You Don’t Get to Choose + Training Week #1 for 50 Miler.

I don’t think I’ve ever been as excited to get home from a run as I was yesterday:)

Just practicing some running in a blizzard.

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13.15 miles @ 7:58 average pace (first run in the 7s in a very long time:)!  This picture below makes the weather look pleasant but it was still pretty cold.  The snow/rain/slush/sleet stopped at about mile 10 so I was grateful for 3 miles of dryness at the end.  As cold as I was, it was really fun to run through the crazy elements.

The thing that got me out the door in the first place and not on the treadmill was thinking about how on race day I won’t get to pick the conditions so I might as well get used to that now.   There will be plenty of treadmill runs during this training cycle with Andrew’s hospital schedule up ahead but if I can get out and push it, I will.

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I did stop at my house at mile #3 because I had stepped in the coldest and largest puddle (when it was still dark) on the planet and my feet turned to popsicles so I had to change shoes, socks and pants (that is how big the puddle was:).  This picture made me realize I do not untie my shoes when I take them off…

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Andrew left for his run when I got home and Brooke joined me in some yoga.

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Andrew had a wonderful time running 11 miles (it started raining/snowing right as he left haha).  He’s really excited about this 50 miler;)

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We decorated the house for Christmas and Andrew put the lights on outside!

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Cold outside= turn your stairs into a slide with pillows at the bottom.

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In the morning my mom sent us a text that she wanted to watch the kids for us while we went to dinner for a thank you for Thanksgiving.  We jumped on that offer and I think the kids were ready for a break from us;)

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We went to an Italian restaurant for the meatballs, garlic bread and salad but somehow the salad is still the same price but half the size it used to be (WHY DO RESTAURANTS DO THIS TO ME?!?).  The appetizers were great though and I had some of Andrew’s pizza too.

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And then of course we went here too:

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Weekly Mileage:  8 miles on the trails, 13.15 mile long run, 54.51 miles total for the week and 4,991 feet climbed—>  The race I’m training for is 50 miles at 6,000 ft of climbing so that is a bit intimidating to think that what I did in a week is what we will do in a day BUT that’s why we have to trust the training… it gets us there.  Stay consistent, do the work and tell your brain to stop telling you that you can’t.

The speeds are much different than marathon training but the miles are there and the elevation gain is happening!   Hopefully this week I can get a few more runs on the trails than this last week!



What was your best run from last week?  Hardest run?

Anyone else get some snow this weekend?

What do you have going on today?

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Hello Janae! I can’t believe I’m the first person to comment on your blog today. That never happens. laughing because I do that thing with my shoes too, but I think that shows that they fit you well because running shoes aren’t supposed to be super tight. I ran a half marathon on thanksgiving with my best friend Julianne, my sister, and my mother. My mom had never raced before at all and was super nervous, but she was running 10+ miles 2x a week for 10 weeks leading up to the race so she did great! Jules and I did well too, seeing as we didn’t train. We enjoyed celebrating our fitness level and had a really fun race, but no PR’s!

We had so much fun that we decided to go ahead, bite the bullet, and sign up for a full marathon. We’ve been talking about it since we first became friends five years ago and agreed that we would want to do it after college so we could have more time to train (we went to a REALLY tough school) but are now finally out of college so it’s go time.

We love your blog for tips and tricks :) I’m personally worried that I’ll have to do too much running and won’t get a chance to power lift and mountain bike enough. I’m thinking it’s probably doable if I lift 2x a week, mountain bike 1x a week, then run 3x a week (long run, run workout, easy run).

No snow ever down here since we’re far down south. Running for us is perfect right now, it’s usually in the high 40’s or low 50’s. We can’t complain :) I’m super excited to go mountain biking today. Happy thanksgiving weekend to you and your family, I hope y’all stay warm!


I did pilates this morning and then did my first run after having to take time off from injury–just two miles to feel things out, but the sun was out and it was a little warmer than it’s been so it was the perfect day. But my running app said I was running at a 5:45 pace . . . YEAH RIGHT! I’d be training for Tokyo if that were the case!

Looking at signing up for a half in the spring–and then feeling so behind when you just go out for 13 mile runs in a blizzard! Got a lot of training ahead of me.

Have a wonderful Sunday!!


My first Ultra was a real test of the elements for me and I was so glad I had done my training outside regardless of weather. I hope your weather on race day is perfect but if not, at least you are tackling your training with the right mindset.
My long run is always my favorite but I was proud of myself for the work I put in on the track this week. I hate running in circles more than I hate running on the treadmill so I will usually choose the treadmill for intervals. Unfortunately I am never sure if my speed is accurate that way so a track tells the real story.
Today is for groceries, meal prep and holiday decorations.


