One Gear, New Tradition + 50 Miler Weekly Training Summary!

I think ultra training has switched me into a one gear runner.  I feel like my body at this point can run for a long amount of time or complete a lot of miles each week but it is all at around one speed…  but I guess that is the goal for this race, right?   I do have a mini speed session once a week but that is about the only gear shifting I do.  With my last marathon training cycle I feel like I had six different gears/speeds to hit each week.  It’s fun switching things up and experimenting with how my body handles different goals!

Surprisingly (to me!!), it wasn’t hard to go out yesterday for a run after a 10 miler and 18 miler but I couldn’t have gone any faster than the 8 miles @ 8:40 so that is the pace I stuck to.

I think grabbing a donut after the Saturday run should be our new tradition.  Also, Andrew has rubbed off on me… I wore flip flops to go pick up our chocolate (Dunford—> try these donuts if you are ever in Utah) donuts.

On our drive to get the donut Brooke told me that when she gets older and runs with me in the mornings she is going to beat me and I 100% agree with her prediction.

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Andrew was out getting some things done during the day so the girls hung out at home.

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I heard that It Takes Two with Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen was just put on Netflix.  I wanted Brooke to watch it with me during Skye’s nap so that is what we did.  I probably watched this show 100 times as a kid and I still have a lot of the lines memorized.

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We also organized the pantry together.  I am happy to say that Brooke enjoys organizing too… she understands the satisfaction that comes with doing this.

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We picked up Brooke’s old slide from my parents’ house and Skye played on it for a very long time.

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Our evening was spent over at Andrew’s brother’s house.  They had a birthday party for a few of their kids!

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Two other things that made my taste buds very happy (besides the donut up above) were cucumbers with pineapple salsa and…

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spaghetti… probably my favorite food (along with lasagna).

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My brother’s first marathon is in just 26 days and he finished his first ever 20 miler yesterday.  It’s crazy to think about how much his life has changed over the last few years and now he is out running 20 miles on a Saturday morning.  I am so amazed by him.

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Just a little over 2 months until race day and my 18 miler this week really helped me to feel more confident about our ultra.  I felt like I could have kept going and going so that was reassuring!

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Monday: 9 miles total with ladder speed work of 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes, 3 minutes, 2 minutes, 1 minute (w/equal recoveries) with intervals done between 5:42-6:10 average pace.  Treadmill.

Tuesday:  8.5 miles @ 8:22 average.  Treadmill.

Wednesday:  8.5 miles @ 8:19 average.  Outside.

Thursday:  10.1 miles @ 8:12 average.  Outside, early, 700 ft of up and podcasts.

Friday:  18 miles @ 8:56 average. 1500 ft climb.  Part roads and part trails.

Saturday:  8 miles @ 8:40 average. Outside.

Sunday:  Off!

62.1 miles for the week!

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On a scale from 1-10—> How crazy is Andrew for running in the snow with shorts on?

-There are some days I could probably run in shorts with the snow but NO GLOVES… you will never see me do that.  

How much longer until your next race?

What is your Sunday going to be filled with?

Whats one of your weekend traditions?

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With -20F with the wind chill here, pants are a very good investment lol I did 2 runs outside but I did my speed intervals on the treadmill. Also happy to have a heated CrossFit gym to go to! Yoga tune up for the win today. I physically and mentally enjoy the relaxation before the start of another busy week. Have a great day!


Andrew is crazy! I wear fleece lined leggings, two shirts, and thick socks in my house and I’m still freezing. How does he do that?


I am so impressed by the miles you’re putting in!! Those doughnuts look SO good.

My Sunday is filled with SNOW…going to walk to the coffee shop down the street but no other plans than being cozy and watching the snow fall! My main tradition is going to this coffee shop on Saturday and/or Sunday morning and reading or writing. It is so peaceful and today just feels extra magical.

Have a good rest of your weekend!


My next race is in April – a 50k. No run today because I’m at my daughter’s all day volleyball tournament (1.5 hours away and we had to be here at 7am ) but I did 13 yesterday with 1360 ft of elevation gain! I ran in capris but did ditch the mittens part way through. No snow here yet -it rained all day on Friday-crazy for Colorado!

No weekend traditions here as we are usually at softball, baseball or volleyball tournaments pretty much all year. I also only have the kids every other week. Have a great Sunday!


My next race is in March – a half marathon, but it’s going to be more of a fun run than anything. I don’t have any goals for it. My next goal race is Revel Mt Charleston in April – I’m shooting for a BQ.

Sunday will be filled laundry, food prep and catching up on the Supercross we missed yesterday.

Our weekend always consists of running and eating, shopping and food prep.


