Silentish Saturday!

5 miles @ 8:45 pace with Josse… She is coming back from an injury and it felt so good to be running together again.

We got in one fartlek during the run in order to attempt to avoid the sprinklers but we still got hit.

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We met at the gym to go for our run so that when we finished I would have no excuse to not go inside to a strength class.

Burns so good.

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Andrew got in his long run yesterday so that we can get in some hiking today.   His back is doing a lot better and Dr. B gave him the okay to run so he did 6 miles on the treadmill and 4 miles outside—>  It’s nice to split up those long runs sometimes.

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Brooke’s hair is long enough for the top knot again.

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The most random lunch but I just couldn’t make decisions:

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Skye went down for her nap and Andrew took Brooke to the pool while I got some work done.  Once Skye woke up we went to meet them… judging by her facial expression, she was very excited;)

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7 Brothers for dinner.  Polynesian Salad + Fries.

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Sweet Cream Bar for the best:

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Played with Brookester afterwards.

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PS I loved this episode Ali had during my run the other day.

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PS would you ever dare to do this:

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I’ve got a mini workout today, wahoo!


What are three things that you are doing today?

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Three things going for a hike with my man plus beach combing , having brunch, and hopefully hitting up outlet mall for some summer clothes.


That sounds like the absolute perfect day! Have an amazing time Courtney:)


Long run, errands, camper stuff! I’m so happy it’s Saturday. Enjoy your hike!


I hope your long run was amazing… I keep wondering when we are going to ‘RUN’ into each other out on our runs:) Thanks girl!


Haha 8ve thought about that too. Maybe someday we will just run together. It would have to be your slow run though cause your slow is my fast I’m sure hahaha!


Ahh yay for holding yourself accountable for strength training!! When you asked about goals I said mine was one strength this week and I got that done after RPM this morning at one gym. I am about to walk inside to my other gym (one where I teach a lot…) to sub a yoga class with Body Flow. I am
So excited, except when I was in the changing room at the other gym—a total sweat bomb—cooling down and drying off AND getting into yoga clothes without feeling like a big sausage trying to get stuffed into a small casing was SO HARD. Oh my goodness. It was totally like it’s own workout! But—I got a strength session in of high pulls, calf raises, deadlifts, and kettlebell swings. Next week—one freeform strength session and one Body Pump class. It will happen!!! :)

I hope you had fun at the pool and that your hike is full of sunshine and just the right temperatures! And I really want that ice cream you had on your date night. It looks totally bomb


Thanks Stephanie! WAY TO GO on hitting your goal this week and you will get your goals next week. I laughed with your yoga clothes story… I have done that many times too (trying to get in leggings when I’m sweaty ha)! Thank you so much … I might need more of that ice cream today. Enjoy your day!


3 miles done, school work, hanging out with our daughter and family. Have a great weekend!


That sounds fabulous Kate! Enjoy and THANK YOU!


Did my 8 mile racewalk and feel tired but ok! I have a bad knee and running is out but I used to compete as a racewalker so I am embracing that! I am keeping a 12 min pace until I am sure my knee is holding up then will push the speed. I am signing up for a half marathon in Sept but wanted to hit 8 miles to make sure it was possible, going to register today!!! We are having family over for a picnic and then hope to make it to the pool maybe on Monday.

For anyone who can’t run anymore or need a lower impact option, racewalking can get you in the same shape as running, might you just might get some stares while doing it!!


So I just ran 5 miles on a sunny trail about 12 miles from my house. It is 84° and feels like 89° with 60% humidity. It’s noon. I have somewhere to go soon. AND I LOCKED MYSELF OUT OF MY CAR. It’s a long story but my keys are locked inside my car (it’s a new car and I’m pretty sure you’re literally not supposed to be able to lock the keys inside the car). Regardless I am now 12 miles from home standing in shade (thank God I found some shade!!!!) waiting for my husband to bring the spare key. And getting bug bites. And I have to pee. LOL I know, it could be worse. At least there is a spare key and my husband is home!! But still. ONLY ME. (Also, TMI, my sports bra broke in the first mile of this run.) I figured if nothing else, while I wait I could tell the story in a place where people would likely be able to commiserate and help me laugh about it. *SIGH* haha?


Haha oh no!! I feel for you! To maybe make you feel slightly better.. I went for a run on Thursday evening and took the key for the front door off my main key set and put in in the little pocket of my running shorts. Came home, hubby opened the door and the shorts went straight in the laundry bin. Friday I had a long day at work, took the bus home (I usually drive but had to go into the city and didn’t want to sit in traffic), walked home in the pouring rain from the bus stop, came home, went to open the door.. and yep…. no house key. Husband was at work on a night shift 45min drive away and can’t leave, I couldn’t go to him since my car keys were also inside. Meanwhile I was COLD and HANGRY haha… All worked out in the end, my father-in-law drove to my husbands work to pick up his keys and my brother-in-law came and picked me up so I stayed at their house for a bit haha… All this just to say… You’re not alone ;) Usually when these things happen… ONLY ME is exactly what I say too hahha…. Hope the rest of your weekend went better!


When is Andrews’s race? Isn’t he training for a half?
I ran a 5k today! And I got a personal best! When I do the equivalent from this time I should be running a much faster marathon. But of course I haven’t run a marathon in years. Do those equivalent calculators work for you – they tell you what you really can do?


MARY!!! Huge congrats!! That is so exciting! You rocked it! They don’t work for me.. according to my half time I should be running much faster marathons and 5ks.. I don’t think it is super accurate for most people! His race is the 23rd! Enjoy the rest of your weekend and congrats again!


1. Burn Bootcamp workout
2. Yard work
3. Doing a cannon ball in my pool!

Happy Saturday!


Hey Janae, I LOVE your new swimsuit. Its hard to tell from the model, but do you think someone with wider butt cheeks would be completely covered by the material? (I have such a hard time finding swimsuits that cover my butt without the cheeks hanging out!)


Melly!! I definitely think that it would cover! I feel like everything is really covered well in this swimsuit so I can run around in it! No cheeks hanging out over here! Let me know if you get it and what you think! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Has running developed your leg muscles, Janae? Or just shedded the fat? I know for different body types it’s different!


1. Going to a family graduation party, at a park, picnic style, should be casual and fun. 2. Getting out pool up and water adjusted for summer fun to begin. 3. Hoping for…a stop for our favorite pizza tonight. Keeping our fingers crossed. Good food always ranks high for me.

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