You Know You Want It, Drawing Near & SAD.

-When I woke up yesterday my calves were so sore from my short speed workout that I did on Monday!  They wanted me to know that I need to ease back into speed if I’m going to do that kind of stuff again.

-I received a few weird stares in the school parking lot when I was walking Brooke to the doors because of my shorts in the winter… now I know how Andrew feels.

-I think one of the biggest forms of torture possible is having a sweaty sports bra on in January after your workout.

-8.5 treadmill miles at an 8:22 average.

It was very icy outside.  It has been 2 years and 2 days since my dad fell and hit his head hard on the ice.  Remember how he kept repeating the same things every minute for a while and then had to be in a dark room for 3 days to help his brain heal?!  His fall has made our family all so much more cautious about the ice.

The treadmill will do until I can get in a run in the light when there isn’t ice all around.

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It’s pretty gloomy this time of year around here.  The fog was so thick.  I definitely notice how the lack of sun makes me feel more tired and in slow motion.  A few of my friends really struggle with Seasonal Affective Disorder and one of my friends up in Idaho had a therapist recommend that she get a Light Therapy Lamp.  She has been telling me about how much it has helped her so far this winter so if you struggle this time of year maybe this is something you could try out along with talking to the right people about what you are going through!

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During Skye’s nap I went to get my eyebrows waxed and get some fake eyelashes glued on.  When I got home Skye went straight to trying to pull them off and then trying to pull my tongue out of my mouth.  I’m proud of her determination.

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It was my niece’s birthday yesterday!  She is at the age now where a shopping trip is her ultimate favorite thing to do so we took her.  We are going to be the same height soon (and I’m just under 5’9”)!

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I think she thought there was another baby in the mirror that she was trying to give her binky to.

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And then she requested Dairy Queen afterwards… it’s in our DNA.

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Chicken tortilla soup for dinner…  I’m already looking forward to the leftovers!

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Once the girls went to bed Andrew and I started another season of the Bachelor together.  Every season we say this is going to be the last season that we watch but then we get sucked into all of the drama and craziness.

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I was looking up one of my old posts for a picture I was trying to find and came across my alarm clock picture from 2013…. Stick with those goals because they will eventually happen even if it takes you ten times longer than you expect. Each little effort you make to get there means something and adds up!


Andrew update:  Besides all of his running and time with us, there has been a lot of time spent with this book.  The NCLEX is drawing near!

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He also just bought his 2nd pair of the Levitate 2s!  He hit about 450 miles on his first pair and loved them so much he went for another.

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I bet the Black Forest gummy bear makers were not expecting people to buy their mini packs to take out on their trail runs for fuel.

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Do you notice a difference in your moods based on the seasons?

-For me it is all based on if I can see the sun and get outside at some point each day for something.  So on the days where the sun is out even if it is still freezing and I can get out for a run I feel more up/energetic than the days where we are stuck inside all day and the sun never shows it’s face.  Also, being a mom for me personally is much easier when we can get out to the park or go for a walk!

Most stressful test that you have ever studied for?

Do you STICK to the running shoe that you love or do you experiment and branch out often with what shoes you wear for the run?

Who has a January birthday?  January races?

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I cannot believe how long your niece’s hair has grown!!!

No difference in mood with the seasons (I mean in was almost 70 yesterday so it is hard to be SAD in the winter with that), but my sleep schedule definitely changes. It does not get light here until almost seven so I have to set my alarm to get up earlier now. But in the summer I am awake at 5 or 5:30 no problem! Odd.

Most stressful test was a Statisitcs exam in college.

I experiment and branch out often (right now Inhave 5 different shoes in the mix), but the New Balance 990s are always in my rotation.

My son turns 6 tomorrow, and I have the Zoo Run Rum 5K at the end of the month :). They close the Zoo early and the runners get to take a private tour :)


I know. It’s weird to be crazy jealous of your niece’s hair/style/personality right?!?! Hahah! Can we come stay with you guys for a few days to get in some sun. It’s so much easier for me to get up in the summer too. SO much. Happy birthday to him tomorrow and that 5k sounds awesome! Have a wonderful day Tonya.


