A SPEED Workout + That’s a First + PLEASE SAY YES.

Good morning!

Let’s jump right into some running talk and show you what my workout looked like yesterday:

2 mile w/u

3 x 1 mile @ threshold (6:50, 6:49 & 6:48) w/ 200m recoveries after each mile (which was tricky because it’s just about a minute of easy jogging recoveries before you start the next mile again).

3 minute walking break (I stopped my garmin for this part but had it going for everything else)

6 x 30 seconds FAST (5:54 average pace for these) w/90 second slow jog recoveries after each one.

2 mile c/d

8.92 miles total @ 7:45 average pace.

Going into this workout I was thinking it was going to kill me but I’m actually really happy with how controlled the paces felt for me.  Maybe my strength classes are paying off and helping my running or maybe I was just having a good running morning and during my next hard workout I will be served a slice of humble pie.  Either way, it felt pretty great.

PS My definitions for a controlled effort vs out-of-control effort during a run—>  Controlled= You could definitely go faster if you wanted, you are able to keep good form and you feel like you are not getting your trash completely kicked.  Out of control = You are hanging on for dear life hoping that you might accidentally trip (and land without getting hurt) or get stopped at a stop light so that you can take a forced break because the pace feels too fast;)

During those last 6 fast intervals I really had to lean forward from the ankles to be able to go that fast.. Having a slight lean forward really makes the difference for me in my pace with the fast stuff.  I try hard to not sink into the stride or lean back because that makes going fast feel impossible.

My coach had me switch shoes for the intervals so I started in my Levitate for the warm-up and then switched to my Hyperion (I LOVE THESE for fast stuff) for the mile and 30 second intervals and then switched back to the Levitate for the cool-down.  The amount of math that went into making it back to my house at the right time to switch shoes again was almost as hard as the workout itself;)

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Flashback to my first marathon ever (I don’t know why the picture won’t go larger) but I’ve used a Garmin for a very long time…

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And for the first time ever (that I can remember at least) I am going to start programming my workouts into the watch because my brain is too tired to remember the workouts somedays.  To add your workouts to your watch go to Garmin Connect, select training and then choose workouts and you can add them there.  Make sure to click ‘send to device’ when your workout is all done!  No more memorizing each rep.

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I did my workout early so I’d be home when the girls woke up and then we took Brooke to school.  My face stays red for approximately an hour after a workout.

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Skye’s mohawk game is strong.  It just naturally goes up like this and I would never try to tame something so amazing like her mohawk.

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This is where things got hard.  I’m really trying to get to 1-2 strength classes at the gym per week in addition to doing shorter strength workouts at home with my resistance bands when I can.  These classes really push me out of my comfort zone with weights so I think they are going to make a big difference for my running.  Yesterday was one of the only times I could make it to a class this week so I decided to go during Skye’s morning nap (while Andrew was home studying).  I had a protein smoothie after my run and somehow talked myself into going to the gym.  The class was about 50 times harder than my run.

Someday I won’t feel sore for days after strength classes, right?  Please say yes.

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I can list more foods that taste amazing on top of a sweet potato than foods that don’t taste amazing on top of a sweet potato.  Leftover chicken, mango salsa and guacamole were a hit on yesterday’s potato.  PS if you missed out on yesterday’s post on nutrition, the comments are AWESOME.

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Who do you think plays with Skye’s toys more?  Skye or Brooke?

A: Brooke 100%.

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We replaced all of the tires on the BOB to start taking Skye out on some of my easy runs soonish (we’ll talk to the pediatrician at her next appointment to figure out when).   I think we are both excited about this.  Let’s see if Skye is as talented as Brooke was at throwing her blanket/toys/shoes the entire time I run so I have to stop and pick them up.

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Andrew styled his hair to match Skye’s yesterday.

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We had brinner last night and made kodiakcakes, eggs and bacon.  This syrup makes pancakes even better than they already are.

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Skye has mastered rolling from her stomach to her back but is still working on going from her back to her stomach.

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I think I found out why Beretta chooses the most uncomfortable spots in the house to rest… Andrew is her example:

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PS This is exciting news (for me:).  It’s official… all of my siblings run now.  I received a message from my oldest brother (he is the ER doctor) saying that he started running (!!!) and finished 4.07 miles yesterday.  He even took a picture while he was out.  This running blogger over here could not be more proud of the fact he is running and also documenting it.

