Etch A Sketch My Bad Workout, Cry Happy Tears & Big Day.

Yesterday’s workout was terrible.  I hit the splits which is great but the way I felt was not what I want to feel like when I’m running 6:50 miles.

And we are officially in the mitten/handwarmer/long sleeve time of life over here.

Like my coach says, the taper does weird things to our brain and body.

First, I didn’t take UCAN or my normal caffeine before my run.  I didn’t have time to eat anything but some bread as I was running out the door because Skye is teething again (Andrew took over night and I took over early morning) and not sleeping so when she finally went back to sleep I had to get out to run fast to be back in time for Andrew to leave.  I didn’t take my nanohydr8 because I am going two weeks without ANY caffeine before the race so that it really does wonders on race day.

The workout called for a 1.5 mile w/u… I started the workout portion of the run and got a 1/2 mile into it and my watch was telling me I was running a 7:50 mile pace when I knew for sure I was running faster.  So I stopped and did a hard reset on my watch and started the workout portion all over (and shortened my cool-down so I still hit the same mileage that my coach assigned for me) and my garmin was back on track.  2 miles at marathon pace leading into one at threshold followed by a .5 mile recovery and then 2 miles at marathon pace leading into one at threshold (6:36).

I hit the paces but I felt terrible.  My stomach was off, I felt half-asleep and my legs felt like they were 2% charged… blah blah blah.  It’s not how I want to feel during marathon pace effort but it’s a-okay.  It happens.  My workout last Saturday with2 x  6 miles consecutively at these paces felt 15 times easier than the three mile intervals felt yesterday.

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I don’t remember where I heard this but I heard someone say that you need to treat a bad workout like an etch a sketch… shake it to erase it from your brain and start drawing your picture again.


One bad workout is not going to bring down my confidence going into this race.  Sure, if the majority of my workouts felt like they did yesterday then yes, I need to probably rethink my goal time and come up with a good plan for my fitness BUT it’s one workout out of two dozen amazing workouts so the workout is just bouncing off of me and not touching my confidence.

If anything, a bad workout is making me feel even more determined to get my goal and do all of the things to rest and recover to get there.  Why waste time dwelling on a bad workout (because that is NOT going to get you to your goals) when you could use that time to recover and think positive?!

Within minutes of finishing my workout:

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In other news… this was the forecast for St. George as of yesterday and I could cry happy tears about it.  This marathon has been known to be in the 90s many years and it looks like this year won’t be one of those years:

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I probably shouldn’t stalk the weather report and I also probably shouldn’t read the runners guide 3 times a day either.  Feel free to quiz me on anything for the race, I practically have this thing memorized:

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When I get home from my run… that is just when the day really starts which makes it even easier to shake a bad workout because I don’t even have time to think about it:)  PS Brooke hugged me after my run and told me I was sweatier than normal which is strange because it was 46 degrees out for my run.

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Skye shared most of her breakfast with Beretta.  Beretta is loving her life.

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Skye played fetch with herself for a while.  Throw the toy and then crawl after it… repeat x 204.

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She also found her way into Knox’s birthday presents.

She inherited this from me:

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Hot chocolate in my Twas’ the Night Before the Race mug after a salad and toast w/peanut butter for lunch.

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I’m really trying to make sure I take more down time when Skye is napping and rereading some of my favorite running stuff for my mental game.

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We had Brooke’s soccer game last night!

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You can kind of see Skye’s teeth popping in!

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I love seeing her run.

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It’s a BIG day—>  HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KNOX.  He is seriously the most loving and friendly little boy out there.  I feel so lucky to be a part of his life and get some of his snuggles:)  He will be with his mom today so we will celebrate on Friday with him and I can’t wait!  PS did I tell you that for his bday dinner he asked me if we could pick up Dominos pizza and eat it at Olive Garden?  He wants Dominos pizza along with the breadsticks and crayon set/activity page that they give you at Olive Garden all at once.

Flashback to one of my favorite pictures of him when he was 3:)

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Tell me about any extreme weather conditions you’ve had in races?

-Boston 2015 (not nearly as bad as this year’s Boston but it was crazy windy/cold/raining) and Utah Valley Marathon (ehhh 2010 I think?) it was snowing for the first few miles and I was in shorts and a tank top.

Question from Andrew—>  What’s a food that you like that most other people don’t like?

-Cheddar Bacon Easy Cheese (for Andrew) and gummy bears in my ice cream (I feel like a lot of people do not like this because they get really frozen and hard but I love it).