I’m the same way with the bachelor! My friends and I say it’ll be the last season, but… :) I’ve stuck with Adidas for the last few shoes, between the Adios Boost and the Boston. And I definitely need to get outside every day – I notice a difference when I don’t. The sun is an added bonus and I notice it for sure, but being stuck inside affects me more. Good luck to Andrew!


I get it… I need to figure out a way to quit but I just can’t. I hope that you get to get outside today and get in some fresh air. Thanks Miranda!


I can’t believe how much your niece has grown up!! She’s beautiful and have such gorgeous hair (which definitely runs in your family)!! Also, I think Andrew could be a hand model—his hands are very nice! Haha!

I’m not sure if the seasons really affect my mood, but I’m definitely with you on needing to get outside in the sunshine. Gloomy days always make me feel tired, and all I want to do on those days is wear sweats and curl up on my couch.


It really is crazy how old she is getting and at the mall teenage boys were looking at her and I was NOT okay with that:) . Hahah he does have very great hands! I am so glad you are in a place where you get plenty of sunshine… enjoy some for me today!


So I realized in the past year that I am very TEMPERATURE sensitive. I am MUCH happier on a rainy 45 degree day than a sunny 20-30 degree day. Even a misty day out on a hike with the dog is much more pleasant for me than a very windy, no clouds, super sunny freezing day. I guess I’ll have to come up with a coined term for cold temperature disorder :) I get really down when it is so cold.

On to happier thoughts – I also take my niece on shopping sprees now for her birthday, Christmas, etc. She loves Ulta beauty and all things make-up. She is 14 years old.

It is sunny AND mid 40’s here in the Boston area today!! I am so happy :) Hope you have a great day.


Very interesting about temperature sensitivity! I’m glad that today is going to be a good day temperature wise for you! PS I’ll have to take my niece to Ulta next! Have a wonderful day Amanda and your niece is so lucky to have you!


Ha I got sucked into the Bachelor again as well.. the drama is just. too. good.

Winter is super hard to get through. Agree with you that getting out of the house when your a mom is key.

NCLEX! I feel your pain Andrew!

I stick to what I know if I am training for something. But I will branch out when I am just running casually, which is most of the time. How many miles do you put on your shoes before you ditch them??


It really is and weirdly it just makes me even more thankful for getting to avoid all of that craziness in my own life ha. I hope that you get to get outside today and that the sun is out! For me it totally depends… shoes like the Hyperion (super lightweight) I will probably get 250-300 on them but then the shoes with a bit more to them like the levitates I have gotten about 500 on them myself. Andrew’s ankles start feeling it when he needs a new pair of shoes so that is how he knew it was time to get a new pair. Have a beautiful day Melissa!


Seasonal Affective Disorder is not fun. I don’t get it at a super severe level , but it does impact my ability to feel “normal” throughout the day. However, getting exercise in (even if it’s just at home instead of outside) helps me a lot. Gotta get those endorphins!
My mom and I put my treadmill together last night! It took us almost 3 hours but it’s done and I am so excited! I just got to walk on it a bit last night (it was too close to my bedtime to run lol) but I am SO looking forward to running after work today! My plan for now, since I am not training for any races at the moment, is to run and do a little strength training 5 days a week. Plus yoga somewhere in there!
Good luck Andrew on the test!! I am one of those lucky people who is a good test taker… so I never really got stressed about tests. I know, super annoying!! But then again, I never took anything like what he’s studying for, so maybe I would be nervous about that!


Thank goodness for exercise… it helps us in so many different areas of life! I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT YOUR TREADMILL!!! Let me know how your first run on it goes. Thanks Rhiannon… and that is very lucky (or you are just very smart).


I struggle with the seasons but not as bad as I used to. This year I’ve only had about 3-4 days where I’ve noticeably felt down compaired to weeks or the whole winter. Running certainly helps. And any time I can be out and about, feel like I accomplished something or be with a friend and feel validated or like I’m not crazy, it helps!

I’ve worn the same type of running shoes since high school but I’ve been switching off with mizuno and brooks lately and loving that!


I am so glad that this winter has been better for you and thank goodness for running! Have a beautiful day Jenny and let’s hope that sun comes out today:)


Worst exam- the bar exam. Bleh.

I’m with you. Sun is all that matters. Hence, a lunchtime run in 20 deg weather with 25 mph winds for me. More wind = more sun.


