How I Knew I Needed A Running Break…

I hope you are having a good weekend so far!

I decided earlier this last week that I was going to take the rest of the week off which isn’t something I’ve done in a long time (unless it was after a race).  I’m not sure if it was because of the weather (SO COLD) or I was down because both Brooke and Knox were gone for a while (I always get sad about that and I’m not sure that will ever change) or because I was feeling burned out because of 2019 running.  I knew I needed a break because I just wasn’t excited to run.  During my training cycles I have days like that too but at those times I know that I just need to get out there because I’ll feel better once I get moving and the rest of my day will be better because of a run but this last week… I just knew the rest of my day would feel better by not running ha.  I’m all about routines but I knew I needed a few days to sleep in and then wake up and go ski or paint or hit the stair climber if I felt like it.

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Remember, running isn’t our job or something we have to force.  You can take a break whenever you need to build up your love again.  Running is always ready for us when we are ready for it.  Now I feel ready to get at it again (probably with lower mileage for a month or two) and I’ll continue to take days off when I need to.  The elites take breaks each year so we should to!

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Skye and I got a bunch of errands done and she was so happy she got the Costco receipt with the smiley face on it because usually she has the big kids to compete with to get it.

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She did an incredible job hiding at one of the stores in the clothes racks.

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The only person that does not get a mix-in at Coldstone.  How someone could pass up mixing a brownie there, I do not know.

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I’m decisioned out, ha.  How does my sister do all of this?

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The worst part about yesterday was Skye found the smallest lego ever and stuck it up her nose.  Luckily, it was very easy to get out and we didn’t have to go to the doctor but we had a good talk about never doing that again!

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What was your best run from last week?  Worst run?

What are your Sunday plans?

When was the last running break that you took?

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The no mix-ins has me like “what?! why?!” I don’t get it. My husband is a pure vanilla with nothing added guy too. So puzzling.My best run was my long run yesterday. I’m always glad when that happens. Sunday is church, football, and the gym pool for my oldest to swim laps. We listened to someone, I don’t remember on “I’ll Have Another” talking about using swimming so much during her training. My son is trying to get faster in the mile for PE but doesn’t enjoy running so gems trying swimming laps. ?


Your husband does it too…. it’s just so bizarre to me! I want more mix-ins than ice cream if I can choose haha:) I am so happy you had a great long run, best confidence booster. SO cool that your husband is using swimming to get faster and I can totally see why that would work! Keep me updated on how he does and have a great day!


I wonder if the Costco smiley face is encouraged for the employees to do?? We live in NJ and they draw it for my son too!
We have plans to go to Church, the diner for breakfast, and then a trip to Home Depot.
Hope your Sunday is amazing!


Oh that makes me so happy that they do it there too! I know they do it in California so I am guessing that it is. Sounds like the perfect day and thanks so much Melissa!


Janae, I don’t think I’ve posted in the comments too much before (if at all), but I just wanted to thank you for putting the Michael McConaughey speech on your blog yesterday! I hadn’t heard it before, but have since listened to it twice and printed out the text to put into my journal so I can reference it. I’m planning to take some time today to really go through it again and think about how I can apply it to my life.

I’ve been checking in to read your blog daily for a few months now after a long hiatus from reading — I think I found you when I first started running 5 years ago and you were such an inspiration! I’m still a very low-mileage recreational runner, but I am definitely a runner and love what it does for my mental and physical health!!
I’m not too inclined to post comments frequently, but I just wanted to thank you for creating this space! It’s been so fun to read your posts and also to get to see your family evolve. Thank you for spreading your joy, positivity, and kindness — you have a wonderful spirit that shines through your posts! :)


Amelia, your comment means a lot to me. Thank you so much for taking the time to write to me. Thank you friend, I hope you have a wonderful week and feel free to keep me updated with how you are doing whenever you want!


I actually just took a running break for most of December. Just now starting back up, slowly. I always feel like a break in the summer, because we spend hours swimming. I’ll gladly take that break though !! Oh my gosh, the Lego in the nose! So glad you were able to get it out. Kids ! lol her little face in that pic just makes me smile.
Our plans today are having a belated Christmas gathering at our house with a very small group of close family. So should be fun! I hope you enjoy your running break. When it’s time, it’s time.


