Tangents + Better Odds + Feel What I Gotta Feel.

Mind if I just start off each post until the race telling you where I’m at with the countdown?

12 days.  TWELVE days.

It’s weird because I don’t feel any pressure about this race for a lot of reasons but then all of the sudden it hits me that I have ONE chance for this 2:44 to happen in this stage of my life (my next shot will be in 2 years because you have to qualify within 2 years of the trials) and that makes my heart pound like crazy.

No matter what it will be a great day and I can’t wait.

Remember how last week I went on and on about how we never run in the 7s?!  On Sunday our coach told us to do our Monday morning run in the low 7s after a warm-up so that is what we did.  Emilee and I were talking the whole time which felt great but it was funny because we didn’t know how to pace ourselves because we never run these paces.  We’d either find ourselves speeding up or slowing down throughout the entire thing.

12 miles total for the morning and we got it done before the snow storm hit.

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Brooke’s class earned a ‘bring your favorite stuffed animal to school’ day and so that was the highlight of her day.

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Andrew, Skye and I went to see Dr. Bennett to make sure everything is ready to go.  He said that my legs are right where they need to be (firing correctly etc) but my lower back needed a little work/adjusting so I’m glad I had that taken care of.

His son and Skye are turning into best buds.

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And the highlight of my day= picking out a Christmas tree!

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I have a few tangents to talk about today!

*PodiumRunner wrote an article about me here if you want to check it out!

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*Runners don’t need to purchase rolling pins because we can just use our  muscle rollers for our cookies.

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*Skye is wearing something of Brooke’s (whether it is her socks or a bracelet or shoes etc) at all times.  Brooke loves it now but I hope she still feels the same way when they are teenagers!

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*Brooke leaves tomorrow until Sunday and my heart hurts every time I think about it BUT I am SO happy for her awesome relationship with her dad and step-mom and how much fun she has with them.  I just need to feel what I need to feel right now, be grateful for so many amazing things and enjoy a fun date with her before she leaves.

Skye is going to be so bored with both Brooke and Knox gone for so long.

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*I went to my massage therapist a few days ago (it sure takes a lot of work outside of running to train!!) to work on my heel.  He worked on it for the entire hour and it helped so much.  A few minutes after looking at it he asked if I had ever rolled my ankle and I said no… and then I remembered my swollen ankle for a few weeks after my ultra and remembered that I had there!  He is pretty positive that my plantar problems were the victim from when I did that so he worked out a lot of the scar tissue in that area and my heel feels almost 100% again.  The body sure is incredible and so connected.

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*On Saturday I had to take a gel all at once as I was jumping out of the car and it almost killed me… I cannot take these all at once but I do just great taking in a little bit at a time.  It usually takes me about a mile to eat an entire one.

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*This is Skye’s extremely suspicious look.  She is most definitely hiding a marker behind her back.

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*I saw the course elevation map for the Olympic Trials in Atlanta (looking up all of the excitement about the trials is definitely motivating me for CIM) and look at those hills!  I wonder what the winning times will be with all of these hills?

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*Kim posted this and I just loved it so much.  IT IS SO TRUE so do not stop trying over and over and over again to get those successes because trying has a lot better odds than not trying.

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*I felt like I really needed to ask you this:

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What kind of person are you… canned cranberries, the real deal or no cranberries?  Also, what is your favorite Thanksgiving food?

-Rolls, potatoes and pie and I love canned cranberries on my turkey:)

What’s the highlight of your day going to be?

Gels—> do you take them all at once or sip on them like me?

Share a tangent with me please!

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Hi, I am reading your blog for a couple of years. It is amazing that you are hopeful for a 2,44 when for many years you were dreaming of 2,59. Congrats!


Thank you so much! It really is quite the jump and dreaming big is just a lot of fun! Hope you are having a wonderful morning Monica and thank you so much for being my internet friend over the years!


Your going to have a great race whether or not you get your goal or not! You have done so much this year already with your running! Rooting for you from VA! Also NO cranberries! Ick!


Thanks so much Jenn! That really means a lot to me… it has sure been a fun year! I hope you get plenty of your favorite Thanksgiving foods this week without any cranberries. Enjoy your day!


