Friday Favorites + My 50 Playlist!

I just can’t get over how nice it is now to be able to just go for a walk whenever we want to outside.  We had a long winter and we are just going to celebrate spring as much as possible.

It was crazy sock day at school yesterday and this is about as crazy as our socks get over here.

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My sister and I got busy making pizzas for dinner.  We celebrated Andrew and my mom’s birthday last night!  Her recipe for this pizza is HERE.

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Opening Day = Andrew’s happiness!

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Turns out the exhaustion from the ultra is kicking in a bit… Knox asked me why I was wearing different shoes after I had been wearing around these two shoes for THIRTY minutes without realizing they were different shoes.

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They thought I was pretty cool for climbing to the top of the monkey bars with them.

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And then we had everyone over for dinner…

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+ Cake and ice cream.

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Time for a few Friday Favorites (affiliate links included)!!

*Andrew and I were over at a friend’s house earlier this week and they had THIS ICE CREAM SET . Brooke and Skye went crazy over it and played with it non-stop the entire time.  These friends were telling me it was one of their top two most played with toys in their house so I ordered one for our house.

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They haven’t stopped playing with it but I always feel a little bad when Skye assumes that it is real ice cream.

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*The Tootsie Roll Eggs are officially the best Easter candy on the market.  I will stand by this opinion of mine forever.  Thanks Maggie for sending them over:)

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*I get a lot of questions from people wondering how I hold my phone when I run—>  Koala Clip.  It is the absolute best and you don’t even feel it on your back (plus it is easy to access when you need it).

You can use code HRG10 to get 10% off!

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*During the spring/summer I usually wear shoes like these most days and good pairs of no-show socks are necessary for me. These are my favorites.

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*Megan D sent this to me the day after my race and it made me laugh so hard.  We do know we don’t have to do this right?

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*Skye’s Friday favorite, she got a drop of my coke on her finger and this was her reaction to how it tasted when I wasn’t paying attention.  I get it Skye but you won’t get another taste of that for a few decades;).  I’ve told you this already but seriously, nothing tasted better than soda during those final miles and afterwards.  I wanted to take a bath in it.

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*MY PLAYLIST!  I loved it, I sang to it and it was just what I needed.  Toby sent me this song beforehand and I must have listened to it a dozen times.  I felt like Sara Bareilles was speaking to my soul as I was doing something UNCHARTED for me during the race.

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Here was the rest of my playlist with some very random throwbacks that I know every word to (and the dance… I’m looking at you Soulja Boy):

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Have any favorite things from this week?

What type of shoes do you wear most often outside of running?

Looking forward to anything this weekend?

What’s your run today?  Anyone have a long run this weekend?

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Thank you for the Koala Clip rec!!!! I’ve been looking for a solution now that the weather is warmer and I can’t put everything in my jacket. It doesn’t chafe or get your phone all sweaty??


I am not Janae (obviously), but wanted to give my feedback on the Koala Clip. I have been using the Koala Clip for about 4 months now….I have not had any chafing problems. As for sweat… short no, my phone does get sweat on it. For me….what I discovered was that if I placed the phone in the pouch with the screen away from my back, then no sweat. If I forget and the screen is facing my back, then the phone will/can end up with sweat. I am about to buy another 1 (or two) KC’s because I have grown to love it so much!


Hey!!! I totally agree with Aimee.. if I face the screen out then it doesn’t get any sweat on it (just on the back of my case)! I’ve never even had a little bit of chafing with it either (it doesn’t move at all:) have a great weekend!


Thank you both for the feedback, that is super helpful!!!!!


Hey Janae~
I am dying to try those Tootsie Roll eggs! Why do the really good things have to be so darned hard to find?!
Glad you are recovering from your big race–too funny about the shoes. Again, so so proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shoes I wear outside of running in the summer—Oofos (good for the feet!), Birks (good for the feet!), and Jack Rogers sandals (not so good for the feet!) ha ha

My run today is just 5 and then I’ll head to hot yoga afterward–yay yay yay! And, it’s supposed to be 67 degrees here today. I HEAR YA 100% on the LONG winter. It was that way here in PA, too, and I am so ready for springtime and shorts weather!!!!

Favorite things this week—-okay, this is a candy that a local candy shop makes. It’s a rice krispy “nest” covered in chocolate with tinted yellow/green coconut stuck on top and jelly beans stuck on top, too—Easter nests. SO SO good. I’m also rocking a $27 Target dress today that was on sale for $22 last weekend!

It actually looks better in person than on that model picture though (no offense to the model!!!!). I can find really good things at Target when I really look around!!!

Have a great weekend! Enjoy the sun and warmth!!!!!