I think about that a lot on race day. If you train in any condition you might have the advantage of others racing if the weather is bad. Racing kind of leaves the playing field because everyone is running the same course in the same weather.

I’m so glad you guys were able to get a date night in!


Hi Janae.
I am a pretty active person, crossfit, yoga, spin, etc. And I usually run at least 3X/week. But I took a bit of a break from it as the weather was changing (we have had snow on the ground here and its been mostly really cold since Nov 1). And for some reason, I just can’t seem to find the motivation to get back to it. I have been enjoying all the other things, so maybe my body needs the break??? But I feel guilty about it, lol. Ahh well, just some Sunday ramblings…. I am off to yoga shortly, and I have been getting puppy out for a long walk everyday, with a lot of clothes on, haha. Have a good one. Your trail running is making me jealous though, I wish I could see the ground here…..


Congrats on running 10 miles after stepping in that puddle….i probably would have been done after that!
Beat run was a nice 5 miler on Tuesday…..worst was Friday’s 1 mile on the treadmill…..i am keeping up my running streak, but mileage has been low the last 2 weeks. I know that’s fine, but i am itching for good weather to get in a 6 or 7 miler. Training for my half marathon doesnt officially start until after Christmas, but i want to be up to 8 miles again by then.
We hardly ever get snow, but we have had some cold windy days.


Best run was turkey trot with Hope.

Got all the adult stuff done, so a day of relaxing and good food with my little family.


You need to go listen to TobyMac’s new song The Elements! It’s perfect for a messy weather run.

I did intervals on Tuesday for the first time in a couple of years. 6 x 400. 1.5 miles of pain! It was my best and hardest run this week.

We got snowed out of Yosemite. Some of the roads were being closed (normal when there is snow) and chains were required, so we opted out. Super bummed about that!

I am staying home today. We came home from Thanksgiving and I brought a bug with me. Hoping to kick it quickly.


Hi Janae!
I admire you for being brave and signing up for a 50 miler! 5ks are all I tackle at this point. I haven’t done a 5k in two years but decided to be brave a sign up for one in May. I have always thought it would be fun to do one while on vacation and that’s just what I’m going to do. It’s a liittle scary to think about doing a 5k outside of cache valley but I’m also excited too. After not running for two years it’s time to start training.


I’m going to Chicago soon. Gonna try to get a run in. It might be the coldest run I’ve ever done, and if there’s snow, I don’t know if I’ll be brave enough to go! I was born in Hawaii and live in Las Vegas, so not sure about white stuff falling from the sky.


Wow, looks like an impressive week of training, all things considered!

My toughest run of the week was right before Thanksgiving dinner. I woke up late and ended up having to run on an empty stomach. About a mile in, my legs just wanted to give up! Nonetheless I persevered, and it all ended as well as can be expected.

Then… all. the. food!


Every kid dreams of sledding down their house stairs after watching Home Alone!
We have a snow storm rolling in soon. I made sure to buy mini marshamallows after seeing your hot chocolate on IG yesterday!
Best run this week was yesterday’s five miles. I’m coming back from a strange tendonitis/plantar fasciitis injury. Rocking the sleep boot lately!


Best run from last week was definitely my 21-miler on monday, but nothing’s been good since then! Today my shin is, some of the time, just barely hurting when I walk or stand on it, pain fluctuating between a 0 and a 1. Gonna keep icing it and avoid impact for a few days and keep reminding myself that the marathon (20 days away) isn’t out of the question yet!

It’s gotten slightly colder in Florida but yeah, definitely no snow… I’ll be jealous of you at Christmastime!

Today I’m gonna strength train instead of running and do some baking!


I was wondering if you are using your coach for your 50 miler? I don’t want to give you advice if you are still using your coach because I don’t want to contradict or interfere.


Your mom is the best!
With the colder temperatures, is Andrew training in shorts! ???


You go girl! That is awesome :) Which 50 miler are you planning on doing? I went snowshoeing at Alta today and LOVED it…I’m slowly getting used to seeing tons of snow – it’s definitely different than Charleston haha. My friend that I snowshoed with was telling me about snowshoeing races and cross country skiing races. Maybe I’ll give one of those a shot while I am out here, it would definitely be something different :)


Why have I never thought to put my ear warmers over my baseball cap when running?!? Brilliant!

I’m a baseball cap runner through and through, but never have been able to wear them when it’s extremely cold because I tried putting them on OVER my ear warmers and it just didn’t work. Thanks for sharing that pic!

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