4 Words Per Pic + 10 Things That Perfectly Describe What Marathon Training Makes You Do:

Good run, 8:17 pace.

Elf plays soccer too.

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She supports Brooke’s hobbies.

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BF in town= swimming.

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A mini splash pad.

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Home pebble ice machine. ( <— ps I didn’t explain this well, I wish it was mine but it was at the house we were swimming at)

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Finally washed my hair.

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10 Pictures That Perfectly Describe What Marathon Training Makes You Do:

1.  Really ridiculous things like sit in freezing cold water or ice bath to help you to recover fast so you can do it all over again soon.  I love that penguin blanket of mine.

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2.  This picture is from many years ago when my niece (Curly) fell asleep on the ground before making it to the dinner table.   This is how I feel many evenings during marathon training.  Many.

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3.  Makes you hang out on the sidewalk or grass or gutter on the side of the road after you finish one of the really crazy long runs/speed workouts on your training plan.  And if you have a coach it makes you curse their name throughout the before mentioned workouts that you are doing that cause you to collapse onto the sidewalk afterwards.

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4.  It makes you feel like this during a training run one day:

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5.  And the next day feel like this during your training run:

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There is no way to predict the wide range of emotions that marathon training is going to bring upon us.

6.  Dream at 5 am when your alarm clock goes off about the Saturdays after the marathon you are going to experience when you aren’t waking up at a torturous hour to get in your long runs.  A common thought for me when I am not feeling like rolling out of bed early on the weekend for a double digit run:  “After the marathon I am going to wake up at 8 on Saturday mornings and take the family to IHOP for pancakes and orange juice followed by coming back home and getting in bed to watch cartoons with the kids.”

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7.  But then at the same time begin to dread the post-marathon blues… I LOVE MARATHON TRAINING AND I DON’T WANT IT TO END.

(Below picture was right after the Tucson Marathon when the blues kicked in rather quickly)

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8.   It also makes you spend more money that you shouldn’t spend on gear because you probably don’t need it but you are POSITIVE it is going to make you that much faster on race day.

Is it even possible to have too many running shoes?

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9.  Want to eat all of the food 100% of the time (although I will say, breastfeeding ((even while not running)) made me 30x hungrier than marathon training).

The amount of donuts I have eaten during 16 week marathon training cycles in the past is more than most Americans eat throughout their entire life.

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10.  Study the course/elevation maps like it is your job and search for any and every race recap of the marathon you are about to like crazy.

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There are many more things that marathon training makes me do and yet I keep signing up for them again and again because I am addicted to them.  Can’t stop.  Won’t stop.

And in addition to this marathon training talk, never forget this necessary lesson in life!   Keep doing what you love doing and forget about what everyone else is doing:)

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Who else is in half or full marathon training right now?  How is it making YOU FEEL at this point?

What is something really ridiculous that training has made you do?

Donut, cake, ice cream, brownie or cookie?  What is your #1?

From start (right out of the shower) to finish… on average how long does it take you to get ready?

-Non hair washing days= 9 minutes.  Hair washing days= 25 minutes.

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Haha, training definitely makes us do some things that other people might think are pretty crazy! When I was teaching high school and coaching cross country at the same time, I used to wake up at 3:42 every morning to make sure that I could get in my run before getting to morning practice with the kids. Just thinking about getting up that early now makes me exhausted!

Cookies are definitely my favorite, especially sugar cookies! There’s a place in Texas called Tiff’s Treats that I miss so much, and I haven’t found a good cookie place out here that even comes close. :/ I’m more of a froyo gal than an ice cream gal (they don’t have Blue Bell out here, either??!!), but I recently discovered that Chick-fil-A ice cream is pretty dang tasty!


3:42… AHHHH no way!! That is so early! You are dedicated and I love that you coached cross country, those kids were so lucky to have you! I hope you get some sugar cookies soon and I need to visit Tiff’s Treats someday!


You have your own pebble ice machine?!?!! I’m so jealous!!!


Oh how I wish I did… I didn’t phrase that right! That was at my friend’s house. A pebble ice machine is part of my dream house though!! Someday:) Have an amazing day!


