Girl Talk (I’ve got a Q for you) & How I Speed UP When Tired.

I’m still just so in love with the Levitate 2s (you can read my review here).  The extra bounce was very needed the day after my track workout!  Six miles @ 8:33 average pace and once again, my hands were cold for my run.  Maybe I’m going to need to start wearing gloves in the mornings.

During my run yesterday I remembered something that I used to do that helped me when I got tired during a race to speed up rather than slow down.  When I was in those final miles of a race and my body was so tired and hurting—>  I would remind myself that if I speed up a bit, I’ll start to use different muscles that aren’t as tired as the ones that I’ve been using already for many miles.  I’m not sure about how scientific that logic really is but changing up my speed and speeding up seems to help because it felt like I was firing different muscles and switching up my form/cadence so even though it was still hard, it was different.  Does that make sense?  Maybe it’s all in my head but it has helped me during many races.

Another helpful tip for your hard runs/races—>  In the comments yesterday, Diana said this and I had to share it:  “The other day during a workout I remembered something that I heard in a podcast that totally helped me.  The idea was that we shouldn’t wish to not feel pain in a workout/race but instead wish that we are strong enough to overcome it.  It totally helped me because I started off thinking- man this hurts, I wish it didn’t hurt.  And then realized- no it’s supposed to hurt and I just want to be strong enough to get through it!”

Isn’t that great?

I have some girl talk.  Feel free to skip!  My cycle is right at 28 days and I realized yesterday that means I will not be on my period for the marathon.  Hallelujah.  Ever since I’ve had Skye my periods have felt a lot worse (anyone else have that happen after babies?!) so I’m happy to skip over that.  I have only done one marathon while on my period (Boston) and I’m happy that won’t be happening this time.  BUT I also have heard that many women perform great on their periods.  Like Paula Radcliffe!   I would love to know how it effects you and your training!

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Skye’s latest thing is holding the back of my hair whenever I carry her.   Maybe she does this after seeing Brooke guide her horse around the arena with reins… she tries to do the same thing with me.

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We went on a short walk later on and Skye did her usual leg up thing that she loves to do.

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And then we did this:

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Then we picked up Knox from Kindergarten.  He told me a girl in his class gives him butterflies:)

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Andrew was off taking a test he was pretty stressed about.  He did really well and passed!  He has now been in his program 2 years and he has just one semester left!  His program started with 15 people and now they are down to 5.  I’m so proud of him for rocking this tough program so well.

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We picked up Brooke from school and grabbed some froyo.  Then I went to Target alone with the kiddos and it went much better compared to last time.

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Why eat dinner when you can just turn around and stare at Beretta?

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Soccer has started and Brooke had her first game.  Knox has his first game today (they are on different teams now that they are in different grades)!  We are going to be at the soccer fields a lot this month!

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And then we ended up staying at the park until way after everyone’s bedtime…

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Because sometimes it’s just necessary to do that.

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How does your period affect your running?!  Ever been on your period during a big race?

Mom’s reading:  Periods after kids—>  are they worse for you, better or no change?

What is your run or workout today?  

How is your day going so far?  I want to know!

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I’d say that most of the time my period doesn’t affect my workouts unless I have bad cramps — there doesn’t seem to be a rhyme or reason as to why I have cramps some months and none during other months. Weird!

Ahh your post just reminded me that I haven’t had froyo in soooo long! Need to change that asap!


I am SO glad it doesn’t affect your workouts too much! Our bodies… they just do their own thing ha:) GO GET FROYO ASAP!! We had coupons which made it even yummier haha! Have a great day Laura!


My periods were a little worse after each. Heavier and a little more cramping. It doesn’t seem to change my running much except that I have to make sure that Ive done some girl stuff right before heading out or unless I’m cramping.

I’m actually running today so hopefully it goes well!


Ha! I was also on mine at Boston, but it was such an epically bad experience it didn’t matter. I agree–mine have gotten a lot worse after kids. I used to have zero symptoms and now I get awful headaches and stomach pains leading up. Once I’m on it, it doesn’t affect my running. But the week before I feel like I can’t breathe and have zero energy. My chiropractor was telling me about the back pain associated with it (because I’ve been having that now too) and he stopped and said, man, it is SO hard to be a girl! haha. His wife is pregnant right now so he’s in the thick of hormones. ;-)
Congrats to Andrew on doing so amazing in his program! Especially with a new baby and a family and everything else in life. He’s a rockstar!


