How do YOU deal with Pain? Forgive + Guzzle.

I think that Skye is making everyone in our family’s arms stronger!  Sometimes I see Brooke holding Skye and I wonder how in the world we are in this place when I swear Brooke was just this size too…

Mindy is inspiring me to get back to drinking water like crazy.  She talks about just taking breaks through the day to guzzle water when sipping all day isn’t your thing.  My new goal is to guzzle down my water bottle when Skye guzzles down her bottle.  It’s a good reminder.  Look at those sleepy eyes of hers.

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Another nap time run with a friend… kind of my jam right now.

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And then it was off to pick up Knox from school and run some errands.  Target was giving out cookies which we were pretty thrilled about.  Also, my eyelashes are rather fake looking below which reminded me of a story… remember when I did that thing for Old Navy?  The make-up artist thought my eyelashes didn’t look sporty so HE CUT THEM OFF (along with some of my real eyelashes too and I had just had them filled right before going).  Someday I’ll find a way to forgive him.

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Went to hang out with Paige.  Have you tried this from TJ’s?  Delicious.

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I asked Brooke what her favorite part of her day at school was and she answered MATH. <— I’m excited about that.

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Just getting in some reading.

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My 9 year old self is crying when I see the below image.

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We ended the night with a classic.

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Did anyone else see Des post this?  I just don’t know if I can get past the fact that she eats her Kit Kats like this.

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Pain talk (not from an injury or serious problems known or unknown which should not be ignored) but from pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zones:

We know the pain is going to come and we have a pretty good idea of how it is going to feel.  So, how do we deal with it during a race?

I went into my last marathon with my eyes wide open that the pain was going to be the main character of my morning.  I didn’t try to pretend that to reach my goal I was just going to float on through, I prepared  for it mentally beforehand.  I told myself over and over again that I wasn’t going to let it slow me down.  I knew it was going to show up but I didn’t want to finish the race and feel more pain from not hitting my goals than the pain I was going to feel during the race.  I reminded myself over and over again that the pain would pass… feeling pain at mile 16 did not mean it was going to feel like that at mile 22 (races really are a roller coaster of emotions/feelings).  I told myself to focus on the things that didn’t hurt like my elbows, neck and eyebrows.  When the pain came I reminded myself that I can do hard things and that it wasn’t going to kill me… I’ve made it through these pains during a race before.  I reminded myself that the brain tells us that things are painful long before you actually need to slow things down (the body has much more to give but the brain warns us as a survival mechanism to stop long before it needs to).

The benefits we get to enjoy once we push through the pain make it all so incredibly worth it—>  A new pr, a new distance pr, confidence, proving to ourselves we can do hard things feels pretty amazing, those endorphins are on fire, seeing our strength and the list goes on and on.

One of my favorite quotes about pain:

“I think you just know it’s going to be there and you sort through it as you need to.  It’s okay to hurt and to be confused and not have the answer.  You just have to be okay that this could take a while.” –Des Linden on Finding Mastery. <— One of the best podcast episodes I have ever listened to it.

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(From How Bad Do You Want It)

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I guess the key here is our attitude with the pain that we feel?  Maybe if we look at it like it’s just part of the experience and that it will pass, we can handle it all a lot better?!  It’s okay to hurt during the hard stuff… the hurt makes us stronger!


How do you deal with the pain during a race or workout?

Are you pretty good at drinking enough water each day?  Do you carry a water bottle with you?

What was your favorite subject in school?

Favorite candy bar?

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I am not good at drinking enough water. I like the idea of taking water breaks because I just don’t even remember to drink it throughout the day.

I did not like math in school! I don’t even know if I really had a favorite subject. Especially in elementary school. I was one of those kids that just kind of went through the motions in school and tried really hard but didn’t do great. But I liked English in high school.


Yes, let’s do the water break thing together! Have a great day Jenny!


Milky Way Dark!


Those are SO good!!