Another q from Andrew—>  If you could have a 2nd home anywhere in the world, where would it be?

I would love to read Knox your bday wishes when I see him tomorrow!  The older he gets the more invested he is in this blog and having me show you things and ask you questions:)  He always says, ‘can you send this to your blog?’

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Happy birthday Knox! I love your birthday dinner plans!


Thanks Meagan! I hope you have a great day!


Happy birthday Knox! I hope you have a wonderful day celebrating with your mom, and another wonderful birthday experience with your dad and Janae and Brooke and Skye! Everybody is so lucky they all get to celebrate with you. Your birthday meal of pizza and breadsticks sounds AMAZING. Have fun :)


Thank you Jill for your comment, it is really great! I hope you have a wonderful day!


My half in Nashville (rock and roll) 2013 was raining the entire time. I was soaked by the start, water was rushing down the streets, and there was less music on the course because of limited dry space to play. I was cold at the end, but I still loved it!
I don’t know that I have a food I like that most people don’t……..I would love a house somewhere tropical, near the beach!

Happy birthday Knox! I hope you have a fun birthday and you get to dance and party and eat pizza! Birthdays are the best!!


THREE DAYS RIGHT!?! How are you feeling? Soaked by the start–> that sounds miserable! Have a great day and thank you!


Thanks! And it’s Saturday, ah! So excited!!


Hi Loribeth sorry to chime in..are you from Nashville? I go there next week first time and I convinced 4 of my friends (who don’t normally run) to run distance of 5k there. Now I need to figure out best place in Nashville where to run?


Percy Warner park has some great paths, I would suggest that! Or downtown for sight seeing is fun! I usually run in my inlaws neighborhoods.


I don’t remember who said it, but some elite athlete said that the hard workouts when you aren’t feeling it count double. So you should be in extra good shape for your race now!

Happy b-day to Knox, I hope there is some pizza and cake involved!


I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!! It totally did count as double. Thank you Victoria. Have a wonderful day!


Happy Birthday Knox!!! Have a great day!!!


Thanks Susan! I hope you have an awesome Thursday!


Happy Birthday to Knox! :) I hope Olive Garden let’s him bring his Dominoes pizza! :) Too cute.

So, I’m really sorry you had a crappy workout, but I’m really, REALLY, glad you posted this. I also had a horrendous workout yesterday. Mine was 4xmile at 10k-5k, which I thought was going to be easy given it’s taper week and I’ve been marathon training. I hit my first in about 6:20 (a little fast) and honestly just felt….weird. The second I intentionally slowed to about 6:30 to save some energy. At the very end of #2 I was breathing so hard I was literally gasping. I ended at a water fountain, had a few sips and started on the third. It was a mess. I couldn’t catch my breath, my legs had nothing in them and my chest felt so constricted I straight up stopped at about .6 something. I stood in the shade for a minute to try to get my HR down and catch my breath before starting the 4th, and it went even worse. I also stopped at about .6-something because it hurt so much to breathe. I’ve had one other experience like that this summer and I think it was due to the heat/dehydration/allergies. I couldn’t even cool down my lungs hurt so bad. So, of course, I went down an internal spiral yesterday thinking my race is done, I’ll never hit my goal…blah blah blah. To see this post and how optimistic you are reminded me that I’ve actually PR’d 3 times this summer AFTER bad workouts, had more great workouts than bad and also trained in the heat of the day (at lunch) in 90-100+ degree temps. So, thank you! I know one bad workout doesn’t define us, but, man, they suck!


Thanks Mollie! THANK YOU for sharing what happened with your workout. The taper is NUTS… I think it is just an amazing sign that we are going to dominate our races! I am cheering you on Mollie and know that you have such a great race up ahead for you! Stop those thoughts right this second, you’ve got this and let this workout make you feel even more determined. Rest up Mollie!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, sweet Knox! I hope that your day and year are filled with hugs and laughter and joy and plenty of pizza and breadsticks! :)

I’ve run two half marathons in monsoon-type rainstorms. Oddly enough, they both actually turned out to be some of my best races, but I definitely wasn’t feeling like they would be while I was running them. I think that I just ran faster to get out of the miserable conditions–ha!

I love gummy bears in my froyo, which some people don’t! I also like to eat ketchup on my apple slices, which many people find odd. It’s really good, though!


