LAST Long Long Run and training last week!!

The last long long run is done.  I’m officially in taper mode and I’m ready for it this time.  Usually, I dread the taper but I feel like this time I have put in a killer training cycle and have really pushed myself so I’m welcoming some resting so I can feel top notch on October 6th.

Andrew thought I was crazy when I said to him a few times during the faster miles, “This is so fun!” Don’t get me wrong, it definitely wasn’t easy but I am just having so much fun this time.

The absolute best part about my run… I have figured out my nutrition perfect (for me).  I am going to post a long detailed explanation of it this next week.  My stomach felt amazing, I had the energy I needed and if my stomach feels like it did yesterday on race day, I’m set.  It’s taken some trial and error and some long runs where my stomach felt awful to figure it out.  I’m happy that I have found the combo that works for me two weeks before the race ha.

The run started out with arm warmers and gloves but those didn’t last long.  I completely spaced it and put my watch on over my arm sleeves so I had to take my watch off to get them off while running.  On race day I will use arm warmers so this was a good reminder to make sure not to put my arm warmers on under my watch.

We started at 5:50 and Andrew carried a flashlight for the running trail that we were on.  He is seriously the best and he would go up ahead when we got to a street that we needed to cross to push the crosswalk button so that I wouldn’t have to stop for any lights/cars.  The little barriers on the trail when crossing streets (to make sure people don’t drive on the trail) turned the run into an obstacle course a bit too! Weaving through a barrier at a 6:50 pace is interesting:)

My goal was to avoid any stops during the run and my mission was accomplished.

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I started off with a warm-up (it was supposed to be 1.5 miles but Andrew and I were talking and I didn’t realize it was time to start the workout so I started a bit later), 6 miles (7:08, 7:02, 7:00, 7:05, 6:53, 6:58), .5 mile easy, 6 miles (6:53, 6:49, 6:48, 6:48, 6:47, 6:43), 1 mile easy, 1 mile fast (6:20.. my coach put a speed limit on this one of 6:20) and c/d.

Andrew and I are calling this our date for the week haha.  We were actually able to get in some good talking during some of the miles.  He is too good to me… mornings are his least favorite thing so it’s a big sacrifice for him to get out and go with me.  The air where we live was terrible because of fires so that is why we went up north (to healthy levels).   I don’t think I have been on a treadmill once during this marathon training cycle (that I remember) so I really wanted to be outside for this long run too.

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7:08 average.  Only 265 feet of up the entire run so it was pretty much pancake flat the entire time.   Always fun to run somewhere different than your usual routes!

My outfit felt perfect (this is what I’ll wear for the marathon) BUT I did wear the wrong socks.  They are a pair of Belegas and they were too slippery so I’ll wear my normal pair of Belega that I wear on all of my other long runs and haven’t had this problem.

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Skye is still very interested in checking in on my splits!  Andrew got a flat tired towards the end so he headed back to my in-law’s right before the cool-down (it was still rideable but not super great) so we didn’t miss out on much time with the girls.

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We drove back to our house and Skye was thrilled to see Beretta again.  When we are gone we just have a neighbor come and let Beretta out when she needs to go out and take her for a walk:)

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Brooke had a friend over, Skye took a nap and I went to go grab some important things in life like these almonds and cafe rio pork salads for Andrew and me.

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Lots of recovering—> those are my recovery compression boots.

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My mom came over to watch the BYU football game with us and I played games with the girls while Andrew and my mom talked sports.  Growing up my mom was always the one interested in watching football/basketball/baseball and my dad not so much… I inherited my dad’s dna on this matter;)

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Brooke told me to take a picture of the best peach she has ever eaten.

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Skye received a little head message from my mom while she ate (picture after she threw her entire dinner all over the floor…  thank you Beretta for helping me clean that up).

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And we ended the night by going on a short walk together.

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I did not participate in the racing…  my legs were toast.

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Have a great Sunday!

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Here’s how last week looked!  I still had a lot of miles but had just one workout instead of my normal 2.  This week I’ll be running around 37 miles!

Monday:  7 miles @ 8:14

Tuesday:  8 miles @ 8:08.

Wednesday:  13.1 miles @ 7:42 average. 8 x 20 seconds fast thrown in there in the middle.

Thursday:  8 miles @ 8:45.

Friday:  8 miles @ 8:48 with Josse.

Saturday:  17.73 miles @ 7:08 average.  W/U, 2 x 6 miles (at around an average of 6:50) w/.5 mile recovery, 1 mile easy, 1 mile fast (6:20) and cool-down.

Sunday: OFF!

61.83 miles!


How are you spending your Sunday?

What was your best run last week?

Sports on tv… love it or not so much?

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One more awesome week going into the taper! <3 <3 <3 SUB-3:00 <3 <3 <3

I <3 those almonds from TJs SO MUCH!

