day, Paige!


The end of this post is everything right now. I’m 9 days away from my due date and Monday I finally broke down. I learned I can only bring one bag to the hospital and even though it’s the tiniest thing, it was the thing that was just too much. So many of the things I thought I’d have with my first baby I’ve had to be okay with not having. And it’s just hard. It’s hard not being able to have my family come meet my new baby. Or to be able to have newborn pictures of us to look back on (that aren’t just my attempt at taking them). I’m not sure when we’ll be able to baptize her or if she’ll fit in our family gown when we finally can. It’s just a lot. This whole pregnancy I’ve thought is like training for a marathon and boy, now more than ever is it true. Just gotta focus on putting one foot in front of the other. There is a finish line ahead and together we’re all going to get to it! (and then of course, we’ll forget everything we went through and sign up for another one the next day! haha :)


Oh Amanda, this is all so hard. I would be breaking down too if I were you. So many expectations, hopes and plans are changed for such a huge event in your lives and I’m so sorry. You are doing amazing and I would love to get a picture of your new little one in a few weeks whenever have a chance! I’m praying for you guys and thinking about you a lot. This little girl is so lucky to be a part of your family!


Thank you! <3


I don’t want to go anywhere, I just want to be able to hug my children and grandchildren. My son has been out of state for training and I haven’t seen him since Christmas. Skyping with the grands is ok, but not the same, especially when they’re still mostly non-verbal.
SweetTart jellybeans. ’nuff said.
I’m ok with not racing for a while. I pushed myself too hard and got derailed with an injury 2 days before my last race. Six weeks later, I’m only just now easing into very short slow distances.
Chicks in skirts are the cutest thing ever!


Oh Jen, that is so so incredibly hard. I hope that you are able to hug them al soon! I am so glad you are coming back from your injury and I hope with each day you feel better and better. Keep in touch, friend!


So, I had a golden moment on my run the other day. The song “Overcome” by New Politics came on as the sun came out from the clouds and a couldn’t help smiling. Old playlists are the best. But that song has turned into the running song for the week for me.

I’m hoping races are back and running by September because I’d rather not skip Boston this year. I’ll be honest, I’m delaying registering for my Fourth of July run because I’m not confident.


I love your thoughts on being in the present- I’m going to use that during night feedings for my 3 month old!! I had a rough last week with her at night and thankfully my SO stepped in to let me get some serious sleep a few nights ago so I’m feeling lots better… I try to use that mantra “there is no secret just keep going” and “you can 100% do this. For definite. No doubt.” I have little cards saying these and keep a picture of them on my phone lock screen too.


I used to love all of the Starbursts and things like that, but I could really just pass on that stuff now! I’m all about chocolate, especially dark chocolate. Chocolate and peanut treats are my favorite! I would love to see your chicks all dressed up :).


OMG, Starburst Jelly Beans are everything. They are amazing !! They are basically everything in life right now. Someone suggested them, I tried them, now that person should be punished because they were way, way, way too good !


THANK YOU? I needed that quote today.

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