Sentence Per Picture!

8 miles @ 7:56 average with friends to start off the morning!

Thrilled with these new gloves for running.

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Picked up Knox and we got straight to work on making cookies.

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Caught her munching on butter.

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I think we did something wrong haha.

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When you’ve been wearing a pair of shoes for a few months and then find that part of the packaging is still in one of your shoes….  Oops ha.

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Just so thrilled about her new electric Elsa toothbrush.

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Bagel burgers for dinner.

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Skye found my stocking stash and when I found her she had the broom out to try to clean up the evidence haha.

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Brooke was pretty much back to normal by the afternoon after a lot of resting so we went on a little walk and then I took the kids to drive around to look at different Christmas lights.

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So that’s why….

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And a random picture from Skye’s first day skiing a few weeks ago…

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And we will be taking the big kids this week… hoping they love it!

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Give me your sentence of the day!

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Yay Knox is back and yay Brooke is feeling better!
Today… Short, quick run, followed by lots of Christmas Eve family traditions… Brunch with all the yummy Scandinavian goodies, games, wrapping presents, church, traditional Norwegian Christmas Eve dinner, then presents and more games.
We are truly enjoying our time in Colorado with family ❤️?
Have a wonderful day with your family Janae!!


Your day sounds perfect! So happy you are in Colorado with your wonderful family. Thank you so much Wendy and thank you for your friendship:)


Skye pictures and shenanigans make my heart happy!! She’s such a sweet, adorable little adventurous thing! My siblings are coming over for a Xmas eve sleep over and I can not wait to see our kids together on Christmas morning!!!


I am so glad because her stories are sure fun to tell too! You guys are going to have the best time all together. I love this so much! Merry Christmas Andrea!


I always wish that I learned to ski young, I love that Skye is skiing already! It is such a fun hobby that you can enjoy together as a family. I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating that holidays!


Yes, that is what we are hoping… that this is something they want to do with us forever ha:) . Thank you so much and I hope your holiday is a beautiful one. Thanks Melissa!


Seeing Skye skiing is awesome! I wish so much that I had learned young. We have 5 little ones and we hope to get them out west eventually to learn. We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year!


Sara, let us know when you come out west and we can all ski together! Thank you and have a beautiful holiday with those 5 little ones!


Skye on skis is adorable!! Merry Christmas to you and yours, Janae!


Thank you Kathy and Merry Christmas to you too!


Merry Christmas Janae and family! You are blessed to have a ski hill so close! I have those oops baking moments too lol. So frustrating! Usually it’s a butter issue for me? I find chilling the dough for longer to kind of harden the butter helps!


Thank you Gillian and Merry Christmas to you too! BRILLIANT… I will try that out next time. Thanks so much and I hope your day is a beautiful one.


Hi Janae! My sentence of the day is: I can’t wait to nail my 200m repeats at the track! Happy Christmas Eve to you and your family!!


AHHH 200m repeats… YOU ARE SO STRONG! Way to get out and do them! Amy, Merry Christmas Eve to you too! Thank you!


Word of the day- happy! Just a great day

Tonight my 9 year old that is on her way out of selective mutism is reading in front of the congregation. She was asked and agreed and even if she gets too nervous, having her agree and practice at rehearsal shows how brave she is becoming! It is amazing. She also has an awesome big sis who is her biggest cheerleader.


So happy you are having a great day Carrie and your story about your 9 year old gave me goosebumps. What a special opportunity and I am just so happy for you all. She is so lucky to have such an incredible and supportive family. Have the best time tonight watching her SHINE!


Thank you and she did it!! She read with confidence and then greeted people and spoke in an audible voice to many people. That has NEVER happened at church. Church is a place in which we have been completely stuck. I know some of it is Santa excitement but it’s a breakthrough I have been waiting for and I told her, there’s no going back!!


My one sentence…I no longer make cut-out cookies because they are either hard (ick) or the “soft” recipes turn into blobs all run together in the pan.


I think I might have to copy you on that one! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!


Merry Xmas to you and your family, Janae!


Ha! I did the exact same thing with my new boots! The right boot was all soft and flexible and the left was stiffer and I just thought it was the leather needing some wear in time. Glad I’m not alone. Happy Holiday to you and all the funnest runs in the new year!

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