THIS Will Be A 1st for My Upcoming Marathon… & Sentence Per Picture

We have our biggest workout of the entire training cycle TODAY so I decided to take yesterday off to prepare for it.

Brooke’s class earned a pajama day and that alone put her in the best mood ever when she woke up.

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Great Harvest bread dates will be a lifelong tradition for Skye and me.

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I went to the park with a good friend of mine (she is also going to run St. George and she is going to walk away with a huge pr:)  She is helping me carbload with these.

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Try them, they are delicious.

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Got in some time on my mat during Skye’s nap to stretch things out.

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Picked up some peaches later on in the day and I need some peach recipes from you!

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My niece had an amazing race!

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My kids really love my nieces and nephews.

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He made it in time for soccer games!

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The gear is all ready to go… 20 miles HERE I COME (and legs, I’m going to need you to move fast).

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This is going to hurt but I want to be done before the kids wake up!

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My friend posted this and I wanted to post it here too… FOCUS ON YOUR JOB:)

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Random topic of the day:

I am lucky enough to get my own water bottles along the course at the St. George Marathon this year!  My 1:20 half marathon time last month qualified me for an elite bib!  I am very excited about this because Emilee and I are planning on running the entire race together (if we both feel great obviously) and she has an elite bib too.

I’m pretty excited about this but I probably need to practice a little more than just placing a water bottle on my kitchen counter and pretending to run by it.  I think they are going to call me sometime soon to give me the details of how it all works but I’m really hoping having my own bottles can help me to run faster and really nail my nutrition for the race!

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I’d love to hear what you do as far as hydration goes for your marathons?  Anyone had bottles before… give me your tips?

-For St. George last year I held/drank from a little water bottle for the first 6 miles until I saw Andrew and gave it to him.  At each aid station I would switch off between water and gatorade… and towards the end I always take water cups and dump them on my head.

Give me your sentence of the day!!

Any delicious peach recipes that you can share with me?

What time feels TOO EARLY to be setting your alarm clock?

-Anything before 5 a.m. haha but I guess it’s good to get used to this because St. George calls for a 3:something alarm clock too.

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Love the focus on your job picture! Thanks for sharing!


Oh I am so glad! It sure makes life a lot more relaxing and fun living like that! Hope your Wednesday is a beautiful one.


Elite Bib!!!!!!! That is sooo exciting. I love the picture of you practicing lol. :) I’ve been trying to figure out my hydration, and the senita shorts that you recommended fit my simple hydration bottle PERFECTLY. That’s going to be my plan for probably the first 10 miles then hopefully the water stops will work. I’m a little nervous because my race is at the end of November and it could be really cold, and I’ve been practicing hydrating/fueling all throughout our insanely hot summer (most of my runs are real feel above 90). I hope we have a good transition over the next couple of months so I can adjust….it’s so much harder to remember to drink water when it’s cold.
I’ve been making the quinoa peach molasses bowls from run fast cook fast and they’re great! Full of iron too! A great recipe for peaches IMO. :) Hope your workout goes well!


I am just so thrilled you love the shorts and they fit your bottle, they are amazing! HOT AT THE END OF NOVEMBER… luckily all of your training is preparing you perfectly for that. You are hardcore Mollie. I die in those temperatures. Okay, that is exactly what I am going to make. Thank you SO much!


Good luck with your long run! :)
My recommendation would be rice salad with chicken, fresh basil or cilantro and peaches. Heaven!


That sounds absolutely delicious! Thank you so much Sarah, I’m excited to try it. Have the best day!


Love the “your job” pic! And the striped shirt at the end of the post–so cute and fall-ish!


YES… don’t forget your job! Thank you so much! It’s from Madewell:) . I hope you are having the best day Ashley!


ELITE BIB!!! That’s so exciting!!!

I think I have seen people post about practicing the bottle pickup by setting up a folding table in their front yard and doing one of their easy runs as like 1/3 mile loops and practicing each time they pass. Maybe the kids can help :)


I LOVE THIS PLAN! Yep, totally going to try this! Thank you SO much and ps I was eating Tilamook yesterday and thought of you guys:) .


You’re an elite! That is really awesome! This race is just going to be incredible for you!
That job picture is a very good reminder for me… You can’t please everyone all of the time. Thank you for that!
Good luck on your last hard/long workout! I just saw on IG, that you’re almost done and it’s still dark out… That is early!
Have a great rest of your Wednesday ?


Yes yes yes… we can’t forget that! Thank you so so much! I definitely need a nap haha. You too!