Thanks Natalie! Half marathons in monsoon-type rainstorms… AHHH that is not fun! I have not tried that:) Have an amazing day Natalie!


Herzlich Geburtstag Knox!!! (that sort of rhymes!!!) have a super fun day!!!!

Well, you got your bad workout out of the way so marathon day is going to be the best day! whew!

Side note, your stomach may feel off from lack of sleep and the airborne (but keep taking it!) Airborne has zinc in it which can cause stomach upset and wonkiness. Sending you healing vibes that you have warded off the cold!!!

I love brussel sprouts and red beets. Most people don’t, I think?

Worst weather: 2003 Ironman Coeur D’Alene. It was a bazillion degrees with a bazillion % humidity.

2nd home: that’s a toughy. I love living in Germany so much! But a 2nd home could be in the states (Oregon?!) or in New Zealand. I love it there on the South Island.


Yes, I love that… it’s out of the way now! I think you are totally right about the airborne and lack of sleep, thanks Kelly. Yep, I definitely don’t like red beets:) IRONMAN IN HEAT AND HUMIDITY–> You are STRONG Kelly! I want to come to Germany, that sounds amazing. Have a beautiful day!


HBD Knox! Have an awesome birthday bud!


Thanks Nicole! Have an awesome Thursday!


Happy birthday, Knox!!!!! :) : ) :)


Thank you Meghan! I hope you have a great day!


Happy birthday, Knox!!

I love B&M brown bread in a can (New England specialty). My husband thinks I am nutso!


I have never even heard of this! Thanks Stacey and I hope you are doing well!


Knox, I hope you have the best birthday! You’re the kind of kid whose smile lights up a room, and I love the way that your mom’s blog lets the world see the way you’re growing up–such a fun, caring brother and a guy with a great sense of humor. I hope you get your pizza and breadsticks and crayons and so much more and that your celebrations are so special!

(And to answer Andrew’s question–if I could have a house anywhere in the world, while I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have a home in Greece, that’s unrealistic. There is no way that on my college teacher’s salary I can afford to go between here and there enough to make that house worthwhile. But if I could have a sweet little beach cottage in SoCal–maybe somewhere around San Diego, or if I could have a beach cottage on St. Pete Beach where I see the prettiest sunsets ever or a great cottage somewhere on the coast outside of Portland, ME–man oh man I would be so excited! Those are more accessible to me and places that I deeply love and that somehow speak to my soul and fill me up with calm, joy, and freedom!)

(Janae: I have that exact same Brooks raglan sleeve dash hoodie you wore on your run. It’s official. You’re my twin except with a smaller jeans size and a better lip gloss collection. I’m sorry your run felt like mud, but I love your attitude about it. One run is one run, not your whole training cycle. We all have bad days, and we all know that we can choose what we trust. I love seeing you trust your TRAINING and choose your DREAM AND YOUR GOAL for your marathon instead of choosing this one small amount of miles trying to scream ‘here is the evidence.’ You=running hero, through and through. xoxo)


Thank you Stephanie for what you said! A home in Greece… YES! Oh mine is actually from Target but I’m sure the Brooks one is even better! Oh I love that–> Here is the evidence. Thank you and have a beautiful day!


Just remember that having a bad run or two right before your race is usually a good sign that your race will go well! You’ve got this!

Happy birthday Knox!! I hope you have their funnest day!

If I had a second house (assuming that means owning out first hopefully soon ;)) I would want it somewhere kind of close by so that I could spend time there, but still far enough away that I felt like I was getting away…maybe I’m talking about st George or something.

We went to Idaho for a day and it was sooo COLD! I got back and the mornings cold here now too. Thanks for thinking of me ;)


Yes, it totally is a good sign! And we talk about how nice that would be to have one in St. George too so that we could escape all winter long ha. ENJOY IDAHO!!!


Happy Birthday Knox! Hope you have a great day!
A joke for you….
Q: What do you call Chewbacca when he has chocolate in his hair?
A: Chocolate Chip Wookie

If I had a second home it would be near Lewisville, NC…b/c my bestie lives there.

Worst race weather…..CNY Bread run 1/2 marathon in Sept 2016. It was so hot I thought I was going to die!

Strangest food? hmmm….in my family I am ALL about red peppers but they aren’t fans. Beets are the same way. Maybe they just don’t like red food? LOL!

I always appreciate those super crappy runs just before a race….because that means I got it over with and then the race can be fabulous! You have been KILLING your workouts so it was bound to happen during taper. Keep feeding your brain the good stuff. You are going to have a GREAT race!