Oh yeah… I bet the bar is crazy hard! I hope that you get in a SUNNY (even if it is freezing) lunchtime run today. Thanks Kathy!


Happy Birthday to your niece! She looks so much like you!

I have worn the Saucony Omni for years and years – maybe 20 years. I rotate through a few others, but I always have a pair of Omni for roads and a pair of Brooks Cascadia for trails.

Worst exam was the CPA exam. Good luck to Andrew on the NCLEX!


I agree, we look a lot alike… people think I’m her mom a lot:) . You’ve used the same type of shoe for 20 years… okay, that is awesome. The Cascadias are so so great. Corrinne below was just talking about that CPA exam, I can’t even imagine! Have a wonderful day Jo!


Last time I got running shoes I went to the runner’s lab, they have technology in store that detects how much pressure you put on different parts of your foot which helps with selecting running shoes that make you run with better form. I can’t really review them because I have barely used them BUT my runner friends all love the shoes they got there and keep going back.


I want to go to the Runner’s Lab… that place sounds awesome! Have an awesome day Nina!


I can relate! NCLEX was the most stressful test I’ve ever studied for! He is going to ROCK it! I found the study books extremely helpful and Kaplan online quiz questions.


GOOD TO KNOW!! Thanks Sarah! I can’t believe how much material it is going to cover ahhh! Have a beautiful day:)


Being stuck inside all day affects my mood during the winter. By the time I leave work there is hardly any daylight left to do anything outside. I crave running outside on the weekends. The hardest test I studied for was the CPA (certified public accountant) exam. There are 4 parts you take and have to pass within a year. I lived and breathed accounting that year. But I did pass!

I’ve tried to branch out on my running shoes. I found some Nikes I like for easy runs but I always go back to my Kinvaras for my harder runs.

My birthday is next month! No runs in January. My husband will do a half marathon at the end of January along the Lake Shore in Chicago. But that sounds cold and windy so I will spectate and then go shopping instead.


Oh that is so so true… the summer months must be so nice because after work you still get to get out and enjoy some sunlight.
FOUR parts you had to pass in one year–> I can’t imagine. You are amazing Corrinne!
What day next month? Mine is on the 13th! I like your plan for that half marathon!


Feb. 11… almost birthday twins!


OH I love it! Happy birthday month next month:)


I work in Sleep Medicine as an NP (quite a change from the NICU!), and prescribe light box therapy all the time. I live in one of the most overcast parts of our country, so SAD is a very real thing here. Thank you for “shining some light” on it ( har har).
Good luck to Andrew on the NCLEX! I know he’ll do fine. I think I was most nervous for my NP board exam, and the big final thesis I had to do for NP school.
My little guy is into grabbing my eyeballs and tongue, too. They are so curious at this age! So cute!
PS: Your eyelashes look gorgeous, as always. And, happy birthday to your niece!


Stacey, you sure are helping a lot of people where you live. It is so interesting to learn more about how much light truly does affect us. Oh those will both be in his future too… you are amazing! Thank you Stacey and I hope your eyeballs survive another day;)


My 2019 resolution is no more “reality” drama TV. Goals. Pick up a book! Lol


I need to join in on that resolution! That’s a great one:). Have a wonderful day Barbara!


I live in Arizona, so we basically have sunshine 355 days of the year. Gloomy, rainy days here are the best.

My husband and I both have birthdays next week! I didn’t sign up for any Jan. races this year, but want to run my first full marathon for my birthday next year.

Good luck to Andrew on his exams! Remember to rest, power pose and dress to impress for that extra confidence boost.


SOOOOOO I need to come move down to Arizona:) . That sounds amazing. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to both of you next week! That must be so fun to celebrate together. Thanks Libbie and those are perfect tips for him. Have a wonderful day!


Oh my gosh I love those gummy bears. My husband brought them home a few months ago and I was eating them I said, “man, these are way better than the fruit snacks I bought!” He had to remind me they’re gummy bears not fruit snacks. . . That’s why they tasted so good! Haha


They probably have the same nutrition as some of the fruit snacks out there ha! I need to send you the little packs. Have a great Wednesday Tess.


