Hello From Andrew – Passion? Me Time, and a little bit more

Hey everyone!!!  So Janae is out of town and I volunteered to write a little post so you’ll have to meander through my writing today.  I’ll apologize now…. writing and my English are not my strong skills. It was by far my worst scores on my ACT, GRE and in college.  Anyway, everyone is still happy while I’m on dad duty.  Everyone probably has more sugar than normal and the house might or might not be a little messy not even 24 hours after Janae left, but she is in a different country right, so I’m 100% in charge.

Before Janae left, I kept asking her what would happen if she came home to a new truck or mountain bike.  I planted the seed, so when I have to ask for forgiveness later this week it won’t be so bad…. Skye and I went on a date to the mountain bike store and did not buy anything….. yet.  We still have a few more days before Janae is back haha and hey it might make for some GREAT content.

So I asked for some questions to answer and I got some really good ones so I want to answer them in this post.  I was trying to think about what to write about before I asked for questions and I had a topic that kept coming up and Erica asked about my favorite form of self care/me time as a dad.  This is something that Janae and I have talked about a TON recently.  I feel like this is a two parter question…. First what do I love to do in my spare time:

I like to mountain bike and I especially love that Knox and Brooke are getting to the age where they can come and be with me in the mountains.  I have been mountain biking for years. I wish I still had the “no fear” attitude that I did in my teens/early twenties, but I still get myself into some fun predicaments every now and again.

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Although I find myself complaining about how much time it takes to remodel our house, build intricate “toys” for our kids, or the countless hours of working on our yard, I actually like seeing change and making things better.  I love seeing change and learning to make my surroundings better.  Another reason why I LOVED traveling and doing humanitarian work for so many years before.

I love to be outdoors.  All my ideas of vacations are more like outdoor adventures that I want to do.

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Every now and then, I find myself wanting to push myself, get uncomfortable and sign up for races that I don’t properly train for.


I love animals, especially my dog Beretta.  She turns 8 years old in two days.  I can’t believe she has been with me for so LONG.  Years ago I wanted to have a farm – I think I can get Brooke on board for this.

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So in around about way I answered what I like to do for me time.  I know some of those pictures includes family, but those are some of the things that I love to do.  Now the second part, Janae and I have been talking a TON about passions.  Being married to The Hungry Runner Girl has really shown me passion and dedication towards something.  I really admire how Janae has progressed in her running throughout the years and how she dedicates her time and energy into SO MANY things, but running has gotten her through a lot in her life.  Not only have I seen this in her but in many of you too, how much you put into your goals, PRs, health or hobbies.

I don’t specifically have ONE main passion, or self care, like running is for Janae.  But at times I think about should I have something like that?  Is a passion developed?  Do you just need to learn to love things?  Does time=passion?  Inherent?  I would love to hear what you think, below in the comments.   I feel like my “self-care” is like a squirrel,  I have a million things that I like, but I don’t develop them far because I’m torn between various things.  Well 2020 is my experiment, if  there was something that I would want to become “more” of a passion it would be mountain biking. I am going to spend more time doing it and see how it goes this year.  Thanks for listening to my ramble… I hope it makes sense??

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Another question that I got was the difference of being a dad to a boy versus a dad to a girl.  I grew up with 4 brothers and 1 sister (she was the oldest, so she was more like mom #2).  I feel like I was more versed in “boy-dading,” and I had MUCH to learn with being a dad to girls.  One thing Janae will attest to is that some things don’t change between the both off them.  I tease and tease and tease… and tease them all the same and way too much.  When things get serious or dad gets emotional I don’t know if everyone knows how to act. Things I have learned about myself about being a dad to girls-  I’m scared and VASTLY unprepared for when they become teenagers, let alone when they start to date.  Janae reminds me often that I need to let them feel what they feel.  I have 2-3 emotions in my repertoire, so I’m learning everyday.  I am a tad bit rougher with Knox and I’ll roughhouse him all the time, I learned my limits with the girls – but don’t get me wrong they are tough and I must be on guard at ALL times.  Brooke loves to wrestle and initiate things with a huge smack (Don’t worry, she only does it to me… don’t judge haha)

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I love being a dad.  I love most activities with them.  I like the dangerous ones, like making Knox and Brooke jump me on their bikes, skiing, just about anything.  The thing that I don’t like…. I don’t like traveling long distances on airplanes/hotels.  Sometimes I get too stressed out about being an “inconvenience” to others because we are too rowdy, too loud etc.  I have learned to not sweat this as much and let the small things go.