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Also, my dad explained to me why some people hear Laurel and some hear Yanni (if you have no idea what I am talking about, you can go here)!  My dad is a hearing aid specialist so he knows all about this stuff (I’m sure I could have googled it too but it’s more fun to ask him).

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 Do you ever program your workouts onto your running watch?

Who runs in your family?

Ever use a jogging stroller?  Which one did you use?

What are you most looking forward to about summertime?

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What I love about summer: 1. strawberries and blueberries are super cheap at the grocery store 2. I have the perfect excuse to eat food cold straight out of the fridge without feeling like a totally lazy bum (because it’s too cold to eat so much hot food, right?!?), 3. cookouts!!!, 4. sandals season!!!!! 5. the fact that even though it is hot as ___________ outside, the sun rises in the sky early enough for me to actually run with great visibility so early in the day before the heat and humidity are beyond unbearable. Note: since I live in Atlanta where the traffic is so horrible, this *likely* means that I come home from these runs before the traffic becomes a total stand-still.

I am intrigued with that kodiak cake syrup! I’ll keep it on my radar for when I feel ready to enjoy kodiak cakes again.

Programing a garmin–honestly, the only programming I have done is walk/run intervals so I keep everything even. I have yet to explore Garmin Connect, though I know I should learn more about my watch beyond its very most basic functions. Sometimes things go to the back burner of my consciousness…and just stay there…

Have a great day, Janae! GOOD LUCK with the strength training–and I hope that today the soreness wasn’t horrible!!! :)


Both of my parents run Disney races, even the marathon! They’re in their 60s! I got them into running! And as I’ve said before my 10 year old is now running!!
Strength workouts are so much harder than running! I’ve been doing an app based boot camp and I’m so sore and I’m two weeks into it?
Skye looks so cute in the jogging stroller!


Your parents are my idols. That is SO cool. I love that your 10 year old is running now too. Way to go on your boot camp… that stuff is no joke. I could barely get out of bed this morning I was so sore haha. I hope you have a wonderful day Erin!


does that mean people who hear Yanny have better hearing??? ask your dad for me! LOL


Hi Mallory, Most likely you have good high frequency hearing . If you are interested, you should visit an audiologist. Many will do screenings without charge!
-HRG Daddy-o


You’re the best! Thanks for the response :)


I wish I ran with a jogging stroller more but I just hated it haha. I had a light stroller but it still felt heavy and I couldn’t figure out turning it when the wheel is locked like that haha! So I gave it up and just adjusted my schedule instead.

I’m the biggest runner in my family. My oldest brother ran and he’s the one that got me started but he stopped running while in med school and hasn’t started again…I’m working on that. My sister runs casually and my other brother runs even more casually. So I came from a family of runners who haven’t really been keeping it up except me.


Way to own that mile-repeat workout, Janae!! And Skye’s little mohawk is SO cute. My niece’s hair sometimes looks like Einstein’s, and it’s so precious on her that there’s no point in trying to tame it, either. :)

This summer, I’m looking forward to my mom and sister coming to visit me!!! I can’t wait to take them to the beach and do all of the fun things together!


I LOVE your Dad’s explanation! And yay, my high-frequency hearing is not deteriorating yet :)
YES – I discovered that about programming the workout into my watch. SO much easier and you don’t have to check your watch all the time (if it’s a time-based interval). It also makes doing workouts on the road so much easier if you don’t know exact distances (if it’s a distance-based interval)
Congratulations and welcome to running to your other bro. Beautiful picture.

After work each night, my dog and I go for a walk. When it is cold and miserable, we run inside immediately after to escape the outside. With the warmer weather, I’ve looked forward to grabbing my book after and hanging outside for an extra hour. I live on a lake and it is wonderful to watch people rowing by, and the sun getting low. It is a true gift of summer.


Hi Janae! My sister and I are running Utah Valley marathon in a couple weeks. For our pre -race dinners we usually stick to some sort of sandwich. Since we are from our of state, and you are a Provo expert, is there any restaurant you’d especially recommend? Thanks!


Good morning Janae!