I laughed to hard at the beanie baby….my husband’s hobby is buying and selling things on ebay and amazon (he’s randomly really good at it too). One day he came home with two giant tubs full of beanie baby’s he bought on craigslist. He didn’t get through sorting them that night, so he left them out in the morning…..welllllllll………my 3 year old came downstairs to two bins full of “presents” and started ripping off the tags! I thought it was hilarious. My husband was trying not to cry.
I like to get a water bottle from my races. I’ve been carrying my Chicago bottle and it helps remind me to drink water. :)
Fav candy bar is definitely Snickers. Although Almond Joy and Kit Kat’s are up there….


OH MY GOODNESS!?!? Hahaha that must have been so hard for him to see. They just love tearing those things off. Now I need an Almond Joy:)


Love this stuff about pain during a race! My best tactic for pain (in races and in life) is usually to try to ignore it, but I think acknowledging it and reminding yourself that you are strong and can do the hard things is even better–both in racing and in life.

I’ve been trying to be better about drinking more water. It’s become a much more important part of my life in the past couple of years, so I carry around my big Hydroflask with me EVERYWHERE and fill it up multiple times throughout the day.


Yes yes yes… I love how these lessons apply to running and life! I bet it is necessary for your health to really stay on top of that:) Hope you are having a great day!


Math was my absolute favorite subject and it still is. My mother and I both remember me saying when I was younger “I just want to do math problems all day.” Ha! And now that is basically what I do for a job so I’m super lucky. On car trips/vacations I would get those “fun” puzzle books with problem solving type puzzles.

After ice skating practice, I would always get a Skor bar. They were like Heath bars but, in my opinion, better! I would peel back the wrapper about an inch, crack the top layer of chocolate with my teeth and get the chocolate off that portion. And then eat the hard candy part. And then peel back more of the wrapper and repeat until down to the end. Haa!! I hope that is not TMI. I have a feeling you would appreciate the detail :)


Oh I love that you said that… finding exact answers really is so fun. I forgot about Skor bars! I absolutely appreciate that detail… I do that with so many different candy bars too haha… it’s the best way to eat them!


I ran my first 1/2 marathon last month but by mile 7 my IT was talking. By mile 10, knee pain started and proceeded to get worse by the mile. I finished with stabbing pain each stride. Hindsight, I should have stopped running. But I didn’t want my first 1/2 to be remembered as the race I quit. I’m still struggling with my ITs. I’ll start my run feeling great (8:30 pace) and by mile 3 the knees start talking, and stabbing pain by 4 miles. I am stretching/rolling/icing plus mega stretch/roll before runs but I am unable to get my mileage back. Way bummed.

PS – If you have IT ideas, would love to hear! PPS – love, love, love your blog (found you when researching IT pain)


Oh JULES!! IT Band pain is the absolute WORST. I am so so sorry about what happened during your first half marathon. Not okay! The thing that helps my IT Band the most when I have problems is scraping. Have you heard about that? You can read more about it here:
There are massage therapists, physical therapists and chiropractors that will do it for you. PLEASE let me know if you have any other questions. Also, the R8 Recovery Roller can really help your IT Band too. Good luck and thank you for reading:) Please keep in touch!


Thanks for your tips and experience! (And your link to your scraping post! Gives me hope you have recovered…) Eeek… yes… scraping…UGH! I had IT issues several years ago and went to PT, they scraped like crazy and holy buckets does it hurt during but sooo loose after. Your reply is my impetus to call my PT doctor today and start again. I thought I could do their exercises and roll like crazy and that would be all I need. I’ll look at the R8, too. I am missing so much running distance (nothing better than running with my husky pup–just like your Beretta!)

Oh, btw, I’m astounded, just like other replies, at Old Navy’s suggestion on cutting your lashes… sheesh?! They’re gorgeous.


Thank you for your tips and experience! (And your post about scraping, if you recovered, gives me hope) Eeek… yes…scraping…UGH! I went to PT for my IT issues several years ago and they scrapped. Holy buckets it hurts during and feels so loose after. Alas, your reply is spurring me to call my PT doc again, just gotta do it. I thought I could heal by doing their exercises on my own. I’ll look into the R8 though, thanks! I miss running distances ( nothing better than long distances with my husky pup–just like your Beretta!)

Oh! I can’t believe, just like others have commented, the Old Navy guy wanting to cut your lashes…WTH! They’re gorgeous.


