Mixed Feelings & Runner’s Weird Perspectives.

Skye’s grumpy in the below picture because I made her take off her high heel dress-up shoes to wear boots outside yesterday.

Emilee and I were reunited for 10 miles @ 8:33 pace yesterday.

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It was really cold out so it was a four layer kind of a day for me—>  Sports bra, long-sleeve, vest and jacket.

I’m really experiencing mixed feelings lately and I don’t like it.  Part of me wants winter to stay forever because of the skiing but the other part of me is so ready for winter to be over for running.  I have 0 motivation for speed work in the cold but it’s also probably good for me after such a crazy year last year to take a little time away from big workouts!  I’m just hoping there aren’t too many more weeks of four layers this year:)

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Just in case you were wondering, Skye did get over the dress-up heels incidence.

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The compromise we came to was that she could wear her sneakers without socks with her pant legs rolled up.

Compromising with Skye is risky.

At least I won the below argument.

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Brooke made cupcakes from start to finish all by herself (I did the oven part) yesterday for our neighbors.

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And Skye has gotten Beretta into dressing up with her.

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Enchilada stuffed sweet potatoes for dinner!  Even Skye loved it and kept saying ‘yummy in tummy.’  We added sour cream and avocado on top.

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And then we finished off with a cupcake and Brooke thought Skye was crazy for only eating the frosting.

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My birthday is next week (feel free to put it in your calendar;) and a few of my friends were asking what I wanted to do for my bday…

It reminded me of my bday last year when I chose to celebrate my bday by running my age in miles (while training for an ultra) with my friends and Andrew.

At the time that seemed liked a normal thing to do because of how high my mileage was but this year… I will probably run 1/5th of my age on my bday.  My perspective on distances/speeds is always changing based on what I am training for or not training for.

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At the beginning of a training plan X amount of miles seems so scary and overwhelming but then a few months in and we are doing the same amount of miles as an easy run on a Wednesday.

Running changed my perspective into thinking it’s normal to meet my friends in the pitch dark to run around the city while eating disgusting packets of sugar;)

My perspective was changed through running in my 20s to the idea that I should be spending way more on running clothes/shoes than on my work wardrobe.

Running has brought me to the conclusion that it is very normal to go to bed ridiculously early to prepare myself for the long run the next morning.

Running has made me think it’s normal to pay somebody else (and sometimes a lot) for me to go run for miles and miles at a race.

Running changed my perspective of whatever area I am in to think about the best routes to take with the best hills, bathrooms and drinking fountains along the way.

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Over the years of training my thoughts have shifted a lot in terms of focusing on the things my body can do rather than what it looks like.

Running has changed my perspective on pain and I’ve learned to welcome it as a sign of growth.

Last year when training with my coach my perspective on vertical gain during a run changed A TON because he had us on the trails so often that climbing all of those feet started to seem normal.

At the beginning of a training plan an interval or two sounds CRAZY and by the end we are doing 10 of them.

It sure is interesting to see how running or training for a race changes our perspectives on things and I can’t wait to hear from you on how it has changed your point of view.


How has your perspective on things changed because of running?

How many layers did you have on for your last run?

What was the last thing that made you grumpy?

What’s for dinner tonight for you?

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I probably had as many layers as you had yesterday for my run, and that was a “mild” cold day here. So I’m glad to read I’m not the only one struggling with motivation to run in the cold. I also do prefer to run in the forest during winter as the trees shelter me from the wind (so it’s a little less cold), but this means going up and down and up and down. Yesterday, I felt like I was 106 years old and had my legs in cement blocks during my run . But I guess that even a bad run is better than no run. Can’t wait for summer days too!!


Oh you are not alone! I can’t get myself to do anything besides easy running lately and I really think it’s the cold. We are going to have a great spring/summer! Way to get out in the forest with all of the hills and you are so right about those feeling like we have cement legs is better than no run at all! Hope your Wednesday is a great one so far!


That is so true how our perspective changes with running, depending on where we are in our training cycle and what’s happening in our lives. Over the years, running has changed my perspective on how to tackle seemingly impossible tasks (running 26.2 miles all at once). I learned to take each mile as it comes….in life, take each day, or each problem as it comes. No one can predict what will happen at mile 18, or what will happen in a week, so don’t stress about that until you come to it. Of course, that’s sometimes easier said than done!
Yesterday’s run was just a 1 layer run…. I was inside on the treadmill ?
I have no idea what I’m making for dinner. I have been bad at menu planning the last couple of weeks, uuggg. So today I am hoping to get back to that again. It’s so funny… In January, when it seems like everyone is eating so healthy, I typically am not as healthy with eating as I am the rest of the year. Weird! It’s always a super busy month, so meals tend to be something quick to grab. Time to get back to eating more fresh fruits and veggies!
Have a great day Janae ?


