Silentish Saturday… They LIED.

The weather report told me to expect .4 inches of snow…

Met Jenn and Josse nice and early to get the 3rd long run in a row done.  Jenn joined us for 8 and Josse did 15… running friends make crazy weather mornings fun.

Remember to put your headband on with the tag not showing.

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My glutes and calves are going to be really sore after this one.

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Back before school!

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Applying for jobs!!

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They created a library.

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Deep cleaned and a whole lot of resting.

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Why play with your toys when you just get into all of the cupboards?!

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We did date night at home and Andrew picked up dinner.  He got the salad and I had nachos and tacos.

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My running partner, Jenn, supplied our dessert… she brought over a copycat that she made of my favorite dessert at Kneader’s and homemade bread.


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Ocean’s 8 for our movie.


Tell me 3 things that you are doing today!!!

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Looks like a great date night to me!
Happy Saturday.


We copied you and it was perfect!


I love that they made a library! And I am always so impressed by your winter running and your enthusiasm about it!
1. Cooking!
2. Elliptical workout–I’d rather run but need some recovery
3. . . . tbd? I really need more weekend plans. :-)


Oh thank you Kristin! You do not need more weekend plans… enjoy a relaxing weekend:)


It rained for every long training run of my marathon training. (And was oppressively hot for my mid runs) So when race day came and it was 45° and sunny I was under prepared to run in perfect weather. Here’s hoping for perfect weather for you on race day.

My daughter has basketball then we get to sort Girl Scout Cookies.

Family movie night tonight is Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thef. We are reading the books at bed time then we watch the movies.

I get to run at some point too!

Have a great weekend!


No way… your body must have been so confused with the perfect weather once the marathon came ha. I’m crossing all of my fingers for a nice day. Enjoy your day and I hope you get to eat some of the cookies too:). Thanks Mary.


Visiting the Space Needle and eating all sorts of delicious food in Seattle!! I look like a tourist and I love it


Those are my two favorite things to do in Seattle:). THE FOOD IS AMAZING. Have a wonderful day Michelle!


Do you have food recommendations? We still have 3 more days


You have to go to Cactus for Brunch… their churro waffles are unreal! Top Pot donuts are a must oh and Portage Bay for brunch too! <-- They have the best berry bar. For the other meals we are usually getting catering (I go there for Brooks) but PLEASE go go get those churro waffles ha.


Halibut and chips at Ivars was a fave when I lived in Seattle :)


Chris, that sounds so good right now. I’ll go there next time I am there!


Just did Piyo core and will head outside for as many outdoor Minnesota miles of my 6 total I can get in and then to the gym treadmill for the rest of them. Keeping myself accountable by posting this!


Utah winter is NOTHING compared to Minnesota winter… way to get out there Belle! I hope your workouts were great today!


Brrrrr! You are a BEAST!??
I have to go get my hair fixed. I had it colored last week and had wanted copper low lights but they turned out maroon or dark pink!!! My principal informed me the color is not in compliance with the dress code so today will be spent getting that fixed. (I’m not real patient at the hairdresser…) Taking the dog to the groomer & temple at some point Tidy.
Stay warm lady!


Oh noooooo! I have zero patience when I am getting my hair done too! Good luck and I hope they can get it fixed asap:). Thanks Lisa and enjoy the temple!


Your training is going so well!! Even in the cold and snow!
I’m about to head out for 6miles, then I really need to get the house cleaned! I kept putting it off all week. Then maybe dress shopping for a gala we’re going to in a few weeks. It’s been a long time since I have gone to something super fancy!
Have a great Saturday Janae ?


A gala… that sounds like a blast! Enjoy shopping and I hope your 6 miles were great. Thanks Wendy!


We are expecting 12 days of snow starting tomorrow. Thankfully I will miss some of it on a work trip.
Run, shop, Supercross

Have a fun weekend!


