Tempoing, a Date & This Week’s Training Log!

Tempo runs are my favorite.  I love that medium hard effort and the feeling of accomplishment afterwards… I think tempos always help to boost my confidence too because I see how the times from the workout are going to translate over to race day.

Our coach had us start at the finish line of where our race is on Saturday and run to the start of the race as our warm-up.  It’s a pretty straight shot for the race (just one turn) which made it easy to do the exact course for Saturday.

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Jenn joined us for the first 6 miles too and then we took off our long sleeves (hallelujah) and hid them to come back and get them afterwards.  Our coach told us to stay at about 80% (between a 6:30 and 7:00) effort so that we have time to recover before the race and we stuck to that.  Tempo miles—> 6:46, 6:41, 6:44, 6:40, 6:35 and 6:43… a 6:42 average for the tempo miles.

The miracle of the morning was that we never had to stop once for a light and we probably went through 8 lights along the way.  How that happend, we do not know but I’m grateful because once you stop a tempo it is very hard to start it up again.

No music again and we were chatting a bit through the tempo miles.  I felt a million times better than I did on Friday <— The ups and downs of running.

We finished off with a short cool down for 13 miles total.  I’m wearing my Hyperions and building up my mileage in those so that they will be a great half and marathon shoe for me again.

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Afterwards Skye tried to figure out what in the world bubbles are…

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And then the three of us hung out on the tramp for a while.  I love that it is nice enough outside again to finish a run and hang outside for a bit afterwards.

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Then Skye helped me roll out my legs by adding toys to the mix.

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Andrew prefers going out a bit later on in the morning so he laced up and got out for a run.  He recently switched over to the Glycerins and he says these are his all-time favorite running shoes.

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My sister’s girls came over and I gave them manicures.

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For dinner Andrew and I have wanted to try a restaurant called Lone Star because everyone has told us it is the best Mexican restaurant in Utah…

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And while it was good, I still think that Chunga’s has the best Mexican food in Utah.  BY FAR.

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But it was still delicious and very satisfying.

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And then we hung out at home.

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Here is how training went last week!

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Monday:  10 miles @ 8:05 average

Tuesday: 7.5 miles @ 8:23 average

Wednesday:  Speed with the team.  13 miles total at 7:36 average.  4 mile w/u, 8 x 1000 (1 slightly down, 1 slightly up, 1 slightly down, 1 slightly up, 3 slightly down, 1 flat), c/d.  I think my average for the intervals was around 5:53 pace.  We are ready for our 10k in 6 days.

Thursday: 10 miles + 1100 ft of climbing on the trails @ 9:20 pace.  My legs were exhausted!

Friday:  3 miles @ 9:03 average.

Saturday: 13 miles @ 7:22 average (6 of those at 6:42 average).

Sunday:  Off!

56.5 miles for the week!


What was your best run last week?  Hardest run?

What do you have going on today?!

What is making you happy today?

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It’s great to see how your training has really clicked this last year! I’ve been reading for a long time, and I remember that higher mileage weeks had a tendency to leave you injured (or at the least, on the brink of injury and very uncomfortable). I don’t know enough about running to understand what’s changed, but I’m really happy for you!


Hey thanks Lynn! I totally remember those days… I am so happy that I’m able to bump up the mileage injury and pain free now:) . I think what has changed is just taking my easy days truly easy, a full rest day each week, eating enough to fuel my running and strength training! I hope you have a fabulous Sunday and keep in touch please.


My best run this week was yesterday. 8 miles on a trail that to and around a little lake. I couldn’t decide if I wanted to listen to a podcast or music… Ended up not listening to anything and thuroughly enjoyed my run!! It was so peaceful and happy. I haven’t run this rout in quite a while, and I have definitely missed it!
Today is supposed to really cool and cloudy again, boo! But hopefully we’ll get more yard clean up done before the rain!
Enjoy your Sunday off!! ?


HEY WENDY! I am so glad that you had such a great run yesterday… I bet the scenery on that run was stunning. Enjoy the yard clean up and some relaxation. Thanks so much!


That Mexican food looks delicious! I went to the gym this morning for a cardio workout. I was going to take a yoga class but the Calgary marathon is today and both the studios I go to are going to be tough to get to because of the course. I don’t mind though cause it’s always so much fun to see so many people out racing today.


I agree, it’s the best seeing everyone out there racing! I hope you are having a fabulous day Fiona and that you get in some good Mexican food soon:)

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