Keep me updated!!! I hope it is better asap:) Oh and I feel bad I didn’t say it right… it wasn’t an Old Navy guy, it was a makeup artist that was just working there for the day:) Have a wonderful day!


I feel your pain! Strengthening my hips worked for me.


I must know what that red cone is around your bacon pan! Brilliant! Where did you get it?! We have a new home and I’m so worried about getting grease splatter on my mosaic backsplash. Please share!


Congrats on your new home! That is awesome! We love it, you can get it here:
Have an awesome day!


That’s funny that you quoted “How Bad Do You Want It” I just started re-reading it and I’m on that chapter now! I think it’s so true that expecting to feel pain in a race is a game changer. I used to go into races just hoping it would feel good and then would slow down or give up when it got hard because I wasn’t prepared for it. But now I mentally prepare- knowing it will hurt and then when it gets hard during a race I can stay calm and know this is what it’s supposed to feel like. And I agree- I think the motivation of knowing how great you will feel at the finish line if you kept working hard vs. backing off now and feeling disappointed when you are done is a huge motivator to keep pushing.

I’m pretty good about drinking water throughout the day- but I still like the idea of specific breaks where you drink water. Sometimes if I’m busy I’ll forget to drink even though I have a water bottle right there.

Pretty much anything chocolate is my favorite candy bar :-) If I had to pick one though I would probably say Snickers


Oh I love hearing this Diana. It really is such a game changer on race day. Enjoy reading it again, it is such an incredible book! I hope you get a Snickers soon:)


Do you know what type/brand glue your girl uses for your lashes… I had a TERRIBLE allergic reaction to the glue. I couldn’t see well for about 24 hours and then the redness finally went away after a few days, but it’s just not worth the eye trouble anymore. However I LOVE them so so much.


Oh no!!! That is awful! I go in on Monday and I’ll get all of the details and let you know. I hope we can figure out something that works for you!


No I am not good at drinking water. You know those little diet mountain dew bottles. I will it after I drink the soda with water and tell myself I must drink water next. Baby steps.


Baby steps are the best way to go and you are doing amazing!


Can we talk about that HUGE bacon splash guard? Where did you get that thing? How do you store it? I need one!


Yes!!! It’s the absolute best!!! Here is the link and have an awesome day:


I’ve never seen the bacon spatter/funnel thing–might need to try that out because the grease mess keeps me from making bacon as much as the kids ask me to.
Pain is (indirectly) what I sign up for when I’m putting everything into a maximum effort. So I do everything I can to make sure I’ve fixed all the form issues possible–not getting sloppy with foot strike or holding my core tight or shoulders down and back, etc. Sometimes that can distract from the pain or even have it let up a tiny bit if I can fix something.

I rarely drink water, but I have a big thermos of decaf with me most of the day. It might not be the very best option, but it’s liquid & it keeps my hydrated.

I liked English best overall. Chemistry was interesting, and I loved sign language in college–wish I could have stuck with it to become fluent.

Snickers are the best, though I’ll accept others with both caramel and nuts. Milky Way and 3 Musketeers don’t count.


YES GET ONE… it is so nice!
I love the idea of problem solving during the pain to help what you can… I like that! I hope you get a Snickers soon:) Enjoy your day!


Oh how I need to work on pushing through the pain and discomfort! That definitely is my week point in my running. I am getting better, but still need to work on that.
I go through phases where I am so good at drinking water during the day, and times when I’m not. Right now, I need to remind myself to drink water…. I believe these 2 issues are related ?. When I am really good with my water intake, running through the pain doesn’t seem as hard.
Favorite subject in school was always history and social sciences. I have always loved learning about people and places.
Favorite candy bar I think would be Butterfingers. I did see Des’ post, and it made me laugh!
Happy Thursday ?


We are all working on it together:) I hope you get a butterfinger soon! Have a beautiful day, Wendy!


Three books that were mental game changers this year for me: How Bad Do You Want It, Strong, Let Your Mind Run!
And remember on The Office when Ryan just goes for it with eating string cheese? Same for the Kit-Kat from Des!


SAME HERE… all so good. Hahaha Andrew said a guy he was working with the other day was eating three string cheese at a time just like that… it’s not right!