I love this post! It is all so very true! I ran one marathon in 2014 but I will never do another! I thought I was going to die at mile 24..seriously! I give all you people that run more than one so much credit! Not me!!! I do agree on the Trader Joes – I would go there everyday if I could. Have a great day! :-) Hugs


Congrats on your marathon Ann! Oh that feeling of death?! Why am I going to do this again haha;) Thanks Ann, you too!


Last question first, because I am very proud of my getting ready skills (and much of this time is eaten up by my round trip trek from my downstairs bathroom to my chest of drawers upstairs and on the opposite side of the house):
Non-hairwashing days: 3 minutes
Hairwashing days: 4 minutes (I wrap a towel around my hair to catch excess drips, and I remove it when I am back downstairs to hang up the towel. It takes minutely longer to comb through my long wet hair than to brush through my long dry hair. Lipstick and some facial oil then done!

Crazy training thing is to constantly study all things running and analyze training schedules over and over.

My #1 is Hawaiian Shave Ice! Short of that, a popsicle. Then pie. From your list I’ve cream closely followed by cookie.

I am envisioning training for something right now, but have made no definite plans. Perhaps a half in late September, then hopefully Flying Monkey in late November.


3 minutes and 4 minutes… you are my hero. I want to do that! Yes, yes yes… I am right there with you on the study and analyzing everything in regards to training. It’s so much fun. Oh I need to have a Hawaiian Shave Ice right about now. Crossing my fingers you make it in the lottery!


I am not marathon or half marathon training right now, but Olympic-distance triathlon nationals is in 10 days (eek) and I have been training 15-20+ hours a week for a while now so I feel a lot of this.

#2 is so accurate. Last night at swim practice, I told a guy in our lane that he had to go ahead of me because I wanted to take a nap in the pool gutter.

#3 oh my, so many times. I ride an indoor bike trainer a lot and sometimes after the last interval I lie down on the ground trying to not die before the cool down.

#8 hehe just be glad you aren’t racing on a bike. I don’t blow TOO much money on my bike stuff relative to other people but, gee, don’t I deserve some nice new tires right before nationals? Don’t want to get a flat.

#9 I ate 2 breakfasts yesterday and it wasn’t enough.

Thanks for posting this and making me nod and giggle this morning!

Oh and I’m super fast getting ready in the morning, I prioritize sleep and my training over primping. I bike commute to work with my hair still wet and assume that works like a blow dryer.


Your training inspires me big time Victoria. Nationals is in 10 days… I am cheering you on from Utah and 15-20 plus hours a week, wow. Oh I cannot even imagine how expensive it is to be doing triathlons especially at your level. I think today I will need two breakfasts! That is the absolute best blow dryer ever. Enjoy your day!


I took the plunge and signed up for my first 26.2, so I am sure I will be able to relate in the coming months!!

Your bathroom tile looks great btw! And please tell us more about that pebble ice maker… it seems like a dream come true!


BLAKE!! I am so so so excited for you. Which one?! Oh thank you so much… we are so close to done. I wish that was mine (I didn’t phrase that correctly in the post ha)… it was my friend’s pebble ice maker but I will have one of those in my dream house:) Enjoy your day Blake!


You are so sweet- thanks for being so excited! I am doing the WDW Marathon in January- if I’m going to run that long/far, I want a little extra magic ;)
I would love an ice maker like that too! Maybe someday, but in the meantime, I’ll just fill up my hyroflask with it at the gas station haha


This makes me so happy! You are going to do amazing! Hahah I’ll be right there at the gas station with you:)


I’m prepping for Twin Cities Marathon. It’s in 9 1/2 weeks and already I panic about each little twinge I feel, wondering if it’s an injury.

Lately, underbaked brownies are my favorite treat.


Your marathon is the day after mine! AHHHH it’s like we are training together. What’s your long run this weekend? I totally know what you mean about those little hot spots and the worry that comes along with that. I hope you get some underbaked brownies asap!


Training makes me talk to myself even more than normal. I don’t know why I listen to music. I don’t actually listen to it. I spend the whole run telling myself I can do this. That stopping and taking a walk break isn’t going to make me fee less tired. And if I just keep going, I’ll be done sooner.

It’s a rather long conversation at times.