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Janae and I LOVE FOOD.  We mostly like the same things, there is one HUGE disagreement and it is below this sentence.  Janae left yesterday and guess what was for dinner tonight:

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There was a question about why I chose healthcare and why I chose NP school instead of Medical School or PA school.  Below is my 3rd Bachelor Degree, yes I have three.  Exercise Science, Spanish and Nursing.

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Why Healthcare?  This is a loaded question but I’ll be concise so I don’t ramble… I am already rambling.  To be short, I find joy in helping others.  I love to leave others better than I found them. Am I better than anyone…. NO WAY, I just find there is so much worth in every single person and I find that I am happiest when I helping others.  I can make a difference every day, where people are quite possibly at their worst lows.  Can you help people in other professions of course, but I just like how I feel in healthcare.  Secondly I hate to sleep.  It’s weird.  I love to work 3 days a week and play the rest of the time.  I’m not a person that likes a 9-5 schedule.  Another reason is it is a recession proof job.  Growing up I have seen how the economy can wreak havoc on families and finances. I know there will always be a need for healthcare.  I love dependability.

Part two of the question.  Why NP school?  So initially I planned on medical school.  Would that have been more efficient than 3 Bachelor Degrees?  Yeah probably… life didn’t really go as planned on a few things.  I could do a whole post on that.  My grades weren’t perfect and right before I was about to take the MCAT and during the toughest semester ever I was hit by a car.  Many things led to another and I found myself as a single dad needing a new career.  Medical School and PA school didn’t seem within my grasp, but nursing felt right and I could still maintain a job, be a dad, pay a mortgage and go back to nursing school.  I told Janae on our first date that I was going back to school and I was surprised that it didn’t scare her off.

I love nursing.  I love how much time I spend with people and how I answered above – I find joy in helping others.  NP school just makes sense in my mind.  There is some more independence for NPs that PAs don’t get and I can’t imagine going back to school full-time as it would be required to go to medical school and I can’t relocate.  There are so many options when it comes to NP school and I can continue to develop my career in that path.  If I could make a bit more money as a nurse – I would stay at the bedside the rest of my life.  I hope that answers your question!!

Thank you all for for listening to me.  You are such an amazing group, I love hearing from you and hearing your stories.  Let me know something about  you and what you enjoy doing in the comments!!

I want your take on what I talked about above.  Is a passion developed?  Do you just need to learn to love things?  Does time=passion?  Inherent?  I would love to hear what you think, below in the comments.

What is your current career?  How did you get into it?  Are you going to stay?

What is your passion?

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Being an NP is a great profession. It’s treated me quite well. It’s worth it :)


That is encouraging!! I think its an awesome career and I’m hoping it’ll treat me well too!! Thanks for commenting.


Thanks for the guest post! My husband and I are also a bit different from each other when it comes to having/finding one specific passion. I am not a runner, but I love to work out, and have found a gym community that I love spending time with, so that’s pretty much my hobby. My husband doesn’t have any one thing that he likes as much or wants to spend as much time on (although golf is his #1 and he spends plenty of time on it, trust me!). So he’s in a similar spot where he wants his hobby to be more of a passion. He was able to spend more time doing it last year, and was able to improve a lot, which he liked, but he’s definitely still jealous of my gym habit…

Curious how your mountain biking experiment will go– please keep us posted!


I’m starting to think that many people feel this way! Thanks for sharing!! Yeah I am curious about it too… I think it will be awesome. Have an awesome day!


I am a legal assistant and work for my city’s law director. I really like my job, it’s fast-paced and I have contact with every department in the city, so I have a lot of connections with people. I feel like I am making a difference and helping to improve the city & help residents along the way. If I had a “do over” I would probably consider teaching. I love kids & history and have had more than one person tell me I would be a good teacher. I looked into going back to school, but with where I’m at in life, I just don’t think it’s feasible. As for passions? I think they can be both learned and inherent. I became organist for my church after much resistance on my part, and now I absolutely love it and can’t imagine not doing it. Reading I’ve always loved, and running was always something that interested me, despite no one in my family being a runner or anything close to athletic even. Not sure where that spark came from, but I’m so glad I had/have it. :) My husband and mother in law run now too.