They are so hard to find because they are ridiculously good haha! I hope your run and hot yoga were great today. PS I spoke too soon.. we woke up to a little snow today ha! That dress is soooo cute. Seriously, you can really find some great things at Target! I need that nest! Have a beautiful weekend Jen!


I have a little make up set like the ice cream set and now I want to get the ice cream set for my kids haha.

At least you caught that your shoes were different that quick, my mom did that once and didn’t notice until we had been in public for a good hour hahaha. She was so embarrassed. Luckily they were both a dark color so maybe no one else noticed either.

Do you know where Maggie found the tootsie roll eggs??


Her dad works with tootsie roll so she sent them from there! Get the ice cream set.. it’s so fun! Hahah I’m glad no one else noticed! Have a great weekend girl!


I do not get the appeal to watching baseball. Those games NEVER end!!

You have so much experience and I need advice!! Anything you’ve got I’d appreciate because I’m new to this! My marathon training has been going really well BUT a few weeks ago I had some left IT band issues. I felt it and stopped running right away and took the next week and a half off from running. So at that point I had done 16, 18, 8. So I skipped the 16 that was that weekend. I did my 18 this past weekend. I felt great except about 1/3 of the way in I landed funny on my left leg and the same feeling started again. But it went away so I kept going. Then about 2/3 in it started coming and going. I finished and felt GREAT and super bouncy like I could’ve finished the full 26.2 except for that nagging ache. This weekend was supposed to be 20, then 10, then race. I’ve been doing the elliptical and my spin bike. So I was thinking this weekend I should do something for 3 hours (is that dumb) like the elliptical? Do you have any advice? This is only my second marathon ever so I don’t have the confidence/experience going into it to feel ok and at ease with not running for the next two weeks. What do you think??


Girl! I am so so sorry about your left it band.. that is so frustrating after training so hard and so well leading up to it! Have you tried new shoes, the classic it stretches, physical therapy, scraping? For me personally, I would be fine doing cross training for three hours at this point in training (I took five weeks off from running and only pool ran leading up to the race)! Can you try pool running? I personally think it is totally okay but I can’t recommend anything because I am not trained in this but for me, I would be totally okay doing that! Good luck and will you PLEASE keep me updated with how it is going?


By no means an expert, I’m 56 and find I really have to stay on top of strength training to keep my IT bands happy. I use the ITB rehab routine on Jason Fitzgerald’s website. If I do that workout at least twice a week, I can go through a marathon training cycle with no problems. If I get lazy about it, I pay the price.

Janae, I have loved following your ultra training cycle! I came to your site late, so I plan to go back to the beginning of it. My running buddies and I are planning our first ultra (50K). We live basically at sea level, so no big elevation to contend with. More likely tree roots, mud, and alligators!


That is so good to hear! I’ve been so excited for this race to get it done and then make a goal for my fall race. I will for sure let you know how it goes. Hopefully the stretching, cross training and strength training get me through it. And Angela, I hadn’t heard of that program so thank you! I just bookmarked it to do when we get home. Good luck with your ultra. You are brave to run with gators haha! I lived in across the river from Augusta Ga and toyed with the idea of the half Ironman there and even though I know that with so many people swimming they wouldn’t be an issue, they are still the first thought I have when I think of it! Have a great weekend :)


I did a few longer trail races a few years ago and agree that Coke in the later miles was amazing! Also my friend who did a bunch of ultras told me about potatoes dipped in salt and those + the soda definitely brought me back to life on multiple occasions.

I have a half marathon this weekend and am hoping for a big PR so I am definitely trying to work on my mental game this week! I read your 50 miler recap and re-read your St. George recap from last year to get some inspiration for what to do when things get hard! I also just finished my playlist for the race but may have to go back and look at yours and add a few extra songs :-)


Diana!!! I am cheering you on big time! You can and you will get that PR ahhh! Please let me know how it goes afterwards!


I love wearing TOMS for casual, but for work I’ve gotten a couple pairs of flats from Old Navy. They are super affordable and comfy! Like $25 regularly, but they always have sales so you can get them for $10-15.

I need to go find those Tootsie Rolls! And I want to get some Reeses eggs, the best Easter candy!


Oh I love Toms so much! I’ll have to try out the old navy flats.. thanks Mariah! Let me know what you think of the tootsie roll eggs! Have a wonderful weekend!


Thank you for the sock recommendation! I always want to wear cute shoes like that but I have pretty rank feet (TMI but we’re all honest here) and need socks. I rarely wear shoes except athletic shoes since I work from home. So maybe flip flops for quick errands?


I am right there with you.. my feet need socks unless I am wearing sandals ha! Have a beautiful weekend Kristen!


