*Skye 15ish Months*

Skye is a little over 15 months now and getting more and more fun and animated by the hour.

*Her neck strength from shaking her head no hundreds of times each day is quite remarkable.

*Her least favorite thing in the world = getting her nose wiped.  You’d think it was the end of the world each and every time we do it for her:)

*Her favorite thing in the world= blankets.

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*She will do anything for one packet of yogurt (we buy the Stonyfield Kids ones at Costco).  They are her favorite.

Oh and blackberries are a big deal to her too.

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*I see so much of Knox in Skye lately!

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*Sometimes Skye’s toys will randomly turn on in the toy basket behind my desk and start talking/playing music and it scares me half to death while I’m working when she is napping.

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*She continues to make sure that Andrew and I do not touch whenever she is in the room.  She crawls over so fast to get in the middle, haha.

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*She is all about exploring every square inch of our house.  A dark cupboard does not scare her.

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*Playing with her cousins like a champ!

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*When the kids get home from school they go straight to Skye before doing anything else.

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*She prefers us carrying her everywhere or crawling but every now and then she will take a step or two.  She can walk but she is just not that into it.

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*Some days she will take one nap and some days she will take two.  I don’t really mind what her napping schedule is because of the fact she sleeps from 7 pm-8ish am every day.

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*How Skye communicates to us that she is bored of a book.

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*Brooke’s toys > any of her toys in her opinion.  If she can find her way into Brooke’s room while Brooke is at school then she is in heaven.  I need to work on teaching her about the grass is not greener principle so she can love her toys more;)

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*Second to Brooke’s toys, my makeup bag is her other favorite toy.  She can sneak into my bathroom so fast to get into it.

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*And her third favorite toy is this thing.  She loves it.

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*Skye is obsessed with music.  Whenever it comes on she gets a big smile and starts dancing.

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*Skye loves to twist around her tongue like she is doing in the picture below.

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*Brooke put Skye up on the stool to sit next to Andrew while they were building legos and she thought she was the coolest thing on the block sitting there all by herself (with us standing right by her:).

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*Skye is very good at teasing us and shaking her head no when one of us comes to hold her.  She starts laughing as soon as she starts shaking her head no at us.

*Skye loves climbing everything you could imagine.  At church her mission is to climb up onto every empty chair within a mile.

*Skye’s crawl when she realizes we are coming over to stop her from doing something is like a bullet.

*Because you can never be too prepared with Skye… Keeping 485 pacifiers in the car at all times is a very good idea.  Also, Skye does not like the car anytime we drive somewhere that takes longer than 6 minutes to get there.

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*Skye does not like it when Andrew and the big kids wrestle.  She puts an end to it really fast.

*Skye says:  Mama (sometimes yelled and sometimes nicely;), Dada, dog, here you go, GO, Booke and NO.

*She is still rocking those open mouth kisses.

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Anyone reading pregnant right now?  How far along are you?  How are you feeling?

Parents reading… what were some of your kids first words?

What about some of their favorite things and least favorite things?

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Me with my first! I am only 7 weeks so hardly anyone knows but its fun to put it on a blog post that my family doesn’t know about hahaha. I am feeling good so far, just a little nausea if I get too hungry and a little anxiety because it is still so early and anything could happen. The first ultrasound is in a week so hopefully all is well then we will be comfortable telling family around Easter.
I have been reading your old posts about exercising while pregnant and I am really going to try to be healthy. So far I am just doing lots of long walks and light weight training and once I get through these scary first few weeks I will get back to jogging (I know this is just in my head and my doctor told me to keep up whatever I have been doing).
Skye is such a cutie! It is so fun watching your family grow.


KRYSTA!!!! CONGRATULATIONS! I love that we are some of the first people to know:) I won’t tell anyone;) I am thrilled for you and please keep me updated with how are doing and I am so glad you are feeling good so far. Have a wonderful night!


She is so adorable! It is so cute to see their little personalities grow by the day.

My 2 year old is still addicted to her pacis, I honestly don’t know where they all disappear to. I can 5 find lying around but when it’s time to go or time for bed we can’t find any :)

PS- hope your cold goes away and you start feeling better ASAP!!


Bahaha right… just when you need one all 30 of them disappear. Thank you so much Pam! I hope you and your two year old are having a great evening!


Hope’s first word was mama and after that bottle. Me and food might be her 2 favorite things (and she is 4). Funny.