Before your questions:
1) PJs all day is the best way to go through life. I would be as excited as Brooke is :)
2) Those muffins sound like the cookie form of a muffin, so I am all in!
3) I spy with my little eye: candy corn peanut mix. Mmmmm…
Elite status with the water bottles sounds awesome! Looking forward to learning how that will go.
Sentence of the day: There’s more than one “right” way. [Trying to roll with changes and differences of opinion.]
Agree on the alarm time: most of my days start with 5:xx, so any number lower than that is too early (except for really good reasons like nailing that training and racing).
Have a great day!


We just need to make every day pj day (well… I guess I do that with most of my activewear that feels like pjs). Try the muffins, I hope you love them. AHHHH yes… you caught it! Posting the recipe on Friday Favorites this week haha.
Corey, thank you so much for your sentence… I NEEDED THAT TOO. Thanks so much, you too!


Elite bib! So exciting! Wish I could say hi before the race but I’m starting a few waves behind you. I’ll just tell myself “I’m running the same place where fast Janae ran!”

Good luck with the long run today! My last long run is Saturday.

Alarm clock time for me between 3-4 am. Sad to say sleeping in is 5:30.


DIANE!!! I would love to see you at the expo or something?! Okay, you wake up daily at that time… HOW DO YOU DO IT?! I feel like I need ten naps already. You are amazing. Happy tapering, you are going to rock it!


That would be fabulous to meet up with you!
I have always been an early riser. Work days I head out early, need to get my workout in.


That’s SO COOL you have an elite bib!! You’re going to do amazing! :)
My in-laws have peach trees in their yard, so a few weeks ago we came home from a visit with almost too many peaches to know what to do with (definitely not complaining :). My two favorite recipes were a salad with peaches, spicy grilled shrimp, avocado, and peppers, and the one below which I made into 2 loaves of bread instead of muffins. So good!


I am honestly drooling over those muffin pictures. And I need that salad right now, thank you so much! Trying both! Have the best day Colleen!


Elite bib!!!!! AWESOME! I can’t wait to hear how the water bottles work b/c I have ALWAYS been fascinated by that perk of being an elite runner….not that I will ever know personally! Way to go!


Thanks so much Bridgette, I will write all about the experience and you never know! Thanks and I hope you are having a great Wednesday!


Paula Deen’s peach cobbler really is the best and it works like magic.

Good luck on your big workout! You are almost there!!!


Yep, I will be making that. Drooling over the picture. Thanks so much Kathy and I hope your day has been really great so far!


An elite bib and your own bottles, that’s pretty cool! Can’t want to see what you can do on that race!

Any alarm that starts with a 5 is too early for me.
By the way, the package I sent you was cleared by customs last saturday but it still hasn’t left that place. I guess it’s going to take a couple of extra days for it to arrive :(


Oh girl! NO WORRIES! I can’t believe you did that… thank you so much! I hope the dog is very loved:) . Ours comes EVERYWHERE with us!


Wowza! Congrats on the elite running status!!! ?? ?‍♀️You get water bottles set out along the way! How neat! This is absolutely amazing and you should be very proud! You earned this girl… enjoy every moment! ☀️?

Once upon a time my job started at 5am and I had to wake up at 4am? ? 4am feels like the middle of the night! ? I had to set an old school alarm clock on the opposite side of the bedroom. The only way for THAT alarm to stop loudly buzzing was to physically get out of bed and turn it off. My phone doubled as a back up alarm. Yep two alarms going off starting at 3:58 am because I had to hit snooze ?.. my poor husband! ??‍♀️❤️

I cringed when I saw that time on your alarm!
I cannot imagine RUNNING at that time!! WAY TO GO! You are one tough cookie ? mmmm I could really go for a cookie! Maybe pumpkin chocolate chip?

I’m a little late to reply to your question regarding rinsing dishes before you put them in the dishwasher but I’ve been meaning to share my two cents. ? I have to rinse dishes before loading them into the dishwasher. The one and only exception to this rule is if I am running the dishwasher that same day. I’m not as strict about rinsing the dishes. If not, my dishwasher smells icky and who needs that!? In a perfect world I would not have to rinse any dishes prior to loading into the dishwasher. Oh yeah and I wouldn’t have to wait for the dishes to dry once the dishwasher stops running!

My sentence of the day is one word: Listen. Too often I start thinking of my response while someone else is talking. This is a habit I need to break so I will focus on listening. Really listening and understanding.

This year has gone by so fast! Your marathon is almost here! In FRIENDS lingo Saturday will be “The One Where Janae PRs St. George”

What do you think of Peter as our next Bachelor? If you could only eat one type of cookie the rest of your life what would it be? Chocolate chunk for me ❤️ ?