BAHAH thank you for that joke… I’m sending it to my nephew’s that love Star Wars! Running a half marathon in crazy heat… that sounds terrible. Does your family like red apples?;) That is really funny. You are so right Bridgette, I’m glad I got that out of the way! Have a wonderful day!


Happy birthday Knox! I am very jealous of your birthday dinner plans :)
Crazy race conditions: Ran in snow/ice once for a 5 mile race…not crazy for most people, but kind of crazy for Washington DC!
Food I like that others don’t: Hmmm…tough, but I’d have to say my food all mixed together? I usually throw whatever our dinner is in a bowl, and my husband is the complete opposite. Also, I’m totally on team frozen gummy candies! Just gives you more time to enjoy them :)
2nd home: Something by the beach or water OR just lots of plane tickets to travel all over!


Snow and ice… yeah that is not a fun way to race at all! YES for a member of the frozen gummy candy team. I’m fine mixing food to and the kid’s think I’m nuts. Oh I love the plane tickets idea! Have a wonderful day Julie.


I hope you have an awesome birthday Knox!!!


Thanks Kimberly!!!


Ah! I used to love chocolate ice cream with gummy bears from Coldstone! Everyone thought it was such a weird combo :)


It really is so so good! I hope you go and get it again soon:) Thanks Lauren!


Happy Birthday sweet kind Knox! I hope you have some awesome birthday celebrations!!

I think that a bad run prepares you for race day. You may have some miles you don’t feel great. It will be a great reminder that even though this run didn’t feel great, you still hit the paces, and you got through it.


I totally agree with what you just said Mary, thank you so much! Have a wonderful day!


Happy birthday Knox! My son Cameron is 5, soon to be 6, and is in Kindergarten too. He loves the wrapping paper on your presents! So cool! Hope you have a great birthday! Best wishes from Michigan :)


Knox is going to love your comment! Tell Cameron hello and we hope he is having a great day at Kindergarten today!


Hope you have a very happy birthday, Knox! I think the dinner of pizza and breadsticks and crayon/activity page sounds perfect! You are very lucky to have such a loving family! All the best!


Thanks Diane, he will love your comment. Have a wonderful day!


hApPy HaPpY bIrThDaY to KNOX!!! Enjoy your special celebrations of you!

I’ve been pretty lucky with weather for races, but Rehoboth Beach 2011 was pretty cold for wimpy me and *very* windy, especially a section along the coastline around miles 15-19, when it’s so easy to fade. It ended up being a good day, just a big effort to push through those windy miles.

It’s been ages since I’ve eaten any, but I really like lima beans, and I’ve liked them since I was a kid.

I’d love to have a house someplace warm/hot–maybe a beach, or maybe somewhere really scenic in the west/southwest. My biggest dilemma if I ever become really rich (might help to buy lottery tickets, but I don’t) is whether I would buy a fabulous beach home or just rent any vacation home whenever I want to. Ha ha!


Wind during miles 15-19 sounds terrible… you are strong Corey! That is a very tough question… I think we would rent any vacation home whenever we want:) Have a wonderful day and thank you!


In looking for some inspirational quotes myself today, I came across this one by Des Linden—“Calm and relaxed, I’ll run fast.” And, that is so true. “Calm and strong, calm and strong, calm and strong!” Repeat after me :) I kinda think we almost need those tough/not so great feeling workouts in there before our races to get them out of the way BEFORE the race :)
I have my half marathon Sunday, and yesterday I had a tune-up workout–just 2.5 up, 3 at threshold, and 1/5 down. The 3 at threshold felt comfy, but I still have those lingering feelings like you wrote about recently—HOW can I hold this for 13.1 miles?! But, I feel ready to fight, and I haven’t always been able to say that before a race, so we’ll see what happens Sunday.

Worst weather—pretty much running in hurricane winds at the Key West half 3 years ago, but who cares, I was in Key West! ha ha Weather this training cycle has SUCKED in the northeast, but I think about how it’s making me stronger. Most days that works!

A food that I like that most people don’t like—anything black licorice flavor—I love Good and Plenty candies and black licorice flavor ice cream. Good and Plenty are one candy I can leave out in the candy dish, and I know they won’t disappear in like a day b/c I”m the only one who eats them. ha ha Gummy bears in ice cream are incredible. One time I had Good and Plenty in ice cream, and I thought I was going to break a tooth though………..