Your niece is so sweet and getting so tall!
I was just emailing a friend that it’s finally sunny here after days of gloom. I notice a big difference in my mood. I can deal with cold as long as there’s some sun!
You’re finally turning Andrew into a Brooks guy!


YES YES YES… as long as we get some sun, I can handle it! It took a few years but he is finally seeing the light with his running shoes:) . Have a wonderful day Samantha.


Who lets the kids in our lives grow up so fast??
I’m definitely much happier and more social when there’s more daylight in my life. I get super cranky when it’s midnight all the time. Tomorrow, our sunrise is a minute earlier than today! More daytime :)
My Chemistry final in my freshman year of college was the most stressful test. I was bombing the course because I didn’t realize it was a pre-med when I registered for it. I think the bell-curve average score for the course was 43%, so it was not the place for me!
I stick with my favorite shoes until they make changes that I don’t like. I’m so bummed Brooks doesn’t make the Pure Connect anymore :(


YES… one more minute of daytime! There is hope:) . Ummmm yeah that Chemistry class would not be for me either! I tell them every year they need to bring those back… the Connects were the best! I hope you have a great day Corey!


Hardest test I ever studied for – definitely my family medicine specialty qualifying exam … I studied for 8 months – and it was a 2 day exam!!! I passed :)


EIGHT MONTHS OF STUDYING AND A TWO DAY EXAM. I am sitting at my desk clapping for you. That is amazing Andrea!


My husband and I both struggle with energy/mood issues during the dark winter months. I got us 3 full spectrum lamps (one for home, one for each of our offices) and it helps me stay on a better schedule in the mornings when it feels like it’s still night until like 8 am. Highly recommended.


Oh I am so glad that those lamps have helped so much! That must make a huge difference for you both! I hope you are having a wonderful day Victoria!


I am definitely lower energy in the winter and also in August, when it is usually really hot where I live. I also feel so much better with a little time in the sunshine every day, and I’m lucky to live in western Colorado where we have lots of sunny days.

Not a January race, but I’m going to sign up for a trail duathlon in Moab in March (trail run then mountain bike) and for the Southern Utah half marathon in St George, which I thought you would appreciate!!


Interesting about how much the heat can effect us too! I bet your area is absolutely gorgeous! You’ll have to let me know about how your trail duathlon goes, that sounds awesome (Andrew needs to do that)… enjoy the St. George half and maybe I’ll come join you! Thanks Heather and have a great day!


I used to think it was the sunlight, but now I am convinced my winter mood is just affected when I move less. I play gym class a lot in the winter afternoons, and even though that is inside it totally helps!


THAT IS SO INTERESTING… I need to get up and move more during the day during the winter, I’m sure that will help! Thanks Erica!


Your niece looks so much like you. What a fun way to spend her bday!

I notice that when the sun isn’t out my mood is definitely affected. I don’t mind the cold, but I need sunshine!

I had to pass 4 sections of the CSET to prove that I knew enough about my subject matter to teach. It was awful. I friend to take all 4 tests in one day and my brain felt like mush. I ended up taking a class on how to take the tests and then it was smooth sailing.

I am so lucky to run with a shoe tester/author so I get most of my running shoes for free so I rarely get the same shoe twice. It has definitely helped me to branch out!

I have a January 1/2 at the end of the month that is part of my city’s inaguaral distance challenge. There’ll be a 10 mile trail race in April and a 20k trail race in December.


I cannot even imagine taking four tests in one day like that… good call on taking that class to help! FREE SHOES = the absolute best. Good luck at your half this month, please let me know how it goes! Looks like a great year planned for your running! Have a wonderful day Marissa.


It wasn’t a test (thank goodness), but I just graduated with my PhD, and preparing for my dissertation defense was INTENSE. I was so nervous and had no clue on what to expect. I’m sending all kinds of positive vibes to Andrew! And to you! My husband was almost as nervous/stressed as I was. :) He will rock it!


Chelsea, HUGE CONGRATULATIONS. I can’t even imagine all of the work that you put into achieving this. You are very inspiring to me!


I Live in Alaska and most definitely have one of those, what I like to call my “happy light” on my desk at work. It is very dark for a long time up here. We also make it a point to get out of Alaska in March every year as a family so that we can all re-charge and come back to Alaska, with only about a month more of winter. I’ve noticed as my boys have gotten older. One is almost 20 and my baby is going to be 18 in March, it’s starting to affect them as well.