12. Days. Of. Snow. AHHHHH I’m glad you get to get away for a little bit. Thanks Angie, you too!


So,emweeks, we just appreciate I’m home dates. They are nice and relaxing. Some days, I appreciate all of the snow because it means it warm enough to snow LOL. When I went to college, there were some weeks it was too cold for snow. Ah, I don’t miss that. Anyway, it sounds like your trisni f is going well depsite weather.


Haha that is very true about it being warm enough to snow ha:). Thanks Hollie and I hope you have a great weekend!


Finished my 33km long run, now off to watch daughter’s soccer game and then taking my niece to LEGO movie 2…and eating everything in sight! Good day!


Way to go Jennifer!!! Oh I need to take my kids to that too. Enjoy all of the good food today:)


Great job on the 30 miler in the snow! Mental toughness at its best!
1. Easy 10km felt fantastic this morning after a crazy week at work.
2. Preparing for work trip to Europe next week.
3. Family dinner!!!

Have a great weekend!


Oh thank you so much Mel! I’m glad you made it to the weekend after a crazy work week. AHHHH EUROPE… enjoy:). Thanks Mel, you too.


Wow that looks like the perfect day!!!
I am so impressed with your running all before kids school!
I’m in CA and it’s 32 degrees here and we are all thinking we are gonna freeze to death ;)


It’s 32 in CA!?! What is going on with this winter! Thanks Christina and I hope you have a great weekend (along with hot chocolate)!


Today I am: 1) stretching like crazy 2) going to buy new running shoes (win) 3) going to dinner with friends tonight!
So I need some advice. I am training for a half marathon but I’ve had some major hip issues that have kept me from running for at least a week now. Am I too behind to still do the marathon (April 14)? It’s my first, and I’m feeling so nervous that I’m behind and won’t have enough time to train by the time my hip heals. Thoughts? WWJD (what would Janae do)?


OH NO STACY about your hip issues… have you been in to see somebody? You know what I would do…. I would forget about the marathon for a minute and get the hip 100% again. I think 1-2.5 weeks off will still allow you to do it! Your first marathon is all about completing it so we don’t have to worry about speed and depending on when you get back to running pain free, then we can figure out if you can get in the long runs before race day. ENJOY your new shoes and keep me updated… I’m cheering for you and if it doesn’t get better for a little while, remember THERE IS ALWAYS another race but we only get one body. Good luck!


That is great advice! Thank you! You are the sweetest.


Omg I need your exact dinner last night… ESPECIALLY those nachos!!!

3 things:

-Basketball game for my twin buys at the YMCA
-Einsteinasiago cheese bagel with extra cream cheese and cinnamon raisin bagel with Pb (yes I eat both) and mango smoothie afterwards
-mom son dance at our club tonight. Having twin boys means I get two dates <3


Twins… how FUN! And now you have me craving those bagels and smoothie right now! Enjoy your dates tonight:)


I”m so impressed you can get 15 miles in BEFORE SCHOOL! How early do you run? Way to go!!

Today was so regular: Basketball games, run, grocery store.

Enjoy resting and the feeling of accomplishment after this peak week!!!!!


My stepfather had surgery last Tuesday so I went to visit my parents this afternoon. The weather was so beautiful so I took the long way there by bike, about 20 kilometers. It was nice to see them again and he was feeling better than yesterday. Did some vacuuming there too. Once home again, I made spaghetti and meatballs from scratch. It was delicious. I should do some stretching tonight, once I start it feels good, but I have a hard time beginning.
Have a great weekend!


The three most exciting things on my agenda today are-
1- New set of lashes…YEAH!!
2- Spider-Man movie with my boys
3- Bread making

I’m super excited about all of it!!


You are such an inspiration with your tough runs!!

I just had the most miserable 19 miler of my life. The weather people here in Chicago also lied about this morning and instead of periodic rain showers as we all expected, it poured the whole time … Freezing rain too! My feet and hands started to go numb and my legs got so heavy with my soaked shoes. It was so awful and I am SO happy to be home under a warm blanket with a hot cup of tea. I’m not going outside till spring :)


Snowshoeing Summit County!
Dinner date with my favorite two guys (one is six).
Catching up on svu.

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