Hey Amanda! Sounds like you have an interesting job. I bet you know many of things that going on in your city. Being involved in the local government is something that I need to do more! There are always options to change things up… I put nursing school off for about 3 years and I am so glad I finally just bit the bullet and went for it!!


I had to work at a very young age due to my parents divorce so I missed a lot of high school things that could’ve helped me develop my passions. But I don’t think it’s ever too late. I LOVE baseball (even though I married a Dodgers fan). My kids are getting older and I don’t think it’s ever too late to begin a new hobby. I want to take tennis lessons soon. Mountain bike or truck?!? Go for the TRUCK! ?


Dang, I’m sorry that you had to start working so young, but I love the attitude its never too late. I’ll forgive you for marrying a Dodgers fan, hahaha just kidding. My brother-in-law in one of the most die-hard fans you’ll ever meet. Let us know how the tennis lessons go!! I agree… I like the truck idea but they are SO EXPENSIVE. Have an amazing day.


Just wanted to say I love NPs and usually request appointments with them when I can. Seems like a great career!


Hey Andrew, great post. I think “passion” can be defined different ways. I am a bit like you in that there are several things I love to do, but I wouldn’t say I am passionate about any one thing. After reading your post I would say you are simply passionate about LIFE, which is a wonderful thing.

Keep up the great work (and let me know what new mountain bike or truck you end up with).



Hey John!
Yeah I totally agree with you. I guess it comes down to the desire of being an “expert” in my passion and know more and do more I guess. Who knows it’s an evolving idea. I am with you, go CHIEFS!!! One of my very best friends married into a family that is connected to Andy Reid, so I am all in on the CHIEFS.

I eyeing the Toyota Tundra or Tacoma, but it may be a while before I pull the trigger on something. Have a great day!


I totally get the helping people thing! I worked as an addictions counselor for a long time and when it was time to be done with that I turned my passion for health and fitness into a second career as a health coach. I lucked out that my 2nd career didn’t even require another bachelor’s degree, just some courses and certifications. But I can’t imagine a career that isn’t actively helping others.


I totally agree with you, there is something about actively helping people that helps us all feel better. So glad you were able to find a second career like that! Have a great day!


I have come to appreciate nurses so much in the last year with my husband’s health issues. People who are nurses are pretty close to Saint hood in my opinion. So Janae and those kiddos are lucky to have someone who cares so much. Now go get that Mountain Bike!


You are so nice!!! Have an amazing day Corrinne!!


I really think that passions develop. I was a runner in high school and I HATED IT. I was only on the team because I was a fast sprinter and my best friend was on it too. Ha. I kept running to stay in shape in my early twenties but, after a bad breakup, I got invited to a church running group and a Ragnar team (with a bunch of my LDS friends!) and….it was probably the timing, the hole that it filled or just being in a different point in my life, but it grew into a full blown passion! Now I’m a crazy marathoner trying to break 3 hrs, when before I could barely finish a 5k cross country race because they were “too long.” :) Forcing a passion could lead to resentment, I think you just keep following what you like and eventually it will click into place.
Also, I agree with Janae on many things, but…. In N out for life. Socal girl here and there isn’t a better burger.


Hey Mollie its crazy that you hated running so much and now you are trying to break 3 hours!!! I know how much effort and training is required for that. What is your PR? Are you getting close? Let us know how it goes!!!



Love hearing more about you, Andrew! I was just chatting with Janae last week and she was telling me about how wonderful of a husband you are :)

I think passion is developed over time. I am passionate about running, but I hated it when I started! I also think passion is known when you’re doing something and you feel the presence of God. It reminds me of this quote –> ““I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast. And when I run I feel his pleasure.” (Eric Liddell) When we’re doing something we have a passion for, we have joy and feel God’s pleasure in us doing that and using our talents for his Glory! So I think with mountain biking, every time I’ve heard Janae talk about you doing it or you write about it, you seem to have that joy! So even if its not something you get a lot of time for, that doesn’t mean its not a passion.

I also loved hearing about why you chose healthcare, because I am in school to get my Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling (and will go onto licensure after that). I am going to start my Practicum and Internship this summer and I am just so excited! I feel the same as you -> I just loving helping people and love that we have tools to make a difference in someones life! That is just amazing and I”m glad you’ve found that too.

So my passions-> helping people! God. Running. and CrossFit. :)

This was a ramble….haha! Hope you have a great day Andrew and enjoy your time with kiddos. & Goodluck!