Yanni v Laurel – can also be explained by the listener’s pitch (or high/low frequency, as your dad put it). Listeners who’s natural speaking voice is higher in pitch (mostly women, but some men do have a higher pitch) will hear Yanni. Listeners with a deeper pitch (mostly men, but my mom definitely has a deeper pitch aka more bass) hears Laurel, as does my husband. Even my 2 yr old daughter (hard to believe but we got her to tell us what word they were saying and she hadn’t heard my husband or I try it yet) said the word was Yanni – actually, it sounded more like innie when she parroted it back to me :) – but she definitely has a high pitched young girl voice so this makes sense.

I love my running stroller! Offhand I don’t remember the exact one but we bought it at Target when my Munchkin was born and still use it to this day! Interestingly, she still enjoys the game of throwing her snacks, sunglasses, cup, etc off the stroller while I’m running and seeing how long it takes me to figure out it’s gone :( Not so fun for me to back track the entire neighborhood but maybe it’s Munchkin’s way of ensuring I get a looooooooong run in!

Happy Wednesday!


That is so cool that you can program your workout into your watch. I doubt mine has the capability (it’s the forerunner 10 I think?) and honestly I’ve had this watch for years and I don’t even remember how to download my mile splits.

My step mom and dad got me into running in my college years. Encouraged me to run my first race. They don’t run anymore. I ran my first half marathon with my brother, but he doesn’t run anymore. I’m training for this current half with my sis in law and I hope she doesn’t quit on me afterward too!

I had the instep jogging stroller but hated running with it. My shoulders would get sore, not to mention all the stops. I prefer to run on the treadmill during naps.

Summer!! All the fairs, summer nights, pools, parks, watermelon, farmers markets, hiking, camping…I love it all! I’m so excited just typing about it :)


Technology is really advancing nowadays with sports! I can’t wait to get a more accurate heart rate monitor than my fitbit.


Hi Janae!! :) Do you have those links that you can attach the toys to the stroller? We used to use those for the kids’ toys in the carseat and strollers. The thing I get most excited about during the summer is my kids being out and spending more time with them. As they get older, they have more homework/activities during the school year, so summers we do a lot of relaxing. We do keep up with a little Math practice, typing, reading, etc. but they don’t mind that. The best part, though, is pool time. :) Our pools are only open during the summer so we practically live out there. Oh! And summer is when I get some relief from allergies. :) Have a great day, Janae!


I’m ALL about taking brain work out of my run. I totally use Garmin connect to help with that for my outdoor runs. I use ifit for my treadmill runs. After becoming a Mama, I just need all the “secretaries” I can get! LOL! Happy hump day!

Best thing about summer with an elementary school age child….NO homework! ..No buses! A more relaxed bed time! YES!


I am the only runner in my family, but I get a lot of support from family and friends so it works out!
I look forward to a lot of things in the summer – better and less expensive produce, longer days, warmer temps, more outdoor adventures with friends… its the best time of the year!


I just started programming workouts into my Garmin this training cycle. Such a game changer! I love not having to think about what’s next & it’s nice to not be constantly looking at my watch.


Why have we waited so long… it’s so cool! I hope your Wednesday is a great one Katie!


yes i program my workouts into my watch! i would not be able to keep track of them otherwise. sometimes for group training i do not (like today’s lane 8 tempo workout), but i usually do.

just me and the husband! his brother runs (lives in Europe), my sister used to run but not anymore – but no other siblings run.

yes we used a jogging stroller! we used the chariot carrier CX 1 (which is now the Thule chariot carrier CX 1). We used it b/c it turns into a bike trailer, as well as a XC ski trailer, and a regular stroller. we used all components and we took it with us traveling (airplane and all). the one pet peeve i have with the jogging part is that the front wheel does not swivel. it’s pretty easy to pick up and turn but it is a nuisance for sure.

for the summer, i’m excited to get back on the water for kitesurfing. it’s totally my happy place to be out in nature, and the water is definitely special.


other comments:
your workout sounds super hard! that is awesome. i really did not want to do the workout today but i kept saying to myself – it won’t be bad. just show up. well it -was- really hard – but i didn’t let myself think that, i just focused on form, breathing and just going. tried to remember what Deena wrote in that book.

andrew’s uncomfortable looking head position against the sofa had me LOL’ing :D mostly b/c i’ve seen my husband do the same thing.

that’s so great your final brother started to run. i love that he captured the gorgeous trail with a photo. it looks like the perfect place for a run. he picked a great spot

PS what was great about the chariot carrier is that there’s a sun cover/rain cover/netting – so she couldn’t throw things out of it, and no bugs could get in during a run which i thought was pretty useful. maybe mosquito netting as a cover so she still gets lots of air, but can’t throw things out of the jogging stroller?