Oh my gosh Janae, so I have to tell you this. I was on the elliptical yesterday and needed a 40 min podcast to listen to and I realized I listened to your 2017 episode on Ali on the Run and had 35 mins left still so I wanted to finish that. WELL you should go back and listen to it. You were still prego with Skye and talking about how your goal was still sub 3… a spring 2019 marathon;). Yet, here you are with a sub 3 in 2018 instead of 2019 and an ULTRA in spring 2019. Annnnd you mentioned how Dec and Jan are brutal so you wouldn’t be running those months, hahahah. What a change!! So amazing how you conquered your goals even before you imagined. So it was cool to look back and hear that.

Ive never had a tootsie roll egg, is it just like a tootsie roll in an egg shape??

my new favorite work shoes for outside of running are these—> Clarks Women’s Juliet Loafer. I swear they are helping heal my tendinitis/plantar because when I put them on the support makes the pain go away:) For sandals I wear Chachos, they are the most supportive! I’m looking to get a “trainer” type shoe instead of run shoe for walking and for adding strengths, so if you use any of those and have ideas let me know!!

I’m looking forward to seeing all my friends race at the local 5k/10k race this weekend. Although I had to sit this one out I can’t wait to see them and cheer them on! It has been hard not being with them 3x a week running so it’ll be fun to see them and grab brunch after!!

Hope you have a great weekend!!


Oh my goodness, I forgot about that episode! Things have been happening a lot faster than I expected that’s for sure, thanks for reminding me of that Eleanor! The texture is so much different with these eggs.. a crunchy shell and softer inside, so so good! Oh I am so glad those shoes are helping your feet.. that is HUGE and they are so so cute! Your friends are so lucky to have you there cheering them on. Enjoy and thanks again!


This might be the year I get a Koala clip! I *hate* anything bouncing on my hips, bu I always carry my phone for safety. I wish they had that floral pattern on their website though!!

4-5 easy for me today, and 8-10 tomorrow. This has been the busiest work week ever, but it’s because I’m preparing to be out all next week for a vacation in northern CA so I’m beyond excited to start packing for that!

I wear Haflinger clogs around the house, Birkenstocks all summer, and in winter I pretty much live in LL Bean duck boots since it’s so sloppy and/or cold in MN for 5-6 months out of the year. :)


Oh girl, you will love the koala clip then.. no bouncing! Vacation next week! I’m so excited for you! Have the best time and enjoy the relaxation after a busy week. Good luck on the 8-10 tomorrow!


I like my Koala Clip too for running when I don’t want to carry anything. I’m always looking for new music so I added a bunch of my playlist too.

I don’t even know what I wear for shoes outside of running shoes. I guess working in run specialty doesn’t help LOL. Anyway, I have a pair of superfeet boots I love then several pairs of heels when I’m working on base. I guess Birkenstocks in the summer when it’s warmer.


Your feet are probably so so happy being in running shoes all of the time! I hope you have a beautiful weekend Hollie!


Happy Friday, Janae! I’ve been thinking about getting the koala clip for a while, but have a couple questions. Maybe you can answer them since you’ve used it. I assume if you want to listen to music off your phone with the koala clip, you have to have wireless headphones, right? That’s one of the things that has stopped me from getting it because I don’t have wireless headphones. Also, does it only work with certain kinds of sports bras? Or can it clip onto your bra no matter the shape of the back of it?

Thanks for your insights!


Hey!!! Great question Kelli! Yes, I think you have to use wireless headphones with them (I guess you could just not zip it all of the way for your headphone chord though)! I have a million different shapes of sports bras in the back and the koala clip works with all of them! I think it works with every shape! Have a great day and let me know if you have any other questions!


I’ve always used my flip belt for my phone. Except now the iphone’s are so huge sometimes I feel like i’m wearing a fanny pack. lol. I might need to try something else.
Have you seen the Van’s UltraRange sneakers?? I’m getting a pair this weekend. They’re super cute and look really comfortable! Vans, Birks, Uggs and Sam Edelman rain boots are my go to now that I work from home (Madewell and Jcrew slides & mules were always my favorite work shoes. I miss getting dressed up sometimes!).
Happy Friday!


I’d never seen those vans until I googled them from your mention! Those are gorgeous… I need some too now! I miss getting dressed up sometimes too but then I remember how much I love leggings hahah! Have a fabulous weekend Mollie!


I love my koala clip! Glad you are feeling better… ran 50 miles in one day!!!!!!!


Thanks girl! Yes, sometimes I forget what I put my body through hahah! Have a great weekend!


LOL on the 2 different shoes! I did that once with boots at work and didn’t notice until they sounded different walking on a hard surface.
In the summer, I wear a Toms-type shoe that I buy at 5-Below…many colors. In winter, I’m in boots (with tights) for work almost every day.
I’m looking forward to a brunch pot-luck this weekend & probably taking French toast casserole. Yum!
Hoping to take advantage of 70-degree weather to run at least some this weekend :)
Have a great one!