First, SKYE’S HAIR! I love noticing in every pic how much longer it gets! Baby hair is the cutest and smells so so good :)

You know, YOU had posted months ago, from How Bad Do You Want It, about how you just can’t go into races expecting or hoping that it won’t hurt (if you’re gunning for a PR or to meet a goal), and it sent bells off in my head. That’s exactly what I’d been doing in my half-marathons that weren’t going well. For my marathon, I expected it to be tough. We ran across a bridge that I knew would be windy, and I expected it to be HARD, and it ended up not being as bad as I thought it would be. MIndset sure does matter………..

Fav candy bar is hard. I love 100 Grands. I think they are a severely underappreciated candy bar!!!!!! Kit Kats ARE good, and I don’t think I’ve EVER eaten one like Des did, but I laughed out loud when she posted that. I love her!!!!!!!!!

Have a great day—jealous of your run in a tank top!!!!! :) It’s chilly here in PA!


OH I LOVE THIS!! I’m so glad that could help a bit for your marathon that you rocked! I fully appreciate 100 Grands like you, they are the best! Thank you Jen, have a wonderful day!


Oh my heavens, THE TAG!!!! Totally reminds me of the Studio C skit about the kid’s inheritance tied up in the Beanie Baby, haha!

I used to be so good about my water intake but I have slacked lately and I can totally feel the difference. Going to try the guzzle method today and see if that helps. :)

Okay, the pain thing. I’m going to come at this from an emotional point of view BUT it totally applies on the physical and mental sides, so take the walk with me, okay? ;) My youngest has a progressive neuromuscular disease. When he was young and first diagnosed and we were all reeling and trying to navigate ALL the feelings, I asked his doctor what we could do to help him when he was struggling with all that came with the really difficult life he had ahead of him. And his doctor, bless that man, gave the best LIFE advice ever! He said, “When the hard moments come, FEEL them. All of it, every second of it. Let him know that is is okay to feel pain and hard things. BUT, it’s not okay to wallow in it. Feel the feelings, feel the pain, feel the hard, AND THEN MOVE ON. It’s the only way to learn that he CAN get through the hard times.” And it’s advice we’ve worked so hard to instill in him (and I’ve worked to instill in myself). And now, 8 years later, wouldn’t you know it, sometimes that kid comes to me and says, “I just need to cry, this is so hard right now.” And he does, heart-wrenching, end of the world sobs. But only for about 5-10 minutes. Then he takes a few deep breaths, washes his face, and says “Okay, I feel better. I can do this now.”

In applying that to mental and physical (and emotional) strength, we don’t like to feel uncomfortable. Ever. For any reason. We push it away, or we numb it (with various and wide-ranging self medicating), or we give up. “This hurts, this doesn’t feel happy, STOP.” And while that is the brain’s true survival mechanism kicking in, like you said, if you are not in a true dangerous or harmful situation, you CAN teach yourself to cope by pushing through. It takes a long time and we have to be patient with ourselves, but it’s possible. The body creates muscle memory from pushing through a hard moment and can then tell the brain in those make or break moments/workouts/mental blocks/races, “We’ve done this before and look, we’re still alive. It’s okay, we can survive this.”

I think you are so right, Janae, about training mentally for those moments. There are reasons world-class athletes have access to Sports Psycholgists. So much of the physical side of success starts with our mental resilience. This is such a great topic, not only for running, but life! I love that ypu are talking about it today! (And thanks for taking that side-trip with me on the topic, haha!)


That was beautiful. Thank you, and your son, and his doctor!


Aw, thanks Michelle! ❤️


Love this so much! Thank you for sharing :)


Thank you, Elizabeth! Hope our experiences can help others!


Thank you, Elizabeth! ❤️


Michelle, I am in tears. Thank you for sharing with us and I took a screenshot to remember this when hard things pop up. I hope you continue to share with me these amazing things because reading it really did help me with an emotional situation I’m dealing with right now. Thank you, you and your son and your family are absolutely incredible.