I am dealing with this now, ha! I actually skipped my long run yesterday because of my period and the fact that the 7 miler on Tuesday in the 95 degree heat really wiped me out! I did the math, and my race at the end of Sept will be just after my period, yessssssss! I usually have the roughest time the week before (there’s some science to it, I saw it in an article that the week before is usually harder, not sure why) and adding heat and humidity makes it nuts!

Today’s workout is a bike ride and weights, as long as the storms stay away. Maybe I will aim for the long run tomorrow.

Have a great day!


My period doesn’t impact my running, although the week before does. Change in hormones a few days prior to getting my period, I can not get my legs to turn over for anything. So I do try to avoid scheduling races during that time, although not always possible . It’s just a chance to work on my mental game!


Hi Janae! My period has felt worse after baby :( I’ve only had 3 so far but I’ve gotten awful cramps when I was pretty much symptom free before. Boo! I had a question about the Levitates…did you have to go down a size? I love them too, but I felt like my foot was swimming in my normal size, so I went down half a size (Love Brooks wear for 90 day return policy) and they still feel big. I was surprised by how different the sizing seemed to me.


OMG I was on my period during Peachtree. It. was. horrible. And when I got home it made me even that much more proud of myself for that run. And for sticking it out. There are things from that experience that are a bit too much ‘girl talk’ to write about on a blog comment…but I live to tell the tale!!!

So this morning I ran a 5K. It wasn’t an organized 5K–but it was a 5K nonetheless. I had a TOUGH time with my schedule and when the 5Ks near me were scheduled for this month of my “one 5K a month in 2018” goal, so I did something a bit–well, I guess, creative to TECHNICALLY get my goal accomplished. Websites like seem to have these ‘virtual 5K’ races. I chose one that’s still a ‘current’ race and paid for it this morning right before heading out the door to my running spot and when I got home, I went back on the website and logged my time. It might be silly, but I technically ran a 5K for the month of August–the proceeds go to an organization I love (Girls On The Run, whose mission I support any and every day of the week), and my finisher’s medal and race t-shirt are just going to reach me in the mail. But it is still the month of August and my 5K for the month–well, she is done!

And on my run I channeled YOU–with the start of every single running interval, I used your “I feel good” mantra but changed it into “What Feels Good” and then I listed three things that felt good in that moment. My answers ranged wildly–my shoulders back and my chest lifted, my neck tall and my head high instead of being angled forward and down, my left knee feels really great and my right knee still feels solid, it feels good to have my hips moving forward with my legs in a movement that’s like being “on railroad tracks” instead of my hips swinging forward like my legs are “on the cat walk”…and on and on and on.

My other mantra that I used in every single running and walking interval when I noticed that I had been doing it for “a while” was this: PICK IT UP!!! PICK IT UP!!! And every single time I was able to speed up even just a little bit. I noticed, too, that my pace for the second mile was also 15 seconds less than my pace for the first mile…and then my average pace, as captured in my Garmin, was a full 14 seconds less per mile than my pace for the first mile. I literally had a moment of “I’m like Janae! Negative splits!” It was a silly and somewhat funny little thing, but whatever. I’ll take it!

I love, BTW, that Knox and Brooke play soccer. It’s such a great game, and getting those sweet kids into team environments from a young age teaches them SO MUCH about how to balance their own individual thoughts, needs, and interests with the concerns, questions, and rewards of the team they’re part of. Learning that huge lesson of relativity in a powerful, daily, tangible way is HUGE! Yay!

I hope you have a REALLY GREAT day out there! Time to go from ‘just Stephanie’ to ‘Dr. K’ for the rest of the day!

(PS: YAY ANDREW for being so close to graduation and for totally killing that test!!!)


Ugh, periods. I haven’t had any kids and mine are already terrible. I start PMSing two full weeks before I start – it’s absurd. Then the day before I start and the day of are miserable – if it’s possible, I don’t do anything except lay around in huge sweats. I’ve had to do some long runs and a few races while on my period and they actually turned out okay! I just hate periods. But after I start, I’m just fine! It’s the leading up to them that is the worst part.

I hope you have a great Thursday!


Yay!! I got way too excited that you used my comment from yesterday! I also think your idea about using different muscles totally makes sense- I feel like my form is at least better when I run fast, so there’s that!