Shout out to Andrew for making it to the kids games! I know how hard that can be! Your kiddos will always remember and appreciate that you showed up! ?

Have a great day Janae family ???☀️

(Note I did not proofread this mini book I wrote you ?)


I LOVE the emojis! BEST FRIENDS EPISODE TITLE EVER!!! I have to tell that to Andrew haha.

4 am IS THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!!! How did you survive? Now I need a chocolate chunk cookie! I think Peter will do AWESOME and he seems like a really good guy and a family man! I am fully with you on the rinsing/dishwasher scenario . I am going to be right there with you on your sentence for the day. Thanks so much Sydney, I appreciate you a lot!.


I think the instructions included with every dishwasher should say “Rinse dish completely. Load into dishwasher using your best Tetris skills”

One more thing to share with you! ?

On the very slight chance you have not done this yet;

Google Ross Geller and click on the couch up to four times. Make sure you have your sound on. And then do this with all the Friends characters!

As a fellow friends lover I consider it my duty to make sure every true fan knows this trick! ?


I hate peaches, so no help there:)
Elite?! Woohoo! I bet bottles will be so much easier than cups. The only bottle experience I have is during ultras when I am walking and drinking from them. I bet the hardest part will be locating your specific bottle to drink from each time. Maybe have the kids “dress them up” with ribbons and glitter and stuff? I’m sure they’d love doing that, too.
Have fun on your 20 miler! I agree — anything before 5am is painful unless I’m doing something super fun, like a marathon ;)


Stacey, YOU HATE PEACHES?! WHAT!! Oh that is the best idea ever of having the kids dress them up.. that will give me quite the boost. I guess they radio in who is coming next and have your bottle out and ready for you to grab which should help I hope. Just so thrilled for you and baby #2!


So so excited for your elite bib! You deserve every bit of that, Janae! So happy for you.

I’m definitely trying those brown sugar muffins ASAP.

Before 4:30am seems early to me. I get up 5 days a week at 4:30 to get my run and CrossFit in before work and that used to seem sooo early but now its normal. One minute before that tho and it seems very early hahah

Lastly, I totally need to know where you got that shirt in your last pic running in your house to grab your water bottle:)

Have a great day Janae!


Oh thank you so much Eleanor and I hope you love the muffins! You are my hero for getting up that early 5 days a week. I wonder what time you go to bed? It’s from Madewell… I love it! I can’t find it online anymore (from last year) but they have amazing tops right now! Have the best day!


Are you kidding me?! THIS IS SO COOL! Wowow! This makes me even more excited for you and I didn’t think that was possible!
And I agree with any time before 5. When I have a track workout on the schedule, I set my alarm for 4:45 because I have to get my workout done before the high school boys soccer team shows up -_- And unfortunately, I didn’t get my butt out of bed this morning so I had to do my 5 x 1ks on the road and HOLY MOLY WAS IT HARD. For only being a little more than 800s, it sure felt a lot longer. It was definitely my worst workout of this training cycle so far but I’m trying my very best not to beat myself up about it. I just didn’t have it in me this morning! (I also maybe ran my first two as fast as I possibly could so obviously the following 3 went super duper well ;))

Def keep us posted on your workout today! Hope it went well! (You’re probably already done haha!)


Thank you so much Annie, that means a lot! Oh yes that 4:45 is much too early too. Way to still DO the workout even though you had to do it on the roads. It just made your mental game even stronger now! I hope your next workout is a million times better! Thank you, it went really well wahoo! Have a great day!


I’ve never had anyone give me bottles during a race because I have never been elite, but I am sub-elite at St. George which I am super excited about! I just use the dixie cups for hydration and had to practice a ton before I was able to grab them and drink successfully without spilling all over and chocking :P I haven’t practiced at all since Boston so hopefully I haven’t forgotten how. Not sure if you remember me but I met you during around mile 2 of the race! Good luck at St. George, I can’t wait to see how amazing you do!


AHHH ANNIE! OF COURSE I REMEMBER YOU! I LOVED OUR CONVERSATION:) . I can’t wait to see you again! Keep me updated with how you are feeling and your time goal! You are going to love it.