I am a cranberries-in-the-bowl girl, all the way! Highlight: it’s a beautiful day, I got my run in, and . . . I get to go home for Thanksgiving soon!

That is amazing that you had so much work done for your heal–a good massage therapist is amazing! Last time I had a massage, she noticed the outside of my calves were really tight. I hadn’t even known and I felt SO much better after.

Tangent: I’ve gotten really hooked on Perfect bars for breakfast. I tried them for the first time last week and they are a great grab-and-go, especially with a banana!


I am so happy that you get to go home for Thanksgiving! Isn’t it amazing that they can find those spots on our bodies that we don’t even notice?! So glad that helped! Okay, now I have to try a Perfect bar! Thanks for sharing and I hope your Tuesday is a great one!


Canned! Even though the “real” cranberry sauce is delicious, it’s just not as nostalgic as the canned cranberry sauce. :)
That’s funny about the 7s. I literally never run in the 8’s and rarely run in the 7’s in training. It’s 6’s or 9’s. I was helping pace a friend this summer in the 7’s and I felt so awkward!! It actually felt harder than anything in the 6s because my legs didn’t know what to do. :) It’s so funny how that works.
I sip my gels too. If I take it all at once I’ll gag. So I take “bites” and kind of chew it. IDK, it works for me. haha.


I totally agree… it felt so strange and harder to just lock into the 7s! And the gel chewing I totally get… not sure I can ever take a gel all at once again haha! Hope you have a beautiful day Mollie!


Real cranberry sauce is AMAZING!!! I could just eat it plain lol. It’s so funny about the rolling pin because my husband has used an actual wooden rolling pin for years to roll out sore muscles. After it went into the weight room I definitely got a new one lol!


Bahahah that is so true… the rolling pin can be used on our muscles too?! I hope you get plenty of real cranberry sauce on Thursday! Have a wonderful day!


Are you comfortable to address these racing/training topics?
1) Based on following professional athletes/runners on social media and also what Runner’s World has taught me haha, you don’t seem to do any significant core or strength training regularly. Do you or your coach think that this wouldn’t benefit your running?
2) Can you talk about how doing CIM on a Sunday is on terms with your expressed religious beliefs? I have come to understand you avoid racing those days based on your religious practices, I think you have said something to this effect in the past.



Hey Christie! I would love to talk about these things! I definitely should be doing more strength but each day I do things like pull-ups, planks, hop up the stairs with one leg (and then switch legs)… my training is definitely much different than most training because we do so many trails that build muscle like crazy. Our coach has us running up mountains ha so I think in the long run it all equals out (and I have more fun doing the mountains than the weight room). And your second question is a great one and something I spent a lot of time thinking about and praying about and for each individual it is very different. I came to the decision that for me, this is a one time thing and that is okay. My Heavenly Father knows how hard I’ve worked with my running and to go do this once is okay (and that if I had the option to do a Saturday race to qualify I would always choose that:) Andrew and I will be attending church out there after the race and a lot of prayer will be happening during the race?. I hope these answer your questions, have a beautiful day!


Thanks for the reply I appreciate your candour. Wishing you the best of luck with your CIM goal!


Can’t wait to hear about the race! I am wanting to sign up for a spring half but depends on if I stay healthy through the winter (I always get sick!).
I’ve been eating my gels slower lately, and switched the Humas for my marathon. Huge difference!
Favorite Turkey day food is the pumpkin pie and the appetizers beforehand. :) I like the canned cranberry sauce too LOL.


April, I hope this is your healthiest winter yet and you’ll have to let me know if you sign up for one! HUMAS are incredible, I am so glad you are loving them. Enjoy that pie and those appetizers! Happy (almost) Thanksgiving!


Good morning from Oahu, Janae!

Oh my, 100% Team Sauce! In fact that is my number one favorite dish at Thanksgiving. Mmmm…even better two days after thanksgiving, love it cold with cool whip and pomegranates mixed in!

Running my 40th marathon 12/8, can’t wait! I took Skinny Runners cue years ago and have a stash of gummy bears for race day. Have taken way too many gels in my day.

Grateful this morning to wake up to waves crashing and a loved one by my side. It’s going to be a good one, I can feel it!

Have an amazing day!