This morning I did an Orangetheory class – which I’m really into these days since I’m not really training for anything specific. Half the class is treadmills and half is rowers/ weights so it feels like an efficient way to get everything in! Today’s class was a great workout- so it totally started my day off on the right foot!


My periods have been pretty heavy in the last year and a half since my 3rd baby (didn’t have many cycles in between the others because of nursing and then getting pregnant pretty quick after stopping nursing). Anyway, they do affect my running for a few days each cycle when it’s heaviest. My sleep is super interrupted for a few nights and I am just tired and don’t feel like running on the heaviest days. Ugh! Don’t want to go on birth control to help it because my husband’s had a vasectomy so I really don’t want to mess with any other birth control. Anyone else struggle with a few days of super heavy each month?


Yes! My period has gotten so much worse after having my fourth child. The first few days are awful – so heavy and I get so crampy. It’s pretty miserable.


I honestly hate racing (or really doing anything—ha!) when I’m on my period. I’ve done it twice, and I felt disgusting and just blah the entire time. I know it affects all of us differently, but it does not do me well at all.

I ran 5 easy miles today, and today is the first day the altitude really started getting to me. I ended up climbing a huge hill that I wasn’t expecting (oops!!) and then did some circuit strength training after. I have a feeling I’m going to take a nice nap on the plane ride home today!

Congrats to Andrew!! So awesome! And good luck to Knox in his game tonight!!


My period is a very heavy flow the first couple of days. In 2009 the inaugural Eock and Roll Seattle coincided with my heavy days. I brought an extra tampon with me to the race, and needed it early. Then I had to stop at multiple first aid stations later on as I needed another, and after several no go’s I found one at an aid station near mile 20. The dude managing the station was trying to tell me where the nearest portapotty was (a mile away), but before he knew it I had already utilised their trash can and was on my way (Running shorts are great for easy access).

No change since I have had kids. But when I am not on the pill my periods are about 6 days as compared to 4 on the pill.

Today is 5 miles easy! First week of marathon training going well. I am even doing hill and speed work this cycle instead of my usual 3xeasy runs and 1 long!

Wonderful! I woke up and climbed into bed beside my little Kindergartener. It was precious watching him wake up. Then I read the output of a 2 minute timed writing exercise to my husband (it was about him), and earned extra hugs!

4 day weekend coming up – hope you have a grand Labor Day weekend! We’ve got big plans: a friend’s bday party at Chucky Cheese, going out on the boat for the first time in 5 years, swimming at the outdoor pool at the Y one last time this season, and maybe heading to the zoo too :)


Oh, your seattle story… that is ROUGH. You are hardcore Tonya! Way to go on week one of marathon training, I am so excited for you! I am so glad your day is going so well, your family is so lucky to have you. Sounds like the perfect Labor Day, ENJOY!


My daughter also likes to hold the back of my hair, but really she likes to hold my hair any way she can (like with both hands when she’s in the carrier). I can’t comment yet on severity of periods post-babies as I haven’t gotten mine back yet. I’m hoping it continues to stay away until after Chicago so it’s not something else to think about while running a marathon!


Hahah they love our hair (and pulling it;)! I love that she likes to use both hands haha. You are going to ROCK CHICAGO. I want to hear all about it Abby!!


Fun fact: I have run 3 marathons and got my period THE MORNING OF the marathon, every single time. I also got my period on the morning of my wedding. My thought is that it has to do with stress or something. However, I’m pretty regular and get my period between 27-30 days, but it always chooses to come the morning before stressful events. I get awful PMS and that affects things more than my actual period, so I was always happy to get my period before an important race :) I’m running Chicago this year and was projected to get my period on marathon day, yet again, but now it’s scheduled for the week before. Hopefully that happens and I can finally experience a period-free marathon :)


You started your period the morning of THREE MARATHONS and the morning of your WEDDING!?! That is just not fair! I bet our stress really does play a huge role in our cycles, interesting. Good luck at Chicago and with all of this practice of racing on your period, you are going to rock it;) Keep me updated on everything!


The picture of Knox holding Skye is so stinking cute! They look so much alike. And I love that yellow/black striped shirt you are wearing.

I don’t ever notice a difference running when I’m on my period, but it just makes me more nervous. I’m never sure when to stop and swap and end up doing it more frequently than needed because I’m worried about spotting through! When I was on the pill, I’d skip periods (with my dr’s ok) so that I didn’t have to race with one and worry about porta potties.