I am SO glad that you took the break when you needed to this December! I hope you have the best time at your Christmas gathering, that sounds perfect. Thanks Michele!


similar story-when my son was young (but old enough to KNOW BETTER) he stuck a pea up his nose. Of course it felt weird to him, he sniffed a little, and it went a tish further. Pea’s have that outer membrane so grabbing it with tweezer was fruitless. I looked up how to remove a foreign object from a nose in my favorite pediatric/parenting book. So my daughter (younger than her brother with the pea!) held up a flashlight…..her lion one that roared when open…..and I tried and tried. After many attempts I followed the book’s advice and pinched his other nostril and blew into his mouth once. Out came the pea to a bright roaring and cheering from us. He’ll never live that down and he actually has written about it for many school journal prompts or essays over the years (he’s grown up now but we still all bring it up!)

Breaks are great once committing to it. I got unexcited to run a few weeks before NYC marathon! yikes! But I got over that and once the marathon was finished I took a typical break. Clearly it wasn’t enough so I just figured for December to run when I felt like it and not try to “fit it in” or “get it done.” We all need it and how lucky we have running to take a break from and resume. Unlike a job or parenting, you have to stick with it :)

Because holiday break wasn’t long enough and i didn’t utilize it, today is doing the arduous task of organizing paperwork and such. Boring but it feels accomplishing.


Okay, A PEA WOULD BE SO HARD TO GET OUT! So glad it came out and that’s how we got it out from Skye too. Hahaha I’m glad that story lives on over the years! Loved what you had to say about running breaks and what you did this December! Good luck with all of the paperwork… I hope you are eating some treats while you do it! Thanks Kelly!


Ah! How did you discover she put that up her nose? I worry about that. My son does his finger occasionally lol but thankfully nothing else yet. Glad you got it out.

I don’t know how you pick a color out of all those options either. I prefer two options not 15 lol! Good luck!


She kept pointing to it and saying ow and then we checked and sure enough…

I’m with you… TWO OPTIONS PLEASE! My brain is hurting haha. Thanks Gillian and enjoy the rest of your Sunday!


My cousin used to stick Barbie doll shoes up his nose, yes more than once. After 2 or 3 trips to the ER dolls had to be barefoot.

I was burned out on running and started doing other workouts. Now I run when I want to and round it out with other workouts that I love. I may do a race again but I won’t be training for multiple races.


Barbie doll shoes… but why?! Hahah kids are so funny! You found the perfect combo for you Nina, I love it. Hope you have a great day!


So good to hear that you are listening to your mind and body about running, and that you shared that in this space. I think its important to remind ourselves that sometimes we need a break, or a change of activity, to come back stronger and more motivated.


YES YES YES… we worry we will lose our fitness but you are right, we come back so much stronger and excited. I hope you are having a really great Sunday, Tracy!


A little trick for things stuck up noses – kind of gross but use your finger to close the nostril without something stuck in it and blow Short puffs of air as hard as you can into the kids mouth. Ideally the thing stuck in the other nostril will come shooting out from The pressure! :) in medicine we call it the mothers kiss (maybe cause only a mother would do it….) ha ha


Our son got a pistachio stuck up his nose and the urgent care had us do exactly that! Great tip! Wish we had known it about a year ago :)


They should call it the Father’s Kiss now after Andrew hahaha… that’s what he did and you are right, it came out so easy!

Oh and Jessica, a PISTACHIO! Why do they think it’s a good idea to do these things?!


I feel like I am in a running break right now. Running has never felt like something on my to-do list, but right now it does. Since I have so many things I cannot just take off my to do list, just saying no seems liberating. I have so much proof with myself that I will get back after it when the time is right, that I am just rolling with it.


I relate so much to all of this! We really do have the proof so there is no need to worry and we just need to keep listening to our bodies. I hope your weekend has been a great one! Miss you Erica!


Why do kids insist on putting things up their nose?! So glad you got it out! My youngest put a pea up there but then it fell out. He also (accidentally?) swallowed a marble and luckily that came out on its own too without any issues.
My favorite run was with friends on our fav trails to our fav beach on New Years Day. Polar plunging was involved! It was GREAT!
No plans today… maybe Aquarium, maybe if it dries out the park….?
Have a great day!
ps – thank you for the activity ideas yesterday! We bought connect 4 to add to our game solution; Jenga being one of them.


It really makes no sense why they do it! Oh my… the pea and the marble! So glad they both came out! Okay, your New Years Day run sounds perfect to me, I want to join you guys next year. I am so glad the games worked out. Thanks Jenny, you too!


