Getting up for a run when I don’t have a race on the calendar vs getting up for a run when I do have a race on the calendar is approximately 35 times harder, ha.  Once I got up and had 3 layers on, I was excited to get out for some miles.  7 miles @ 8:20 average.  Right now I’m not looking at my pace on my watch during the run and just running which is a fun change after months of paying close attention to splits all of the time!

I listened to this on the run and LOVED IT.  I’m excited I found this podcast because the more running podcasts there are the better.  They make laundry and solo miles so much more entertaining.

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The views during a winter run make the cold lungs worth it;)

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After I took Brooke to school, Skye and I went over to my parents’ house.  Skye loved the ankle deep snow in their yard.

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And then it was off to pick up lunch to take to my sister for her bday!  I brought us her favorite salad (from 180 Tacos).

Back before I started blogging my sister lived in 6 different states and we rarely saw each other so I think being practically neighbors now is a great way to make up for those years apart:)

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Normal afternoon for us of some chores, homework and plenty of dress-up.

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For dinner we had chicken noodle soup over mashed potatoes and it was the perfect winter meal.  I love combining the two foods into one heavenly bowl.

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Skye called Brooke ‘mom’ yesterday hahah.

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Andrew getting in a run after a long shift at work= that takes another level of dedication in my opinion!

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Random topic of the day because I want to hear your experience, how do you think treadmill running translates over when training for a race?  Whenever I get someone asking me if I think they will be okay on race day if they do a lot of their training on the treadmill, my answer is YES!

I’ve loved the treadmill a lot over the years and in my experience I really think it is a valuable training tool and it does the job for me!   For my first marathon I did EVERY SINGLE RUN (besides one 5 mile run) on the treadmill and finished way faster than I expected at the Salt Lake City Marathon.  For many years 70ish% (not sure how correct that stat is but it sounds about right) of my runs were on the treadmill and I always felt like I was very prepared training wise (I just had other things I wasn’t prepared for during the race ie my race day nutrition) on race day.  If you are racing a hilly course then make sure to play around with that incline but for me at least, the treadmill has really been an awesome way to train for races when I couldn’t get outside.

Yes, there are things that you get outside that you don’t get on the treadmill (ie wind) but I think the mental strength you build from not quitting your workout on the treadmill when your couch is just a few feet away cancels out those factors.

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What about you… has treadmill training for races worked for you?  Who is using the treadmill often these days?

Who runs after work or after a long day?  I just want to clap for you!

During a run do you pay close attention to your pace/splits? 

Last podcast you listened to?

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Listened to NPR Up First this morning on the way to work, it’s only about 10 minutes and gets me the news for the day! Try to multi-task if I can- listen to podcasts while driving or doing chores.


Seriously… podcasts just make drives/chores so much better! I’ll have to try to start my morning off with some NPR too. Hope you are having a great day Mariah.


Oh wow props to Andrew, I would rather run at 4 am than at 6 pm. Working out after a full day of work is ROUGH.

If I do a LOT of treadmill running I feel like my joints are less acclimated to the pounding of pavement but on the other hand, avoiding some of that pounding can help prevent injury. Ultimately it’s better to run on the treadmill than not at all, and if the treadmill is more convenient, you’ll probably run more so treadmill away.


I have to use the treadmill for 4 of my 5 weekly runs! I used to always run outside but I moved and don’t feel as safe in the city running at 4 am before work. I have a half marathon on the schedule for end of March so I’m hoping those runs translate outside. All I have to say is I’m thankful for Netflix and the ability to download shows since my building’s gym has zero reception


In the winter time, I do most of my runs on the treadmill. I live in SD so extreme cold (real feel temp and winds dictate) and icy roads make it hard to go outside. I don’t have anything to prove by running in the cold or on icy roads. The treadmill lets me run hills, work on paces and I get to watch Prime.


The treadmill, during dark winter months, is more than half my training runs. When it’s warmer, I can run while my family bikes next to me. But, it’s dark at 5:00p right now, so it isn’t an option. I was told by my college strength and conditioning coach to keep the treadmill at at least 1/1.5 to emulate outside, and I’m always faster outside.

I get off work at 4, so that’s usually the best time for me to workout. However, I’m usually only able to workout 2x a week like that due to mom taxi-ing.

It’s all tough. I hate how hungry I am all day when I run before work.