I love your comment so very much. I am just like you… so much talking to myself! Thanks for sharing Jennifer!


Training has made me eat by the light of the open refrigerator door at midnight.


yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and yes.


Currently injured. Again. After getting 3 months of running in post another injury. Enjoy and have gratitude for your training.

I wash my hair daily. My hairdresser hates me for it! But I can’t help it. It gets sweaty in this heat and my hair is a total frizz-crazy show as it is. It just feels refreshing to wash my hair, all of me, post workouts. I only feel half done if I don’t!


Jenni. I am so incredibly sorry about your injury. What is going on?

Thinking about you!


Half marathon training is making me wake up hungry in the middle of the night. And fall asleep in the middle of a conversation at night. I wonder what full marathon training would make me do haha. I am starting to hate waking up early on Saturdays to do a long run (can you tell? My last two long runs were way more challenging because I slept in haha)


We should meet up for midnight snacks haha! Running in the heat on Saturday is making you more and more tough and your early morning race will feel cold and refreshing:)


37 days to my marathon. Current feelings= AHHHHHH!!!!! Why didn’t I do more strength training?!?

Cookies. Definitely.

Marathon training has made me walk around in public in ridiculous clothing (i.e.- compression socks, sandals, and shorts in public). Classy.


37 days Kathy!! You are going to be tapering before you know it. You are going to rock this marathon. Your last sentence made me laugh so hard… YES!!! The things that marathon training makes us do…


Brooke looks so grown up in that photo with the grocery cart!

I did that yoga video you suggested yesterday, and it was tougher than I was expecting! My legs are so tight and stiff.


Oh I am so happy you tried it. It really is no joke. I am still sore from doing it Monday night. I agree, she is growing up too fast. Thanks so much Fiona and I hope your Wednesday is a great one!


Did you really get a “Sonic” ice machine? I am so jealous! Now I’m wondering if y’all even have Sonic out there. If not, they have ridiculously good drinks and slushies and they have the BEST ice. In fact, marathon training typically makes me crave HUGE drinks from Sonic when I finish up my long runs. I know this wasn’t one of the choices, but my #1 is fudge. I could eat it every single day! I can *maybe* get away with not washing my hair one day, but even that is pushing it and I usually wash it every day. This morning I had a ginormous knot in it and that took about 15 minutes to tackle. Haha. Otherwise, I am ready super quickly! No makeup. Hair in a bun. Good to go! :)


Oh how I wish, I did say that right in the post… that is my friend’s ice machine but I WILL get one someday! I forgot all about fudge, I need to go get some asap because it is delicious. Oh we do have Sonic and it is amazing! I think I’ll go today since you reminded me. Have a wonderful day Sam!


Wow! I wish I could be ready in 25 minutes hair washed and all. That’s impressive! I am really envious (but also inspired) by all of your training right now! I am hoping to sign up for a half marathon in the spring :)


YES, sign up for the half for next spring!! I want to hear all about how your training is going:) Impressive or maybe just a bit lazy with getting ready;) I hope your Wednesday is a great one Shae!


I am training for the Hurricane half right now and feeling so great! The most ridiculous thing that training has made me do this cycle is split my long run (11 miles) into 3 different runs! 4 miles with my husband at 4:30 am, then 2 miles by myself before meeting my friends for 5 more! Oh and I guess getting up at 4:20 to run is a little ridiculous too. Number one treat is a donut! Especially a giant apple fritter after a long run! YUM! You can get your hair to look like that in 25 minutes? Wow, I take at least 30-45 minutes to get ready after the shower! Thanks for the fun post.


Camille, I am so excited about your training! You are going to rock it! 4:20 a.m…. haha yeah, the things we do for running! I 3 different runs sounds like the perfect plan and being with your people, even better! I hope you get an apple fritter after your next long run. Oh I put my makeup on while I blow dry my hair and my eyelashes and eyebrows are fake so that makes the whole process so much easier ha. Thanks Camille and keep me updated on everything!


Jennifer – yes! I have those conversations, too. Pretty much every hard workout, including this morning. And I wave my hands around when talking to myself (even in my head) so I look like a crazy lady.