I LOVE this so so much Wendy and how your perspective has changed… you are so strong. LOVE those 1 layer runs and can’t wait for those to be happening outside too. Bahaha I am SO there with you on January eating and I’ll join you in eating more fresh veggies and fruits now. Thanks Wendy and you too!


The last time I ran was a month ago, I’m currently 36 weeks pregnant, with 2 top layers and capri pants. At least my last run was with my husband and dog. I can’t wait until baby comes and I’m cleared to exercise after!

I got super irritated at work when a man asked me if I’m having twins while laughing. No, there’s only one and I started at a normal weight and have gained 26lbs…that’s what makes it the most annoying. If he weren’t a patron of the company I’m working for my response would’ve been: “Sir, I can only think of two reasons for the size of your stomach; 1) gluttony or 2) a second immaculate conception.” I’m so done with the inappropriate, “funny” comments made by men.

My in-laws are coming in tonight, so we’ll be eating out. We probably won’t decide on where to eat until we’re in the car and are forced to make a decision after everyone has said “Doesn’t matter to me (where we eat)” lol


Brittany! You are so so close, I am SO excited for you and your family! I am excited for you to get back to running again too, it is such a good feeling. And that man at work… WHAT IN THE WORLD? I wish I could have been there so that I could have stopped him.
Enjoy dinner tonight and haha I think you should choose based off of what you are craving. Can’t wait to hear when your baby is born!


Beretta’s expression while wearing the tutu is hilarious! :)


Running changed my mind that it’s not a punishment, it can be fun! As a collegiate swimmer, I saw running as a punishment. Then I stopped swimming and found running to be addictive and fun. My last run I was in 3 layers. And my last run is also what made me grumpy – I hurt my foot and I’m walking the line of “google says do these stretches” and “maybe you should go see a professional.” Not dinner tonight, but for the superbowl I made enchiladas with sweet potatoes! I never thought about sweet potatoes in enchiladas until I found this recipe. Now I want to try it your way and put the enchilada in the sweet potato! Yummy in tummy indeed, Skye.


Oh I love that… I totally used to see it as a punishment! I am so glad you found running and that it has been such a positive force in your life. Let me know if you try the recipe and love it like Skye does haha and GOOD LOUCK with your foot. I hate not having any answers. Good luck Rachel!


OMG, poor Beretta! Once again she has that look of “ok, would one of the grown ups please help me out here?”. Lol, what a good sport.

Definitely this “Running has made me think it’s normal to pay somebody else (and sometimes a lot) for me to go run for miles and miles at a race.” You forgot to mention that we are also actually paying money to put ourselves in pain!


Hahaha I just try to tell myself that she enjoys the kids playing with her?! Oh and that is SO true… we are all a bit strange! Hope your Wednesday has been a really great one so far, John!


Agree on winter…definitely in the winter doldrums here, we don’t get much blue sky either, a lot of grey. Here’s to hoping there’s only another 6 weeks of this :/


I hope you guys get a little bit of sunshine and blue skies soon and just 6 more weeks wahooo… we are so close! Have a great day Jenni!


I had forgotten you ran your age in mileage – so cool! My friend just ran 40 for her 40th!
Everything has changed because of running; pain scales don’t mean a thing to a runner. Our 5 is probably a non-runner’s 1 or 0. 4 am wakups are the norm so I can run before work. Sunrise runs are the best – no matter what time they’re at :) Every girl should know how to snot rocket, take care of business in the woods and master eating while running. Lol!
My last run I had shorts w/ only 2 layers on top during a torrential downpour, sideways rain and heavy winds. A friend of mine had 6 layers on top and pants during the same run.
The last thing that made me grumpy was getting a call for an ultrasound after my last mammogram. I ended up getting an ultrasound and ANOTHER mammogram but LUCKILY everything is fine. Those were some very stressful days and hours!
Dinner is either fettucini carbonara or cheeseburgers and tots.
Have a great day!


40 on her 40th… tell her I just think that is amazing! Hahaha I didn’t even think about that… our pain scales are so weird. I took my shoe off the other day and there was blood and Andrew asked if it hurt and I was like I guess but I didn’t really notice ha. Oh and I just love all of your other points, they are SO true! Way to get out in that crazy rain and wind… wind is HARD! Haha you and your friend have different perspectives on temperatures! I am so grateful everything is okay with you, I can’t imagine the stress you experienced during that time. Ummm can I come to your house for dinner? Thanks Jenny, you too!


