Silentish Saturday

Gorgeous morning run.

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Morning hair.  And one of our craziest mornings ever (Beretta got out of our backyard so a good chunk of time was spent looking for her and we found her).

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Burn Bootcamp later on… Need to get some strength for these summer races.

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Knox told me I should do my hair ‘soggy’ more often (aka wet hair) and Skye completely won the battle of SKIPPING HER NAP (<— this better not be a thing).

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Time outside in her romper.

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Date night!

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Spitz for dinner… that dish behind my salad is filled with the most delicious fries you will ever eat!  We split it.

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He always wins at air hockey.

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And I always beat him in basketball.

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Last Course for Brownie Batter ice cream.

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Finished off with some good ol’ jump roping.

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Time to catch up on some sleep (I HAVE NOT BEEN SLEEPING WELL LATELY!?!)

1 week until the Indy Mini… I cannot wait to be around a million runners again.

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Tell me three things that you are doing today!!

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Today, I am resting, carb loading, and hydrating! I have a half marathon tomorrow that I have have trained hard for! It’s my first half marathon since having my daughter last year! I can’t wait!


GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!! You can do hard things… do not forget that tomorrow. I’m so excited for you to see your little girl after you finish, it is such a good feeling. Please let me know how it goes after!


Running with friends, lots of errands, time with my kids, baking, date night with hubby and probably ordering that Run Wild sweatshirt you posted about yesterday. Any coupon codes for Indy Brand? And yes, I know that is more than 3 things:)


Sounds like an awesome day girl! Enjoy that date:) . I wish I had a coupon code or discount… it is pricey!! I hope you love it so much and have a beautiful day!


Sorry you aren’t sleeping well lately! That’s really the worst. ? Try this:
Game changer, life changer. And if not, at least you’ll be soft and smell really good! ? Seriously though. My youngest is an over-thinker and I got it for him to help him unwind and it’s seriously his favorite part of the day now. And I totally have to skim some off the top too. ?

Today I’m seeing Endgame with my kids (mixed emotions about that), starting the car shopping process to replace my van (mixed emotions about that), working on making a piece of jewelry for my mom out of smashed china pieces (my happy place…excited about that, haha).

Have a great weekend, Janae!


That stuff looks amazing. I need to get this! So many mixed emotions… what kind of car are you going to get? You need to show me the finished product for the jewelry! Thanks Michelle, you too!


I walked 4.16 miles at sunrise this morning —the colors were beautiful! Birds were singing all around me and there was just a slight breeze in the 38 degree air. I’m supposed to be going to a ceramics class later this morning. BUT we might be shoveling snow instead. My tulips and daffodils may be covered with 4 – 7 inches of “heavy wet snow” by the time this evening. We’re in northern Illinois, so the weather changes rapidly this time of year. Last Sunday the temp was 80.
I’m hoping the weather will be much better two weeks from today, for my first race of the season!


Susie, I am so happy that you had such a beautiful morning… there is nothing like being outside to see the sunrise! I’m really hoping that the snow doesn’t happen! Crossing my fingers for you and so excited for your first race of the season soon. Please let me know how it goes!


I cannot stop laughing at the soggy hair comment from Knox. Love that term. ha
1. Taking my daughter to the 1st horse riding lessons of the season for this year. YAY, we are all excited, she loves it so much.
2. Tidying up and getting a little work done.
3. Hopefully getting a treadmill run in (raining & possible snow today, ARG) and doing nails with daughter & her friends.


Long run
Egg McMuffin


Erica, now you have me craving an Egg McMuffin. Enjoy that nap, sounds so so good right now!


Hahah I know… it might motivate me to wash my hair more often now;) . OH NO WAY… I keep trying to find a place for Brooke to start over here. I’m so happy for her and you guys! Possible snow.. what?! Enjoy Michele!


Got a run in with my puppy before Chicago gets hit with SNOW?!?!? I’m also taking my puppy to the vet today and going to the grocery store.

I’m running a half marathon three weeks from tomorrow and I can’t wait!


SNOW?!? What is happening? A lot of you guys are expecting snow… booo! Three weeks (and hopefully there won’t be snow then)… I’m so excited for you and can’t wait to hear all about it!


I have not been sleeping well either! That is so not a good thing. Hopefully good sleep will return soon, for both of us!
Today will be a short-ish run, followed by day 27 of this 30 day ab challenge!! Wowzers it is tough in these final days. But I am feeling stronger! Then lots of yard work.
Tonight, though, is senior prom for my oldest!! I cannot believe it! He and his friends are going to have such a great time!
So glad you guys found Barretta!! Silly doggo! Stay in the yard ?
Happy Saturday!


I hope that you are sleeping better soon Wendy and look at you rocking that ab challenge. You are so so strong. Thanks Wendy, you too!


We drove to France today for a week’s holiday. It’s about 900 kilometers from where we live. I just unpacked and made the beds. I’m looking forward to a barbecue this evening and running some hills tomorrow. And it’s our King’s birthday today. Have a great weekend!