It’s so nice to hear your positive comments about the treadmill! So many people refer to it as the “dreadmill” and don’t realize how insulting that can feel when the treadmill is your only option for training! I trained for my first half nearly 100% on the treadmill and right now I’m training for my first full 100% on the treadmill (I’m in Wisconsin and totally a fair weather runner). Your post encouraged me that I will be fine! Thanks again so much!!!


I really agree with you on that… it always hurt my feelings when I was on the treadmill a lot and people told me it didn’t count. Ummm what? It is harder in my opinion! I’m SO so excited for your first marathon and you have to keep me updated on it all. You will be more than fine, you are going to do amazing! And Wisconsin is COLD. I would be inside too!


I’m a big believer in the treadmill! My husband was deployed last winter and so with kids, a cold NY winter, etc….. I did about 90% of my half marathon training on the treadmill and came away with a 5 minute PR. The treadmill and strength training paid off. I mimic my outdoor runs on the treadmill so I still hit easy runs, tempo runs, hill workouts and speed work.


Elizabeth, THAT IS AWESOME! I am so glad that you had that treadmill to get in the training for that huge PR. You are amazing and proof at how strong the treadmill can make us too!


First, I just want to say how much I appreciate and genuinely look forward to your posts every day! Your engaging personality and positivity are just lovely!
Ahhhh, the treadmill…I’ve had a love/hate relationship with it over the years. Right now though, it is THE thing getting me back to regular running after a 2.5 year absence. Dark mornings + dark evenings + no sidewalks = Treadmill FTW!! While I prefer morning runs (before life interrupts!), I’ve done many, many post-work runs. The worst were the 12 milers after 16+ hour EMT shifts with only a couple of hours of sleep (I miss the work, but not the hours).
TOTALLY OFF TOPIC: In a fairly recent post (comment section, I believe), you mentioned the lightweight, Dyson vacuum cleaner you have. I’ve searched and cannot find the link you provided – would you be so kind as to post it again? Thank you!!


I run after work! I don’t have any training partners, so running outside in the dark before work sounds too dangerous for me… so after work is my jam! It’s nice to shake out my legs after sitting at a desk all day, and I like getting the sunshine. Sometimes I feel really tired if I haven’t eaten enough during the day, but it’s all right most of the time!

I listen to so many podcast omg. I love Crime Junkie, Ali on the Run, The Dream, Wait, Wait Don’t tell Me, and so many more ? haha.

I like running on the treadmill if I have a fan and if I can watch Beyoncé’s Homecoming Documentary. Oddly specific, but it works for me! Otherwise I’m not a fan.


I love treadmill running while training! It’s a great way for me to get in a run when I’m feeling unmotivated. Have you liked having a treadmill at home? I am thinking about doing some research on treadmills and wondering if it’s worth purchasing one. I think it would help so much for my motivation to run, on those days when I just don’t feel like leaving the house! Curious if you think it’s worth it vs using gyms!


I think it’s AMAZING to have a treadmill at home especially with kids but I find myself more motivated at the gym on the treadmill because everyone else is working hard with you. I love having the option of both!!


Is it safe to eat at 180 again? Should I try? Send help.


Bahaha it is very safe. I usually stick to the rice bowls but I’ve had a few salads and they have been great. So let’s go together soon, okay?


I had a dream last night that they opened a new 180 tacos and you invested 2 million dollars to help them open. the restaurant wasn’t doing well and you were stressed. I remember just about pooping my pants in my dream learning you had a cool spare 2million to invest. I definitely think this dream means we need a lunch date though


I started out on the treadmill!! I had extra time one day and had access to a rec center so I jumped on a treadmill. Ended up loving it and trained for my first half in it. I ran every weekday run on the treadmill and then ran my weekend long runs outside. I did just fine in my race except for the hills. I had absolutely no hill training. Thankfully there was only one hill but I had to walk up it. I learned my lesson and definitely do hill training. My secret was anything I could. I had headphones on plus my kindle with the words huge plus they always had TVs going (the summer Olympics played while I was training , I didn’t need any volume for that, or dinner drive ins and dives, also no volume needed to see the amazing food). I moved a few years later and found a running group and barely hit the treadmill anymore bc I found the love of running with people, but I will head to the treadmill when it’s dark or cold or something and I have no one to run with.


I’ve been thinking about joining the gym again because sometimes it’s just not possible to get outside for a run. I live out in the country and run on my country road…which means it’s not safe to run in the dark. I usually run after school, but I have a very short window of time to get my run in before the sun goes down.