A 2nd home?! NO question about it–Key West. THAT would be my primary residence :)

Have a great day,Janae—all the happy and positive marathon thoughts for you!!!!!!!!


As I read that quote you posted from Des… it actually helped to relax me. I will 100% be using that on race day.
“I FEEL READY TO FIGHT.” I love that and you are and you will prove that on Sunday. You can do this. I knew you would say that for the second house question:)

Oh and you are right about the black licorice candy… you can have all of mine.


Happy Birthday Knox! You’re birthday dinner choices sould brilliant to me! Why haven’t I ever thought of that before? :)

Your attitude towards the difficult workout reminds me of when Michael Phelps’s coach stepped on his goggles before a workout and made him train with them like that—to prepare him for anything on race day. Lo and behold, he had leaky goggles one time at the Olympics but still crushed his race. Those difficult workouts are just as important in building our confidence as the easy ones. Because one thing I’ve been learning lately, in life, is that while some of us are naturally more resilient than others, *resilience is still a SKILL and we can all work at building that SKILL every single day.* Way to go, Janae! You just trained your brain as well as your body with that workout! ??

P.S. FINALLY made it to Trader Joe’s in Orem yesterday and please do yourself a favor and pick up some of the candy corn popcorn as part of your post-race “calorie replenishment.” :) Definitely don’t have it now—WAY too sweet and would probably kill your stomach and nutrition base at this point. But…that needs to be a road trip snack for the drive home! ;)


I have never heard that story about Michael Phelp’s coach… I really love that. And what you said about resiliency, that is so so true. Thank you for taking the time to write this to me, it really helps. I CANNOT wait for the candy corn popcorn, thanks for letting me know. Have a beautiful day Michelle!


Happy Birthday Knox. I hope you have a great day and all your wishes come true. I agree with you about Olive Garden’s bread sticks. I love them too.


Thank you Sue! I hope you get some of their breadsticks soon. Have a wonderful day!


Happy, happy Birthday Knox!! I hope you have a day filled with all your favorite things :)

I love that quote, “Etch a sketch a bad work out!” It is a perfect description of how to shake off a bad run! And you’re right, it’s just one bad run… not sleeping well, not fueling well… You are soooo ready for this race!
My first marathon was in LA the year we had record setting heat! It was so hot! But, thankfully, there were a couple of fire trucks along the way spraying water across the rout. That felt amazing!
I love brussell sprouts (roasted) and french onion soup. No one else in my family can stand either! Oh well :P
If I could have a 2nd home somewhere, it would probably be somewhere up in Northern California where I could be along the coast, but still be in a mountain type setting. Or, a house in Colorado. That is a toughie!

Have a great Thursday!


You ran that year?! I can’t even imagine… you are tough! Oh now you have me craving some french onion soup! Thanks Wendy, YOU TOO!


Happy Birthday, Knox! I hope you have a great day and a really big gigantic piece of cake!


Thanks Lee! We are going to make a 4 layer cake for him haha:) Have a wonderful day!


I see a bad run during taper as that test that says “are you going to let me get in your head again?” Let this time be the time you shout back at it “HECK NO!!!!”

Happy birthday Knox, may you get the b-day dinner your heart desires.

I am a big fan of tuna fish sandwiches.


Oh that is a fabulous way to look at it. Thank you so much! Oh I love tuna fish sandwiches too but the kids look at me like I’m crazy when I eat it. Have a great day Erica!


Happy birthday, Knox!

St George 2008 was by far the worst weather marathon I’ve run. It POURED the entire race – not only were we freezing (the extra shirt and the gloves did NOT come off) and could feel rivers of water squishing through our shoes with each step but the chafing was unreal. Because the wet clothes stuck to us and rubbed across the skin, everything chafed – our legs had welts from the edge of our shorts sticking and pulling back and forth.

But don’t stress about that – we were told it was only the 2nd time in the history of the race that it rained more than a random mist. You won’t have that and will rock your race!


Okay, I remember hearing about that year… that sounds terrible!! That chafing sounds sooo bad. I am really hoping that the rain on the forecast the day before doesn’t carry over BUT at least it isn’t looking like it will be crazy hot. Thank you!


