We Partied + Weekly Ultra Training Summary!

Skye woke up as a ONE year old.  She usually wakes up around 7ish but woke up at 9 on her birthday.  She knows how to celebrate.

We had some breakfast all together and then she got down to business on opening her presents.

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Knox and Brooke opened most of them and thoroughly enjoyed her presents.

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She was pretty excited to read with Andrew.

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She partied hard and took a rest break on my calves.

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Skye went down for a nap around 11, the big kids were busy playing and I got dressed and left for my run.  PS remember how I used to be an early morning runner?  It’s hard for me to imagine waking up so early and running again but I’m sure I will get back to that once it gets warmer.

Right before I left I decided that I felt like getting in a little bit of speed so I did the second workout for the week from my training plan.

PS I’ve been doing track workouts at this track for more than 9 years now.  Fun times.  This track helped me get that sub 3!

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I did a few miles for my warm-up

1 minute @ 6:03 pace

2 minutes @ 6:02 pace

3 minutes @ 6:07 pace

2 minutes @ 5:50 pace

1 minute @ 5:28 pace

1.5-2 minute jogging recoveries after each one

Cool-down for a few miles

9 miles total @ 7:52 average

I don’t really like doing speed outside in the winter at all but it was a short workout so it went by fast. I only had to dodge snow/ice in a few spots on the track.  Gotta love a good challenge.

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To celebrate Skye’s day we played with her new toys (mixed with some of Brooke’s old toys ha… they are all new to Skye;)…

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And then we went to an indoor playground for awhile.

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We stared at fish.

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And went for her favorite treat.  This girl is crazy for froyo and she enjoyed it thoroughly.

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There was a pretty crazy sunset later on… probably because of all of the inversion that we have here.

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Our families are coming over today to celebrate Skye. I cannot wait to see her eat her cake!

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Here’s how training went this week for our ultra:

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Monday:  6 miles @ 9:30

Tuesday:  Treadmill speed day.  9 miles total with 6 x 5:00 @ 6:29ish pace with 1 minute recoveries after each one.

Wednesday:  8 miles @ 8:28

Thursday:  15 miles @ 8:56 average.  So crazy hard.. but a huge deposit into the mental bank account for not quitting when I really wanted to.

Friday:  8 miles @ 8:27

Saturday: 9 miles total @ 7:52 average.  A little ladder speed thrown in the middle—>  1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 2 minutes, 1 minute (90ish second recoveries).

Sunday:  Off!

55 miles total!


What do you have going on today?

What was your best run last week?

Anyone not like frosting?

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IF ANYONE DOES NOT LIKE FROSTING THEY CAN COLLECT ALL OF THEIRS IN A TUPPERWARE AND SEND IT TO ME. I will seriously give anyone and everyone my address. Kthanxbye.

Seriously though–I love frosting. I love it so much that every bite should have frosting and I am one of those weirdos who will take her cupcake out of its liner and tear it in half to turn the cupcake into a frosting sandwich. I think I need to shop at grocery stores that make cakes with really bad frosting–the kind that’s just glorified whipped cream or that is so cheaply made that the sugar is super gritty. Then maybe i will not be tempted by the bakery counter and the “single slice of cake already cut and packaged for you” displays in refrigerated bins right by the bakery counter. I swear, when the store has red velvet or carrot cake I am totally done for. Temptation for one yummy situation can turn into a few weeks of a cake obsession.

Today–I teach Body Flow again, and then I work all day. And when I come home it’s back to grading papers. And I need to start paing attention to my fledgling little blog that I have started, and now that I have a few weeks of break before the next semester I need to start planning some good things to write for it. I have so much I want to say, but I need to PLAN it out since it seems I have way too many directions I have to head in, but I love having a teeny tiny brand new little bog and I want to nurture it nicely. But…my life. It’s so fascinating! HA! I work a lot. Maybe too much. No, I definitely work too much.

I love that big smile on Skye’s face for her birthday celebrations!!! Yay Skye!


Looks like a fun birthday !! I don’t like the thick sweet frosting, I do love that whipping light stuff though. At party’s, my daughter eats the frosting and I eat the cake. haha I changed things up with using the elliptical more this week instead of running. I sure do like that thing and not sure why I forget about it so much. So today is going to be a fun one. We found a farm about an hour away that has…..real reindeer !!! Initially thinking this would be so neat for my daughter, I think I am now officially more excited !! Although I tend to take anything Christmasy and make it 10 times more magical because it’s just simply an awesome time of year. Hope Skye has fun with that cake !!


