Friday Favorites + Runner Gifts #2 (+ Run Angel Giveaway)!!!

Happy Friday!

Andrew wanted to take this dog in the picture below home to give Beretta a fur sister.

Skye studies dogs quite thoroughly each time she sees a new one.  Beretta is pretty slow moving when she is at home so Skye finds it extra interesting to see a super hyper bouncing dog.

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I pulled the opposite extreme yesterday and I woke up last second and went running way later on in the day during Skye’s nap.  Andrew had a rest day and I went out for 7 miles @ an 8:48 average pace.  Andrew is following the same plan that I am but he is taking more rest days than I am as we get his body used to higher mileage.  We both need to get to this starting line injury free even if it means we are a little undertrained.

It’s slick here on the roads and sidewalks so I wore my new Cascadias for more grip.  Aren’t these shoes beautiful and don’t my ankles look freezing?!  Also, I bought Yaktrax but they feel so strange to me… maybe I just need to get used to them?!

I listened to Oprah’s Supersoul with Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade during the run and really loved it…  Just another day where I wonder how I ever lived without podcasts, they are so entertaining and inspiring for me.

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Not a lot happened all day (aka winter in Utah with a 1 year old;)

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But at night our church group had a big Christmas dinner.  It started thirty minutes before Skye’s bedtime so she really enjoyed the experience;)  Brooke and Knox have already made some really close friends at church and I’m very grateful for that.

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They sat with us for about 15 minutes and then they were off with their friends… and so it begins.

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I have a few more gift ideas to share for the runner in your life followed by a few favorite things!

*I’m in love with everything that Sarah Marie Design Studio offers and my top three favorites right now are the LIVE EASY RUN HARD and KINDA WANNA GO FOR A RUN sweatshirts…

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*And this mug.  It’s a really good question if you think about it.  Running is addicted to US.

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*This is an awesome fitness planner that includes things like motivational quotes, water/sleep/habit trackers and meal planning space.

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*The Koala Clip is such a great gift/stocking stuffer for the runners in your life.  I cannot run without mine and I love that you don’t even feel your phone while you are running.

Use the code HRG10 to get 10% off!

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*The Run Angel (you can find my entire review here).  I think it is a great idea to give your people this gift of helping them to run safer (and the best gift to give yourself too).


*Our bed is all done!  I wanted to share on here the sheets that we got because they feel so so good.  They are linen and we are both obsessed.  They are here.  We also got our duvet cover from West Elm (on a day that bedding was 40% wahoo) and our pillows are from Four Chairs Furniture.

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*I started putting a heating pad (I want this one… it looks so much softer) in my bed as I am getting ready for bed each night so that when I get under the covers it is nice and toasty.  Andrew laughs at my bedtime routine that takes 30 minutes.  I just enjoy the whole process of getting everything ready for me to hibernate for 8 hours.

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*Andrew and I both liked the new Grinch movie in the theaters better than the Jim Carey Grinch and Brooke loved it too.  Also, my sister-in-law gave Skye this cute book and the grinch to her for her bday.

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*I got this one from my mom—>  As soon as I start to feel like I am getting sick I take this and it shortens the sickness big time and it never really gets bad at all.. I started to feel a sore throat and cold coming on last week and Sambucol saved me.

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*Skye’s pjs.  I am ordering these same pjs for Brooke (and I would for myself if I could find my size… they are so soft).  PS Beretta is just watching to see if Skye is going to drop any food for her.

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*Frozen chocolate mints (Andes are the best in my opinion).  They just taste so fresh and delicious when frozen.  Also, this picture explains to me why freezer burn ice cream is a very common occurrence for us.

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RUN ANGEL is going to give away two Run Angels to readers today!  This isn’t sponsored or anything but they are the ones providing the products for the giveaway:)  

To enter: Leave a comment below telling me anything you would like!  I’ll choose two winners through on Monday.  You can also get 15% off a Run Angel with the code HRG15 HERE!

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I absolutely love podcasts and couldn’t agree more. How did we live without them before?!


Whoohoo Run Angel!!

I love sweets in the freezer.. Cookies.. anything! The best part about having frozen yogurt is when the gummy bears or sour patch kids get a bit frozen! SO GOOD!

I admire your bedtime routine! I may have to try the heating pad before bed.. I have a miniature dachshund and I put a heating pad in my sweater, he curls up in the front pocket (extra toasty!) and snoozes! So sweet.

