Silentish Saturday—> Time for 20!

Happy weekend (and a 3 day weekend too, wahoo)!

My day started with 6 miles @ 8:27 pace.

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These two were awake before I was… they told me that the night before they communicated with each other through the vents to wake up early so they could play.

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Andrew loves to tickle her.

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Gaming with Knox and Skye was convinced she needed to join.

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After school we went up to the Salt Lake City Area.

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Just happy to be out seeing a new to her place.

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We were hungry for dinner and Cheesecake Factory didn’t have a wait (usually the wait is soooo long here… it was 4 pm so that is why we didn’t have a wait;) so we went in to eat.

Burger for me.

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And we all split an ice cream sundae afterwards.

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It’s go time!!!  20 miles—>  Luckily I am running with some friends.  I’m really really really excited to hit this new benchmark in my marathon training this time around!

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My aunt is doing the Pocatello marathon and they gave her a bag of potatoes as part of her SWAG:)

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Tell me three things that you are doing today!!!

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I’m running the Pocatello marathon too! Small world! I hope she does great!


AHHHHH HOW DID IT GO CHRISTINE!?! I want to hear all of the details!!!


Work out, coffee with friends, dog hike with friends, Library, more dog walking :-) hope your 20 miler is going great!


That sounds perfect! Enjoy Amanda and I hope your weekend is perfect!


I was supposed to do just 10 miles but sort of got the mileage wrong and realized when I hit 10 that I was 2 miles from home, sigh. Oh well I had been toying with doing 2 weeks of back to back 13 milers so heck this was a little compromise. Very humid!! We are celebrating my oldest’s 11 year old b-day today. It is on Wed but we are just have a family party this year. It’s fun celebrating her! I also made her a Camp Halfblood/ Percy Jackson themed cake for the 3rd year!!


I have totally done that too! Way to go on the long run Carrie and in the humidity… you are strong! HAPPY BDAY to your oldest and way to go on that cake!! Have a wonderful day Carrie!


I always crave a burger after a long run! I’ve never eaten one the night before, let me know how it goes for you!


YESSS me too it always sounds good after! I’m trying to get my iron up. So the burger was perfect but I’m not sure that the fries and ice cream were so I might stick to the burger still the night before the race but skip the other things. Let me know if you try it!


Ha Ha….that is sooooo Idaho!
3 things: lunch run, pet sitting, chick fil a. Hoped you rocked your 20 miles!!


Now you have me needing some chick fil a sauce on their waffle fries, that sounds perfect. Enjoy Loribeth! Thank you!


Today I will be grocery shopping, taking a long leisurely walk and celebrating my middle daughters engagement ?


Oh my goodness… that is SO exciting. Tell her congrats for me:) Have a blast with all of the planning!


5 miles to start my Saturday, nice and early, and I thought about you running 20! I’m sure you did amazing, and I’m hoping it felt great too :) Then it was delivering breakfast burritos to the football team again.
I can’t wait to hear how the run went! Enjoy the rest of your Saturday!!


You are the best Wendy, thank you and way to go on your 5 miles! Way to go on the burritos… have any extra? I will be right over;) Enjoy your day!


Trying a Pilates class
Have a great holiday!!


You are motivating me to try a Pilates class… how was it!?! Sounds like an amazing day and let me know if you like your book!


Hope the twenty miles went well!
Three things –
1- run! 6 miles done, and it was SO humid I felt like I was swimming for part of it.
2- college football season has officially started! Time to watch and cheer on my Iowa Hawkeyes!
3- enjoy this blueberry cheesecake cupcake that’s calling my name!
PS – I got a necklace from InvisaWear that has gps enabled security features – the necklace has a button on it that if you press it, it can alert emergency contacts and 911 depending on the situation. I never used to worry about stuff but the Mollie Tibbetts case happened not far from me and really shook me up a bit. Just in case anyone else is looking for a way to have some safety while running!


Haha, potatoes…what is the weirdest thing you’ve ever gotten as race swag?

Foodwise, I’ve gotten (uncooked) brown rice, tuna fish, black bean noodles, little bottles of vinegar and olive oil…

But the weirdest has to be a Poise bladder leak kit, at a women’s only triathlon. Good times.


I did 20 miles today too! I hope your run was a good as mine but hopefully without the rain. I did an average of 11:10 ish but my last three miles were at a 9:27 pace. It was hard but good to know I have a lot left in the tank still. I got up to 40 miles for this training week, that is nuts for me. Normally I am in the 20 mile per week range.
3 things:
1-farmers market after my run was done. Always get some yummy stuff there.
2- online grocery shopping. Hallelujah for pickup groceries!
3- steak for lunch. I’m trying to eat more red meat for iron. I am jealous of your fries and burger, I may get some fries later today. Also, side note about the ice cream, I sometimes eat ice cream before my long runs. I read somewhere if your body is craving fatty foods it is ok! ;)


A very exciting day: Baked a quiche, went to the store (they’re closed on Sunday) and an 18 miler. I ran at 2pm which is a HUGE change up for me!

Hope your 20 miler was FANTASTIC!!!!


Three things: Lets see , I only had to do 6 miles for my ‘long’ run today. (training for the Las Vegas Half); then a walk with my daughter and grandson to the Farmer’s Market; and finally some walks with each of my 3 dogs.

I loved the picture of your items layed out for your 20 miler. First of all those are definitely the prettiest shoes ever!!! Can you tell me how you take / time your nutrition. I know that the hydr8 is taken before the run (I actually ordered it after you told us about it) but what about the tailwind and huma?
Can’t wait to hear about your run!


Have you ever tried running in anything from Senita? Been hearing things about it…

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