I have the Forerunner 15, it’s still the watch I started out with. I never thought I could program a workout to it, and after reading your post, I brought up Garmin Connect and sure as heck, it WILL let me with this watch. That’s awesome and I learned something new ! Thanks !!
Not very many people at all run in my family, I’m the black sheep runner.
I’m Yanni. Thanks to your Dad for the explanation, very interesting. PS – I need your Dad to determine if my husband has hearing problems or if it’s only selective hearing when I talk. ???
Summertime – the last few summers, the calendar overwhelmed us and it was so crazy busy that we didn’t enjoy extra fun activities. It’s just crazy how quick it goes and between the stuff my kid signed up for, and family events, boom it’s gone. Since she recently broke her wrist, that cuts out many activities we’d normally sign up for, so we are taking advantage of her grim situation and are going to do all the fun things we usually miss out on. Going to the pool, splash pads, picnics at new parks, family museums, zoo’s….and hoping to plan a family vacation this summer. Going to make fun happen !


Oh I am so glad that you can program in the workouts on your garmin 15 wahoo! Let me know how it goes! That sounds like a perfect vacation… I’ll be joining you in those things this summer, I can’t wait! My dad said: “An easy solution for a spouse having problems with selective hearing is to call their name first before proceeding with a question or comment. This tends to alert the spouse’s mind that a question or comment will follow. By the way if Michelle’s husband wears hearing aids, speaking an individual’s name prior to a comment or question is very helpful because the hearing aid is adjusting the sound level for the remainder of the sentence. Speaking the name allows sufficient time for the hearing aid to make this adjustment.” I hope that helps:) Have an amazing day girl!


I love that there is a real explanation for this Laurel/Yanny stuff! And, I really love that your dad knew the answer!

I tried to program a workout into my watch one time, but I failed miserably. I can figure out the inside outs of social media platforms, but other than that, technology is not my friend. lol

In my family, my niece runs. She’s the one who really got me into running a few years ago! I’m thinking my oldest daughter MIGHT end up being a runner, but we’ll see :) I try not to push :)

What am I most looking forward to with summer? Ah, being off from school and just being on “Jen time”–sleeping when I want to sleep, doing morning runs instead of after school, eating when I want to eat. And, of course my trip to Key West. I am going to have a smile plastered on my face 24/7 for those seven days. It so so so is my happy place :)

So, after looking through your cookie recipes—when I googled Hungry Runner Girl cookies, so many cookie recipes came up–ha ha—I settled on making Megan D’s cookies with the butterscotch and PB chips in them :) I’m making them this weekend for a picnic!


It is almost Jen time! Hallelujah! You deserve an amazing summer and your trip to key west sounds incredible! I didn’t know it was your niece that got you into running. Oh you are going to LOVE those cookies. The best. Have a great day Jen!


I’m the runner in my family. I have a cousin who runs sometimes. (and then complains when she falls apart during races but I digress).

I am looking forward to the beach, not wearing a jacket, and all the fresh produce this summer. I’m also hoping to get a new bike, nothing crazy, I just want to be able to get from a to b with minimal fuss.


YES TO ALL OF THOSE THINGS. You just reminded me that farmers markets will start again here (fresh produce) and it made me so happy… thank you! I love that you are getting a new bike Nina, that will be so fun. Have a great Wednesday!


Skye looks super excited to start hanging out in the jogging stroller!

I love planning my workouts into my watch :) The less thinking, the better!

That’s so fun that you have tons of runners in your family! My older sis and I are the only ones who currently run.

I am sooo looking forward to our Europe trip this summer and our besties visiting from TX and lots of pool and library dates! Oh yeah, and not having to run at 5am!


I hope that you get I get in some runs with your older sis! Ahhhhh Europe trip, that sounds amazing! Sounds like you are going to have the perfect summer! Have a great day Marissa.


I love the explanation!! When I first heard it, it started with Yanny but switched to Laurel andI haven’t heard Yanny again.

I am not a huge fan of maple syrup (even the real stuff) and I’ll put jam on my pancakes if I have the option, so berry syrup is right up my alley. I’ve got to get that one!

