It Takes 21 Days + How Do You + Training Last Week!

It’s that time of year where we really shouldn’t procrastinate our runs…

I got out a lot later than normal yesterday and during those final miles it was HOT.  I also stopped to talk to a good friend for a while after my warm-up that I ran into and then we saw a biker crash into a runner which was so scary but luckily everyone was okay= I finished much later than usual.

I missed the group workout on Thursday so I decided to do it yesterday and goodness gracious speed is a lot harder for me without my friends now.  They have officially spoiled me!  I did a 4.5 mile w/u and then did a ladder starting at 200m and working up to a mile and then back down again.  My legs are definitely still recovering from the race and hopefully next week I’ll feel some spring in my step again.

Oh and after the 11.2 miles on my own I joined my sister for a mile of her run.

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How do you hydrate during the summer months?  I just brought this little bottle and filled it up at drinking fountains along the way and it worked out well.

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Loved listening to this episode yesterday:

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Knox had a baseball game and afterwards the big kids were pretty grumpy with us so they spent some time weeding.  Luckily our backyard is taken over by weeds because I think wedding is the perfect chore for kids.

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I started a new habit.  In the last 3 weeks since we got home from Disneyland I have eaten out 3 times.  That is a record for me.   I’ve wanted to learn how to cook + save money + make things for Andrew to take to work = I’m not eating out very often and it’s kind of turned into a new habit for me and I like it.

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We also picked up some pink sugar cookies too from Sodalicious.

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We then hit the road to go to Vernal, Ut.  My brother and his family live here and it is about 2.5 hours from our house.  We planned the drive during Skye’s nap time and Brooke joined her in a nap.

My nephew just got home from his mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and he is speaking in church today so we wanted to be there to support him.

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They love the hotel life.

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I was very happy to see some beautiful pairs of Brooks at my brother’s house:)

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And Brooke went straight to their dog when we arrived.

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I hope your Sunday is a great one!


Here is how last week looked.  My half-marathon was 8 days ago so I got in some good recovery along with one trail run and a little speed yesterday!

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Monday:  8 miles @ 9:00 average.

Tuesday:  9 miles @ 8:38 average.

Wednesday:  8.4 miles of trails with 1200 ft of climbing and 2.6 miles on the trails.

Thursday:  Off!

Friday:  Was going to take it off but then had time to get in 5 miles @ 8:40 average.

Saturday:  12.2 miles total with ladder intervals.

Sunday:  Off!

45.2 miles for the week!


What is your Sunday filled with?  

Have you started any new habits lately?

What was your favorite run last week?

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Sunday is sort of low key today. My youngest has a swim play date and my oldest and I are trying to decide what to do this afternoon.

Habits- I guess this is sort of a habit in a way but I am trying to get my girls to help with dinner every night. During the school year my oldest has swimming and dinner is eaten super early but in the summer the girls can help!

Question to throw out there: so I am going through some stress and had a nasty cold and my appetite is just shot and I have an IBS flare. I realized after a month of this that I have dropped a lot of weight. I don’t weigh myself but my pants are almost no longer fitting me.. Exercise is 100% helping my stress but anyone have advice for what to do to balance this all out. When I am doing longer mileage I am taking fuel with me to help. Any advice for accepting your body as you gain weight since I know I am too thin ? I know that needs to happen but I am a female, weight gain stinks!!!


Carrie … I am in a similar place as you BUT what has helped me the most is to remember that if I keep losing weight I will lose the energy needed to keep up my fitness. If you need to take a break from fitness a couple of days a week and maybe going every other day so you can make some “gains” on your off days and then you can still push it in the gym on alternating days! Hope you are able to “regain” your strength! :)


Hey Carrie! I love what Lindsay said… so much truth! I am really sorry about everything going on with the stress and IBS… I can totally relate, that is the worst! ONE DAY AT A TIME! Rather than thinking about the overall need of gaining x amount of lbs just take it a day at a time. I am really working on my worrying and trying to GUESS what my future is going to look like and live where I am right now. So rather than thinking about how you will gain weight over the next few months just think about eating more and moving a bit less TODAY to give your body enough fuel to bounce back from this stressful situation. When I am worrying a lot about physical things I try to remind myself to look out rather than at myself… to focus on those around me rather than myself. As soon as I put my focus elsewhere, I forget about it. This is going to take work but the best things in life (ie being healthy and happy with yourself:) take work and YOU are cut out for hard work Carrie. Getting in enough energy each day will help you to fight this cold and stress and hopefully super bland foods are okay on your IBS! Keep me updated and I’m always here if you need to talk!


Weeding is great but how do you get them to NOT “weed” all the flowers? Zander thinks all flowers are up for grabs (including at the park) because he was weeding dandelions with grandpa…


Oh that is a problem haha! Luckily, we don’t have any flowers in our backyard ha. If I think of a solution I will let you know… Have a wonderful week and enjoy your evening with Zander (I love that name).


Genius weeding idea!! We are spending the morning going through my 4 year olds toys to move some to the attic; she has wayyyyyy too much stuff! My favorite run in the last week was yesterday. I had surgery to repair a labral tear in my right hip a year and a half ago and then 6 months after surgery I got pregnant so running has been not where it used to be. I’m slowly building my endurance back up and yesterday I added 5 minutes to my run making it the longest run in a very long time! I felt good and now that I’m done having babies I’m excited to see where my running will go!


Oh it feels so good to get these organized and put away! I am SO happy that you are back to running again after surgery + pregnancy! You’ve had a very busy 1.5 years! I can’t wait to see where your running goes (please keep me updated) and congrats on your longest run in forever!


My Sunday started with an early morning run and will then continue with church and then some beach time. I am working toward a new habit = getting up earlier and (hopefully) becoming more of a morning person! I want to alter my sleep habits so that I regularly wake up @ 6am and get out the door. I still don’t have the green light for back-to-back runs yet, so I’ve decided to just get out and walk on my off days until I get the ok to run. So far, so good. I’m on day 3, so only 11 more days and I s/b GTG. Wish me luck! One thing that is going to motivate me to stick to it is the fact that nobody was out yet at 6am this morning, there were no cars around, and it was nice and cool!!
Have a great weekend, Janae!!


Yay for mornings! Great idea to keep getting out for walks on your off days to help that habit. GOOD LUCK and keep me updated and I’ll cheer you on. It really is so nice to be out when everyone else is still asleep:) Have a fabulous week Annemarie and I hope the beach was awesome!

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