Oahu!! I need to try your cranberry sauce combo, that sounds delicious!

40th MARATHON! Okay, that is incredible. Huge congrats and I’ll be cheering for you too. Gummy bears= perfection!


How cool that Podium Runner featured you! Great story :)
The roller/rolling pin made me laugh!
I make my grandmother’s cranberry relish every year for Thanksgiving; I don’t mind the can-shaped jelly version, but just a bite.
I’m all about the stuffing! OK, I eat a lot of turkey, too, and somehow creamed onions taste great for that one day a year.
Today’s highlight may have already happened, as my son didn’t miss the bus ~haha~ But I’ll stay optimistic!
I can’t do a whole gel at once, either, but I pretty much down it in 2-3 squeezes so I can be done with it.
Tangent: I’m not quite ready to decorate for Christmas yet, but I bought a very small fake tree and tiny LED lights so I can decorate my cube at work next week.


Thank you so much Corey! Creamed onions… I have never tried those but I’m sure I would love that! Wahoo for your son making the bus haha… it’s the little things! Those gels, why can’t they just taste amazing?! Enjoy decorating at work soon. Hope your Tuesday is going really well!


YAYYYY!! 12 Days! I’m counting down the days with you!!! I have several friends from TX running CIM too. I’m so excited for everyone!
I’m not a huge cranberry fan. I only like them in baked goods, like bagels or bread.
My favorite Thanksgiving foods are turkey, fresh green beans, rolls and potatoes. We always have green salad too and I just pile my turkey on the salad and then eat all the sides.
Highlight: Probably my run after work and then dinner with H and picking up the last few items we need for Thanksgiving.
I’ve never tried a gel. I drink Ucan and sometimes eat Honey Stinger chews.
My tangent: I hope it doesn’t rain too much so I can get all my workouts in after Thanksgiving!!!
I’m off to read your article right now!


Thank you so much! I hope you get all of your favorites for Thanksgiving. Enjoy your run tonight and UCAN is the best. Stay dry this week and thank you so much!


Making whole berry cranberry sauce for everyone, cuz the can is ALL for me!!!! And with my GI restricted diet, I can actually eat that stuff, it’s MINE!!!




My mom makes a gelatin cranberry salad with grapes and apple (and I think oranges) and that is delicious. (it’s from her Betty Crocker cookbook) We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in the Netherlands, so we have Turkey and cranberries at Christmas. (and snow pudding with custard sauce for desert!) Gel all at once and a drink of water afterwards. I was following the Jeff Galloway Garmin coach training plan, I have a 10 k in four weeks. But the workouts were getting longer and longer (a long run of more than 20 k is just too much in my opinion, or 14 x 800 meters), so today I changed it up and did a workout from a training plan that I did over the summer. I’m glad I did, it’s no use continuing a plan that feels too time consuming, running is my hobby and not my job. The last picture of Skye is really funny. Yeah for your Christmas tree, we’ll buy ours in two weeks time I think. Have a great day!


Okay, I need that cranberry salad right now! That sounds incredible along with your snow pudding. I am SO glad that you switched to what was best for you and your training. You are a smart runner and it will pay off. Enjoy getting your Christmas tree and thanks so so much Eva!


Canned cranberries.

Beretta looks confused, lol. Brooke’s scent on Skye’s boots????

Highlight of my day will be getting off work, I have made it a tradition to take the Wednesday before Thanksgiving off!!

Gels – all at once.

I have a suggestion for you – how about you make some gift suggestion for guys? I would assume a lot of your readers have a running friend or significant other to buy for. Maybe Andrew or your brother can guest post their recommendations for their go to running and cycling gear. Or even what to look for in trail bikes for kids and/or adults.

I am up to running 3 miles 3 times a week – so far the hamstring is holding up.

Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!

P.S. – If anybody is looking for a running watch Best Buy has the Fenix 5X Sapphire for $299 on Black Friday. Too bad it’s not a Fenix 6 Pro though… lol. Still a great deal.


That is a fantastic deal wahoo! I hope a lot of people get it and I’m going to have Andrew write up ideas! This year we are giving each other experiences for Christmas so I don’t have gift ideas for him this year but I’m sure he has all of those answers. Thanks John! I am SO thankful that your hamstring is doing well and you guessed Beretta’s expression perfectly. Enjoy your day!