Skye is adorable!


Mom and food… I get it! Her two favorites for sure:) Have a beautiful night with Chris and Hope tonight!


Love the Skye updates! She’s so funny! I can’t wait til my baby starts getting his/her own little personality. I am 21.5 weeks pregnant with my first and we are being surprised if it’s not/girl :) I teach fitness classes and am still teaching – Body Pump mostly and I coach HIIT (I could not do HIIT right now if I tried! Haha. More than 1 or 2 burpees, NOPE) Now that my students know I’m pregnant I get a lot of encouragement and “wow you’re strong!” And “this is going to make delivery sooo easy for you!” I hope so. I was teaching more cardio stuff but had to cut back on it and also running was just not appealing at all to me very early in with all the bouncing. I hope to pick it back up after. Right now I’m just feeling good with slower stuff because my HR still gets up! And I’m just glad I’m out of the icky first trimester. I wasn’t that sick – except for when I was about 7w my blood pressure got too low and I fainted on a flight (since then I learned how to watch it ) just lots of things weren’t appealing and I had to keep eating to not feel nauseous. Haha. Now I can’t eat too much or I get heartburn!


Caroline! AHHH congrats! Oh that is so exciting that you guys are going to be surprised. You better let me know! So cool that you are still teaching so much and doing the best thing for you (adios bouncing)! So happy that you are feeling better and hopefully the heartburn lessens. Have a great night!


How awful is it that I can not for the life of me remember my daughter’s first word!?! My husband and I need to make it up and make sure we have our stories straight :)


That’s not awful at all! I just had it written down. I can’t even remember what I ate yesterday! Have a wonderful week Liz!


Skye is so adorable! She definitely looks up to her big bro and sis, and they adore her!
I’m 39 weeks now! Excited and so anxious to meet my little girl! I’m frantically reading my baby books like I’m cramming for finals, but I’m trying to relax and enjoy the journey of becoming a mama.


AHHH JENNY!! You are so so close. I hope you are feeling well and getting plenty of sleep. I would love to hear updates on how you are doing, how delivery goes etc. So thrilled for you. You are going to be amazing!


I’m currently 10.5 weeks with our second! We have been trying for #2 for almost 2 years and it is so great to be able to finally say we are pregnant with a healthy little one! I have been battling terrible morning (all day) sickness- it’s hard, especially because I teach high school! I am remembering each time I feel awful that I prayed for this!! Hoping the second trimester brings an ease to it, but if not, October will be my end goal! Ha!


TANNA!!! I AM THRILLED FOR YOU GUYS! This is so exciting. I am so sorry about your all day sickness though… so hard. I remember sleeping under my desk every day after school when I was pregnant with Brooke and teaching. I hope today you feel a little bit better and congrats again!


My little one is 17 months! One of his first words was “shoes” and his big brother’s was “duck” (which my youngest calls a “guck”). Mine was “apple.” But, the best has to be my nephew’s….”donut!”


Apple/shoes/duck… and DONUT was your nephew’s. You and your family all have the best first words… so creative compared to the normal ones. I love it!


I am 11 weeks pregnant today (with a BOY- we had bloodwork done)! First baby here and have a doctors appt tomorrow which I am anxious for. So far I have been VERY lucky that I have had no nausea or morning sickness. Just tired more easily and it seems like my asthma which was mostly nonexistent unless I was sick has come full front and center when I want to workout. I do Burn Bootcamp and I have to skip all the cardio days and stick to strength training only based off of the fact I cant breathe after 3 minutes of alot of moving! It is so sad and I hate being limited- going to talk to my doctor about the issues tomorrow! :) Skye is getting SO big! I cant believe she is already 15 months.


A BOY!!! I am so thrilled for you Stephanie! I hope your appointment tomorrow goes perfectly. So happy that you’ve skipped the nausea. Yay for Burn (I’ve been wondering if I could still do that if we get to have another baby!). Let me know what your doctor tells you. Thanks Stephanie!


Oh she is adorable!! This whole post had me cracking up. Especially your picture of her with the toilet paper unrolled haha. My daughter is a 13 months and is as busy and hilarious as your sweet Skye. Such a fun, exhausting stage!!


Oh your 13 month old sounds so fun! It sure is… I crash every night hah. Have a beautiful day Arrienne!