I second the notion that running teaches us to take the miles as they come, both literally and in life. When training for a race it seems impossible that you’ll be able to run 26.2 miles at once, or hit a certain pace, or whatever. In life, things seem impossible sometimes or you just don’t know how you’ll do something and then you’re there, doing it, and you get through it and realize it IS possible and you CAN do it.
Last outdoor run was a longsleeve and vest – it’s been pretty moderate here in upstate NY. I actually prefer running in winter temps to summer, but I miss the light. It’s pitch black at 4:30am when I head out and STILL pitch black when I get back, and then dark when I get home from work. I am getting tired of seeing so many glowing eyeballs in the woods on my runs too – so freaky!
I feel like I’ve been grumpy a lot lately – letting small insignificant annoyances get to me. Working on that as a new year’s resolution! Other people/things might cause me stress but I am in control of my response to that, and why would I allow something to ruin my day? Easier said than done though!
No idea what’s for dinner…maybe Chipotle because my dog has training class and it’s right next door…;)
Have a great Wednesday Janae!


Oh I love that… we see the same things in running and in life and we learn so much about our strength. Oh I love the vest and long sleeve combo weather and too bad we can’t get those temperatures and some light early on at the same time! Okay, the glowing eyeballs things… BE CAREFUL! I hope you go to Chipotle because it’s the best and I’ll join you in working on our reactions… thanks Laura!


Hi Janae! Love this post idea and relate to so many things you said! Running has taught me to value consistency and it’s about the journey not the destination. Running has taught me to take care of my body in other ways so that I can run better (I would definitely not stretch, strength train , or eat as healthy otherwise). Running has taught me that runners are great people and endorphins makes people nice.

Happy Wednesday! Halfway through the week :)


Oh I love this… the things you listed gave me goosebumps and I just feel so lucky to be a part of this community. Happy Wednesday to you too Amy!


I haven’t ran since Sunday so I wore shorts and a t-shirt… but this morning it was single digits, so I probably would’ve been with you on the 4 layers. We have a very spoiled dog who only goes to the bathroom on walks. I used to run with her in the morning, but she’s scheduled for TPLO surgery on the 19th, so she’s not able to run right now, which makes us both sad. So I only have time to take her for a walk before getting ready for work.
Running has changed my perspective a lot. It used to be something that I ran only with friends, then I found that I also enjoyed running by myself to clear my head. I’ll also hand over money to run when I could just go out and do it myself, but without the fun and support.


You went from shorts and t-shirt weather to single digits in just a few days?! I hope everything goes really well for your dog and her surgery in two weeks! Let me know how it goes. I love those perspective changes! Thanks Kathy and enjoy your day!


Running has taught me that I can do hard things, and sometimes those hard things are small (getting out the door, doing a proper warm up) and sometimes big (ultras, running on rocks, hill repeats, bonking). It’s all perspective. Doing a 5k is hard, but it’s way less than 50k. A 50k is long and hard, but a 5k is way fast and there’s no time to make up for a crappy mile split! hehe.

My son ate the rest of the blue corn chips and that made me grumpy. My hormones were way upset over this because…..

Dinner was a hippy salad of mixed baby greens, natur rice, sauteed chopped mushrooms and pumpkin seeds, chunks of sweet potato, seasoned sauteed red beets and BLUE CORN CHIPS IF HE HADN’T FINISHED THEM OFF!!!! and now that they’re gone I want them more. harumph.

Today was windy and cold but DRY! we had some hail and snow spits earlier. Tights, bra, baselayer tank, wool long sleeve, vest, hat, giant mittens. My lips and chin were cold. Then, when I was all done and changed the sun came out which was sooooo nice!!!!

Love all the fun expressions of your kiddos!! And Skye has a serious opinion on style already. love it!


Last thing to make me grumpy. My automatic garage door is broken, and every morning after manually putting it down, I call Chris to say, can you please fix the garage door tonight. We both forget about it and I think we are on day 9. That is not a typo, my first call was last Monday.
Not sure if I am more grumpy at him or my horrible memory.


So while I used to be an avid runner (for the sake of staying fit for my riding) the weather thing made me laugh. As I grew up in northern New England when I still happily went riding in -30 degree weather, after moving to Maryland the thought of doing anything out side when it gets below 30 sends chills down my spine…

As my nephews hit the slopes at -8 yesterday for snowboarding! :)


I remember you running your age! I will be meeting up with my friend on Friday running his age (again) this year… he’s going to be 46! I will just run a few miles, and join for the lunch break he takes in the middle of the run. My kids are both in high school and we have to schedule our ski trips around their breaks. Unfortunately the “good” skiing is almost 5 hours away. Hopefully we will be able to get to take another trip this season. I love skiing too!


THOSE Sweet potato enchiladas look AMAZING!!!! I don’t know what we are having for dinner tonight..forgot to make a plan before I left for work today. Time to improvise!

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