Friday Favorites + Candy Corn Cookie Recipe!

11 miles @ 8:34 average to start out my Friday.  I’m shooting for 70 miles this week and wanna hear the weirdest part about increasing my mileage again?  MY PLANTAR is pretty much gone now.  The week after the marathon when I wasn’t running it was flaring up like crazy but now that the mileage has gone up again… my feet are happy again.  Just another example of why we need running;)

We went out to get some errands done.

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I was shopping for a few baby gifts and within the 20 second time period that I was searching a stack of clothing for a specific size, I found Skye on the ground with her shoes off trying on a pair of pants that she wanted.  She is quick.

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Andrew’s work had a Halloween party so that was a blast!

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3rd free meal from Cafe Rio this week ha… it never gets old to me.

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They had so many activities for the kids.  They had the best time.

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I officially have Megan D’s amazing cookie recipe.  Megan has perfected the art of making cookies.  If you live in Utah and you ever need to order cookies for an event or because you want to be happy… Megan D is your woman.  

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Here is her recipe and you are going to want her to put together a cookbook of all of her amazing recipes after you try these!

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Time for a few Friday Favorites and affiliate links are included!

*Slippers.  I am obsessed with my slippers now that it is cold again.  Andrew bought these ones for me a few years ago and the comfort and coziness is just at the top of the charts. 

*Reminder that ROOLEE is 15% off for the rest of this month if you go HERE and use the code hungryrunner15 … pretty much every dress I own and a lot of my tops are from Roolee.  They have so many amazing pieces and new things all of the time (for great prices).

*I am so addicted to the Senita Rio Shorts (3.75” and true to size for me).  I bought another pair of these striped ones and I love them.  On speed days I will probably wear these shorts until it is 25 degrees or below because I just find I run so much faster in shorts vs pants (<–my brain and it’s weird quirks).


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*Did you see Shalane Flanagan’s announcement that she made about her retiring from professional running?  The last portion made me cry:

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*General Mills sent a box of this and oh my goodness it is delicious.  

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*I loved this on Netflix.  Another reminder of how much running does for us….

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*I listened to this talk the other night (Grateful in Any Circumstance) and wow.   Such an incredible reminder to be grateful during the rain storms too because if we wait for just the rainbows to be grateful… we might be waiting for a while ha.


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We all love hearing the incredible things that you are doing so if you want to be featured, send them to [email protected] !


Loribeth!!! “I ran my 3rd marathon on Sunday, October 20. I had my second best time at 4:24 but considering that the training cycle didn’t go quite as planned, I am THRILLED with how I did. Chattanooga had its hottest September on record, with basically every day hitting at least 90 degrees……combine that with the lovely humidity of the South, and that made long runs so miserable. At least 3 times I attempted a 20+ mile run, but the longest I made it was 18. Those last 8 miles were going to be interesting. However, I stayed so busy with trips to Texas and Nashville that I didn’t have time to worry about the race, I just did the runs I had planned and stayed “laid-back” about race day. I really think that easy mental approach helped me out. There were no nerves on race morning. I felt tough and ready and excited. I hit the halfway mark a few minutes before I wanted, but I kept a pretty consistent pace. The weather was finally cooler and perfect, and the whole race just clicked. I came in 5th in my age group (it’s a small race, but still that makes me feel awesome). Knowing I ran the whole race with my longest run only being 18 miles makes me realize that with better weather for training I could easily beat 4 hours (my PR is 4:04). I was so happy to have my husband there cheering me on and to prove to myself that I can do whatever I set my mind to. A marathon is definitely physical, but it’s also really a mental test, and not stressing about it made the whole thing so enjoyable.”



Elise!!!  “I just ran the Chicago marathon at 10 months postpartum, and earned myself a new PR and BQ! I set my goal a year ago while very pregnant with my daughter and talked my parents and uncle into joining me. I wasn’t sure where my speed truly was going into the race … but I am so proud of my result! I finished Sunday’s race over a minute faster than my last full marathon two years ago.  I proved to myself again how much stronger we are after baby/babies and can’t wait to tackle the next big goal.