Half marathon in 10 days! This morning was my last hard/key workout. It didn’t go quite as well as I had hoped for but such is life some days (tempo pace was a bit better than expected but chose to drop the last mile when my hamstring started whining – I don’t want to get injured now). This training cycle has been up and down…great feelings of strength and accomplishment at the beginning, disappointment fighting glute/hip/hamstring tightness and aches in the middle, then last week was awesome again and I hit all my workouts ache-free. I’m hoping for a PR on race day but we’ll see…the hamstring could be an issue and my PR is over 13 years old, so…I’m prepared with A goal, B goal, C goal, and just have fun and finish goal. ;)

Running ridiculousness: 1) my first 15 mile run was so exhausting that I literally lay down in the parking lot when I got back to my car…for 20 minutes or so. 2) the number of times I’ve gotten up at 3:30am to get a long run in before a soccer game/track meet/family event.

My favorite depends a lot on the day but in general, brownie – donut – cookie – ice cream – cake. (If we get to add things, I would put pie in front of cake and tie fudge with brownies).

2 minutes to dry off, 2 minutes for face and eye creams, 2 minutes to comb hair and blow dry bangs, 1 minute for deodorant and clothes…so 7 minutes 99% of the time (I always rinse my hair even if I don’t shampoo so it doesn’t make a difference after I get out).


I loved Jennifer’s comment too… so many conversations to myself during training! TEN DAYS TEN DAYS TEN DAYS! I am so excited about you. Booo to the workout not going well but I think you did the right thing in regards to your hamstring. You are smart. I am cheering you on for that PR of yours and it’s almost time to celebrate all of your hard work in training. I hope you get everything on your list someday soon… especially the donut:) 7 minutes–> that is very impressive. Have a wonderful day!


Who else is in half or full marathon training right now? How is it making YOU FEEL at this point?
Marathon (first) training! I love it atm because it is making me feel really powerful, but I also am doing a lot of the half marathon workouts for our training group (because I was on vacation so I took a 3 week pseudo hiatus from running (hiking at elevation counts as a run, right?!?!). Hoping after this week to jump full into the marathon workouts. The hardest thing is that they are sometimes 2-2.5 hr workouts and right now I am doing them on my own because I can’t meet the training group, so I struggle to get time for the whole thing which is also part of why I cut it short to the half marathon training.

What is something really ridiculous that training has made you do?
Last night I did my workout from 8:30-10pm, then went home, took a shower, and had “dinner” (frozen chicken nuggets and tater tots anyone?) But I nailed it! I got some funny looks for sitting under a lamp post during my rest minutes… haha! People definitely thought I was crazy! (but my running reflective vest was a lifesaver otherwise I wouldn’t be seen by quite a few cars)

Donut, cake, ice cream, brownie or cookie? What is your #1?
Cookies! (for now) I have a batch of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies I just made. But frequently I make the cookies from one of your posts a while ago. :) My family all really likes those! One time my sister told me they were the perfect cookie – so cuddos to you, Janae!!!

From start (right out of the shower) to finish… on average how long does it take you to get ready?
It takes probably 10-15 mins for me! A shower is at minimum a 30 minute ordeal because of how long it takes me afterwards!


First marathon training… I am so excited for you Emily! You are powerful! Please keep me in the loop with how all of it is going! Hahaha your dinner last night sounds delicious. You are hardcore for getting it in after a long day! Enjoy those cookies and send some to me. Oh this makes me so happy about my cookie recipe… maybe I should make them today! Have a wonderful day Emily!


Marathon training over here… less than 10 weeks out! This morning was a rough one because I had a late night last night. It also didn’t help that I decided to cross train intensely yesterday with a 17 mile hilly bike ride (and then a short run, because apparently I am a triathlete now??) Despite all of that, my run was faster than I would have predicted this morning.
Yes to all of the things you mentioned above.. and obsessive weather forecast checking has already started for October! Also, marathon training makes me think about, and sign up for future races before I even finish the current training cycle ? Case in point, I registered for another marathon last night. I am an addict.
Brownies. Definitely brownies.
I can get ready pretty quickly, maybe 5 mins, unless I wash my hair. I have to blow dry, otherwise I have a bit of a lion head thing going on.