Happy birthday Knox!!! Today is my son’s birthday too! He’s 12…one more year and I have a teenager! EEK
I feel ya on the workout that wasn’t great. I had my last hard one yesterday and while I also hit the paces, it didn’t feel as good as I wanted. But just remember that you DID hit the paces – which means you didn’t give up!!
Also obsessively checking my weather and wavering on my race day clothes, which is SUCH A BAD IDEA. I had it all picked out but now I’m not sure since I trained all summer in the heat and now it looks like its going to be a little colder than I thought. I like to think all the pre-planning and stress will be worth it on race day when everything just falls into place. Which it will because of all the hard work you’ve put in! :)
Have a great day!


HAPPY HAPPY BDAY TO YOUR SON!! We really are right on track together. I’m sorry it didn’t feel as good as you wanted but that means it will next weekend! I think that the cooler temperatures are going to help you even more to do well! You’ve got this Meg.


Happy Birthday Knox!! So cool that you get to celebrate for several days!! I hope all your birthday wishes come true! Enjoy that pizza and please tell Janae to post a pic of you with your cake (or whatever birthday treat you end up having).

Janae – Sorry that you weren’t feeling it during your workout. I’m sure your routine being messed up was a big factor. At this point you just have to focus on resting and eating the food that makes you feel good and energetic.

I’d love a second home near the mountains…maybe Colorado or Utah!!


Yes for sure… great points, thank you Elizabeth! I vote for the second home near our mountains:) Thank you Elizabeth and I will for sure! Have a wonderful day!


Happy Birthday Knox! I love those breadsticks too! I hope you have fun celebrating!

I’d love to have a second home in the mountains somewhere.

Better to have a bad workout today, it’s part of the training process, right? On marathon day you will crush it!


YES YES YES!! Thanks Samantha:) I hope you have a wonderful day and that you get a mountain trip somewhere asap!


Happiest of birthdays Knox! I hope you get all of the pizza and breadsticks your little heart desires!
Worst race weather was St. Louis half in the spring of ‘03 (I think). 34 and sleeting. I think heat would be so much worse though.
I like all of the chickpea desserts. I think some of my kids with normal pallets are not fans of my treats. I also like hummus on sweet potatoes which I think is probably a little weird.


I’m with your kids on that because I’m not a huge hummus person:) 34 and sleeting… OUCH. I hope your day is great Ali and thanks so much!


I am that runner that has to be forced into long sleeves.

And would running be as great if we had only good runs? Bad runs keep us coming back for more!

Happy birthday Knox! Would you rather have 2 back to back days of birthday partying or have a birthday twice/year?


Oh he will love that question because he kind of does get that (today with his mom and tomorrow with us:) ! You are so right about those bad runs. Have a great day!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY KNOX! I hope you have a wonderful day spent with all the amazing people who love you!

When I was a kid my favorite lunch was liver sausage and mayo on wonder bread ? I was an odd bird


YOU WIN with that food combo hahaha! Thank you Bridget! I hope you have an amazing day:)


Happy happy birthday Knox!!

My favorite food, that I’ve converted my littles to eating is ketchup on rice :) I think my older brother used to do it which is how I picked it up? Regardless, unless I’m having rice w/ teriyaki, ketchup is a must! Also, lately I’ve been mixing spinach in with my kodiak pancakes. Delicious :)

I haven’t any extremes in races; i live in PNW so wind, rain and chilly temps are a norm fall-spring. I guess the most challenging weather was sideways snow and crazy wind greeting a friend and I at the summit of a mountain. It was hitting us so hard in the face we hid behind trees until we were ready to take a selfie and then quickly popped into the trees and ran down the mountain!

My second and third homes will be in the mountains and at sea/lake. I’m a beach/water person when it’s warm yet love love love trail running and all things in the mountains.


Ketchup on rice.. I have not tried that but I love ketchup so I bet it is great. That is such a good idea! Do you chop it really small… I need to try this!
SIDEWAYS SNOW + BAD WIND… yeah, that is hardcore! Have a beautiful day Jenny!


I combine the spinach with milk in a blender/food processor (whichever is clean!) then add it to the mix. I only use a handful of spinach because I do have to sneak it to my kiddos and the more you add, the greener the pancakes! I don’t notice much of a difference in taste, but my husband does! Ha!
Have a great day!!


Happy birthday Knox!?????I hope you enjoy a fabulous day overflowing with love, giggles, and surprises!


THANK YOU!! He is going to love the emojis you included… they are perfect! Have a great day:)


Happy birthday Knox! It looks like you got more than one present! But shhh don’t tell your Mama J I told ya!