I’m the only runner in my family, but my bf is a runner and I kind of got him into it. I at least got him into doing races :) Right now he’s killing it and I’ve been riding the struggle bus big time so our runs together are difficult but I’m super happy he’s doing so well.

I had a double jogger when my boys were little and switched to a bike trailer/jogger once they were both bigger because it was SO much easier to steer with two toddlers. It put them both to sleep almost every time. I miss them being so little!

I’m in Arizona so I don’t really look forward to summer, it’s better here in the spring. But I’m hoping for a trip to a water park, some (as many as possible!) movies, and maybe something out of town for the fourth of July.


Oh I bet summer isn’t the best when living in Arizona. My brother and his family that live in Arizona come up here during the hottest weeks! I love that you got your bf into running and I hope your struggle bus running ends soon! Jam on pancakes is the best! That’s interesting about the bike trailer/jogger! I have a feeling Running with skye will put her to sleep every time too! Have a wonderful day!


I have to put all of my speed workouts into my Garmin, otherwise I seriously cannot follow them. In fact, I almost always have to restart my run b/c I forget to start it as a workout instead of just hitting start!
I am really the only consistent runner in my family.. Boo. Out of 6 children, I think at some point or another 5 of us has run for a time. My sister used to run almost every day, but pretty much gave it up when she had kids. My youngest brother is the only one other than me that has done marathons, but he doesn’t run all of the time… too bad b/c he is fast! My husband runs sometimes when I bribe him. Haha.
I used a jogging stroller once, when I was babysitting my 2-yr old niece and I nearly died doing 3 miles (it is VERY hilly by my house). I don’t know how y’all do it!
This summer I am most looking forward to vacations.. one in Banff with just my husband, and the other my family reunion in Outer Banks!! We hardly ever all get to see each other b/c we live so far apart, so I REALLY look forward to these reunions ?


No, but only because I haven’t figure out how to yet haha.

I am the only runner in my immediate family – my sister did some half marathons but has a family now and seldom runs. My partner will hike with me but doesn’t like to run.

Summer – looking forward to road trips, summer days at the beach and trail runs followed by swimming in the lake.

Have a great day!


I used a cheap(ish) running stroller 11 years ago. I think it weighed about 1000 pounds and I only ran with it maybe 5 times ever.

Thank you to your Dad! That really explains why my poor daughter who was having bad allergies could sometimes hear one and sometimes the other. It was driving her nutty and she was insisting that she wasn’t faking it!


I hear Yanny. I would have thought for sure after having Felicity that I would have lost hearing. She is and has always been so loud.

Skye looks way too happy in that stroller. She is so dang cute,


I’m impressed with your workout! Those mile repeats with that short of rest Ian tough!! And I want to figure out putting workouts in my Garmin too, I’ve seen people doing it but never knew how.
Summer time running early with daylight is a perk about summer!


My 14 yo DD and I have started going to strength class at the Y – I just don’t do it when left to my own devices. The instructor and the music are both great!!

14yo and I are doing our first sprint triathlon together on Monday!! I’m scared and excited at the same time!!!


OH I LOVE THIS! So cool that you are doing both the class and your first sprint tri together with your 14 year old! Let me know how it goes Amy! You are going to rock it!


I’ve never programmed my workouts into my Garmin but that is GENIUS! So, so smart! Also, that workout sounds intense, but amazing! I have a love/hate relationship with speed work, but definitely trying to learn to love it recently ;) My mom and sister run and my dad just started running! Now, I just need to start convincing my youngest sister to start running!


Skye’s mohawk is amazing! I remember my sister’s hair always spiked up when she was a baby but this is way cooler.

In my family my dad runs, my sister occasionally runs, I run and my husband runs. The only one who doesn’t is my mum but she sometimes walks a 5k if my dad is running it.
Perhaps a guest post from your brother soon…?




Skye looks so cute in the stroller, she’s ready to go!! So my son LOVES throwing EVERYTHING these days (insert face palm emoji lol) I have to attached his pacifier to either him or the straps, he has a rubber teething bead ring thing (got off Amazon) that has a hook that I also attach to the straps and then I found another wonderful item off Amazon that has snaps all down it so it can snap to the highchair or stroller on one end and then you just put their rattle or other toys with a loop on the other end and boom! Toys can’t go flying while running lol Hopefully that helps, I can always email you pictures of what the heck I’m talking about b/c I’m sure I made it confusing

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