Thanks so much for your comment Eleanor. I was super interested in the mental health counseling/therapist world for a while too! Good luck on your practicum and internship.

I think its funny that some peoples passions start in the beginning with something that they dislike, it is so interesting to me!! Thanks for sharing today, Have a fantastic day!


Your comments about roughhousing had me cracking up because I’m the one who roughhouses with my 2 boys (9 & 5) and it’s my husband, the 6’2″ 2 something larger than life dude who’s telling his 5’3″ wife and kiddos to settle down! Like you, I dislike traveling to hotels or staying with family because we get REALLY rowdy!
You’re very lucky to have the ability to follow your passion; whatever that is – mountain biking, NP, Spanish etc. I’m dabbling with going back to school for my PTA and wondering how I can swing it all. If you have any suggestions/advise, I would love it hear it. I can’t fathom taking out yet another loan on top of mortgage, car loan, all the bills, mommy-ing, wife-ing and working full time.
I feel like a passion can be both developed and inherent. For example, many new mom’s take up running to lose weight and then the more they do it, the stronger their passion becomes and the further they take it. I’ve learned that passions can fuel other passions and whatever is sparking a flame – do that! My passion is running trails but I’m happy doing pretty much any kind of fitness to stay healthy. I’ve dabbled in mtn biking and would love to dabble more and maybe also try rock climbing.
Now who’s rambling! Lol!
Have a great day!


Hey Jenny! I love your comment! As for advice… it’s a scary thing going back to school and starting something new. I delayed it for 3 years and I am SO GLAD I went back. It has really changed my life and the extra money/loan etc is so worth it when you are finally doing what you want to be doing! Have a fantastic week and let us know how rock climbing goes!!


Love this post! I always enjoy reading about your experiences as a nurse. I’m running my own business now, but start nursing school this september. Very excited! I have an masters degree in Dutch literature so this is something completely different for me. Can’t wait!

Oh and.. i would totally take advantage of Janae being in a different county. Go get yourself some biking stuff ;)


Good luck in nursing school!! It really was TOUGH, but I love it and I’m so glad I did it. Just keep plugging along and don’t give up. Dutch literature, wow! That sounds interesting. What made you decide to get a masters in that? Have an awesome day!!


I can imagine it was tough! We’re also (almost!) a family with three kids so I wonder how I’ll do. But you’re an inspiration for sure!
Well I’m Dutch and I love reading so at the time it made sense to make that decision. I’m glad with the choices I made in my life, but I really want to do something more practical and really help people.
And thanks, have a great day yourself as well!


Hi Andrew! Love your post and your commitment to service! I agree with other commenters, passion is something learned. I’ve been reading a book called The Passion Paradox that talks all about passion, how to cultivate it and how to make sure you don’t burn out and I’d recommend it highly!

Have a great day!


Janae just read that book!! I am going to go read it now! Thanks for the recommendation!


Andrew, my suggestion would be to sign up for a mt bike race. It will give you something to train for, possibly need a new bike for :), and it could very well spark that passion that you are looking for.


I have not even thought about that!! That takes it to a whole other level. Now I know what I will be looking at on the internet today. Thanks for the idea. Have an awesome day!


I’m a physiotherapist, planning to stay in the career, but it’s definitely evolved over the last decade. That’s the good part about healthcare – there will always be jobs, different opportunities in public and private sector (I do private) and you can try different niches to find what works for you.

Passion: read Angela Duckworths’ book called “GRIT.” She talks a lot about passion. Or listen to the audio or her TED talk. You can develop a passion, it starts with interest, but perseverance is also a factor because interest will wane or ebb and flow depending on the tough times.


Jenni! Thanks for your comment. Healthcare is always changing that is for sure, but I love there are so many opportunities. I am going to look both her TED talk and her book up. Thank you so much!! Have a great day!


I’m a Respiratory Therapist and someone asked me the other day if that is all I am going to be. I think it is a great career, I have a Master’s degree in Respiratory Therapy and I believe it is enough for anyone to be “just” a Respiratory Therapist. I love my job and can see myself loving it for the rest of my working career. This career gave me the stability to take care of and provide for my kids as a single parent for 12 years. It allows me to help people improve their lives, as being a nurse allows you to help people. I think being a Nurse is an excellent profession (My Mother, My Grandmother, and Many of my Aunts are Nurses). I think it is awesome that you are going to be a Nurse Practitioner. We will always need healthcare providers.