I think I commented on your IG about Andrew’s shorts… Crazy!
I have a little more than 2 months to go before my next marathon, but we also run the Surf City half marathon on Super Bowl Sunday as part of the training. That is such a fun run ? (and quite often we see Monica at both ?)
After today’s 17 miles, it will probably be a nice relaxing day! One of our weekend traditions, during marathon training when the runs get long, is going to In n’ Out! Our boys love when mom and dad have a long run…they know what happens after!
Awesome job on your training this week! And I think you’re right, having the same gear/pace for this race is exactly what will get you to the finish line!
Have a great Sunday!


I could do shorts in the snow but i have to cover my hands and ears…..and wool socks, please!
I love it takes 2!! Steve Guttenberg….mmm hmm!! And great lines like “Ain’t you never seen a western”

I have a half marathon in 7 weeks!!!

I think i need a donut now….


Hi Janae!

It’s so awesome reading about your training for the ultra vs marathons. You are putting in some crazy miles! You’re doing great! I have a little less than 3 months until Boston and I’m so excited! Have a great Sunday! :)


Oh thank you so so much Maddie! We are loving this:) . I cannot wait for you to run Boston! I am cheering for you!


I get the shorts thing for Andrew – now don’t get me wrong, I’d never do it; but something about that would be invigorating. Like you, I MUST have gloves and my ears covered!

Your mileage just astounds me. I am sticking to half marathons for now and try to do a new state each time. For Utah I am considering the one in July in Timpanogos (American Fork). Is there another one in Utah you think is more fun?


Oh thank you Anne! Half marathons are my favorite! Okay, the American Fork half is incredible and I’m pretty sure I’ll be there too! I love the Provo City one in May and the Snow Canyon one in November is incredible too. LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU COME!!!


If you like organization, watch Tidy Up on Netflix!! LOVE it! Life changing!!


WE JUST STARTED THAT AND I’M HOOKED. Andrew is a little bored by it but I absolutely love watching it. Have a wonderful rest of your Sunday Lisa!


I think i decided today to either do the af half or the af 10k in June. Not sure which one yet. My heart says the half but I know I should wait to sign up so I know my knee is going to be happy enough for that.

I ran outside yesterday and I had 3 layers on top, gloves, headband and leggings and when I got done I felt warm except my chin was froze. Haha


Your brother is so inspirational! It is really fun to see his transformation. And most importantly how his quality of life has improved.

It looks like you three ladies and Andrew had a wonderful weekend! I agree with you that it is the no gloves that gets me more. I could almost run in shorts and colder weather.?❄️


I feel you on the one gear setting, that’s me most of the time! It’s easier for me to run longer than faster.

I’m honestly fine with running in shorts pretty much no matter how cold it is, but when Andrew doesn’t wear gloves I’m astounded. I need gloves if it’s below 45, two pairs if it’s below 35.

I really hope my next race is in March, but it’s really up in the air since I have to put off any long runs until February due to hip issues. I have my eye on a marathon in my sister-in-law’s hometown, though.

Wish my weekend had as much delicious food as yours, I just went grocery shopping but I have no desire to cook any of it now, haha.


My first marathon is in 9 weeks!! I’ll be using it as a final long run for my goal marathon in April which was initially was supposed to be my first. But when your friend asks if you want to do it with her because she wants to get back in shape after baby, of course I said yes!!!

Weekends are always long run super early Saturday so that I can eat and nap all morning afterwards ?

Random question though…I’m always on the lookout for super warm running leggings for winter. What do you wear??


My first marathon is in 9 weeks!! I’ll be using it as a final long run for my goal marathon in April which was initially was supposed to be my first. But when your friend asks if you want to do it with her because she wants to get back in shape after baby, of course I said yes!!!

Weekends are always long run super early Saturday so that I can eat and nap all morning afterwards ?

Random question though…I’m always on the lookout for super warm running leggings for winter. What do you wear??


Uh, I am in Massachusetts and there is no snow but it’s like 10 degrees and I will not leave the house in any less than three layers. So Andrew is a 17-level of crazy right there.
I’ve actually got a 10k next weekend! But my next longer race is the Princess Half in Disney World:)
And IT TAKES TWO IS THE BEST. I am so psyched it’s on netflix; I need to have all my nieces watch it with me immediately. I watched it so much as a kid and it made me really want to 1) go to camp and 2) have a twin.


I saw that running book at Barnes and Noble over the weekend! I didn’t realize it was a new book!!!!! Going to check out the Ryan Hall book! I”m always looking for a new book!!!

I have to tell you, also, that I bought Jolly Rancher and Sour Patch Valentine candy at Target on Saturday and was totally saying it was thanks to you. ha ha ha I can’t stop eating it now–so good! :)


Thank you for letting me know It Takes Two is now on Netflix!!! Love the Mary Kate and Ashley movies!!

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