I agree with all the marathon feelings! I’m thinking of the Saturday’s I get to sleep in but I’m sure it will last about a week or so lol. I know it was a friend’s but I’d love a pebble ice machine! My ice maker makes the cubes too big and too hard to chew on.


YES… same here. I need a pebble ice machine! I hope you are having a wonderful day Virjinia!


I am not really formally training but aware of the fact I need to be in half marathon shape for January! haha the weather has been nice for running and i’m finally enjoying pushing myself again

I jumped a fence once during a long marathon training run because i went totally the wrong way and the only way I could see to get back to somewhere i knew was to jump this fence ..

ice cream > brownie > choco chip cookie


YAY for the weather being great and loving that pushing feeling! Hahaha I can’t say I have ever done that… that is awesome. Enjoy the rest of your day Krista!


Yes training for my first marathon!! 6 weeks left!! It’s exhausting, I never thought about how tired I would be after these long long runs. But I am feeling pretty accomplished and it’s amazing that 10 or even 13 miles seems so short now ?.

Cookie dough is my favorite so I like making chocolate chip cookies .


SIX WEEKS!! GO NATALIE GO!! You better tell me all about how it goes. Isn’t it crazy how our perspective changes during marathon training? I hope you refuel with some chocolate chip cookies soon!


Half marathon training!!!! But i just started so i feel great but also cant imagine being fit enough to run 13 miles though i have done it before hahahaa.
That is super tough but i would say its a toss up between donut and ice cream……or a really good cake.
anywhere from 10 min to 30 minutes depending on how fancy i am getting


That always happens to me too… at the beginning I wonder how in the heck I am going to be able to run x amount of miles but it always happens. Keep taking one day at a time. I hope you get donut and ice cream asap!


I wont get donuts or ice cream soon but my BF and i are taking his parents out to breakfast tomorrow to this AMAZING place that i am drooling about just thinking so i will get that instead hahahaha. If you are ever in Salem, OR check out Word of Mouth Neighborhood Bistro. SO GOOD! but be prepared for at least an hours wait.


I am currently training for LIFE!!! No but seriously…I’ve never formally trained for anything, but I think forming those habits and committing to something would be really challenging – in a good way!

I think my #1 would have to be ice cream! With brownies being a very close 2nd. Oddly I don’t really like brownie and ice cream together, which is strange LOL. Probably because I like my brownies a little warm. Mmmmmmm….with powdered sugar on top. No nuts. NEVER nuts!


4 words –> girl, gazelles outperform gliders



Hey – have you seen this??? Seems right up your alley!


I nearly called my coach mid workout this spring while training for Grandmas. I thought she was crazy for the workout she had prescribed!!


Not training for a race right now, but a century bike ride! Brownies are my number one, however my sweet treat of choice right now are the dark chocolate covered mangos from costco!! So good!


Definitely cookies are my go to (oatmeal raisin)

And tapering at the moment – so I am eating my way through the next 2.5 weeks:)

Also I totally identify with your niece because after a post long run shower, I fell asleep on the bed before I could change..:p.

Happy marathon training!


I am 2 weeks in on my half marathon training and i am feeling a little nervous because the heat and humidity is intense and 7 miles is my max right now…..i have 9 weeks so getting to 13 is no problem, but I wish I didn’t feel as wiped out after my runs☺plus this last week involved a funeral for a family member so running happened but no hard runs…..I did all miles easy
I prefer brownies……undercooked ones from the middle of the pan…….donuts are #2
It doesn’t take me long to get ready……i sleep in all i can!


Do you do any coaching right now? If not how do you recommend someone find a good running coach? I’m not super serious and can only run 3x/week due to being prone to running injury but I want to get faster.


I’d like to pick brownies and ice cream combo but if I had to pick only one it would be ice cream everyday!!
Also I’m impressed by how fast you get ready. 25 min is incredible for fixing hair too and 9 min is crazy fast. If I have to actually get out of work out clothes then it would take longer for me to decide what to wear because I typically wear workout clothes since I’m a stay at home mom.


Cookies. Maybe ice cream. Maybe a cookie ice cream sandwich ;)

Non washing hair days -15min
Washing my hair – 1 hr.
Now you know why I only wash it once a week, and even then, I still dread it.gan d

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