Have an awesome weekend!!


Happy Friday!

I would love the run angel since I often run the same route in my neighborhood. It’s fairly safe but since I run alone it would ease my mind.

Thanks for the giveaway!


Happy Friday!! I think I will be purchasing a Koala Clip for myself today. And, the Run Angel sounds wonderful!


Hi Janae! I would love a Run Angel. Ever since we moved 9 months ago, I ve been a solo runner :’( (indeed though, yay though for awesome podcasts!) and have thought about buying a Run Angel after your many recommendations. One questiom though: would it work in areas where there’s no/spotty cell coverage? We be livin in the boonies ;) and on some runs I have no coverage.


My daughter is a few weeks older than Skye and I can’t wait for her to really experience Christmas this year! She’s definitely making it more fun!


I have loved following your blog for many years! You help inspire me to keep running!


Hello Janae!! I would really like that fitness planner. I think I would like it to keep me organized. It’s so cool! I would also love new running shoes (Brooks of course :) and running gear! Hope you have a great Friday and weekend ahead!!


The Run Angel is such a good idea! I really want one and it’s on my list.

And yes, your ankles look freezing!

We love frozen York peppermint patties. They are a refreshing bite of deliciousness.


The new Grinch is better than the Jim Carrey one??!! I might need to see it then because the old one is one of my faves!

I also need to try that heating pad idea! Genius :) Hope that y’all have a great weekend, Janae!


I also have. 30 minute bedtime routine. It’s such a nice way to unwind from the day. I might have to steal your heating pad idea! That sounds so wonderful


YES… try it and let me know what you think:) It feels so good. Have a great weekend Heidi!


I had been thinking about asking for Run Angel for Christmas so this would be perfect! Also, fun story for your day, on Tuesday morning when I was out for my run (it was 4:00am), I was attacked by an owl. True story and no, owls generally do not bother humans. Thankfully, I escaped with just a black eye and nothing worse.

Have a great weekend!



Janelle, that must have been SO scary!! I had no idea that they did that. I am so happy you are okay but WOW. I will never look at an owl the same! This is CRAZY!


Whenever we have something planned that ends close to my little guy’s bedtime, I ride in the back of the car with him on our drive home to try to keep him awake. A tired baby is one thing, but trying to put to bed a baby who just took a catnap in the car and is refreshed and ready to go is another!
Have a great day, Janae and family!


I can’t believe how cold it has been so early in northern New Hampshire. My run yesterday at 5 am was at -11. I’m training for Boston and hope it won’t be this cold all winter! Excited to hear about your ultra – that is a goal of mine! I hear they are very different out here in the East than in Utah. Good luck!


YOU WON!!!!! Please email me asap!!!


Okay, I’m adding one of those sweatshirts and the koala clip to my Christmas list! And maybe I’ll win the run angel : ) Have a great day Janae!


I am really interested in Run Angel. I am a college professor with kind of an insane schedule right now, so I have to run at 5am in the dark. I recently had a pretty startling experience where a man followed me. Luckily, I was running near a local hotel, so I was able to run to the security guards who were standing out front and got them to help me. I left immediately after asking for help, so I don’t know what happened or who the man was, but it really rattled me.


Ali. This made me absolutely sick. I am so thankful you are okay and that was so smart to go into the hotel. Please please please get a run angel (if you don’t win). Thinking about you, so grateful you are okay.


Thank you. I think it’s an important story to share because I live in a safe area. I just want everyone to always be aware and run safe! I am grateful nothing happened.


The run angel seems like a great idea!

I love Andes mints, too. Anything chocolate peppermint, really!


I was thinking about asking for Run Angel for Christmas, so this would be perfect! Also, fun story for your day, Tuesday morning I was out for my run (at 4:00am) and I was attacked by an owl. True story and no, owls generally do not bother humans. Thankfully, I escaped with just a black eye and nothing worse.

Have a great weekend!


Happy Friday! I’m just happy I have the day off and can relax. ?


Happy Friday! I love reading your blog daily! Love how you keep it real :)


I need to try that heating pad idea!
I would love the peace of mind of the Run Angel since I’m almost always a solo runner.
Enjoy your weekend!


I’ve never won anything ever and this would be amazing! I have a lot of training in the next few months (gearing up for a 50 miler too!)

Love little Skye’s pajamas…. she’s precious!!!