(((Hugs for everyone right now)))

Thank you for your sweet words! I hope our experience can help others. We all have mountains to climb, but I love when we can share and lift one another! I’m sorry to hear about the tough emotions right now. I wish we could all skip that part of life—wouldn’t that be awesome?! ? I hope things improve soon. Hang in there! A great reminder in hard moments (for me) is Elder Uchtdorf’s talk about the trees slowing their growth in times of stress. Do you remember that one? A good one to revisit sometimes. I’ll keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers! ❤️


I am a guzzler with water! I’m terrible at remembering…. with 4 young kids I’m lucky if I get to eat!

I enjoy running through certain pain…. for the reasons you stated. Pushing through those hard moments makes it so worth it…. if not running would be boring! However, when that IT band kicks in I cannot seem to push through that? I’m trying to work through getting this fixed but it depletes motivation & causes anxiety during long runs because you never know if that particular pain will show up.


Kristy, I am finding that with more and more kids too… I usually just shovel food in and remembering water lately isn’t happening!
Oh I wouldn’t push through that IT Band pain either… there is nothing like that pain. Have you ever had it scraped? That is the one thing that really helps when mine flares up. It hurts so bad but it is always very effective for me!

Have a beautiful day:) I hope that you are able to get that all fixed up soon because that is not fun!


I have never done scraping! I had a PT massage it out & left a good amount of bruising…. but with every training cycle I end up with IT flare up. I’m only doing half marathons & cant get the courage to push beyond that because of this issue ?‍♀️ Thanks. I’ll look into it.


Thanks so much for that water tip. I am NOT a sipper. With any liquids! So most of the advice I have heard doesn’t apply or help. I’m going to try setting my phone alarm for water guzzles!


Yes!! Let’s guzzle together!


That is so funny about your lashes not being sporty enough lol!!! I can see his point lol

And now I have to try a Kit Kat like that lol

Yay Brooke I love math too!


DON’T DO IT!!!!!!


I love Desi but that is the wrong way to eat a Kit Kat! And Kit Kats are definitely my favorite.
I loved math too in school and now I am an accountant. Although I did want to be a math teacher for most of my youth.
I do carry a water bottle with me. Usually I am pretty decent at drinking water through out the day. Lately I have been fighting a cold and I feel like I tripled my water intake with hopes it will help (I don’t think it really is).
The best way I can deal with pain during a race or workout is to try to focus on the fact that its short lived.
And OMG who cuts eyelashes?!?!?!?


I agree… it’s the one thing that I find imperfect about her now haha:) I hope your cold disappears soon! Thank you for also being shocked about the eyelash things… I COULDN’T BELIEVE IT?!?!


Speaking of pain… I ran again today (about 7.5 miles) and I think it felt even better than yesterday! Well, I’m still paranoid about feeling anything in my shin. Like I think sometimes I think I feel something but it’s not really pain and I wonder if it’s just in my head… I realized when I’m wearing compression socks it’s easy to think I feel something but when I run without them I pretty much don’t feel anything. So I might stick to running without them.

I drink so much water… I’m pretty much always thirsty.
Favorite subject has always been languages (specifically French)!
I’m not a big candy person, if I had to pick something it would probably just be some good dark chocolate.


BOOM… it felt even better than yesterday. I am so so happy. It looks like this marathon is going to happen! I would stick to running without them too if I were you:) My mom speaks French too. Have a wonderful day!


Yay, Brooke, I’m a math fan too!

And I cracked up about your eyelashes. If he only knew those eyelashes ran a sub-3, how’s that for sporty ;)


Bahaha and I cracked up at your comment… SO true. I should write him a letter;) Have a wonderful day Michelle!


I always have a water bottle with me and I’ve always been a sipper and with a marathon next weekend I’m really counting how many ounces I get in. But I’ve decided to try chugging water like Mindy suggested instead of sipping. I have to pee alllllll the time and she said chugging cuts down on that.


MARY!!! I am so so excited for you! I am cheering for you, I hope you have the most amazing marathon! I am finding the chugging cuts that down for me too, hallelujah! Have a great day and enjoy the taper.


That is so interesting! It shows that not only is running a very mental sport . . . it has LAYERS of being mental. (Mental as in brain-oriented, not crazy . . . but maybe both could apply!) I find that if I don’t expect a work to be really hard, and it is, I do get in a funk about it. I suppose being mindful and accepting things as they come is a key part of that.