Worst/hardest weather race was my rock n roll half in Las Vegas because it was pouring rain and gusty winds I decided not to try for a sub 2 hour and just have fun and take videos.
I think my 2nd home would be in Lake Tahoe so I could go paddle boarding all day..I live near beach but I’m scared to paddle board in the ocean;)


HAHAH thanks Christina, he will love your comment.
I’ve never been to Lake Tahoe… I think we will need to go! Teach me how to paddle board please:) Crazy rain and wind–> no thank you!
Have a beautiful day!


Happy happy birthday Knox!!!! We hope it was the best day ever. Grace and Ellie can’t wait to see you again SOON!!!!


Happy Birthday Knox!!! Hope it’s full of all your favorite things! Including pizza and Olive Garden- you have very good taste :)

I am so excited to see how you do in your marathon!! You are going to kill it!!


Most races in Hawaii are going to pretty hot and humid. I got totally overheated during a 25k once, to the point of nausea and dizziness. My heart rate kept spiking. A few days later I still wasn’t recovered and really thought I was going to pass out running by Diamond Head. That’s when I decided it was time to walk home – I really didn’t want to be found on the sidewalk ;)

If you could have a 2nd home anywhere in the world, where would it be? – Definitely Italy, basically anywhere in Italy!

Happy birthday, Knox!! Hope you get some really cool Legos for your birthday so we can see your next creations.


Happy birthday Knox! Hope you have a wonderful day of celebrating!!

Oh, extreme weather – well, years ago I ran a 10 miler in a blizzard and ice (my eyelashes froze). Last year for one of my trail races it was 104 degrees and smokey in the prairies. But….I think the winner goes to a race this past weekend (the one in Whistler) (which I did NOT run) but many of my trail running friends did. There was torrential rain, snow and the course had to be re routed due to trail closures (Grizzly bears). I am impressed the race went on at all!

I love raisins – but not everyone I know is a fan. Second home – a log cabin in the mountains somewhere :).

Happy taper and hope the weather is perfect for your race :)


My first marathon it rained for the first 2 hours… I wasn’t used to running in rain and I ran in a trash bag hahahaha. I think today I would forego the bag.

I don’t know, I really like raw vegetables? Especially carrots, cabbage, and broccoli, but I’ll eat most vegetables raw.

Second home? Definitely in Alaska (although I may move there next year!)

Hope Knox has an awesome birthday! I had his same tastes when I was his age haha.


Happiest of birthdays to Knox I hope your days of celebration are all you could imagine!!!!


Happy birthday Knox!!
Way back in high school cross country, we had a meet once in the pouring down rain – and I wore glasses at the time so I literally could not see because I had to take them off due to the rain. I was just tracking the person in front of me because that was all I could see! Plus it was a really cold rain that felt like little ice pellets hitting you. Since then, I haven’t really had anything too crazy (lucky for me!) except for my 7 miler earlier this year that was in the afternoon on a 95+ degree day with about 90% humidity. YUCK.
Hmmm… food I like that others don’t like – every now and then I get a craving for bologna – but the kind you get from the meat counter that is sliced really thin. About once a year, I want it!
Second home – I think I need to travel more to make a decision but I would want it someplace warm so I could go there in the winter! And it better be somewhere that has great places for running outside!
I had the opposite with my workout yesterday – I had an 8×800 planned, with a 1.5 mile warm up and cool down. I usually struggle with 800s for some reason, but not yesterday! It was like everything was working as it should. I must’ve taken all your good workout vibes! :) LOL


Happy Birthday, Knox! My husband gives you 2 thumbs up for your dinner choice. And good job, Skye on your crawl repeats (she looks adorably guilty in that pic where she found the candy). And second home is such a great question… I think one in Sun Valley, or wait, Crested Butte, no Bend, or HAWAII, yes, Hawaii!


Happy Happy Day Knox!! You were born on a great day of the year ~ today is also the day my grandmother was born! I LOVE your idea of pizza and breadsticks! EAT UP!! Enjoy your special day!!


Have you done the no caffeine before a race before? That’s an interesting idea. Let us know if you think it helps. I would have a hard time giving up my morning coffee.


I did 2018 Boston. Brutal. But heat (above 80 degrees for more than 30 min) is my real downfall. Hoping to make it through STG.


Happy Birthday sweet Knox! Enjoy all of the sweet and precious moments with your loving family. You are so blessed to have so much family that love and adore you. We even adore you out here in Janae’s blog world. All over the world people are reading about all of you. Have so much fun and your dinner and opening presents and eating CAKE AND ICECREAM I hope!