Janae – I cannot remember how long I’ve followed your blog, but I am so glad I stumbled on it way back when! You have a way of writing and being open to where we readers feel like we have a sweet friend to catch up with each day :) What a great article written about you! It’s so encouraging to follow your progress and watch you achieve your goals – I’ve recently had some setbacks on some goals of mine, and the story that God is writing with you and through you is such an encouragement that God cares about our goals, and that His will is going to happen in His time! I am so cheering you on everyday from this side of the screen :) Thank you for being you!


PARKER! THANK YOU FOR BEING MY FRIEND OVER THE YEARS! I am so so sorry about the setbacks that you have been going through. It’s amazing how strong these setbacks make us and you are doing incredible. God really does care so much for each of us individually and his story for us always ends up being the best story. Please keep in touch and thanks again, I appreciate you a lot!


So for st George you only tapered for 10 days but now you are tapering for 2 full weeks. It’s only a few days but what’s the difference?


Hey Mary! I think he saw that we all just needed a few more days of recovery than we had! I think it’s going to be the perfect equation for us. Hope your Tuesday has been great so far!


Canned, jellied cranberry sauce is the ONLY correct answer =)!!! I remember a loooong time ago, my grandmother tried to change it up and do the canned whole cranberries and we were all very upset :)


Hahaha isn’t it funny how change like that really does feel upsetting! I am glad you guys are back to canned. Have a beautiful week Amanda and thanks so much!


Hi Janae! The highlight of my day is going to be book club! We finished the book we are reading and we are going to watch the TV show they made of it!

Have a great day!!


Hey Amy! That sounds like a blast, enjoy and you’ll have to let me know what book if you recommend it!


Janae! I just want to say thank you this morning, I have followed your blog for several years now and you have been such an inspiration. I have been up and down in recovery from an eating disorder for ten years and this year I have finally made giant leaps in sustaining a healthy body! I owe a lot to your daily, open, honest and authentic writing. You have a way of sharing your goals and progress that makes me feel like I can achieve mine no matter what! I really feel like anything is possible, and that our thoughts are everything! We have a choice to make every single day, and we can ALWAYS chose to change and grow :) Even if it feels wrong and painful – those are the moments that create lasting joy and push us to progress in our potential! Good luck with your final weeks of training!! You’re going to do AMAZING on race day :)

Apparently it is national cake day?! So thats exciting haha I just made pancakes to celebrate and later will make some of this goodness https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/easy-homemade-strawberry-shortcake/
Hope you celebrate as well! Have an awesome day :)


RACHEL! Wow. Thank you so much for sharing your story with me. Congratulations on what you have done to recover and I bet your body is just SO happy and feeling so much better. You are strong. Doing what you are doing is hard and you keep proving to yourself day after day that you are incredibly strong. Please keep in touch with how you are doing and I HAVE TO CELEBRATE. I love that blog and I love shortcake so I need that. Thanks Rachel!


Love cranberry sauce, make it myself (the stuff in the can isn’t gross, just homemade tastes better and I can lower the sugar level).

How about tangent questions? =)
1) how much snow shoveling translates into a mile of running? (I’ve got a LOT to do today…drifts are well over a foot already, still snowing with 6-8″ more by end of day).
2) for those of us not in Dr Bennett’s service area, how do we search for his equivalent in our area? It doesn’t seem like he’s your run-of-the-mill chiropractor….


Hahaha I love your tangents!
1) 5 minutes shoveling = 1 mile. Shoveling is HARD and I can’t believe how much snow you guys already have!
2) I just sent him a text to ask and this is his reply… he really is 1 of a kind and I wish everyone could come see him! I use Clinical Kinesiology and neuromuscular feedback to reactivate muscles. Some Physical Therapists use MAT “muscle activation technique”. Some Massage therapists use “touch for health”. Both are similar, but not the same.

Hope you are having a great day!