Subjects: English and orchestra

York Peppermint Patty. Always.


Those are my mom’s favorite too! Have you ever tried them frozen?
I am totally the same way about when I don’t expect it to be hard… loved what you had to say! Have a beautiful day, Kristin!


I deal with self-imposed pain (like from racing) well, but not with other pain. Though, I’d rather feel physical pain than emotional pain.
I cannot believe he cut your eyelashes off! If they were all natural and just long, would he have done that?! I just went back to look at those pictures and you look gorgeous, as always, but I wouldn’t have even been able to tell how long your eyelashes were, regardless. That is so dumb.
Fun fact about me… (kinda related) my first degree was in theatre, and my only”real” acting gig was a commercial for a local bank. They filmed the commercial and I was paid, and eager to watch it on TV. About two weeks later, I received a call, letting me know that the commercial had been reshot with a different actress because I was deemed “not believable as an adult.” I was 25ish at the time. I’m 38 now and still get mistaken for a 20-something, so I guess it’s not all bad looking young, but I cursed it that day! :) No more acting for me.


Oh that’s an interesting point… if they were real I don’t think he would have cut them off… hmm. Hahaha ENJOY THAT NOW… I can see how frustrating that must have been then but that is awesome now! I hope you are having a beautiful day!


Oh no Beanie Baby tags MUST stay on haha. I feel your pain. I always tried to keep mine in mint condition. Of course now I’m left with a bin of beanie babies that hold no value and wondering what to do with them. Also I don’t know how you eat a kit kat that way either. It’s like when I see someone eating a grapefruit like an orange. My way of eating a grapefruit is cut in half and use a fancy grapefruit knife and grapefruit spoon lol. I know there are multiple ways to do things but it’s funny when we have our own way in mind.


Hahaha I’m right there with you and now the kids are just breaking them all now ha. YES about the grapefruit, my dad eats it like an orange and I’m always so confused:) Have a great day.


Have another baby soon……6 stockings hanging up will be oh, so sweet! ;-) HA!


I AGREE!!!!!!


I have conversations with myself while running :) And recently I’ve thought about how it’s going to hurt no matter whether I speed up or slow down, so I better make the pain worth it! I also paced my husband the last three miles of his 1/2 marathon and that’s basically the conversation we had. Embrace the suck!

I carry a 40oz Hydroflask with me at all times. It’s well loved. I also have a 32oz one that I leave at home. I make sure to drink 32oz as soon as I wake up or as soon as I finish my run, then I try and drink my 40oz one at least twice during the day.

I loved English and history in high school. My husband teaches math and 2 of my 3 kids love math the most ;)

Favorite candy bar is definitely Reece’s pb cups!


A pic for a running magazine- that one of you running where you talk about running with a friend right now is your jam. You look so happy, confident and healthy (and very sporty- even with those eyelashes!! Lol. ). Have a great night.


Oh thank you so so much! Hahah I agree… the eyelashes are definitely sporty:) Have a wonderful evening!


Going for a new PR this Sunday, thank you so much for the awesome tips, really.
NYC? Well I threw a pity party / brat attack midway when I was off pace for a couple of miles and did NOT hit my goal. I’m so mad at myself. My attitude stunk and I deserved the reality check. But hey, I got a poncho and a hard lesson.


GOOD LUCK ON SUNDAY! Let what happened in NYC light your fire! You are strong, you’ve done the work and now it’s time to enjoy having an AWESOME attitude this time! Please let me know how it goes!


I carry around a 24 ounce Tervis tumbler cup with a big straw. I find that I drink a lot more water from a straw than from a bottle or an open cup. It also makes it easier to drink while driving or in the car! I don’t usually have trouble getting my water in. There are days where I put down 112 ounces in one day! (yes, that’s a lot. Yes, I’ve been to my doctor and nothing was “wrong”. I just live in S.FL and sweat a lot and I’m thirsty?)

Favorite subject was always science (maybe not so much chemistry though….). I hate math! And things like English Lit are not far behind it.

Favorite candy bar is Snickers.

To handle pain or uncomfortable circumstances in running/exercise I try to zone out and be distracted. I’m not good at self-talk or mantras at all. I have to completely take my mind somewhere else.

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