I agree… they are looking so alike to me now. The top is from Roolee! It’s one of my favorites. Oh yes… that is a whole other side of it, I get so nervous about that too! Oh that is interesting about the pill and skipping it for race day. Great solution to work with your doctor on that. Have an amazing day Alyssa!


The first day or two that I have my period, I am just achey, kind of like it’s a rainy/damp day, and my body just aches, know what I mean? Have you read “Roar” by Stacy Sims. She talks a LOT in her book about how our period effects us as athletes. Some of it was too scientific for me (ha ha), but it was definitely worth reading!!!!

My run is supposed to be 9 easy, but I’m doing 7 easy because it’s the only way I can get to strength class. This is where having a coach is tricky. I feel that I MUST follow the coach’s plan (9) to a TEE, but sometimes life just doesn’t allow it. And then I feel guilt for going off course, which brings about negative feelings into the run, you know?! If an athlete is ALWAYS going off the plan, it’s a problem, but every now and then it just has to happen. Cross training and feeling strong in non-running muscles is a big priority to me!!!!! So, long story, that’s my run for today. lol

I’m surviving week 2 of being back to school :) This weekend I have a lot of running ahead of me, and we’re going to the BIG shopping mall to do some back to school shopping for my daughters (and me :) My oldest is going into middle school—looking stylin’ is super important this year :) :) :)


Day 1 and 2 of my period can really impact my running- it seems that running makes my cramps worse?! If I have time in the morning to take medicine and let my system “get moving” (if you know what I mean), my runs are infinitely better, but that is sometimes hard with work and life! I would be very stressed if I started my period the day of a race!


YES YES YES… I totally get it. That’s a good point, maybe a little midol before the run would help me?! Thanks Robyn and I hope you never ever start your period the day of your race!



Are the Levitates heavy for you??? I saw where they’re 9.9 oz, and the Ghost 10 (what I’m in now) is only 8.8. That extra weight is a decent amount!

Interesting story though, when I trained for my first full marathon (and only full so far), I trained in AND RAN THE MARATHON IN heavy NB running shoes. And had NO injuries that cycle. After that, I moved into more neutral shoes and have struggled with off and on injuries. I’m half thinking a more stable shoe might not even be a bad idea for me. I’m really intrigued by the upcoming Bedlams—9.7 ounces with an 8mm drop. Can’t wait to hear your review of them!!!!!!!!


HEY YOU!! The levitates are definitely a bit heavier but I honestly don’t notice it during my run. I notice the energy I get from them and love that BUT I never do my speed in them and for fast paces I am sure I would notice that they are heavier if that makes sense?! That is very interesting about your shoes. We put a lot of stress on our feet during the run and maybe more stability is what you need? I CANNOT WAIT to try the Bedlams! I’ll give you every detail. Thank you for the recommendation for the book, I just ordered it! WEEK 2… you are rocking it. I think coaches EXPECT their athletes to have to switch things around at times. We are not competing in the olympics (and you work full time and have a family)!! Way to go on making strength a priority, you are amazing!


Ok maybe this is TMI?? But you asked so… ? but ever since I had my baby my periods have been way, WAY worse. I bleed through a tampon and pad every 2-3 hours. So a lot of times my runs are affected by the fact I’m bleeding so bad. Also, because I lose so much blood, I get really iron deficient so I really have to pay attention to my nutrition during that time.
I know part of this is because I have an IUD, but to just frustrating because my doctor never told me this was a possible side affect ?.

In other news, I started a running streak. I NEEDED a kick in the pants to get myself fired up again for running so I’m doing at least 20 minutes for 20 days. I know rest days are important, but lately they have turned into rest WEEKS and so I’m excited about this to get me going again! I just finished my third run ?


I love TMI!! Thank you so much for sharing this with me! Which IUD do you have? When I had the mirena I was one of the small percentage of people that had WAY HEAVIER periods from it… I was so frustrated ha. I totally get it! I am so sorry you are dealing with all of this.

GO AMANDA GO on your running streak, you are amazing. Keep me updated on everything!


I notice that I tend to do better on my periods during races! But I think that I have always been afraid that it would mess me up, so maybe I just build it up and work extra hard to overcome it. Either way, it’s working! I have a half marathon in 3 weeks that I’ll have it for!