Oh I can’t even imagine how hard it must be living there during the darker months! I am so glad that you get to get away (hopefully to somewhere very warm) each March! Where are you going this year?


Hardest test was the CPA exam. I had no life outside of work and studied like crazy, but it was worth it to pass it on the first go. Good luck to Andrew!

I notice my mood improves when there’s daylight on my morning run, thankfully we’re on the upswing now! And I think I have “Tourist SAD” where I live. It’s a vacation spot in summer and winter and I get a little grumpy in the height of tourist season with the crazy traffic, jammed grocery stores etc. We do live in a beautiful place and I’m super grateful for that, but I know I have to meditate extra during those times.

Happy birthday to your niece, she is gorgeous!


I actually love winter! But I live in St. George haha! We used to live in Cedar City and that was a little tougher but if I took a vitamin D supplement I did better! I have had a few different Brooks’ shoes over the years but I haven’t stuck with a specific style. Biomechanics tests in college were always stressful for me because I don’t have particularly strong math skills. I have a 5k next Saturday and I am really excited! This is my first 5k I have trained with a coach for and I am shooting for a PR!


Seasons/Weather definitely affect my moods/depression. Mostly for me, it’s light. If I can just get sunlight into my house, I can get by okay in the winter, but fresh air definitely helps too. But if we go through a terrible cold snap (which is most of January and February in Utah) and I keep the shades down to conserve heat, then after a few days when I feel terrible, I’ll realize it’s because I need more natural light/vitamin D hitting my skin. Summer is usually my happiest/lowest depression season and I think that is absolutely because I am outside for many hours of the day and there are a lot more hours of daylight in general.

Most stressful test for me would basically be any math exam. Ever.

My daughter’s birthday was yesterday too! She turned 19. I’m not sure if I’m okay with that or not, to be honest, haha!


I have a lot of friends in Alaska who use those therapy lamps! They definitely need it when they get less than 6 hours of daylight in the winter. Even here in Florida I notice the difference in my mood with the difference in daylight, but I know it’s much harder like everywhere north.

I pretty much only use one kind of shoe and I’ve started getting a new pair like every 300 miles. If I don’t my shins tend to complain.

Hang in there, spring will be here soon!


NCLEX was my hardest test. It’s so worth it now though! Good luck Andrew!


Yes!! When I went off to college, my school was in a much cloudier/foggier area than where I grew up. The only time I was outside was at night or briefly when walking to class. My first semester I remember calling my mom and telling her I was tired all the time, only wanted to sleep, didn’t want to go out, etc. I thought it was because school was hard! She told me I had to go outside and study, read, walk etc. for a minimum of 20 min./day during sunny hours- and man that helped! Mom knows best ;)


THIS is the NCLEX study book that I recommend spending the most time in. I passed with the minimum number of questions, too. I truly felt that this book made the biggest impact in my preparation and skills! If Andrew doesn’t have this book yet, order it right away!

And yes, the NCLEX was the most stressful test I have ever taken! (and I have multiple medical licenses, so it’s not the only exam I’ve done)

I used to be completely faithful to one running shoe (Saucony Triumph). But then after many years they changed it too much and after powering through three revisions of the shoe I continued to have a “hot spot” on the ball of my foot so I switched brands completely. It literally felt like I was breaking up with someone. Hahahaha.

I’ve never dealt with SAD. I grew up in Florida but did four years of college in Chicago and it didn’t really effect me. I’ve been back in FL almost 20 years and I guess the next sunny day is always just a few days away. LOL.

No races on the books for January. Just cranking up my training for a 100 relay later in the spring.

(on a side note that’s funny- I commented on your brother’s post the other day and he was actually in my area at the time. What are the chances?!)


Thanks Ally!!! I just ordered it. I’ll let you know how it goes!!


I was in the last group of NCLEX test takers to take it by pencil and paper in 1993. (the next year they took it on the computer). It was 2 x 8 hour days of filling in bubbles on a paper sheet in a really large convention center. It was the most difficult test taking i have ever had to do, but it has been so worth it. You have to trust your instincts and not try to overthink the answers. You will do just fine if you are able to relax. You can do this!

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