I can’t remember if you are an Office fan, but I love love the Office Ladies podcast. I listened to two episodes during a half marathon and literally laughed out loud half the time.

I think I’m over the cold, but if we had pretty snow and mountains like you do it might make it more bearable.


Ahhh I am a huge office fan, thanks for telling me about this podcast… I just added it! Can’t wait. I hope you get that gym membership so you can get in your safe runs in the dark!


For the last 6.5 years I’ve done 5/6 runs most weeks on the treadmill and still been able to race well. For me the key has been doing all my runs and workouts at 2% incline and then doing the workouts at the converted pace. I’ve run 3 half marathons training this way and am currently training for one and it’s worked out great!


2% incline is TOUGH… way to go Whitney! I’ll try that on my next treadmill run. Let me know how your next half goes, I feel like a PR is coming your way!


Hi Janae! For what it’s worth, I think the treadmill is actually harder than running outside.. I’m consistently about 1 mph slower on the treadmill even for easy runs. I looked it up and I think it has to do with using more quad strength and not being able to vary the incline as much (I live in an area with lots of rolling hills).


I fully agree! I always feel like it is easier to hit paces outside vs the treadmill. Thanks for sharing that Amy!


YES to this!! I actually just googled this the other day because I felt that I was working twice as hard for the same speed on the treadmill as I was comfortably running outside. The internet agreed with you about the quad strength, but also suggested that it was the consistency of the pace versus your natural gait outside and also boredom! Validating to hear someone else say it. I am a fair-weather runner and in the deep Canadian winter spend at least three months exclusively on the treadmill which is a test of endurance for sure getting up the mileage on it, but it works for my schedule. I also found that I couldn’t watch TV or my speed was really slow so I listen to music and stare at the wall. It works but I look forward to being outside again in March!


The gait part totally makes sense too!! And yes I agree it feels great to hear someone else say it- most of my friends find the treadmill easier. I think the fact that my gym is always really hot doesn’t help either., though I’m sure being overheated beats freezing lungs in the Canadian winter!


I’ve also trained for marathons almost entirely on the treadmill and it’s always worked out well for me! I also think they’re really helpful for teaching your body to run a certain pace too! I love them, even though I don’t have access to one right now.

I used to be an evening runner and nowadays I have NO idea how I ever used to do that!! Getting up in the morning in winter is very rough too, but I just can’t get out the door after work. Plus it makes the evening go by way too fast!

For podcasts I’ve been listening to the Office Ladies and I’m also OBSESSED with Work Play Love with Jessie Thomas and Lauren Fleshman. I just love them so much as a couple!


Anyone who can do much of anything after a long day at work needs praise! I say that because I’m pretty much useless when I get home!
Soup has been my jam lately but I never thought to eat it over mashed potatoes! What a great idea!
I don’t do much treadmill running because I’ve convinced it flares up my back and also makes my hips burn. I used to have a pinched nerve in my back that we found after I had been running on the tm for a while. It took about a year of chiro to get it completely resolved. I don’t know if the tm caused it, it might purely be psychosomatic.
Runemz on IG does all of her training on a tm and then races on roads and is super speedy. Her average runs are in the high teens/low 20’2! I believe she’s also done a 24 hr (maybe 12 hr??) run on a tm to raise money for a charity or a cause.
When I had a coach I was glued to my watch. Now I might glance at it if I’m trying to do a HR run or wonder pace has me dying! Ha!
Last podcast I listened to is Unruffled ( I’m struggling to parent my very strong willed 5 year old and I need to do better for him. This podcast has helped me soooooo much with how I react to his actions and behaviors in a more loving yet stern and confident manner. After a hard weekend with him, the last 2 days have been magical for our relationship based on my reactions alone!
Have the best day!


My half marathon PR was done with all training on the treadmill. 6.0 on my treadmill is NOT a 10 minute mile. I have to cruise.
Sometimes, I run at 8 pm when the house is quiet. Some relaxing tunes, dim the workout room lights………a dream!

Happy Day to you.


I have to majority of my training via Treadmill, because I am a mom of three littles and I homeschool. I think it is mentally a great device to build strength. I had a hard time with the transition from the luxury of my woodway belt to the roads at CIM this year and my legs were not having it toward the end. BUT, I will take being able to train however I can over not any day of the week :)


Danielle! You are one busy mama! I LOVE woodways… I really need one too! You are so right, we take training on the treadmill over not training at all! Congrats on CIM last month (exactly one month ago ahhh)!