Yes to sports, especially football, even if I'm not really paying attention. Growing up, my family would always have a game on; the sound is soothing to me.:)

Today: Going to see the step-daughter's singing performance, get some of those almonds (thanks a lot, lol), and maybe blog? Um. *le shrug* :D


Yes yes yes to blog:) I want to read your post! Enjoy her performance and get the almonds! Thank you so much Tiffany for your support! I’m so excited!


Great job on your workout!! You are going to crush that marathon and your sub-3 goal! I’m really looking forward to learning about your nutrition next week. :) Nutrition is one of the more complicated things about running, so it’s always interesting to read how others assess their needs for a race.

Yesterday I did an 11 mile long run after DNF my long run last week. I’m pretty sore, so I’ll be resting today and watching/yelling at my Washington Redskins (they looked terrible last Sunday) from the couch.


Enjoy your rest day and way to go on your long run! That post will be up Wednesday. It really is so crazy how important nutrition is for our running… most marathons I have done I’ve done terrible and waited too long to take in calories so I’m excited to see how much different this one is! Thanks Mercedes, that means a lot to me!


Hi Janae, congrats on making it to the taper!!! I am so excited for your race day.

After you wrote about Allie Keiffer’s power bun I finally tried it for my run yesterday and I could not believe how well it worked! Nine miles and I did not feel or think about my hair in any way. Yet another life changing tip that I’ve picked up from you and thank you for sharing it.


Thank you so so much Beckett! Oh this makes me so happy… it is the best way to do your hair for the run:) Thank you so much and keep me updated with how you are doing! Have a great week!


My half marathon is on 9/29 so most certainly a taper week! We have had so much rain here and my 7 year old’s soccer game was rescheduled today due to rain. Her season started the last week of August and they have not had a practice yet due to rain!! This is the first game canceled but no practices and rain is predicted again for this Wednesday so I am assuming no practice. It is crazy. Luckily the rain goes away for next Sat!!


I’m cheering for you Carrie, good luck! We need some of your rain! I hope she is loving her season and that you all have a wonderful week. Let me know how your half goes!


Hi Janae!

After hearing you talk about Levitates and how much you love them I finally ordered a pair! I ended up trying the first edition, but I was wondering which version you like better (1 or 2)? I’m very excited for them to come! Have a great Sunday :)


WAHOOOOO I am so so excited for you. So I love them both but I do love the 2s just a bit more but both are winners in my book. Let me know what you think of them. Have a great week Maddie!


I don’t mind football at all but please don’t make me watch another basketball game (because they are ALWAYS ON) or soccer or baseball (sorry Andrew) .

You’re going to rock you marathon! 6:20 mile? That’s crazy fast!!


Thank you so much Jenny! I hope you have a great week!


I think my knee tendonitis is flaring up :/ Two weeks till Chicago and I am PANICKING. I didn’t run yesterday and don’t plan on running at least for a few days. Gonna spend lots of time in the pool/working on my hip stretches/strengthening exercises. Any other advice?! I’m so sad!!


NOOOO!! Arthi, that is not fun! I think you are doing everything you can and a few days off will hopefully get you back to normal. Extra rest might really help you on race day. Please keep me updated, I’m so so sorry!


Thanks :/ I’m so bummed!! Gonna do whatever I can but not feeling super confident about being healed in two weeks. Will keep you posted!


Well done on your last long run this training cycle! It’s so nice of Andrew that he came with you on his bike. Today we slept in a bit and had breakfast with our family. Then my husband and three sons left for two different field hockey games. Our youngest (15 next week) is a goalie and he made his debut in his oldest brothers’ senior team, they won and he didn’t get passed. The second oldest won as well with his team. I did some shopping, and laundry (as always). Then I left for a short run in the rain. I tried to speed it up a bit, and shaved a minute off my Strava record on this loop. So this run, and the last track training on Friday night are both my best runs of this week. I’m sewing on buttons on my new coat later today, can’t wait to wear it, perfect for fall weather. Have a great Sunday!


Thank you Eva! YOU GUYS ARE BUSY! I bet those games are so fun to watch and yay for your youngest on his first game with your other son. WAY TO GO on the Strava record! Have a great week!


Awesome job on your last long run! You are so ready for this marathon!! I’m excited to see what happens!
Today will be a good lazy day… Waffles, watching football, then taking my oldest to find a dress shirt and pants for homecoming next week ?
I had a couple of good runs this last week…yay! Probably the most entertaining one was Wednesday when I decided to do my tempo run at the gym on the treadmill. I was there with all the “old boy’s club” while they were walking on treadmills. One of the older men joked with another that I was running faster than he drives ?. Very funny…
I love watching college and professional football!! And my husband is a big hockey fan! But other than football and hockey, we really don’t watch other sports on TV.
Enjoy your rest day!


Oh thank you Wendy. I am so glad you were able to have a lazy day! HAHAAH he wasn’t joking… I am sure you were cruising!! Have a great week!