Jen, THAT IS AWESOME!!! I need to learn from you! Let me know how your half goes, I can’t wait to hear about how you rocked it!


Have you read this book:

It gave me a lot of insight into how to better manage symptoms associated with my cycle to support my training better. Extra magnesium and a baby asprin the week before and the first couple of days help me a lot, and also, the week before I need more carbohydrates and salt. Knowing all of that helped me a lot.


Victoria, you are the best. Ordering it now. THANK YOU… I’m so interested to understand this all better. Thank you and I’m so glad that it has helped you out so much!!


Ugh, this is a good question and I wonder how it affects you specifically? Look forward to reading answers. It used to affect me worse the week prior my period started – bloat, constipation. Then when it started I’d get terrible low back pain and sometimes abdominal but mainly back – so debilitating at times I could only curl up in a ball or had to cut a run short. It seems to have changed now though…the last couple of weeks my workouts were getting better, feeling fitter (I’m x-training because I’m injured), but I started my period, had no back pain this time but literally feel and look in my mind 10lbs heavier, bloated and generally no energy to get my legs moving. Trying not to beat myself up.


HEY!!! So I think for me it just makes me feel bloated, tired, a little nauseated and I just want to stay in bed ha! I am SO sorry about the back pain and abdominal pain that you were having… SO happy that it has changed now. YOU ARE DOING AMAZING!!! Don’t get down on yourself Jenni! Your body is healthy and strong and feeling better than ever, focus on that!!!!


My periods have definitely become worse after having babies; heavier cycles, total PMS (sorry everyone!!), exhaustion, pressure down there and they were/are unpredictable…. but since I’ve started taking vitamins (Care/Of!!!!) I’ve noticed a drastic change! My moods are more stable, my energy levels remain consistent and my aches and pains i would get during PMS and my cycle are gone! I really honestly truly can’t thank you enough for recommending them!
Having said all that today’s 5 miles was a doozy! Started out ok but after mile 3 – when the big hills came on strong, i started lagging. Good thing I get to try again tomorrow!
Have a great day!


Jenny, this makes me so so so happy! Care/Of is the best and I’m so glad they have helped you. I think they have definitely helped my energy levels and hallelujah! SO happy for you! Way to get up those huge hills and I love your attitude–> go rock it tomorrow. You too!


For my period and exercise…I initially do not feel like doing anything, cramp/bloat wise. But once I do go for a run or workout, I am usually glad I did and actually helps the cramps/bloating. But the kicker is, I get really bad headache’s for 3 of the days, and they get worse not better… I have to choose wisely and not over do it during this time. Once the headache starts, I’m done with everything, it’s a headache for 3 straight days no breaks in between.
After having a baby, mine was initally much worse, but seemed to go back to normal after about a year maybe.
Mine skipped soccer this year, but went out for beginners volleyball, practice starts tonight ! Good luck to your soccer kiddos.
Congrats to Andrew on this test and being in the last 5. I’m sure that program is not an easy one, and you’ve had home projects and a baby along the way, that’s awesome to stick with it and do it well.
Ha, love Skye’s comfy leg in the stroller.


I totally agree, running helps make us feel better but it is hard to start while on my period. Okay… as soon as you said the headache thing a lightbulb went off for me. I’ve had headaches the last few days and I totally didn’t even put it together with my hormones–> YES! Mine aren’t as bad as yours but thank you for helping me to understand what was going on. Good to know I’ll hopefully get back to normal soon! Oh I totally want Brooke to try out volleyball too. Thanks Michele, you are so supportive of us… it means the world to us. Have a wonderful day!


For me the few days right before my period are AWFUL horrible for running. Once I get it, it’s better for sure. My last marathon was a few days after it ended and it felt a thousand times better than the previous one which was 2 days before it started. Weird hormonal bodies. ??‍♀️


I get that… my long run last Saturday was a few days before and it is hard! Isn’t our body crazy? St. George will be a few days after for me too… hallelujah! Have an amazing day!


My periods became much worse after babies; the PMS was off the charts! I was straight up mean and hyper-emotional the week before – yikes! I’m done having babies and have my tubes tied, but went back on the pill to help balance out my hormones. It’s been a big help. I realized yesterday that my period should strike right around Chicago Marathon – noooooooo!


YES… I totally get it! I am SO glad that you are feeling more balanced now and I hope by some miracle, you won’t be on it during Chicago. Please keep me updated with your training and how the race goes Kara!