Oh that makes me feel better that you did it with your boots haha! Can I come to your brunch and enjoy that weather… it snowed here again haha! Enjoy Corey!


SOS to your sister! I bought the Sam’s club dough after seeing it on here but can’t quite figure out the crust. I have a pizza stone- could you give any tips on thawing? Rolling out? Do you make one pizza with each dough ball or do you split it? What size is your stone?

I need any help you can give ?thank you!!!!


Hey Kelsey! I’ll be home in a few hours and I can get the size of our pizza stone! She just has it thaw on the counter and makes one pizza with each ball! She coats the outer edges with a bit of flour and rolls it out! I’ll text her for more tips right now wahoo! I hope it works for you!


That pizza looks heavenly!! YUM!!

How haven’t I heard of that Uncharted song before now?? I love her songs so I’m YouTubing it as I type this! haha!

I most often wear casual shoes, no heels because I just don’t ever do them. I love Birkenstock type sandals in the Spring/Summer! So comfy!

Have a great day, Janae!!


I hope you love that song!!! I’m with you… heels rarely happen for me! Have a really great weekend Chelsea!


That ice cream set is adorable! I love wearing Nike’s even when I’m not working out but I have a couple new pair of shoes that need no show socks and Stance are my favorite too. They never slip.
We are heading to San Antonio tomorrow for Spring Break so I’m packing for 7 today. Wish me luck.


Thanks for the playlist!

Do you happen to use a headlamp or some kind of light when you run? I have a headlamp but I have to tighten it too much so that it doesn’t bounce and it bugs me.

Outside of running, I’m almost always in flats or sandals.

Tonight I am going with a bunch of girlfriend’s to a concert so that’ll be super fun! And my boys have a track meet tomorrow and it’s supposed to be 72 and sunny, hallelujah!

I ran 2 1/2 miles on the treadmill this morning! woohoo! My ankle is doing well :)


Hey!! I use and love this headlamp!

Sounds like the perfect weekend.. enjoy and so happy to hear your ankle was happy on your run today!


Skye’s reaction to coke = priceless. My niece feels the same way about maple syrup :).

I am looking forward to sleeping in! A lot of early morning runs this week so will be happy to wake up a little later.

Also, I love those stance socks – might have to go get some now! Have a a wonderful day Janae!


Kristine! Enjoy sleeping in… you deserve it big time! Get some and let me know what you think! Have a beautiful weekend!


I wear Clark’s sandals about 10 months out of the year. I’ve bought dozens of them through the years. They offer enough support for lots of walking. They are one of the few shoe companies that consistently make and sell size 5. (Yeah, my feet quit growing a long time ago!)

We head back to Hawaii on Sunday! We’ve been home for 2 months and I am ready for some warmer weather.

I plan to do a longish bike ride tomorrow since I’ll be off the bike while we are in Hawaii.


On Sunday night we made homemade personal pizzas. My son had cheese, pineapple and ham. He said it was the best pizza he had ever had. My fiance had been out, so I made his a little bit later. We bragged to him about how delicious they were. Really built it up. I guess our exhaustion from the week set in because he had 3 pieces before he realized that there was no cheese on it. I forgot the cheese! He was sweet and said it was still good : )

Great job last week! You’re an amazing inspiration!


Opening Day should be a national holiday! I turned on my AM radio yesterday in my car and it was basketball??? What the heck? Who actually likes basketball? ;) Ironically I am doing quite well at a march madness bracket. My team, Mariners, killed it yesterday with 5 homeruns against the reigning Red Sox Champs. Then I saw the dodgers kicked it off with 8 homeruns, showoffs :)

Happy Baseball Season Andrew!


That pizza looks SO GOOD.

I usually wear slip on sneakers because between running and 12 hour hospital shifts my poor feet need support at all times. Ha rare are my cute flats and flip flop days.

Sadly I am working all weekend, but we have a solid RN crew on my weekend so it should be kinda fun!?

I took a spin class today instead of a run. It was a super sweaty one and she played such great music!!

Enjoy your weekend!!


How have I never heard of tootsie roll eggs?!?!
We have a similar ice cream set and it gets played with allllllll the time. So does our play pizza!


I love that your playlists always include some old school brand new and taking back sunday. I love those two bands. They take me back to my college days. (I’m a little older than you. :) )


I love Sara Bareilles!!

I’m not a fan girl about anything music-wise, don’t really care about music, but Kaleidoscope Heart is an excellent album, and she just came out with another one that’s similar! Uncharted helped me through some stuff when it came out. I actually just purchased tickets to her tour in October! She’s amazing in concert — so intimate and kind and REAL (or at least she was in 2011 when I saw her). Anyway, love to see you liked her song too!

Off to finally purchase that Koala Clip….

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