Sunday = making a chocolate cake. The cake is baking in the oven at the moment, and then comes my favourite -frosting the cake! I think I will go with chocolate butter cream which I still need to make.

I have been so lazy so I will probably go to the gym in our building today. And then will go from there.

Sounds like you had a great run! Enjoy your Sunday :).


I need that cake asap! Sounds delicious! Thanks Kristine and I hope your week is a great one!


Great job on your run!! Andrew is a good one!

Sunday = church, naps, and family dinner. I love Sundays!

All of my runs last week were the best because I’m finally running after 2 months of not running!

Other than running, I don’t really care about sports unless my kid is playing ;)


I love Sundays too.. glad you had a great one and I’m VERY happy that you are running again. Hallelujah! Have a wonderful week of running and everything else:)


My Sunday so far has been church and a gym workout (no treadmill for me either though – I absolutely hate them), and I’m still going to go volunteer at a youth group, study, cook, and hopefully do some stretching, icing, and rolling today.

My best run last week was 15 miles on Wednesday… probably the best my legs have felt since July!

The only sport I ever watch is soccer, and then only when it’s the World Cup. I don’t really even know how American football works, so.


Sounds like a great day Grant! I’m so happy you were able to get in such a great long run with happy legs. Have a great week!


You are so fast!! way to go!!!

Today I helped my 13 y.o. son start the cleaning of his room (I’d rather watch a Caillou marathon!) We decided to work as fast as possible for an hour and then stop. Phase 1 done.

I ran the Berlin Marathon last Sunday so this week I did one very small run with the XC team I coach. Basically I took an entire week off which is not like me but I decided to give it a go!

Silly tidbit for your taper (not that you asked, but I’ve had LOTS of time this week!) Before Berlin I was really freaked out. I kept telling myself “imagine what it will be like afterwards. In the blink of an eye it will be over, so freaking out isn’t going to do anything productive. Before you know it, the race will be over, training is done, and all the excitement will be a fond memory.” And guess what? with the blink of an eye it’s done! By the way, despite my dismal mental game up until the night before, I had a fantastic day and had so much fun. So, best of days with your taper, enjoy looking back at your training cycle and be proud for all you did. Your day is approaching and savor it ALL!!!!


HUGE CONGRATS on Berlin! That is so great Kelly… I want to do that one someday! I NEEDED this tidbit. It really does go by so quickly and I am glad you had such a great day. Thank you for this reminder, I needed it!


I just wanted to say I’m so happy for you that you’ve found training so great this cycle – that pic of you running is so awesome. You are so strong & capable! Great work!!!


I can’t thank you enough for your comment.. it means a lot to me! Have a wonderful week Micaela!


Did my second half marathon of the month! Finished with a 2:06 which beat my 2:08 San Francisco time! I wasn’t expecting that!
Then drove 100 miles to watch my fiancée play in his baseball league’s All-Star game. They won! ♥️
Then drove the 100 miles back home to take a nap!
Thanks for keeping me cyber motivated to push through to the other side of the comfort zone! Can’t wait to see how amazing your marathon turns out for you!


Ahhhhh huge huge congrats! You rocked it and two in one month… dang! A win for your fiancée and a nap—> perfect day with everything! Thank YOU! Recover well!


Ok I must have missed something about this power bun you speak of, please fill me in!! Also, what tank is that that you ran it, super cute!!! Enjoy your rest day :-)


Love reading your blog as I prep for my first marathon on 10/20. So excited, so nervous….
Spent my Sunday running a 20 mile “race” (really just a nice way to do 20 miles with people around…) in a 59 degree rain. Finished in 3:11 — I was happy with that — 2nd in my age-group (only 10 of us in the 50-54 group….). I was pleasantly surprised with how strong I felt during it, and how I wasn’t completely wiped out for the rest of the day.
I have to say that was my best run for the week … the longest I’ve ever gone, so a big confidence builder.


SONDRA!! I am so excited for your first marathon, you are going to do amazing! Huge congrats on your 20 miler race… that is an excellent time… wow! And 2nd in your age group–> You are do amazing. Please let me know how your races goes and the rest of your training. Have a wonderful day!


Great job on your run! I a excited to hear how your races goes. You’ve rocked this training cycle!

Question for you! When you’re racing, do you prefer to see your average pace or current pace?


Get it girl! You are fierce and amazing, don’t forget it. I remember that you love Kristin Armstrong and this made me think of you reading this <3


THANK YOU for sending this to me… off to read it:) You remembered right, I LOVE the way she writes about running! Have a wonderful day Jackie!


So, I have to ask, was it your bro-in-law that lost his head doing the flips in the BYU game? As soon as I saw it I thought of him.


HAHAH I love that you thought of him:) He trains the cosmo so it was his guy that lost his head:) Have a great day!

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