Loved reading this post.
As far as passions, I do know from experience not all people are wired the same. Some of us have a very single driven focus (my husband, my mom) and some of us dabble in more things (myself). If you are craving “getting more passionate” about mt biking, great……..but don’t beat yourself up,if once you get into it, you feel like you are forcing it.
Have a great day!!!


Reading about your love of mountain biking made me want to break from my generally non-commenting self. My husband declares that the best gift I ever bought him was the Tyke Toter. He takes our almost 2 year old out on it and they both have so much fun. They’re able to ride decently technical trails together. Check it out if it sounds like fun to you.


This is a really good blog post. I really enjoyed this Andrew. Honestly in my experience, passion equals time. But not just time lapsed; intentional time perfecting that craft. This has proven true throughout my life even if I didn’t intend to become passionate about a specific thing.
I have a lot of respect for you and what you do, because I know nursing is HARD and it takes a special kind of person to do it well. Have a great one !


Great post, Andrew!

I am a high school English teacher and cross country coach. I knew from pretty early on that I wanted to teach. Originally I wanted to teach early education and then did some time in an elementary classroom and that changed real quick! I also wanted to teach history, but there are much fewer jobs available in history, so I decided on English. If I had to do over again, I think I would go into PE or health. I LOVE teaching, I just don’t love grading essays.

I definitely believe passion can be developed. I am passionate about literacy, access to education for everyone, and of course running :)


I loved your post!! My passion is running as well but I am not as fast as Janae, haha!! I also love seeing what a good dad and mom you both are and your kids are adorable!! My daughter is currently in a nursing program and wants to be a NP as well. It is so great that there are people out there like you that love to care for people. I care for my 90 year old mom but I couldn’t do the blood thing. I hope you get a lot of mountain bike riding in this year on your own as well as with your kiddos!!


Hi Andrew, I’m a History Teacher in England (Hi Janae!). Like you I love the fact my job helps people.
As for passion? I’ve always jumped between different interests… cooking, travel, swimming etc. But I’ve realised my passion is people and relationships. I love new activities and experiences when they allow me to connect with others. I’ll stay interested in something if it allows me to build relationships.
That’s worth investing my time in!


Love it! I do think a passion can be developed thru time, because (with running, or other sports) you usually kinda suck at first. It gets easier and you get better with the time you put in. What’s important is to realize if (after lots of time) you still love it. You can burn out on anything. I also think it’s important to have multiple passions….if you get sick or injured or move or change jobs and can’t do your #1 favorite, at least you have others:)

I am a penguin keeper:) I love my job. It’s a dream job for me. I have been at the aquarium for 21 years, I started when I was 14 as a volunteer, and have been here full time since 2007. It would take a lot to make me leave.

Good luck with the teenage years!! I am the oldest of 8 kids, and I have next to 0% desire to have any kids of my own, but if I did I know I would prefer boys. I know how my sisters and me were, and there’s no way I’m up to that, ha!


I don’t feel like I have one passion. I love working out and I also like a variety in my workouts. I used to have what I felt was a perfect balance with swimming 1 day a week, yoga 2 times a week, 1 zumba class and weights 2-3 days or so. I currently don’t have access to a gym with a pool since moving so I had to cut out swimming. Also if you add all of the time spent for that and I started my MBA program online, I just don’t have that time for the gym anymore, but I did love it and hope to spend more time at the gym once I finish my MBA program next year. I got into powerlifting 4 days a week with an online coach for a while and that went well when I had the time to dedicate to it. I also love writing and used to spend a lot of time journaling, don’t worry I was never good in English class either, but writing for myself I like and writing on my own blog. As a kid, my hobby was making ankle bracelets and basically all the arts and crafts. So yeah, I am kind of all over the place as well.


You will be a great NP! I think it’s a great profession. I am a nurse and have been for 27 years! I started out as a Maternity nurse (the whole reason I went to nursing school!) then went to Short Stay in the same hospital. Short Stay had a better schedule for raising a family (4 kids). Now I am a school nurse overseas. You are very correct about the career stability!

Last year I got a Trek Remedy for my birthday and I love it. I think having more than one bike is justifiable because there’s a time and place for full suspension, hard tail, gravel, etc.