I want you to know that feeling like crap means your taper is WORKING!! I know it seems counter intuitive, and its so hard to believe, but BELIEVE in the taper (and don’t stress). I swam competitively for over a decade, including at the college level, and I always felt like crap during taper and my skin would breakout and I would feel all kinds of emotional – AND IT ALWAYS WORKED. Its funny when I started running marathons I never thought running taper would be the same, but it is! My PR marathon I cried during taper because I was so frustrated with how crappy I felt, and I PR’d in the worst conditions ever for that race (Grandma’s Marathon in 2016, it was record high heat for the race, I think it was 93 when I finished, 97% humidity, 110 heat index <– also answers your first question :) ). So please please please if you take anything away from this rambling comment is that you will be fine, and you are going to get that sub 3, trust the process :) – Also don't let that scare you away from Grandma's, its an AMAZING race!

I like the "skin" of the kiwi (like the fuzzy part) – People think I'm weird but I don't care.

Tell Knox Happy Birthday from me :) Its so fun to see his awesome dance moves and how great of a brother he is to both of his sisters! I hope its an awesome day!!


Jill… your comment helped me so so much. Thank you. I really do just need to completely trust it and I am taking away a lot from your comment. Thank you and have a wonderful day:) And I’ll send you my kiwi skins!


Happy Birthday Knox!! My birthday was just two days ago, so I happen to think September birthdays are pretty awesome! Both me and my 8 yr old son (who is ALSO a September baby) think pizza + breadsticks sounds like the perfect dinner. We hope you have the best day ever!


Happy Birthday Knox!!

Janae I am so glad you had a bad workout before your marathon. I think that is totally necessary. Get all of the bad out so that you are primed and ready to go- it’s so weird how some of your easier running days tend to be the hardest. You’ve got this girl. keep your chin up and eyes on the prize!!


Happy Birthday, Knox!! Have a wonderful day!! And I love that megawatt smile–it lights up the world!!


I love Costco’s protein bars :) Especially the cookie dough one!

My 1st and 2nd marathons were run in 80+ degree temps and it was pretty awful, especially because the 2nd one was postponed for over an hour.

I really love hot tamales in my popcorn. I don’t feel like that’s all that weird, but my students always think I’m crazy when I tell them that’s my favorite food.

If I could have a 2nd home anywhere and $ wasn’t an option, it would definitely be on a beach somewhere! Probably Hawaii :)

Happy Happy Birthday, Knox! I hope you have a rockin’ day!


Happy birthday Knox from Australia. Hope you have lots of fun today xx


Happy, happy birthday Knox. Hope you have an awesome few days of celebrating.


Give Skye infants ibuprofen when she’s teething to the point of not sleeping. Just make sure it’s INFANTS and follow directions. You can give her half the recommended dosage and it will still help a ton. There is a reason we have modern medicine and don’t feel guilty for one second for using it. You are actually helping her so much by relieving her of unnecessary pain!


The worst weather half marathon for me was in Key West 2016. It was storming terribly the night before and the winds were so high that they were considering cancelling the race. Instead they changed the course (no running out on a pier) and delayed it a couple of hours.

Tell Knox I think his birthday dinner is so awesome! Have a super happy birthday!


Happy Birthday to you , happy birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Knox, Happy Birthday to you!!!
Enjoy your pizza and breadsticks. I hope you have a great year with great new adventures.


Happiest of birthdays to Knox!!

I use the same Bcaa powder & I love it!! Fill my Hydroflask with ice, water & the powder in the morning & drink it all day!


Happy Birthday to Knox!!

If I could have a second house somewhere, I think it would be on the island of Eleuthera in the Bahamas. I loved it there, not as touristy and beaches everywhere! I really want to own a second home/beach home in the future.


I love the etch-a-sketch comparison. It’s perfect…and I truly believe the sucky workouts keep us coming back for more. If they were all easy and perfect, we would be bored and not challenged and I know I would not want that.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KNOX! I hope it is the best one yet! Enjoy your pizza, breadsticks and coloring! No better combination in my opinion!

I know it’s not too exotic…but if someone gave me a place in San Francisco I couldn’t say no. It is my happy place.


I’m late but Happy Birthday Knox!! I hope they got you the breadstick pizza combo! It’s good to know what you want ;)


those costco protein bars are my absolute FAVORITE!!

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