Laura!!!  “I wanted to tell you about my marathon on Sunday. It was the first time my husband and I stepped away from our own goals and were only focused on helping a friend achieve hers. She had previously run a 5:01 marathon and was eager to get a solid PB. Her training hadn’t been great, she lives in Singapore and with the average temp at 5am being 35 degrees with high humidity, getting outside to run was never easy. But her goals were huge, her dream was a sub 4:30 marathon, with the back up being a sub 4:40, ultimately any minutes off was going to be a good day.
So on Sunday morning at 7am we lined up on the start line of the Melbourne (Australia) marathon. We had watched the 1:59:40 marathon the night before are were all super inspired. The weather was perfect, 10 degrees at the start rising to around 19 degrees, light cloud to take the heat of the sun off and just a little wind. The course is fairly flat, a few inclines to keep it interesting along the way, certainly nothing you could call a hill. 
We took the first couple of miles easy, settling into our pace whilst the runners all found their own space. We were averaging around 10 minute mile pace, but weren’t looking at the watches to much, my husband Jamie and I know 10 minute mile pace by feel and we knew if we felt good and our friend could stick with us we would be on for a fantastic PB for her. 
She ran amazingly well and we got to 21.5 miles before declaring she needed to walk. She wanted me to go on so I kept going hoping that she would be able to keep on my heels and I could drag her along. Jamie kept closer to her to make she the walking breaking didn’t last too long. Unfortunately I pulled ahead and didn’t see them again until the finish line. 
I had a couple of moments where tiredness was hitting, even though I knew I was running well within myself. And suddenly you popped into my head. I started to say ‘what would Janae say’! And without thinking I replied ‘you’ve got this, your amazing, just keep going’. A little mantra that I said to myself 3 or 4 times before the end of the race. 
I came over the line in 4:28 and Jamie and our friend came over the line in 4:31. A huge 30 minute PB for our friend. We were all so happy with what we’d accomplished.”
Have any Friday Favorites to share with me?
What are your plans this weekend?
If you are working… does your work put together parties?  How often?
Are you going to dress up this year? 

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I always love your food photo’s, even though they make me hungry. Cafe Rio always looks delicious!
They kids look great in their costume!

And what an achievement, Elise, running a marathon 10 months post partum!

Have a great weekend :)


When we come visit you I’ll put some Cafe Rio in an ice box and bring it for you:) Thanks Sanne.. YOU TOO!


Hahaha yes please!


Thanks for recommending the Kara Goucher podcast yesterday! And the Roolee sale :)


You are so welcome! I thought that episode was so interesting to hear from someone that WASN’T clean and his reasonings. I hope you have the best weekend Betsy!


Today I was supposed to do 10 miles and at mile 7 it was clear that something was wrong with my good knee. I racewalked the last 2 miles back to my house almost crying ( not in pain out of frustration). I was going to sign up for a half marathon today. I have some time, it’s on 12/15 but I just started being able to run again after 5 years due to my bad knee which has no pain what so ever. I want this so much!! So today, rest, ice. I am not running again until Wednesday at the earliest to be safe. It hurts enough now to make me rest. Injuries stink!! On the bright side, I have needed to sit myself down to do paperwork and photo albums!!


Oh Carrie, I am SO sorry about what is going on with your knee. I really hope that it is right back to normal and you are being SO smart to take time off right in the beginning of when you started feeling the pain. Keep me updated on it all! Hope your weekend is amazing and that you get caught up on everything!


Yippee!! Now I know what I’m baking this weekend! Thank you for sharing the cookie recipe.
I love Shalane so much! What a true, positive inspiration in running and in life. Can’t wait to see what she does next.
It has been so hot and windy again this week, plus I tweaked my back, so I have pretty much taken this week off from running ?. But my back is much better, so I am planning on getting out early before the heat to get in some easy miles. Yay!
Have a happy Friday!


I hope you love the cookies… so so good. I am SO sorry about your back and I hope that never happens again. Enjoy every single mile this morning Wendy!


I really need to find a Dr. Bennett out here!! If he knows anyone in the north Orange county, CA area, please let me know!!
And thanks again for always being so kind and supportive ?


I know this is totally not related to today’s post, but I was recently reading what you wrote a few years ago about amenorrhea. I’m a high school cross country runner, and I haven’t had my period since August. I only had it for five months before that, and it was pretty irregular. It also only lasted about two days at a time. My BMI is low, about 17.5, but I’m small boned, so my body fat percentage is 18.8, in the healthy range. I run about 30 miles per week, which is about the same as what I was running when I first got it, maybe a little more. I eat a lot and a wide variety of food, so I don’t think that’s the problem. I love running and I absolutely do not want to stop, but I know my health is important. Should I be concerned about this? If I do have to stop running for a while, will I be able to fully return the sport? Anyone who sees this and has ideas, please comment. I can’t imagine my life without running, but I don’t want to do something I will later regret.