I’m curious on gels/Here’s my tangent.
Have you ever tried tailwind? I’m training for my first ultra 50k and I was doing math on how many gels that would be and I just couldn’t handle it so I looked up alternative fuel. I started using tailwind and it had been a total game changer. I used to carry a gel with me so I’d be ready if I every started to crash and I haven’t yet. I start hitting big mileage in December/January so I’ll really put it to the test but so far for up to 13 it’s all I need. Obviously I don’t suggest changing anything 12 days out haha but many in the future?!


Hey Megan! I have tried tailwind and I really liked it… it is amazing! If I was going to get bottles at CIM this year then I was really going to try to use UCAN during the race but I don’t get the bottles:( . GOOD LUCK with your 50k and the training, I am thrilled for you. Please keep me updated on it all wahoo!


What can WE do to help you prepare for race day 12/7? Wear a special color that day? I feel like we are all running CIM with you- we want it more for you than for ourselves.


You just made my day. Thank you SO much Allison! I’m going to talk to Andrew about it and think of something, that means the world to me. I hope you are having the best day and thanks for brightening mine!


It’s funny that you commented about how much time (outside of actually running!) running takes up because I was just thinking about that yesterday. Ha! Between the chiropractor appointments, massage therapy appointments, time I spend at night doing specific strength and stretches to fix my hip strength, and the time I foam roll and strength train so I can stay healthy…it takes up a LOT of extra time! But, it’s worth it to me so I guess I’ll just keep putting in the time. :)

I don’t do cranberry sauce but the one food I look forward to most at Thanksgiving is pecan pie. I do not like pumpkin at all (yes, I’m one of the 5 people in America who don’t. Ha!), but I love a warm piece of pecan pie with a little butter pecan ice cream on top.

And, a tangent for you today would be that my 12-year-old son and I are signed up to do a 5k on Thanksgiving morning. It should be a fun way to start the day!


It really does take up so much time and good for you to spend the time you do making your hip/body happy. It really is so worth it! You and your son are going to have the absolute best time together on Thursday and I would love to hear how it goes! Enjoy that pecan pie with ice cream on top, that sounds perfect!


That Podium Runner article was so great!! Thanks for sharing!
Real cranberries for me! I could eat just cranberries, mashed potatoes, rolls and whipped cream for Thanksgiving dinner and I would be content :-)
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Janae!


Thanks so much Torrie for reading it! Your plate of favorites sounds perfect for my dinner too:) . I hope you have a great Thanksgiving too!


12 days!! Wow! I know you will do I great and I really hope you get that OTQ, but I love your attitude in the Podium Runner article about how you no longer attach running to your self worth and you have other important parts of your life too. That’s a very healthy way to view it, I believe, and I am so excited you and Andrew want another baby, too :)

I read your reply to my comment from yesterday. I am not much of a treadmill runner, mostly because I don’t have one haha, but I know I’ll get this running in a new area thing figured out. And I love you and Andrews idea of giving each other an experience instead of gifts!

I read your response to Christie’s questions above, and I love how you responded to the issue of racing on Sunday! I immediately thought of the verse in the Bible (I think it’s Mark 2:27) where Jesus says the Sabbath is for man, not man for the Sabbath. So good! Our salvation is not works-based, we are under a new covenant of grace.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving… I definitely like fresh whole cranberries. That stuff from the can is much too sweet!


Thank you so much Leah! It really does make running a lot more fun now that I feel that way! I hope that with each run in your new area it becomes better and better. Oh that scripture is perfect, thank you so so so much for sharing that with me. I hope you have a beautiful Thanksgiving in your new home with a lot of fresh whole cranberries! Thanks Leah.


I laughed at the cranberries picture. We always had both on our table growing up, but personally I am not a cranberry fan. I actually don’t like most traditional Thanksgiving food except for the turkey. My mom would only get her mashed potatoes twice a year (Thanksgiving and Christmas) because no one else in the house will eat mashed potatoes.
I’m looking forward to having a 4 day weekend for the holiday and then 2 more weeks to push through for my school semester and then a month break will be nice and I’ll just focus on work. I recently was promoted so learning some new tasks and December will be the transition month.


Both… that is the best idea! A win-win for everyone! 4 day weekend wahoo and then you are almost to the end of the semester. Good luck with all of that Alicia, those finals are stressful. CONGRATS on your promotion… you are on fire!