I am so excited to put mint candies in the freezer! I never thought of that. I freeze my grapes and my husband thinks I’m crazy. :)

I hurt my back so I am not able to run right now. :( I love winter running and your trail runs look fun! Well…the view looks fun.

Merry Christmas!


Oh Run ANGEL!!! Merry Merry Christmas!


The ‘kinda want to go for a run, kinda want to stay in bed’ sweatshirt has been on my list for a while now. I love the red lettering on yours!


Yeah for Run Angel! Merry Christmas!


Love the heating pad idea. I have an electric blanket that has a preheat setting. It is heavenly :)


Skye is getting so big!!


So funny about the bedtime routine…I put it off as long as possible aka fall asleep on the couch because if I get up to go to bed it means I have to spend allll the time to wash my face, brush my teeth etc. (in reality it’s about 10 minutes, but still :) Enjoy the weekend Janae!!


I’d love to win a run angel because I do most of my running by myself very early in the morning. I live in Maine so it’s pretty safe, but you just never know. And yes, frozen chocolate mint is the best.


I’ve never seen that fitness planner before. Love it! Organization is my love language :)


Mint candies in freezer reminds me of thin mint Girl Scout cookies in the freezer!


Happy Friday! I have a six week old daughter and love reading what Skye is up to on your blog to get me excited for the future!


When I was pregnant, all I wanted was frozen mints. Or mint hot chocolate. Weird extremes, but so tasty!!


Skye always looks like the happiest little baby! I love the picture of Brooke and Knox holding her hands :)


York Peppermint Patties for me. Will try freezing them. Thanks for the idea!


Happy Friday! I often run early in the morning before work and always *ask* my boyfriend bike next to me because I get scared out there alone in the dark, so the run angel is definitely on my list!
I got the koala clip after reading about it on here and LOVE it.


I would love a device that makes me feel safer!!! Running/biking/walking the dog alone all make me feel very vulnerable and I get kinda freaked out if I think about it too much!


I would love a device that makes me feel safer!!! Running/biking/walking the dog alone all make me feel very vulnerable and I get kinda freaked out if I think about it too much!


I would love to win a run angel because I do all of my running by myself. I have wanted to buy one for a while now but other bills have gotten in the way. Have a great day!


I love everything from Sara Marie Design Studio!! I just saw she has a new shirt that says “Run All the Miles, Drink All the Hot Chocolate” and I immediately thought of you haha.

And I agree- podcasts are lifesavers on runs. I’ve started getting back into audio books now too. I just listened to North and now I’m listening to Shoe Dog about the founder of Nike which is really interesting so far!


I definitely need a Run Angel. It’s dark before work and dark by the time I get home from work. I know I would feel better, and my husband too, if I ran with the Run Angel.

I love that you run to podcasts. I’m still trying to get my groove listening to them when I run. I tend to slow down when things get interesting in the podcast – so I just stick with music :-) Maybe it’s like not being able to pat your head and rub your belly at the same time – I can’t run and listen!

Happy Holidays!


I love Andes mints! We used to give them to guests at the restaurant that I worked at while I was in college. I had an endless supply during each shift and I loved it!


I’ve been looking into getting one of these as I run alone most of the time….but the price always stopped me. I would LOVE to win one. Also, your family is beautiful, love readying about your adventures and training!


I would love a Run Angel! I have so many questions for you about how and where you pull off running alone in the early morning darkness. With an almost 2 year old mornings before work are usually my only window to run but there isn’t good lighting or sidewalks in our part of town. Any tips? Thanks!


I would love to win a Run Angel!! I’m training for my first 50k so I’m often running alone in the dark or on the trails! Definitely would help me feel safer when alone for sure!!


I love those sweat shirts! I want one haha and the mug. Where do you get those cold relief things you mentioned? I will be getting some of those too!
And a run angel would be amazing!


HEY! I just get them at the grocery store or CVS! Try them, they are amazing. Have a fabulous day.


I’d love a Run Angel! I have a 2 year old and a newborn and we go on lots of walks! This would make me feel safer when my husband is gone! Happy Friday!