So so cool Eva!! Can we come join you?! ENJOY!


5 mile run this morning!!! Taking Haley to watch her friends T-ball game and then probably laundry :) and maybe some yoga!!

I’ve been struggling with sleep lately and for some reason I can’t fall asleep unless I wear ear plugs!! Its so strange because I’ve always been really good at sleeping :)


I might need to try the ear plug thing. I just need something to stop my brain lately haha. Enjoy the game and yoga. Thanks Lisa!


I ran the Illinois half marathon this morning and missed a PR by 7 seconds…..I shouldn’t of stopped to stretch! Still a great race!
Now to go home and get my oldest prepped for prom tonight – I am hosting him an all of his friends for dinner beforehand.
Cannot wait for you to be in Indy!
Have a great weekend!!!!


You were so close! Congrats on an incredible race this morning Katrina and that PR is YOURS at the next one. Enjoy hosting, you are such a great mom. Recover well Katrina and way to go!


I’m sure someone has told you this already, but just in case they haven’t – make sure to kiss the bricks at the Indy Mini! You go into the Indianapolis Motor Speedway around mile 6.5 and the Yard of Bricks is the finish line for the Indy 500. The winning driver and his or her team always kiss the bricks and lots of runners do too!!


Nobody has told me this!!! I had no idea and I totally will…. thank you so much Kaylie! Have the best day:)


Hello! Congratulations to you and Andrew, I have been following along with HRG daily since 2015 and I am so so happy for you? I ran the Cap City half in Columbus this weekend and I tried smiling a lot more during the race, which made it so much more fun! Was not trying to PR, just ran it for the joy of running. I am going to visit my sister who is in medical school at Cincinnati and eat lots of good food! I will also hopefully get a chance to catch up on some reading while she studies. Thank you so much for continuing to be inspiring and REAL on this blog, It’s a true joy to read. Have a good one!


ARIEL. Your comment just made my day. CONGRATS on such a happy and enjoyable race. Nothing like that! Enjoy your time with your sister (Andrew lived in Cincinnati for two years and he loved the food so much)! Thank you for what you said, you are the best. Have a wonderful day!


Janae, I bought a koala clip after you have talked about it so much and took it for my 9 mile run this am. It was AMAZING! I am so so happy I got one! Other things I’m doing today include a concert tonight (Dan Hubbard is a local guy who is great, he just released his new album and his song Run To the River is going in my running playlist) and before the show hopefully getting in a good stretch and nap.


Oh that makes me so so happy! It seriously is the best! I hope you have the best time at the concert and great run!


That opening photo is incredible! How beautiful!!!

The no nap thing better be a one shot wonder, right?!

Mountain bike ride
errands (putting a care package together for my college daughter)


Thank you!!! I am really hoping… but today’s was very short so I hope this isn’t a thing?!?! I hope your ride was awesome!


Long run, food shop and cleaning my house. A fun Saturday! It’s been crazy windy here in the UK today and my legs are already so tired. I would love to hear how you push through hard workouts!

PS- I love your blog. I’ve followed you for the past 6 years and you are amazing!


Oh thank you so so much Stephanie! Sometimes I adjust the paces/distance a bit if my legs are too dead. Just think though, pushing through the legs that are tired is going to make them that much stronger for race day when you have to push through tired legs. YOU’VE GOT THIS. You are stronger than you think!


Three things… ran a very rainy/cold/windy 10k “fun run”, finishing the new episodes of Sabrina on Netflix, and going to see Avengers Endgame!


Way to go on your 10k in some terrible conditions haha. Enjoy the movie tonight and let me know what you think!


I live in Indy! The mini is so fun. I hope you have a little time to run around the city. There are tons of great restaurants downtown!!


I can’t wait! Thanks so much Michelle!


You are going to love running in Indy! I’ve run it a couple of times and being on the Indy track is awesome!!! Indiannapolis is a fantastic city. Enjoy! And say hi to the elephant as you run past the zoo. She is usually out there. And be sure to smile at the photographers on the track. They take great pictures. Here’s mine! :) Good Luck!


Your recap made me even more excited and THAT PICTURE IS PERFECT!! Love it, thank you for sharing!


8 miles in prep for the Mini Indy, my first (and probably only) race ever. It’s part of my post-divorce, I-can-do-hard-things recovery strategy ;) Also, icing my heels (achilles tendonitis). Also, feeling all kinds of determined and a little nervous and then some more determined. If I see you in Indy, I’ll high-five you for your smores bars recipe because it has become one of my favorite things ever.


Janae – I am not a good sleeper, but for the past few months I have been taking magnesium before bed. I take about 200mg and it works brilliantly every time. There has been some research into it and this is a safe dose. Anyway worth thinking about.


Hey! I am wondering how are you liking Burn Boot Camp? We have a couple that just opened in my area and I’m thinking of signing up for the summer months- I am a teacher and coach in the school year so the summer gives me more free time for my own workouts but its really hot here in S Florida- so gym it is! I am liking that they have childcare, so I can bring my daughter with me. Have you found the workouts and childcare to be good?

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