So glad you listened to how you felt! I have those times too and usually need a week or two to just change things up entirely. But you’ve done a lot of marathon training and most standard programs would have you not running for a couple of weeks anyways hah.

I’m injured now and haven’t ran for nearly a month, At first I hated the gym, hated the elliptical, felt I wasn’t getting a good workout, wanted to be outdoors etc etc….Now I’ve moved on in stages, I realize it is what it is and I kind of don’t mind going to the gym. It’s warmer than outside and it is challenging other muscles (and making me do more core work) than I would do before. So looking at the bright side.

So funny (but not funny!) about Skye lol


Exactly! These breaks are part of the plan and needed to come back stronger and faster. I am So bummed about your injury but love that you have made the best of it. This is the best time of year to be in the gym (IMO) and you are getting so strong. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, Jenni!


Haha, I am happy to hear my kids aren’t the only ones who argue over the Costco receipt! Although the worst is when they don’t give a smily face;-).

I have never voluntarily taken running break. However the past week I have been thinking I need one. I am not excited to run like I usually am…thanks for the inspiration and reminder that even elites take a break!

I didn’t even know Cold Stone without a mix-in was an option! ;-)

Oh dear on the Lego! Good thing you have a nurse at home and it wasn’t too far lodged. My son used to take the bigger Legos and somehow it would get wedged in his mouth. He would be talking funny and I would hear my husband say “he has a Lego stuck in his mouth, again”


BAHAHA that breaks my kids hearts when the workers don’t put a smiley face on the receipt. This is what I love about blogging… we all get to connect over the most random things and it makes me so happy. TAKE A BREAK!! You’ll come back excited and energized. Hahah I didn’t either… until Andrew did that last night. Oh your son… why do they insist in doing these things!?


Thank you SO SO much for being honest and posting about needing a running break! I have been feeling the exact same way for the past 2 months, but I just keep forcing the runs thinking it will surely get better again. But, I am just not excited at all to do it! Maybe I need to take a break as well!


YES YES YES Kristen! TAKE the break! Your body and brain will be so thankful that you did. You are not abnormal for needing one… you are normal! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your Sunday!


Oh dear re: the lego. FYI, I did that when I was small. My mom still likes to tell the story haha

RE: run. Yesterday I ran to run 10km for the first time like 3 months. It was painful. But necessary because I threw my name in for a race lottery this year. I find out February 15 if I made it in.

Sunday plans: go for a walk in the rain and stay in my pajamas all day. Also, I am with you re: Coldstone. We don’t have one here in BC, but I would totally mix stuff in.

Have a great weekend Janae!


Hahah I’m glad Skye isn’t alone with this problem. Oh you have to let me know on 2/15 if you made it in. I’m crossing all of my fingers for you! Enjoy those pajamas and I need to Fedex a Coldstone to you. Thanks friend, you too!


I hear you about being “decision-ed out”!! We are doing a home reno right now. I don’t even really mind the work, but the decisions are hard! Paint colors, floors, cabinet colors, hardware… it never ends!


OH WOW… you are doing way more than we are so I’m clapping for you and I hope you are near the end of your decisions!


I was supposed to get my long run done this morning but couldn’t get my head in the game, I’m about to go and try for round two on the treadmill! I’m glad you got to have some off time from training and that you were able to get some skiing in!



My dad was a nurse anesthetist and one night when he was on call, he had to put a kid to sleep that had stuck a AAA battery up his nose so far that they couldn’t get it out with him awake…


Oooh, I so needed to hear this from you right now! I’m in such a running lull at the moment. I was going through some health issues following thanksgiving, so that didn’t help. When I started feeling better, I started back up again consistently, but the motivation to get out there is virtually non existent! I don’t beat myself up about it because it’s like you said…it’s always there for us. And I have other outlets for fitness/strength/endurance.
And I’m so sorry, but I am on Team Andrew on the mix ins! I don’t like any bits, pieces or chunks of anything in my ice cream!


I am finally getting over a horrible, long lasting cold so I can start adding running back into my schedule. I usually try to do it twice a week since it’s not my favorite.
Oh my gosh! My daughter stuck a bead up her nose when she was around Skye’s age. And my son got an M&M stuck up his at that age as well. I’m convinced it’s something two year old’s do, haha!


I’ve been on a running break for too long! But you always inspire me to get back out there. It’s hard now that my kids are too big to go in the jogging stroller ?


My daughter stuck a MARBLE up her nose one time. That was super hard to get out and freaked me out! We said goodbye to marbles after that one! :)

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