Hey! Thank you SO much for writing in and I am SO happy that you know your health is important. It really is so hard because we love running so much but like you said, this is not something that you want to regret later on in your life. I would 100% go to your doctor to talk to him about this. I wish I could give you more information on what I think is going on but I’m not sure exactly how to go about this in your situation! For me personally (I worked with my doctor on this), increasing my fat intake (all of the avocados, full fat dairy, nut butter, oils etc), body fat percentage and a break from running is what brought mine back. PLEASE keep me posted with how you are doing and I am SO glad you are taking care of this now. You are a lot smarter than I was with this all and your body will thank you big time!


Thank you for responding! I have one more big race soon, and after that I plan to lower my mileage a bit and definitely go to the doctor and see what he recommends. It might not even be running related, because I have a lot of stress in my life right now, too, and a family history of thyroid disease. But running was the first thing I thought of, so after I read your post I thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to ask.


GOOD LUCK at your race and please keep in touch! There really are so many things that come into play with problems with our menstruation so I am SO glad you will go into the doctor soon. Have a beautiful day!


Hey anonymous! If I read your comment correctly, you only started getting your period 5 months before it stopped in August – if this is your first year ever menstruating, it can take up to a year to become regular / predictable / routine. Definitely talk to your doctor but just wanted to chime in!


Okay my Friday Favorite is the quote you shared! Grateful in Any Circumstance…love it! Thank you for sharing :)

A close second is it’s FRIDAY and we finally have some cold weather here in North Texas! it’s 45 degrees lol! Probably not that cold to you and I’ll still wear shorts to run, but I’m excited to run in long sleeves.

Thanks for the cookie recipe. That one has lots of possibilities for candy to add in.

LOVE the whole family dressed up! Have a great weekend!!


Hey Elizabeth! I am so glad you love the quote, it’s just the best reminder. FORTY FIVE DEGREES… get some hot chocolate after your run (in shorts ha). Let me know what candy variations you try and I hope you have a great weekend too!


Thanks for sharing that Steph Bruce video, so good! And Megan D is my hero. In my next life I’m going to have a cookie business ;) I have those Senita striped shorts in the 7″ length and I love them! I hadn’t run in shorts in years but those are completely no-chafe and don’t ride up at all, even with my phone or keys in the pockets. You guys rocked the costumes this year!


How about in this life you have a cookie business… I’ll be your first customer. OH I LOVE that you love the Senita… chafe free is for sure. Thanks and I’m so glad that you love the video. Have the best day Michelle!


I know Skye gives you a run for your money hahaha! I really hope you got her those pants!


Dressing up, as usual, as an Anticatica expoditionist. Not really, but as my husband says, “really, 2 down jackets…….your daughter is in a sleeveless princess costume.”


I want to sleep this weekend h. I just started a new job two weeks ago and it has been so busy! But it is in a field that I really wanted to be in so I am excited.

For Halloween – maybe, but I will be flying out that afternoon for work – bonus I am flying out to where my sis and baby/toddler nieces live so I am sure they will be dressing up. I do have giant pink puffy that my partner says makes me look a bit like a marshmellow (but I love the bright pink) so maybe that will be my costume haha.

We had a party yesterday – but not for Halloween. It was a going away party for someone. And I think they do one at CHristmas too.

70 miles a week sounds awesome! It has been a while since I have put in that mileage. I am going soft.

Have a great Friday and weekend Janae! And I love that Skye is so quick with going after what she wants hee.


That Skye seems like she keeps you guys on your toes! Ha!


Just want to confirm the 3 oz cookie scoop is probably an ice cream scoop. Is that correct? I just tried shopping for one at a store, but couldn’t find a cookie scoop that large.

Also, how many cookies does that recipe make if using the 3 oz scoop?


I made the candy corn cookies this weekend and they are so, so good! Although I will admit, I like them more with only the roasted peanuts and white chocolate chips. Not to worry, I put the candy corn to good use by snacking on them while the cookies were baking! Thanks for sharing the recipe. :-)


I can just see it now, after the UP is approved, done and dusted Housing NZ moves in and build social housing on public land proclaiming a solution to housing shortages and prudent management of tax payer dollars by lumping hundreds of people dependent on the state in one or 2 buildings. A recipe for disaster.persian recipes


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I needed. I most certainly will make sure to

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