That’s a great article, Janae! I love (and hate, lol) that you attribute so much of your training success to your ability to sleep. I’m really struggling with sleep right now. I haven’t been able to find anyone who really tackles the topic of training and peri-menopausal sleep deprivation even though every.single. training book and site says adequate sleep is a key factor in training success. Okay, there’s my tangent. No cranberry sauce, ever. Gels are taken in sips with a mouthful of water to get it down. Best part of my day was sleeping 6-1/2 hrs straight- which is VERY rare. I think it’s fantastic that the kids have such a great relationship with their other parents and I love that you appreciate that. Divorce is hard enough to weather without bitter, contentious visitations. Have a wonderful week!


Thank you so much Jen and I am SO sorry about what you are going through right now with you sleep. That sounds miserable. I am hoping that you find a solution soon and I am going to ask around to some of my running friends that are in that stage of life. It really is… I feel very lucky. I just was texting Brooke’s step-mom before reading your comment and it really is so nice! Enjoy your day Jen and I really hope you get another 6.5 hours of sleep straight (or even more if you are VERY lucky)!


Many years ago, a woman I really admired told me much the same thing when I asked her how she had become so successful in her career – she said that she had tried many, many times and failed most of them. The success came after all those opportunities to learn and grow. And still, she had to continue trying.

It’s been inspirational to watch your training and your thought process which has changed so much over the years. It’ll still be inspirational regardless of whether you make the OT or not! You’ve already proven you can work hard for what you want.


Your comment made me tear up. It’s amazing how I don’t even know you in real life and you can leave such a positive impact on me. Thank you for what you said and I love what that woman told you. We just keep trying! I hope you are having a beautiful day Christine!


No cranberries for me! But my family has always done canned.
Favorite Thanksgiving Foods: Turkey, Mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie!
Highlight, we left Denver last night right as the snowstorm hit. Our area has already gotten over 10″ of snow and it’s still coming down. Flights this morning have been cancelled and they were already starting to cancel them yesterday, so it was a MAD HOUSE at the airport. So lucky that we had already planned on flying back yesterday and get to be with both of our families this week for Thanksgiving!
I sip on my Gels a little bit at a time, sometimes they last for a few miles.


TEN INCHES of snow already!? I am so glad you are able to be with both families this week. Enjoy every second and good luck with the shoveling when you get back home:)


The countdown to CIM has me more excited than the countdown to Xmas!!

Real cranberry sauce,…it is so easy to make! I have a recipe from one of my professors in grad school that is THE BEST (laughing as I say this cuz we all think our own is best).
My fav has to be stuffing, because it’s the one food I typically don’t eat during the year. I always eat veggies, potatoes, etc…but stuffing = t-giving in my opinion!

I switched from gels to chews for that reason exactly! They take too long to go down and I lose patience and rhythm/cadence.

Hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday!


Hi Janae, I live in Folsom and my kids elementary school has a running club. We will all be cheering you on at CIM at mile 4 where we are volunteering at the water station!!
So excited for you!!!! See you soon!!!


Aaah seriously can’t wait to cheer you on virtually next week!!! You are such an inspiration and I love your focus on mental training as well as physical training (my husband thinks I’m crazy for lying to myself on runs and doesn’t understand why I pretend like I’m only running to the next crosswalk instead of ten more miles and I’m like…the mental game is strong, my friend).

I love the jellied cranberry sauce just because it’s so nostalgic, but what is REALLY amazing is Trader Joe’s cranberry and orange relish!!! Completely divine.


I must have missed something. What are you trying to qualify for?


I noticed you’ve switched from the Huma gels to Clif and was curious why. I’ve been using the Huma gels for a while and they work for me, but I can’t do the caffeine ones – they lead to bathroom emergencies on long runs. :)

Will be thinking of you as you’re missing Brooke. I’m sure that’s really hard. But you are right, feeling those feelings is so important!


When you qualify for the Olympic trials and you come to Atlanta, drive 2 hrs north to Chattanooga and visit some penguins!!


Do you mind if I quote a few of your articles as long as I provide credit and sources back to your site?
My blog site is in the exact same area of interest as yours and my users would
definitely benefit from some of the information you provide here.
Please let me know if this alright with you. Thank you!

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