My first full marathon I was on my period! Actually did pretty well. I’ve also had my period for a few a halves and shorter races. Sometimes I’ve gotten a PR on those ones, so you never know!


Your first one! And look at you… rocking it and getting PRs while on your period. You are STRONG Laura! Have a beautiful day!


I would love you know if you have had an injury before a race that has messed up your training? I am running a marathon the week after St George and I have tight calves that are affecting my shin bone. I am going to PT and working on it, but this has totally taken the wind out of my sails. I was on schedule to BQ, but I don’t think that is in my plans anymore. :( I am just curious how you approach the race when something like this happens. It is so frustrating.


Hey Collette! I am SO SO sorry about your injury. This is not okay. I have had many injuries before marathons! I have had injuries that forced me to miss out on races (Boston 2011) and injuries that caused me to only pool run for the 5 weeks leading up to the race. I still did the race but just adjusted my time goals. The biggest thing I have learned from these experiences (many more than what I listened to) is there is ALWAYS another race. Always. But we get 1 body, that’s it. We just need to take care of that body the best we can and those dream races (AND YOUR BQ) will come with patience and doing the right thing (and listening to our doctors:). You will get back. Maybe for this marathon or maybe for next. I have been working towards my goal race for 8 years now and it’s a good thing I love the training because I’ve failed a lot of times but that will make the victory so much sweeter. You’ve got this. I’m your listening ear if you ever need to vent!


You are so sweet, thanks for those words. It just plain sucks. :( Listening to my doctor and missing out on running groups have been hard, but I keep telling myself it’s for the best even though it doesn’t feel that way. Thanks again!!!


I can 100% relate to this post. I was having the training cycle of all training cycles. I was feeling good, PRing at races, and feeling fierce. AND then, the injury. 8 weeks away from my BQ attempt race. I was devastated. I missed a HM (fitness indicator race), and my FM. I was diagnosed with psoas tendonitis in my left hip. No running for SIX weeks and a ton of PT. Its so hard to let go of what we had planned. But know, there’s a reason. At this point, it may not seem like it, but there is and it will become apparent to you when the time is right. I wasn’t ready for that BQ in Feb. I needed to be stronger. I needed to be smarter. I needed to work on mental strength like no one’s business. You are doing the right thing by backing off. Short-term disappointment for a long-term reward.


One time I started unexpectedly DURING a marathon. Ugh!


DURING A MARATHON. Oh Katie. That is just not fair.


I’ve been on my period during a race and it wasn’t awful. However, after having kids the first day of my cycle is fairly painful. Although, running seems to help with the pain a bit.

Today was a 2 mile walk with 4-2 minute segments of slow jogging. I was pumped that I was able to jog 8 minutes with no pain. I can still feel pressure where the stress fracture was at, but not pain so I’m just trying to take it super easy!

I took the puppy with me again this morning and he did so well! Just like Skye, he LOVES my hair. Ha, I’m guessing it reminds him of his mama but anytime I’m stretching he is nuzzled in my hair.


Depends with my period. Day 1 is probably the best/fastest workout of my entire month. I plan speed work around it. From there it goes down hill, so to answer your other question my period itself is no worse but the menstral fatigue is baaaaaadddd since having Hope. Literally feel like I am dragging myself around all day.


Funny you should mention that. For my most recent race, I got my period the day before. Fun times. And then my last race last month same thing. I’ve learned to just deal with it. I sometimes take an advil but most times I am ok. It is just a pain in because I have to figure out where the porta potties on course on – not a fun thing during trail races where it feels like forever from one aid to the next.

We did a hike for a good friend’s birthday yesterday but nothing today. Got some crazy beautiful sunsets before the cloud rolled in. It looked like a volcano exploded

My day so far is going well, because I have just made my first cup of coffee:)

Have a fantastic day!


I get really tired and sluggish while training on my cycle. Having to run races while on my period is awful. But luckily it only happened a few times.

Aw my daughter had same uniform last year for soccer…so fun!

Laundry and packing to go camping tomorrow!