Sweets in the freezer are the best. I keep my chocolate stash in there (Tom is OK with the chocolate stash being in the fridge…that weirdo…). I got all of my grades submitted by 10:30 AM yesterday and I am really proud of myself for it. But once I submitted all of them, my head and my body just sort of progressively crashed through the rest of the day. I skipped my morning workout and chose sleep. I will gladly stand by that decision–sometimes the sleep is SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than everything else. Today I have to do more Christmas shopping for Tom. I have to get the guy some stocking stuffers and one more under-the-tree thing, and I think I will be good. I also really, erally, REALLY want to get myself a pedicure and a good manicure. We will see if I have the time, or if I sit here like a bump on a log on my sofa all day. :)I hope you all have a good day out there!


Happy Friday!
First of all, I got my 9 miler in yesterday!!! Yay! It was kinda of dark when I finished, but I got it done! It was actually kind of nice to just get lost in those miles after a long day at school with my crazy pre-Christmas break students! I didn’t look at my pace one time, and it was nice.

I think it’s awesome that you guys have a dog/Skye is getting used to being around dogs. We only have cats, and both of my daughters are kind of scared of dogs just because they’ve never really been around them.

Our elf, Eric, (aka my husband) left us some Andes mints last night……some of them may be heading to the freezer now :)

I love Sarah Marie Designs pins—I love putting them on my running jackets!

Have the BEST weekend, Janae!!!!!


I loooove your bedding! I could easily hibernate in there for 8 hours also! ;)


PS and a funny thing–I was scrolling through your blog to exit, and I scrolled over the Brooks Ambassador/Cafe Rio pics, and at first I thought it said you were a CAFE RIO AMBASSADOR. ha ha ha I guess you WOULD take that title, if offered?! ha ha


Thanks for all the great recommendations! Would love to have a run angel for when I start taking my runs outside again!


I used to do the same thing with the heating pad! I don’t anymore but it saved me when we lived in basement apartments!

It feels like a hot chocolate day, but now I can’t decide between that and finding chocolate mints to freeze ;)


I have been talking to my girlfriends about getting a run angel for a while now, but just haven’t bit the bullet. Would love to win one!

Have been having some anxiety and also excitement as the holidays approach and your blog keeps me smiling. Yay for the running community !!


Go for a run or stay in bed… I love it (and struggle with that choice daily!!).


Run Angel would be a perfect gift for me!! I’m a mom of 9 month old twins and it’s hard to meet up with friends, so I log a good bit of solo miles. I’m training for my first postpartum marathon and it would help me mentally to feel safer on those solo long runs! I followed your journey to your sub 3 and postpartum marathon and it has inspired me soooo much! I’m making big goals for myself in this marathon! I’m not going to “play it safe”. I want to dream big!!!


Yay Run Angel!

Hope you and your family are loving this holiday season! Thanks for constantly motivating me daily with your blog posts!



I go through major phases with my running and exercise of choice in general. For the past two months I have been boxing and I LOVE it. I think this one will stick. Something about throwing punches and not getting arrested :) Plus I know that running will always be there for me when I want it. Merry Christmas to you and your family!


Frozen Andes are the best! And frozen thin mint cookies!!!


I’ve been wanting a run angel since your last post about them!


Happy sunny day here in Ohio. I love reading your blog everyday. Thanks for being so honest and real to us


My husband hates when I go out for runs alone, so the Run Angel would be awesome to try!

Have a great day, Janae!


I love your tips & suggestions so much – thank you!!


I’ve asked for several running related stocking stuffers. Pony tail holders, socks, a new hat. Nothing too big, I like to pick the bigger stuff out myself. I plan on getting a run angel next year. I don’t have any running friends (except you, and you live about 1800 miles away…) so I do all my runs solo. I make sure to tell my bf and parents where I’m running. I make sure they know when I’m done. And when I run the trails I take pepper spray with me. There are too many stories on the news today about female runners getting attacked. The more protection the better.

Most of the gifts I’ve asked for are kitchen related. The biggest one being a kitchenaid mixer. Plus I’m saving up for a Vitamix blender. (They are just so dang expensive. But I want one so bad!)


Merry Christmas! I hope yours is wonderful, and that the rest of your year is filled with lots of happy runs.


I always worry about my 16 year old when she goes running, Run Angel would take away some of that worry :)
What a great product!


Praying hard for you and Andrew to get to that start line healthy and injury free. <3 And thank you for the giveaway!!


I would love anything from Sarah’s studio or to try Run Angel. :)


The Run Angel sounds like a great idea! Hope you have a great weekend!!