I am just over 18 weeks with our second baby girl. Our first, Harper, is 17 months. So we will move into our new house in May and then in August we will welcome baby #2 and have a newborn and a 22 month old. We are crazy! But so very blessed and excited.
My daughter says so many things but her favorite words are Tank (our dog), No, Juju (her grandma), and Mo Mo (she loves Moana). She also dances all of the time, even in her car seat. I’ll be driving and see it start to shake and she’s back there smiling and moving all around!
Skye is getting so big. I think she looks a lot like Knox, but she’s a good mix of everyone. Good luck on your upcoming race.


Megan, you have so many things going on and I am so thrilled for you! PS I love the name Harper. So exciting. I love her little language. She sounds like a blast! Have a wonderful day!


Your family is so beautiful – I come to your blog to get uplifted everyday and you never disappoint. You are an inspiration as a mother and a runner. all the best to you.


Wow, thank you so much for your sweet comment Kristen and PLEASE keep in touch! I hope you have a wonderful Tuesday!


Could you do a day in the life of Skye post? I have a 14 month old and we’re having some issues with sleeping. I would love to know what time Skye eats meals, how often she has a snack, how often/much milk she is offered, and how you get her to sleep 1-2 naps per day plus 7pm-8am!!!

My daughter refuses to take a nap longer then 30 minutes a day, and will typically only sleep from 7pm-5:30am. I just wonder if we should be feeding her more often or at different times as well as if she should be drinking more milk.

Her first words were Mama, Daddy. She can also say Ball, No, Yes, Milk, Doggy, and Papa!


I absolutely will! That is a fabulous idea. I think the sleeping part is not because I did anything right but because it is in our DNA. Me, Brooke and Skye can sleep FOREVER. Andrew says sleeping is my favorite hobby. I will get working on a day in the life post with Skye though so you can see how it works out with us. Good luck! She has all sorts of words that she is saying!! Have a wonderful day Kristy.


Skye is such a cutie & so very busy :) Her sleep habits sound wonderful! My goal is to sleep 12 hours again someday ~ha ha~ (I’d settle for 10)
I’m way past the baby stage now, but I remember their first words: oldest = Mama, middle = Dada, youngest = Ball
Have a fun day!


I just started my third trimester with my first! I’ve been feeling so crummy I wonder why anyone would want to do this more than once haha. Currently I have pregnancy induced carpal tunnel which is the absolute worst. I’m thankful I only have about 2.5 months to go and cannot wait to meet this little human who has been kicking me in the bladder for the last several months :)
I would love to see a post on (selfish request coming lol) recommended/favorite baby items! There are so many things out there, it’s tough to know what to pick and what might be overrated!


My guy is just over 15 months too. He has also taken steps but prefers to crawl at super sonic speeds around the house. I’m thinking that when all the snow melts (there is still at least 2 feet in our yard) he’ll be more into walking. His first words were “roof roof”- our dog and the neighbors dog are constantly barking at each other.
Love the Skye updates, thank you for sharing. Sending energetic healing thoughts to you!


I am almost 31 weeks with my first! We prayed for this one for a long time, so we are so excited to meet him in May :)


I’m pregnant! Due May 9 (just published my second trimester overview here: https://www.areweadultsyet.com/2019/03/16/the-second-trimester/) and counting down the days to meet our little guy!



21 weeks pregnant with my first – a boy!!! Due July 28th. I love reading your updates because now I can see into my future :)


I love reading your Skye updates!! I had my son in January 2018 -very shortly after you had Skye! They are similar in a lot of ways (shaking head no, love for berries (though he favors blueberries!) and he loves when music is playing. Sometimes playing his CD in the car helps with his annoyance at being trapped in the carseat. Haha! The main difference between them at this stage (it seems) is that he is super speedy on his feet and wants to get down to walk after being in my arms for 2.5 seconds (nooo! i miss the cuddles!). Loving this stage!!


Hi Janae! I’m 11 weeks pregnant with my first baby. I often go back and read your pregnancy and post-pregnancy posts. Your positivity (especially body positivity) is so inspirational and helpful to me! I haven’t been able to be as active as I would like to because I’ve been feeling sick, and you remind me to be kind to myself, so I just wanted to say THANK YOU! :)


SHE IS SO CUTE!! My little guy was shaking his head “no” incessantly about a month ago, but recently, he’s started adding in a “yes” every now and then :)

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