I did my very first triathlon while on my period. I was so stressed but In the end, it wasn’t a big deal. I didn’t feel the best but the endorphins definitely helped.
I think my periods are actually getting worse. Not necessarily in the heaviness of it but definitely with the cramping. My doctor says that’s normal as we age and to try to be more consistent with pounding a lot of water. ?‍♀️


I’m so sorry your cycles have gotten worse post-baby. That doesn’t seem fair, universe, just sayin. I’ve been on a running hiatus lately so can’t really say how my periods affect running, but I do notice that my balance is crazy affected when I’m doing yoga or strength classes where there’s lots of one leg balance stuff. I don’t know if that’s just me?

Huge congrats to Andrew, he is so close! And Skye looks like she has so much hair all the sudden, it makes her look like such a big girl. She just gets cuter and cuter.


Ok this would be a long comment :p…My period started during my first and only marathon, I was expecting it and was prepared, I also knew that from mile 6 to 18 there wouldn’t be any toilets, I planned to use the one at mile 6 but I missed it :(, it was kinda hidden!. I tried to hold my pee but at some point I just couldn’t anymore, and had to duck to the side bushes like everyone else …
I think the lack of toilets would have been equally annoying without the expected period, maybe this distracted me from the fact that I was doing a Marathon and helped to keep going, my focus from mile 6 to 18 was just to get to toilet hahaha…
I usually get a surge of energy before it arrives, every month the day/hours before I’m on fire, then back pain and that means period is here right now :/… So I enjoyed the extra energy until mile 16ish after that I just fooled myself like I always do, just thinking of two miles at the time until the finish line and did/felt better than any of my previous long runs :) …
The surge of estrogen the day/hours before are when I feel the strongest of my entire cycle, I read that I shouldn’t do too much because yeah I’ll be exhausted later, but I forget and feel amazing doing fast runs, weights, cooking, cleaning haha, then is back pain and exhaustion, usually by day 3-4 when my period is over I’m super tired and have the worse runs… And yes, 3-4 days before it arrives I would go hysterical about something and the hubby will tell me my period is coming :p, and I absolutely hate it that he is right pfff hormones, I like to comfort myself thinking that it would be sooooo boring to be a guy and not get all this ups and downs all the time, riiight?..
Thank you so much for writing about this, before the marathon I asked some of my female running friends but most were just uncomfortable talking about it, I don’t get it, we should feel free to talk about something that is so important. We are also the majority of the population so I hope in the future also all guys are interested in this topic, I think sometimes they’ll benefit from knowing we feel our lower back is being torn apart and is not that we are choosing to be less patient.


My periods are very irregular and it’s honestly very frustrating. I feel really really bad the day I start my period. I’m exhausted and in a lot of pain. Running doesn’t usually happen those days. After I get through the first 24 hours I feel much better. The 2nd and 3rd day of my period I feel like a million bucks on my runs. Those are usually the best runs of the month (or month and a half) for me.


that is some great advice, thank you for sharing it – to run harder/faster and switch to different muscles. also Diana’s comment too, i totally want to try that out when i am deep in the pain cave! digging deep is hard, but it seems with practice it gets more manageable.

congrats to Andrew on doing so well working towards his degree. that’s awesome.

i’ve not had a period in awhile, as i’ve been on the nuvaring and go month to month without having a cycle. it works for me!

the periods were surprisingly better postpartum, but i didn’t get to really check things out, so i don’t really know. they were really quite debilitating back when i would have them. i could barely stand –

workout today will be a swim. i am alternating between swim/cycle/elliptical b/c i have a sprained ankle. i just cannot get away from all the injuries…! thankfully i have still been getting my strength sessions in.

the day is going well, i’m exhausted but in a good way (from all the cardio) – i finally slept well last night (took too much time off for this ankle!)


Periods –> hormones –> Woman Code by Alissa Vitti, HHC


I had my period last weekend during my first ever 15-mile long run and I completely blew up and had a terrible run. I also didn’t sleep the night before (only 4 hours or so) and it was really hot out AND someone took my waters and banana I had stowed away on the trail, so I don’t think it was the only factor. I do think I’ve had a few races on my period and have actually done great, so who knows!


someone took your waters and banana? that is messed up ! :( sorry that happened


i have never been on my period during a race. . .that is actually weird to me. You would like out of all my races it would have happened! Hey I am not complaining. My running and miles are actually better when I have my period. I guess I hate the bloating feeling and if I can run through it then I always feel amazing!
No babies, YET so no advice if my period if worse after babies!!!! LOL
My day is good! We only work 4 days in our office so Thursdays are always my Fridays!! WOOHOO!
And yay for Andrew! I know he has an amazing support team behind him and that is the best! My hubs will be done with his Master of Accounting early next year then he will study for his CPA and he said the support from me, as his spouse, is what makes it a million times easier!!!!!!
XOXO Have a great weekend!