I need to try chicken noodle soup and mashed potatoes, that sounds heavenly!

When I first started running I was all about the treadmill runs and that is when I learned to love running for more than just a way to stay healthy. Then one day I decided to run on the trail that was just behind the gym and never looked back. Treadmill runs for me now seem to last ages, I can rarely make it to 3 miles, even with switching pace and elevation around.

I prefer to run before work but that is an early wake up call (out the door by 5 if I want to get back in time to get ready for work), otherwise it is evening run. Both are really hard right now with where I live as the sun isn’t even thinking about being out during my running times, let alone during the day. (England transplant from the Midwest and I am missing the snow and the freezing but incredibily bright days!)

And I just started listening to Criminal. It is a podcast all about crime, people who have committed it, witnessed it, happened to them. It is so interesting and the time flies!


I have always admired your positive outlook on treadmill running because I really don’t love it. ;) The only time I run on the treadmill is if the weather is so nasty I can’t run outside. I’m really lucky because the group of ladies I run with are pretty hardcore and will run in pretty much any conditions…even temps and windchills below zero!!

Great job to Andrew for putting in the miles after a long day at work! I used to only ever run after work, but a couple of years ago I found an awesome running group. Ever since then, I run early in the morning. I do remember one time doing a 20-miler on a Friday after teaching all week and I vowed to never EVER do that again!

I love you sharing all of the great podcasts you find! The last one I listened to was I’ll Have Another with Lindsey Hein. Just love her!


I am very thankful that I have a treadmill, and think it’s a great training tool. I use it for convenience and safety, when an outdoor run just doesn’t make sense. I also love it for speed workouts. But, I absolutely cannot run comfortably with it on an incline! There is something about the horizon not matching the feeling (because you can’t “see” the hill you’re going up, just feel it) that my legs don’t like. Every single time I have run over a mile with even a 0.5% grade, my Achilles ache for like two days afterwards. I wonder if anyone else has this issue?
I used to work nights, and had a quite a few 12 hour night shifts where I would go home and run immediately. In hindsight, that probably wasn’t the safest thing to do! But if was summertime, I wanted to get my run in during the cool morning, rather than the hot afternoon after I slept a bit.
Since I’m in my 3rd trimester now (!!!), I’ve been obsessed with birth stories, and can’t stop listening to “The Birth Hour.” It’s probably super boring to listen to if you aren’t pregnant, but I can’t get enough of it.
Have a great day, Janae and family!


My mind is completely blown by the idea of chicken noodle soup over mashed potatoes. I can’t wait to try it!!


You’ll have to let me know what you think of it!! Have a great day Katy!


Treadmills have been my absolute friends for many years. I started running on a treadmill. Trained for a long time on a treadmill. And while me and my husband were in Texas o the summer, I trained on the treadmill for a complete month and a half (because that dessert heat was so bad lol).

Treadmills are still my friend when I don’t want to run alone in the dark, or when it’s rainy outside. They are a very useful resource and just like you said, I honestly don’t feel any less prepared on race day.


I have used a treadmill at least 50% of the time during all of my race training cycles, and think its a great training tool. I think it provides great mental training for when things get tough during races. I change the pace every 5-10 minutes that way I don’t get bored. I also use it for speed work so that I can control the pace, and don’t go out too fast on my first couple reps.


I do tons of treadmill running. For me, the alternative to the treadmill is not running at all due to ice/blizzards/lightning/etc., so I don’t worry about whether or not it’s good enough: it’s definitely better than not running at all!

I’ve been traveling this week, and was worried about how my mostly-treadmill running at home would translate for the hilly trail runs while traveling. I was pleasantly surprised: I was slower on the hills, but they weren’t a problem at all!


I love your positivity about the treadmill! I like to run in the morning. I do run on the treadmill at least twice a week, because I have 5 kids and my husband works out of state. I have been using the treadmill for my easy runs. I have a bad habit of running to fast for my easy runs. I’m really trying to keep my heart rate low on my easy runs.


I run on a treadmill 99% of the time. I just like the consistent temperature and being able to go to the locker room quickly after I’m done and get back to work. I’ve found my pace translates to an outside race almost to the second without trying. I think my body is just used to my pace and I get into a groove and can repeat it mile after mile.

Fortunately, the fitness center at my company faces the outside so I can still see things going on. I think it would be harder if I was staring at a painted wall.


Treadmill training is not my favorite but it does work!

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