I would love the run angel! I get nervous running in the morning and it would definitely give me some peace of mind.

Thanks for the giveaway!


I feel yah running through the Utah winter. It’s rough getting out there everyday. Keep it up.


I’m going out and immediately getting a heating pad for my bed before I lay in it at night! Such a great idea!


I love reading your blog every morning and I would love a Run Angel to help me feel safe on my outdoor runs!!


For Minnesota winters I run in Due Norths. They have little spikes at the bottom. When I was shopping around they looked more comfortable than the YakTrax. They have lasted 3 winters so far!


I like running in the dark, both morning and night, but I live in Alaska which generally is one of the most unsafe states. A run angel would make me feel so much better. Hope everybody has a great weekend!


Oh wow – I actually sent my mom a link to Run Angel on Monday! Clearly, I’m supposed to get it one way or another. I live in a sketchier part of my city, but it’s so convenient to run straight out the door instead of driving somewhere to start my run!
I LOVE podcasts. I think I got in on them early – 2013 – and they are so versatile! Listen to educational ones, inspiring ones, just stories… love love love.
Funny, too, that I was wondering how Andrew was all of a sudden joining you at your current mileage, but it makes sense now! It’s still awesome that he can just join you for a good-paced 12-mile trail run without that much base mileage.
Happy weekending!


That pic of Brooke and Knox with the matching head tilt–so CUTE! Also cute: the dog saying ‘hi’ to Skye :)
Your poor frozen ankles! Looks like crew sock season :)

I would so much love to win a Run Angel for my BFF. She runs on the C&O canal towpath, and I worry about her being out there solo. Sometimes there are tons of other people running, biking, and strolling, but other times she sees only turtles and herons along the way.
Have an awesome day!


Oh my gosh, those sweaters are so cute! I might have to spoil myself with one. :)
My boyfriend doesn’t like when I run alone, especially since it seems to always be dark this time of year, so the run angel would be an amazing gift!
~Merry Christmas to you and your family!~


Funny story… the woman who started koala clip is my friends husband’s friend from high school :)


No way! That is so awesome. It’s a small world:) Have a great day Annie!


I would love a Run Angel especially given my name is Angel.


I’ve been stuck on the treadmill because I’ve been letting fear get the best of me lately. A run angel would be awesome. Thanks for the inspiration!


I just received a reply from the inventors if Koala clip I’m delighted to hear that they ship to Ireland ! I will be purchasing.
The Run Angel has been something I’ve wanted for ages to feel safe on my runs. Thank you !


I love Yaktrax! They took me a run to get used to, but I felt SO much more confident when I wore them. And my gait/posture was better because I wasn’t constantly worried about slipping.

Something totally random: I once hulahooped for over 2 hours without taking a break.


I would love to give my husband a run angel.


I would love LOVE a run angel. All of us runners need to be a little safer while we’re out there kicking butt!


Ok this has nothing to do with your post today but one of your pics caught my eye and reminded me of this question. How white are your kitchen cabinets? Are they pure white or creamy? Do they match your doors and trim? How about compared to the white backsplash? Are they similarly white or a little creamier? I’m getting my cabinets painted in a few weeks and I’m clearly having a hard time deciding between a true white and a slightly creamier version. Ha ha!


That is a great question! Our cabinets are creamy… they do not match our doors and trim (close but not exact). The backsplash is pure white so they are just a bit off from that. I personally prefer the creamy version but that’s just me! I hope you have a great day and I”m so excited for your cabinets to get painted! Send me the before and after:)


My husband has been telling me how much he’d love me to get something like the run angel! This time of year, my favorite thing is hot chocolate milk after a cold, morning run!


I want all the SMDS sweatshirts! And a run angel!


I asked for a koala clip for Christmas and I can’t wait to see if I get one! I also want brooks leggings, goodr sunglasses, and new running gloves. I think my husband would love me wearing a run angel. He worries when I run alone :)


Hello, I love reading your entries – it’s a joy to watch your kids grow and be inspired by you and Andrew with your running! My daughters are runners at college now, I miss them and when they were littles! Merry Christmas to you and your family!


I took my kids (8, 6, and 3) to see the new grinch movie and we all loved it so much more than the old one and way more kid friendly than the Jim Carey one!


I run first thing in the morning so I would love Run Angel for safety!


I would love a Run Angel for my young niece who runs. Also I also have a new podcast addiction and love love frozen Andes mints!