Happy birthday to that beautiful little Skye!

Sticking to my 1 mile runs for now :) ??


A little frosting is good, but there is a fine line before good turns into way too much and way too sweet..ha ha
Today will be 11 miles! I haven’t done more than 8 in a while, so I’m kind of excited about that! Then we’ll have some good lazyness watching football, meal planning, then off to the grocery store… I may be weird, but I love to plan the menu for the week and get all the groceries on Sunday afternoons. I feel like it sets up my week to be really productive and calm.
Have a wonderful day celebrating Skye with your family ❤️


I slept in a bit and then spent the morning baking Shalane Flanagan’s superhero muffins from her cookbook–they are my favorite and I ate them pretty much daily last year but haven’t made them in a while. So. Good. Talked to my mom on the phone after, which is always nice!

I’m so envious of all your miles! And so impressed you get out there in the snow. Funny, I lived in the south for a couple years and could run a lot earlier in the morning, but when I would go back to my parents’ in the northern US I had to wait so much longer to leave in the morning! Way darker and way colder.

So happy Skye had a great birthday! I love those pictures of her being read to. :-)


How are you picking the speed work paces you do since you’re not training for a time for this race?


Hey Mary! Right now I’m going off of effort for the paces. I have a pretty good idea about where I am at right now and just push myself to about 80-90% of my maximum (start a bit conservative and end faster is my goal) for the intervals I’m doing! Have an awesome Sunday!


Have fun hosting the family b-day. Wish you could beam me some lasagna.
Chris does not like frosting, so it is perfect because I want double.


You guys are meant to be. Send me your address… I’ll fedex it to you tonight:)


Happy Birthday Skye!! Looks like a great day.
My best run this week was short 3.10 miles because I’ve been sidelined with a calf strain. Doesn’t hurt when I’m running, only afterwards. I was supposed to do a half marathon today with my friend, unfortunately had to drop out. :(
I’m trying to focus on healing it and decorating with the kids.


Lauren. I am so so sorry you had to miss the race. I know how hard that is. You absolutely did the right thing by making that choice. I hope it heals quickly. Please keep me updated! Enjoy decorating!


Happy birthday to Skye! I can’t believe you had her a year ago! She is sooo adorable ?
I am still building my base, but did 12 miles today and it felt great! 12 weeks until Tokyo!
As it turns out, I have to defer Berlin to 2020 (thank goodness I have that option!) b/c logistically we can’t make it work this year. But the good news is that I can go after that 50k in Oct ? I will definitely be buying that ultra training book!
Frosting is heaven.. butter cream, not whipped cream!
Enjoy the day celebrating with your family!!


I guess yesterday was my best run from last week. I did about 12 miles because I wanted to see if my legs could handle some distance. It went pretty well overall. The only lingering issues are that my calves get aggravated by any incline at all, and my hip (which I’ve been dealing with pain in for the past few months but it hasn’t bothered me lately) is hurting just a little bit. But I think a marathon is possible, especially if things get better the next few days. There are no refunds so I’m waiting until literally two days before the race to sign up, hahahaha. I really want to do it, I’m just scared of something hurting and having to DNF or go much slower than I want.

I do not like store bought frosting (or cake tbh) but homemade frosting is the best.

I’m about to head to a Christmas party for a youth group I work with!


We got to visit with friends and their new 2 week old baby! My babe is 7 months old but holding their little guy gave me the newborn baby feels! It goes so fast!

And you can NEVER have too much icing that cake looks phenomenal. Happy Birthday Skye!!


My best run last week was a 45 minute ran the day after a 25 minute run that felt like a slog. My legs did not feel happy at all. I was not expecting much on the next day’s run, but surprise, surprise my legs felt like they could fly. Running is funny like that.

The cake looks delicious. I like a good icing to cake ratio. Don’t ask me what that is. I know it when I eat it! Ha! Happy birthday, Skye!


Aw Happy Birthday, Skye!!! She’s the cutest! Mmmm frosting. Love it!!


Not a frosting fan but I do like whipped and cream cheese frostings in small amounts. Buttercream and I do not get along.
Have you started practicing eating real foods while running yet? This was the BIGGEST change for me when I started running ultras. At first I just ate the same things I always had until I realized that wasn’t working and some amazing ultra runners I know taught me the ways. haha. Such a game changer. It did take a bit for my stomach to adjust but now I can eat almost anything while running and not have any issues.

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