How is it that after decades of having a period I act like it’s such a surprise each month? As though I have to *remember* why I suddenly feel wonky and horrible?! Then a day or so later I start my period and it’s “oh ya, that’s why.” geez!

I am reading ROAR and it’s very helpful and reassuring.

When I was a senior in HS my track coach told a few of us that it’s possible to have a fantastic race while on your period. He gave an example of a previous runner, etc. and from then on (that was 30 years ago. ahem.) I realized that one can feel pretty tough during a period. Now that I’m older, it’s not as easy though ;)


My daughter has lately been doing the same thing with my hair. And combing her fingers through it. She’s about 8 1/2 months!


I have never commented but I need to pass something along: all of you who get hormonal headaches related to your period: start taking 500 mg of magnesium every day. It was recommended to me by my Dr and I was skeptical but it works!! I do not get those terrible headaches when I take magnesium. It’s inexpensive and helps with sleep too.


NOOOOO WAY!!! This is awesome Emily. Could you please send me the exact one that you have (like from Amazon?)! I want to order it right now. THANK YOU!


Honestly, i don’t get anything fancy. I get a bottle of 500mg pills from Walmart. :) I use these but you could probably use any kind.




Oh nooo! I am running St George and just looked ahead…I start my period on the day of the race ???. I’ve never run a race on my period before so now I’m really nervous. I have a 22 miler on Saturday when I start my next cycle, so at least I get a practice run I guess. Dang!


NOOOO KRISTA!!! AHHHHH I am so sorry. If you are on the pill maybe you could talk to your doctor about skipping a period? Keep me updated! You are going to rock St. George and I better see you there!


My periods are horrendous for two years after giving birth and extra heavy for 4 to 4/12 years afterwards. (Horrendous means changing an extra super plus tampon every 1-1/2 hrs for 24-36 hours starting the 2nd 12 hours and extra heavy means changing every two hours for 18-24 hrs starting the 2nd 12 hours.) (I find this attitude particularly insulting because my periods start 6-8 weeks post-partum and stay regular even though nursing.) Those heavy days required very careful planning if I ran. Sometimes I didn’t because it was so annoying and I was so tired from getting up all night.

That said, although I have run many marathons and half marathons on my period (I actually started my period on Veyo hill one year), I have managed to avoid racing on my 2nd day. From the 3rd(ish) day on I don’t feel bad racing but I would say stopping to change tampons slows me down…no Paula Radcliffe records for me!


Child-free here, so nothing to add to that part of the discussion. My period does make my legs feel really sore and crampy (in addition to all the regular cramps) so that definitely makes it harder to get started with workouts. That said, all the endorphins and natural painkillers that my body releases during a workout seem to really help, so I’ve always forced myself to do it.

I’m not really a runner, and don’t race, but for important life events (my wedding, for example!) I have been known to skip a period using birth control. My gynecologist said this is fine as long as it’s a once in a while thing. Something to consider and possibly run past your doc?


Oh that is AWESOME Emily that you were able to skip your period for your wedding! So I’m not actually taking any birth control right now (it makes me feel so different) so I wish that was an option. BUT I know that is an awesome solution for so many other runners out there! You are right… working out does make everything feel so much better. Have a wonderful day!!


Running really helps me with my cramps but as a cumulative thing. I can’t run the first 2 days of my cycle – I can barely get out of the bathtub. But when I run consistently my periods are less painful. A week or so before I start my period I am bloated and running (any physical activity) feels hard – I am sluggish and slow and feel like I’m working so hard but not getting anywhere. But then a few days before I actually start my period I will have a day or two where I have crazy energy and I feel like I am running faster with less energy. Hormones and menstruation are a kinda crazy thing and they definitely have a big impact on me, both physically and emotionally. I know things to help moderate them – eating less sugar etc – but sometimes that is ALL I want when I’m on my period! :)


Congrats to Andrew for almost finishing the nursing program. That’s an astonishing number of drop outs having only 5 out of 15 remaining! I’m just curious why the other students dropped out? Is it super difficult? I’m thinking of pursuing this program in the near future and that just scared me ha! :/

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