I would love to try the Run Angel. I keep meaning to buy some kind of safety device for running but just haven’t yet.


Frozen chocolate mints are the best!
I’m 11 weeks pregnant (first-time mom, woo hoo!), and adding the Run Angel to my other gear (head light and reflective vest) would give both my husband and me more peace of mind while I continue to do what I love during these darker winter months – RUN! :-)


I love putting a heating pad in bed, too! Before I got married I slept with a heated mattress pad and it was incredible, but my husband is morally opposed to being warm when he sleeps so he bought me a heating pad for Christmas as a compromise. :)


York Peppemint Patties are really good frozen!


I plan on getting some peppermint ice cream for Christmas this year and am really excited! (Trying not to buy it early).
Run angel is so smart especially during the winter/icy months.


Is it hard to reach your phone with the Koala clip? I tend to go for the side pockets so I can grab my phone quickly for a photo.

I’d like a run angel too, but they are out of my price range right now!


Not for me (maybe I have long arms) I get my phone out and put it back without stopping when I am running. It’s definitely easier than I expected! Have a great day!


Yaktrax are usually really helpful on trails for me! The kind I have you shouldn’t use on pavement that doesn’t have snow/ice over it though, it can damage them on straight pavement/road.

I NEED the heating pad trick. Must stock up on a bunch to heat the entire bed.


We used to put an electric blanket under the fitted sheet (like a mattress pad) and used that to preheat the whole bed. It was amazing. (I think it had a timer or something so it didn’t stay on all night and get too hot.)


I would love a Run Angel as I run at 5:15 in the morning! I do run with a headlamp and my dog, but I would feel even safer with the Run Angel in case of emergency! I also love the Wanna go for a run, wanna stay in bed shirt. That was me this morning. ha.


Hey Girl!! Have I ever mentioned you and your blog helped me train for me first marathon? I love you! I do tons of my training by myself and would love a Run Angel! Also I need to be like you and get more sleep!


DESIRAE!!!! Next time you are in town visiting your family can we please go on a run together?! CONGRATS ON YOUR FIRST MARATHON!


Hello, love reading your daily posts! You inspire me to keep pursuing my running goals. Hope you have fun with your ultra.

My sister told me a couple months ago that I need a run angel, and I agree!


Oh thank you so much Catherine! Keep me updated with how your training is going and I agree.. you need one! Have a wonderful weekend:)


FROZEN ANDES MINTS ARE EVERYTHING. Btw I just bought one of those sweatshirts because they look like the comfiest things ever. Happy Friday lady!


Thanks for the giveaway! My husband tried to find one for me recently and they showed out of stock! ☹️


Love your blog!


Would love a Run Angel, as I almost always run alone. Have a great weekend!


I loved Gabrielle union on Oprah’s podcast!


Thanks for the running gift ideas! Love your styoe!!


Thanks for the running gift ideas! Love your style!!


Oh I would love a run angel! Ice cream gets freezer burnt in our freezer too. I just have trouble committing to one flavor. So now I buy ice cream bars and they get consumed more successfully. I got some peppermint ones dipped in chocolate is candy cane pieces in the chocolate coating. They are amazing!!


Confession: I don’t even run but love your blog! I use a lot of the running tips as motivation in my gym workouts:)! Thks!


I completed my 12 mile training run for my half solo today in rain and a 12mph headwind soooo i think I’m mentally ready now. Going to see my sister and dad this wknd so had to get it in before I went!!

I would love the run angel so I feel safer on my solo runs!!


Love your style!


I would
Love the planner! I love my google calendar but something about paper i can’t let go of….

Also want the run angel as an Xmas gift for my best friend who just got news she’s running Chicago!


More and more I am worried about safety on my run. I love the idea of an easy, wearable device like the Run Angel!


Hi Janae! Just wanted to say how much I am enjoying reading about your ultramarathon training! I am hoping to do my first ultra next year and am so inspired by your training, and also love all the info you are sharing! I am so jealous of your trails though…where I live in upstate New York, the trails closest to me are super short and technical. I end up doing laps of a 1-2 mile trail which is boring after a while. We do have a super long bike trail but it’s flat and paved. Great for speed but not ultra training :(
Have a great weekend!


I love the Sarah Marie Design Studio sweatshirt in pink (Live Easy Run Hard). It looks so pretty on you!