Oh, and about passion. I think sometimes we don’t know what we are passion about until we no longer have something or are at risk of losing it. Like getting an injury and you realize just how *passionate* you are about the sport. I also feel like being passionate about something means you protect it to make it lasting.


Andrew, you are just awesome. I’m glad you and Janae found each other. As a nurse of 40+ years, I’m also proud that you chose nursing/NP as a career move. I feel the time I spend with a patient/family is so gratifying, just making a small difference during one moment of their life, means so much. And I feel the same as you about staying at the bedside, I will always be a bedside nurse!


This was an awesome post!! I am a nurse too! If I remember correctly, I think Janae posted that you are working in a cardiac ICU? My 13 month old son Leo spent almost the first 7 months of his life in one while he had multiple surgeries and eventually a heart transplant. Those nurses truly are heroes! They worked as hard as they cold every day to make sure Leo survived their shift. Thank you for what you do!!!


Loved you post!! I think one has to learns to develop a passion and it takes time and dedication. You and I are very similar in a bunch of ways. I hate writing with a passion :) I am more of a numbers kind of person. I don’t have a passion but can say that I enjoy doing certain things. I loved baking and trying new recipes for a couple of years and then got tired of experimenting took a break, started running which I loved and did it for 5 years straight but just not into it now, did some biking, swimming, reading and crocheting then need a break…..
That sums up my life I currently rotate between what I mentioned above get inspired to hit a PR or knit something, or bake something do it for a couple of months or years take a break,then start up again. Rinse and repeat . I guess I am just weird in my own way.


Hey Andrew! Just wanted to give you a shout out regarding the career choice. I am an NP working at healthcare for the homeless and I LOVE it. I worked at the bedside as an RN for about 5 years and was able to slowly work my way through NP school over about 3 years and it was great. Your possibilities are going to be endless and you will never ever be bored! Kudos to you for taking the leap with your career change and going for your passion… what an amazing example for your kids! Best of luck, you’re going to be awesome!!


Thanks for sharing! I love being a dad and sharing my love for the outdoors with my kids. Every age has been so special though i do dread the teenage years which are coming soon. I keep telling myself there are many positives to this age too, right?


I am a special ed teacher, 20 years in and I have taught multiple disabilities, developmental Kindergarten, autistic support with some very aggressive kiddos. I have been working part time for 6 years as an itinerant preschool special ed teacher. Traveling and working with a variety of regular ed teachers is interesting. I don’t think this is my passion, this particular job. Some years I change my mind but we have high caseloads and I wish I could devote more time to supporting my students and their families but that isn’t possible. Don’t get me wrong, I often get to PLAY as part of my job and my clients are very cute so I do have fun. Being part time means I can do a lot more with my own kids. Being year round stinks though, no long summer break


What a great post Andrew! I loved getting to know you better, your heart really showed. I am so happy for you and Janae that you found each other and you have this wonderful bond and family. I feel the way you treat Brooke, and how Janae treats Knox could be held up as an example for other families.

I am a math professor (for a nursing program actually =) and I love it. I don’t think I could be anything other than a teacher. I LOVE helping people reach for their dreams and overcome difficulties and fears.


Hi Andrew! I am such a huge proponent for continuing the educational path at whatever age! And I’m so proud and happy for you that you went back to earn your NP degree. I earned my bachelors, worked in corporate for 8 years and then quit to go back to grad school and earned my doctorate in physical therapy. Very challenging but so worth it!
I think that interests are both inherent AND learned. Example…My mom grew up a baseball lover and took us to games all the time. I love the game and never felt like I had to ‘learn’ to love it. But I think some hobbies/interests/passions become part of your soul through experience and positive rewards. Like running for me. I didn’t start running until I was about 16. No one in my family ran. None of my friends were on the track team. But the way it made me feel, the freedom, the weight loss (I was overweight), the changes I saw in my body, mind and the confidence it gave me…that positive feedback made it a part of my life.

Enjoy the rest of your solo reign over the household!


I have ADD so finding my passion is just as squirrelly as you. I love to make things. So I have a little jewelry business on the side, but I do Bible journaling, and all kinds of artsy stuff.
I am a respiratory therapist. I have worked in the NICU for 14 years, recently floating to PICU and PCICU. I am going back to school for my bachelors, then I have no idea. Thinking of taking an education position or going for my PA. NP/PA have the same roles in the areas I want to work and no offense, but I cannot go to nursing school. But then again AA could be a good bridge from RT. I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up.

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