My daughter is like Brooke. She LOVES pajama day ! She looks forward to that 1 day a year, every year. One year she had to miss it, and we have not heard the end of it. But my nephew was graduating from the Army, so we had a Basic Training graduation and one more. We had to travel out of state for both. One was during pajama day. The hotel closed their pool (it was Labor Day weekend and that’s when they do it no matter how hot it is) and it was 98 degrees out. No pool. No pajama day. She holds it against him and us to this day. haha So from one Momma to another, do not ever miss this important day. There are severe consequences ! lol


Oh she had to miss it… and the closed pool! WORST DAY EVER!! Hahaha I pretty much wrote it on my forehead so that I wouldn’t forget;) . Have the best day Michele!


Elite status is so exciting!! Your hard work is really paying off. I do like peaches to eat straight up, but have never really thought about making recipes with them. We just went to the apple orchard so we’ll be making several pies and I toss them in my salad. Yum!


Send me one of your pies… I bet they are amazing with those apples from the orchard. Thank you so much Lisa, that means a lot. Have a wonderful day!


Wow SO MUCH great stuff in this post! Elite bib and your own water bottle?!?! Woohoo! That is awesome! Is that going to be your race outfit? I NEED to know what that shirt is. Also, I just finished an amazing book called Running to the Edge and your training for this marathon and the results so far totally jives with it…the value of running with a team and pushing yourself to maybe run harder/faster/farther than you really may have dared or even thought to on your own. I MAY be a little excited for your marathon. ;)


The shorts are a yes and for the tank I will be wearing a Runner’s Corner tank for my team. The top was from Lululemon a few years ago… it’s this one:

Oh I have to read that book… that is exactly what is happening for me! Thank you so much Kari, I really appreciate your support. Keep me updated with how you are doing and have a wonderful day!


My sentence for the day…..

When will puppy life be over ?!?!?! I have new found respect for dog owners. We got our first dog 2 1/2 weeks ago and puppy life is all consuming. I’m sure it will get better but ugh! everything!!


Congrats on the new puppy Betsy! They really are SO much work… hoping your puppy let’s you get some sleep and some rest asap!


An elite bib?? That’s so exciting! Are you kidding me, I can barely grab a cup without spilling it all over myself!

Anything that has a 3 in it feels too early. But I guess we do what we have to do! This morning was 4:25am and I’m sure many people would argue that that is too early!

Sentence for today: The husband and I work at the same school and our principal is getting us a sub for the last 3 periods so that we can tutor ag students at the fair!


Thank you so much! Haha I’ll argue that your morning alarm was too early today too;) . I LOVE that you and your husband work in the same school. Enjoy the last three periods together. Have a fabulous day!


Congratulations on the elite bib! That is so amazing! Now, I have a new life goal. (The fact I had absolutely no clue what an elite bib was until I read todays post shows you just how elite I currently am. ?)

I usually get up at 6 in the morning, which I enjoy. Its early, but not crazy. If I could get up at five, I might like that even better, but I can’t get to sleep until about ten these days because I share my house with six kids, and two of them are teenagers. ? Anything before five is way too early for me.

Sentence of the day: Don’t over think it. Sometimes, we get so caught up in the details and fail to see the bigger picture.

Also, sorry to keep asking you questions related to my upcoming race, but what are your feelings on racing with/without a watch? I’m thinking I might try my first watchless race, but I don’t know for sure yet.


NEVER APOLOGIZE!!! I love chatting with you! I think that is a great idea and you can truly go off of feel and effort. How fun! You could also wear your watch and put some tape over the numbers so that you can still see your stats after but you aren’t looking down at your watch. Try it out and see how it feels! Oh I need to zoom out to that big picture too. Have the best night Leah!


How cool you are an elite! And get your water bottles! That would be so nice to drink drink from a paper cup. My last race wasn’t hot but I know I didn’t take in enough fluids because I was used to carrying water bottles with me around my waist but just drank those paper cups in the race and I spill so much of it. I definitely didn’t get in as much fuel as I should have and bonked at the end.
Also, that workout!!’ Go girl! And the time you woke up – dedicated for sure. I haven’t ever done wake ups like that.


Peach dessert. You have to make peach dessert.
And you’re so fast it’s unreal. Proud of you girl!! ?


Hey girl! I have 2 questions for you: 1- what brand are those running gloves? 2- (sorry this one is personal ?) do you wear underwear with those bikers? If not, have you had chaffing issues at all? It’s so humid where I live that chaffing is a huge worry, especially in my “lady region”. But I hate wearing underwear to run! I normally stick to shorts with the mesh liners but I’m very intrigued by these bikers. Thanks for your help!


I think what you meant to say was that you worked hard and *earned* an elite bib this year with your 1:20 half. Don’t sell yourself short. You are completely amazing and inspiring, and I’m always excited to see what you will accomplish next.

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