Love your new bed! You can buy heated mattress pads with dual controls (for his & her sides). Best gift my husband ever bought me!


I’ve been wanting a run angel!!

Merry Christmas!


You’re making me want the cozy sweatshirts and fun mug! The mug would be perfect gifts for my running friends.


I’ve been craving Andes mints for weeks now! I need to get some.


Love the picture of Andrew and Skye in the kitchen. She looks like a happy little girly!

Thanks for the link to the Super Soul podcasts!


I am not an outside cold weather runner….you and Andrew impress me with all of your runs that you do outside in such cold conditions. I run on the treadmill when it’s cold. Good luck with all of your training – you two are amazing!!


I would love a Run Angel! I run by myself at 5am in the dark most days. Sarah Marie Designs stuff is so cute. My boss got me the donut shirt!

Have a great day!


Ohh, I would love a Koala clip. I do not take my phone with me on runs unless I wear my hydration pack (so, only with long runs) and I’d feel much more safe having it with me for all runs.


I told Scott I want a Run Angel. But I think he was confused about what it is. I will also remember to order a Koala Clip one of these days. And you already know how I feel about the sweatshirts!


PS – When did you get a new bed? Kinda sad we aren’t bed twins anymore. ;-)


I love of all of these! I’d love a run angel because i run alone most mornings and sometimes I get nervous


I’m hoping to take my 5yo to see the Grinch before it leaves the theater! Perhaps this weekend.


you have the cutest family :)


Ahhhh is that a Vizsla?? Our’s is 9 and still a bucket of energy :)

The waterproof cascadias are so great for snow. I have yet to throw spikes on mine this and it has been super slick out. I have some spikes that I got at costco 3 years ago. They are a little less dramatic than the yaxtrax. I only wear them when it is SUPER slick out!


I have had my eye on a run angel for a while now! Fingers crossed I win! Very important question also – what size are you wearing in the Sarah Marie Design sweatshirts? You look adorable in them. How tall are you? LOVE your matching red patagonia jackets with Brookie and Skye!!!


I like Skye’s PJs too!! She looks like a such a big girl in the photo with you and Grinch :)
Love your bed…looks so pretty and cozy. Heating pad routine is BRILLIANT!!
Have you had the Holiday Junior Mints? They have crushed peppermint in them (kind of like TJ’s chocolate covered Jojo’s). I’ve been getting them at Target.


I am also a huge chocolate mints in the freezer! I actually buy an extra box of Girl Scout Thin Mints and hide them in the back of the freezer to break out “for emergencies”!! Also my go to holiday dessert is brownies with broken up Andes mixed in ??


I would love a Run Angel. Also, putting a heating pad in bed sounds amazing!


Run Angel!

And frozen mints……great idea


I’ve had my eye on a Run Angel for quite some time! I’d love to win one. I simply love your blog, and you seriously have the cutest little family!!


I’d like a run angel for my sister!


I will have to get some of those cute jammies for my daughter! They look so comfy :)

Thanks for the awesome gift ideas the last couple of posts. They’re all pretty much on my list.


Would love to have a Run Angel and feel a little safer during my early morning and late evening runs!


I would love to win a Run Angel! :)

Thanks for all the awesome gift guides too. Pretty sure they’re all on my list.


I live in NYC and run alone a alot, and now that it is dark in the morning and at night, I am finding myself afraid to run!

Happy Birthday to Skye! :)


I WOuld love a rumble angel!! My neighborhood isn’t kinda sketchy so it would be so great!

I went on two runs yesterday and it felt great (although I am sore..)


I absolutely LOVE the sweatshirts! Too cute! I always put chocolate in the fridge. I think it’s the “snap” that I like so much. I was just talking to someone about the Run Angel! Such a wonderful device! Have a great day!


Run Angel is on my Christmas list this year!!


Can’t wait to read up on Run Angel! And your bed looks amazing! Keep posting pics of your new house!

Isn’t it funny how the 3rd child’s routine sometimes just has to be your routine?


I want a Run Angel! I am old. I do not run fast. I would easily be picked off if someone wants to attack. Think like a herd of buffalo. The old slow buffalos are preyed on first every time.

Haha! I’m hoping to get your random draw today!


You have the cutest family! I would love a run angel. I usually run on the treadmill but would love to get outside more. I purchased a “Well Rounded” t-shirt after you had one on and love it!

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